1 2 Suppose we have 2 equations in the format below where A1J2 are known constants. cj(A1ci+B1si+D1) + sj(E1ci+F1si+G1) + (H1ci+I1si+J1) = 0 cj(A2ci+B2si+D1) + sj(E2ci+F2si+G2) + (H2ci+I2si+J2) = 0 How do we find the values for i and j which simultaneously satisfy the two equations? 3 cj(A1ci+B1si+D1) + sj(E1ci+F1si+G1) + (H1ci+I1si+J1) = 0 cj(A2ci+B2si+D1) + sj(E2ci+F2si+G2) + (H2ci+I2si+J2) = 0 Substitute the tan-half angle expressions and multiply throughout by (1+xi2)(1+xj2). k 2 xk 1 xk 2 xk tan , sk , ck 2 2 1 xk 1 xk 2 (1–xj2) [Aq(1–xi2)+Bq(2xi)+Dq(1+xi2)] + 2xj [Eq(1–xi2)+Fq(2xi)+Gq(1+xi2)] + (1–xj2) [Hq(1–xi2)+Iq(2xi)+Jq(1+xi2)] = 0, q = 1,2 4 regroup as follows: xj2(a1xi2+b1xi+d1) + xj(e1xi2+f1xi+g1) + (h1xi2+i1xi+j1) = 0 xj2(a2xi2+b2xi+d2) + xj(e2xi2+f2xi+g2) + (h2xi2+i2xi+j2) = 0 where aq = Aq – Dq – Hq + Jq, eq = 2(Gq – Eq), hq = -Aq + Dq – Hq + Jq, q = 1,2 bq = 2(Iq – Bq), fq = 4 Fq, iq = 2(Iq + Bq), dq = -Aq – Dq + Hq + Jq gQ = 2(Gq + Eq jq = Aq + Dq + H q + Jq 5 How do we solve 2 bi-quadratic equations for the two unknowns xi and xj? How many solution sets will exist? xj2(a1xi2+b1xi+d1) + xj(e1xi2+f1xi+g1) + (h1xi2+i1xi+j1) = 0 xj2(a2xi2+b2xi+d2) + xj(e2xi2+f2xi+g2) + (h2xi2+i2xi+j2) = 0 6 Write the equations in the following form: L1 xj2 + M1 xj + N1 = 0 L2 xj2 + M2 xj + N2 = 0 where L1 = a1xi2+b1xi+d1 M1 = e1xi2+f1xi+g1 N1 = h1xi2+i1xi+j1 L2 = a2xi2+b2xi+d2 M2 = e2xi2+f2xi+g2 N2 = h2xi2+i2xi+j2 We will present 2 solution methods: Sylvester’s Dialytic Method Bezout’s Method 7 Sylvester’s solution method: L1 xj2 + M1 xj + N1 = 0 L2 xj2 + M2 xj + N2 = 0 Let t = xj2, u = xj, v = 1. The equations can be written as L1 t + M1 u + N1 v = 0 L2 t + M2 u + N2 v = 0 Now multiply the original equations by xj and let s = xj3. This gives L1 s + M1 t + N1 u = 0 L2 s + M2 t + N2 u = 0 8 We now have four equations: L1 xj2 + M1 xj + N1 = 0 L2 xj2 + M2 xj + N2 = 0 L1 t + M1 u + N1 v = 0 L2 t + M2 u + N2 v = 0 Write the four equations in matrix format as: 0 0 L1 L2 L1 L2 M1 M2 M1 M2 N1 N2 N1 s 0 N 2 t 0 0 u 0 0 v 0 9 0 0 L1 L2 L1 L2 M1 M2 M1 M2 N1 N2 N1 s 0 N 2 t 0 0 u 0 0 v 0 In order for there to be a solution to these ‘homogeneous’ equations, either [s, t, u, v]T = 0 or the equations are linearly dependent. It must be the case that the equations are linearly dependent. 0 0 L1 L2 L1 L2 M1 M2 M1 M2 N1 N2 N1 N2 0 0 0 10 0 0 L1 L2 L1 L2 M1 M2 M1 M2 N1 N2 N1 N2 0 0 0 Since the terms L1 through N2 are quadratic in the variable xi, expansion of the determinant will yield an 8th degree polynomial in xi. 11 Corresponding values for xj can be obtained by taking any three of the equations such as the first three as: 0 0 L1 L1 L2 M1 M1 M2 N1 s 0 N1 t 0 N2 u 0 0 v 0 Substituting back for s, t, u, and v and rearranging gives 0 0 L1 L1 L2 M1 M 1 x j 3 N1 2 M 2 x j N 2 N1 x j 0 12 The vector [xj3, xj2, xj]T can be solved as x j3 0 2 xj 0 x j L1 L1 L2 M1 M1 M 2 N1 1 N1 N 2 0 The third component of this vector gives the xj value corresponding to each xi value. 13 Bezout’s solution method: Start with L1 xj2 + M1 xj + N1 = 0 L2 xj2 + M2 xj + N2 = 0 where L1 = a1xi2+b1xi+d1 M1 = e1xi2+f1xi+g1 N1 = h1xi2+i1xi+j1 L2 = a2xi2+b2xi+d2 M2 = e2xi2+f2xi+g2 N2 = h2xi2+i2xi+j2 14 Factor the equations into the form: xj(L1xj + M1) + N1 = 0 xj(L2xj + M2) + N2 = 0 These two new ‘linear’ equations must be linearly dependent if there is to be a common solution. Thus N2 (L1xj + M1) – N1 (L2xj + M2) = 0 Write as L1 xj L2 N1 M 1 N2 M 2 N1 0 N2 (1) 15 Now factor the equations into the form: xj2 (L1) + (M1 xj + N1) = 0 xj2 (L2) + (M2 xj + N2) = 0 These two new ‘linear’ equations must be linearly dependent if there is to be a common solution. Thus L1 (M2xj + N2) – L2 (M1xj + N1) = 0 Write as L1 xj L2 M 1 L1 M 2 L2 N1 0 N2 (2) 16 We now have 2 equations: L1 xj L2 N1 M 1 N2 M 2 N1 0 N2 (1) L1 xj L2 M 1 L1 M 2 L2 N1 0 N2 (2) These two linear equations will have a solution only if they are linearly independent. Thus L1 L2 M1 M1 M2 M2 N1 L1 N 2 L2 2 N1 0 N2 17 L1 L2 M1 M1 M2 M2 N1 L1 N 2 L2 2 N1 0 N2 Since the terms L1 through N2 are quadratic in the variable xi, expansion of the determinant will yield an 8th degree polynomial in xi. Corresponding values of xj can be obtained from either (1) or (2). L1 xj L2 N1 M 1 N2 M 2 N1 0 N2 (1) L1 xj L2 M 1 L1 M 2 L2 N1 0 N2 (2) 18 19 20 Since this is a group 2 mechanism, we will have to generate additional equations that relate the twist angles, joint angles, link lengths, and joint offsets. We will show three techniques: • projection of vector loop equation • self-scalar product of vector loop equation • secondary cosine laws 21 22 given: a12, a23. a34. a45. a51 12, 23, 34, 45, 51 S1,, S3, S5 5 (input angle) find: 1, 2, 3, 4, S2, S4 Obtain an equation that does not have S2 or S4. 23 24 Obtain an equation that does not have S2 or S3. 25 26 Set 2 S2 ( S3 ( S4 ( S5 ( S1 ( 0, 0, X¯3, X43, X543, 0, -s23, Y¯3, Y43, Y543, 1 c23 Z¯3 Z43 Z543 ) ) ) ) ) a23 a34 a45 a51 a12 ( ( ( ( ( 1, c3, W43, W543, c2, 0, s3c23, -U*432, -U*5432, -s2, 0 U32 U432 U5432 0 ) ) ) ) ) Set 9 S3 ( S2 ( S1 ( S5 ( S4 ( 0, 0, X2 , X12, X512, 0, s23, -Y2, -Y12, -Y512, 1 c23 Z2 Z12 Z512 ) ) ) ) ) a23 a12 a51 a45 a34 ( ( ( ( ( 1, c2, W12, W512, c3, 0, -s2c23, U*123, U*5123, s3, 0 U23 U123 U5123 0 ) ) ) ) 27 ) 28 the equation contains 1 and 2 as the only unknowns it can be paired with Z512 = c34 29 Factor the spherical equation, Z512=c34 into the format: c2[A1c1 + B1s1 + D1] + s2[E1c1+F1s1+G1] + [H1c1+I1s1+J1] = 0 30 Factor the vector loop projection equation into the format: c2[A2c1 + B2s1 + D2] + s2[E2c1+F2s1+G2] + [H2c1+I2s1+J2] = 0 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2nd equation A spherical equation that also has 1 and 2 as its only unknowns is: 1st equation 41 c2 s2 42 c2 s2 43 44 45 insert dual angles into Z671 = Z43 46 insert dual angles into Z671 = Z43 47 insert dual angles into Z671 = Z43 48 49 50 51 This equation has 1 and 6 as its only unknowns. A second equation in these unknowns is: Z56712 = c34 52 53 … 54 Obtain remaining variable joint parameters. 6 3 4 S2 S5 55 56 57