Fungi and Protists Study Guide Quiz: Tuesday, November 16

Fungi and Protists
Study Guide
Quiz: Tuesday, November 16
Most reproduce by spores produced in structures known as sporangia
Are decomposers
Know what a lichen is
Know the difference between mycelium (clump of hyphae) and hyphae (chains of cells)
Eukaryotic (have a nucleus)
• Know what the job of the contractile vacuole is
• Know that Malaria is caused by a spore-forming protest
• Methods of locomotion
o Euglena use flagella
o Amoeba use pseudopodia
o Paramecium use cilia
• Animal-like protists (protozoa) are heterotrophs (consumers)
• Eukaryotic (have a nucleus)
• Some protists may be parasitic, invading the body of another organism to obtain the
nutrients they need to live.
• Be able to describe how funguslike protists are different from plantlike protists
o Think about the ways they obtain food
• Be able to describe at least two ways flagella and cilia are different.
o Size: flagella – long; cilia – short
o Number: flagella – usually one or two; cilia – hundreds
o Function: flagella – movement; cilia – movement and to sweep food towards it