SENATE ORIENTATION 2013 Senate Website RYERSON ACT Sets the objects of Ryerson University (1) The advancement of learning, and the intellectual, social, moral, cultural, spiritual, and physical development of the University's students and employees, and the betterment of society. (2) The advancement of applied knowledge and research in response to existing and emerging societal needs and in support of the cultural, economic, social, and technological development of Ontario. (3) The provision of programs of study that provide a balance between theory and application and that prepare students for careers in professional and quasi-professional fields. Defines the role of the Board of Governors management and control of the University property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs ROLE OF SENATE regulates educational policy makes recommendations to the Board on establishment, change or termination of programs and courses of study, schools, divisions and departments determines curriculum, academic standards and qualifications for degrees, diplomas and certificates awards fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, medals, prizes and other marks of academic achievement awards degrees, diplomas and certificates creates councils and committees to exercise its powers. SENATE MEMBERSHIP Ex-Officio (21) Chancellor President (Chair of Senate) Vice Presidents (including Provost, and Assistant Vice President/Vice Provost) Vice Provosts Deans Chief Librarian Registrar SENATE MEMBERSHIP Faculty (33) At-Large (4) Faculty representatives (18) Chang School (2) Chairs/Directors (6) RFA (1) Library (1) CUPE (1) SENATE MEMBERSHIP Students (16) At-Large Undergraduate (4) Faculty Undergraduate (6) Graduate (2) Chang School (2) RSU (1) CESAR (1) Alumni (2) Associate Members, Non-Voting Chang School (2) CUPE 1 & 2 (2) Chair - Academic Standards, if not a Senator SENATE BYLAWS Elections Term of Office Election for Chair/Director, Library and Union constituencies Nominating Committee recommends replacement for other groups Committee Vacancies Ex officio members for the duration of their office Students for one year, with option to run for a consecutive year All others for two years Senate Vacancies Senate elections before April 1 Committee elections by May Senate meeting Committee Chair recommends replacement to AGPC, which passes it on to Senate for approval Officers of Senate Chair of Senate is the President (votes only to break a tie) Vice-Chair is elected (currently Nancy Walton) Secretary (non-voting, on all standing committees) ATTENDANCE Failure to attend two consecutive meetings without written notice to the Secretary, or three meetings in the session results in dismissal. Cease to be a Senator if no longer hold the position held at the time of election. Rules apply to committees as well MEETING PROCEDURES Meeting schedule and agenda deadlines at Agenda posted week before meeting – no hard copies Documents not approved for circulation – request to be placed at information table Senators must: Sign in and take name card Return name card at end of meeting Raise name card to vote Use microphone when speaking MEETING PROCEDURES Bourinot’s Rules see for outline Senators may: Speak to an issue twice Make motions to Senate Types: Substantive, Procedural and Hortative Notice required in writing: Substantive and Hortative At previous meeting To SPC Prior to agenda deadline Waiver of notice: If timeliness is essential - determined by a majority vote Under Members’ Business Preparation and Engagement • it is expected that Senators will review the agenda and attachments before the meeting, in order to identify issues they may want addressed • Senators are encouraged to speak on issues and concerns, in a non-confrontational environment AGENDA 1. Call to order/Establishment of quorum 2. Approval of agenda 3. Announcements 4. Minutes of previous meeting 5. Matters arising from the minutes 6. Correspondence AGENDA 7. Reports a. b. c. Report of the President Report of the Secretary Committee Reports 8. Old Business 9. New Business as circulated 10. Members’ Business 11. Adjournment STANDING COMMITTEES Standing Committees of General Responsibility Senate Priorities Committee (SPC) Academic Governance and Policy Committee (AGPC) Scholarly Research and Creative Activity Committee (SRCAC) SENATE PRIORITIES COMMITTEE (SPC) President (Chair) Vice Chair of Senate (elected) Provost and Vice President Academic Vice Provost, University Planning Ex Officio elected Dean Dean/Vice Provost/Chief Librarian Members elected by Senate Faculty (4) Graduate and Undergraduate student (1+1) ROLE OF SPC Selection of topics for Senate discussion Emergent issues Review overall budget with respect to academic impact Represent in meetings with BOG Review implications of changes in academic structures Agenda Act on behalf of Senate in summer ACADEMIC POLICY AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE (AGPC) Provost (Chair) Vice Provost Academic (Vice Chair) Vice Provost Students Registrar one Dean one Chair/Director one faculty Senator per Faculty (total of 6) Graduate & Undergraduate student senators (1+2) 1 Senate Associate from the Chang School ROLE OF AGPC Senate Bylaws Governance Council Bylaws Senate policy review and proposals Senate nominations from Nominating Committee SCHOLARLY RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (SRCAC) Vice President, Research and Innovation Chairs 1 faculty from each Faculty Dean, School of Graduate Studies a Dean REB Chair 1 designate from each Faculty (Associate Dean) Librarian Graduate and Undergraduate students (1+1) ROLE OF SRCAC Report on state of SRC Activity Establish SRC Representative group Advise Senate on emerging SRC issues SRC strategic planning SRC Policies Subcommittees – Research Ethics Board OTHER STANDING COMMITTEES Senate Appeals Committee Academic Standards Committee Awards and Ceremonials Committee Senate Learning and Teaching Committee Research Ethics Board ACADEMIC STANDARDS COMMITTEE (ASC) Reports to Senate to make recommendations for Senate’s consideration. Responsibilities include: • Review of major undergraduate curriculum changes, • • • amendments to program objectives, admission requirements, and degree designations. Periodic review of undergraduate programs. Review of new undergraduate program proposals. Review and formulation of policies governing undergraduate curriculum structures. GOVERNANCE COUNCILS Yeates School of Graduate Studies Council G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education Council Department/School Councils Liberal Studies Council Questions? Questions?