BEHAVIOR All students have the right to learn in a safe and orderly environment. Therefore, appropriate behavior is expected of all students at all times. Please read and discuss the Code of Conduct from Henrico County Public Schools. Students must follow these rules. Code of Conduct assemblies will be held in September and in January. New students who come in during the year will review the Code of Conduct with the counselor. Students are accountable to the school from the time they leave home in the morning until they return in the afternoon. This includes time spent at the bus stop, riding the bus, or walking to or from school. The guidelines listed below will apply when disciplining students for behaviors that are disruptive to the learning environment. When deemed necessary, any infraction listed below can result in an immediate suspension and/or referral to the principal, school resource officer (SRO), and/or hearing officer. After a student receives three or more infractions to the Code of Student Conduct, a student will be suspended out of school to a hearing with the grade level administrator/principal. During the hearing, the student will be placed on a behavioral contract for the remainder of the school year. In the event the student continues to display disruptive behavior, a hearing before the Disciplinary Review Hearing Officer will occur with the recommendation of a change in placement for the remainder of the school year. Note: The information listed below does not outline every possible infraction with the consequences. Students accumulating numerous infractions to the Code of Student Conduct may receive OSS instead of the suggested consequences noted below. Rules, Regulations, and Procedures: All students are required to follow the guidelines set forth in the Code of Student Conduct, which includes a standard of conduct for use of Technology hardware/software and the Internet. Please see the complete HCPS Code of Student Conduct, online at Inappropriate Behavior Consequences AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR DIRECTED TOWARDS A STAFF MEMBER/THREAT Cursing at a staff member Assault / Threatening Comments OSS and Principal or Disciplinary Officer Hearing, referral to SRO, possible recommendation for expulsion ASSAULT/FIGHTING Fighting Behavior that endangers the safety of others/leading to confrontational behavior Verbal altercations Unwanted pushing and shoving Incitement and harassment Horseplay BULLYING 1st Offense – 3-10 days OSS, referral to SRO, meeting with administrator before returning to FMS Subsequent Offenses –10 days OSS, referral to hearing officer with possible recommendation for expulsion, referral to SRO May warrant immediate suspension. Referral to SRO. CHEATING/INTEGRITY 1st Offense – A zero on the work 2nd Offense –A zero on the work and 2 days ALC CHEMICAL/SUBSTANCE ABUSE See HCPS Code of Student Conduct DANGEROUS OBJECTS AND FIREARMS See HCPS Code of Student Conduct DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR Disrespect Disobedience Cursing Using inappropriate language or symbols (verbally or in writing) – may result in OSS Not in assigned area Tardy to class – 5 or more minutes late TARDIES TO CLASS 1st Offense – 2 days of ALC 2nd Offense –3 days of ALC 3rd Offense – 3 days OSS Note: Each incident will be judged on a case-by-case basis and appropriate action taken by administration may result in immediate suspension. TARDIES TO SCHOOL Monitored by the attendance secretary, unexcused tardiness to school may necessitate a referral to the school social worker and law enforcement agency. 1st Offense – Warning by teacher 2nd Offense – Call home from teacher 3rd Offense – Teacher detention 4th Offense – 2 days of ALC TECHNOLOGY Inappropriate computer usage Based on infraction, the administration will assign the following: ALC, OSS, referral to SRO, confiscation of computer THEFT 1st Offense – 3 days ALC plus restitution, referral to SRO Subsequent: 3 days OSS, restitution, referral to SRO Note: In all cases of theft, restitution or the return of the item will be made. Notification to the SRO may be made. Each incident will be judged on a case-by-case basis and appropriate action taken by administration may result in immediate suspension. TOBACCO PRODUCTS 1st Offense – 3 days ALC, referral to SRO 2nd Offense – Minimum 2 days OSS, referral to SRO TRESPASSING 1st Offense – Warning, referral to SRO, trespassing letter 2nd Offense – Referral to SRO 1st Offense – 3-10 days OSS, meeting with principal or designee before returning to FMS Subsequent Offenses – To be determined by administration /possible suspension to Disciplinary Review Hearing Officer VANDALISM Vandalizing/defacing/destroying school property (including buses and permanent graffiti) Note: In all cases, the offending student shall be held financially responsible for the repair or replacement of school property. Notification will be made to the SRO. HABITUAL OFFENDER Category given to students who continue to disrupt the learning environment. Students who fall into this category will be suspended to the Disciplinary Review Hearing Officer. INSUBORDINATION Removal of "zipstrip" Refusing to give name to staff member Refusing to comply with any request by a staff member 1st Offense – 1 days OSS 2nd Offense – 3 days OSS ALC- Alternative Learning Center OSS – Out of School Suspension BULLYING Everyone at FMS is committed to making our school a safe and nurturing environment for all students. Here, we treat each other with respect, and we refuse to tolerate bullying in any form. Bullying is defined as intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words or other behavior, such as name-calling, threatening and/or shunning committed by one or more children against another. These negative acts are not intentionally provoked by the victims, and for such acts to be defined as bullying, an imbalance in real or perceived power must exist between the bully and the victim. Examples of bullying include: • Hurting someone physically by hitting, kicking, tripping, pushing, and so on • Stealing or damaging another’s personal property • Ganging up on someone • Teasing someone in a hurtful manner • Using put-downs, such as insulting someone’s race or making fun of someone for being like a boy or like a girl • Spreading hurtful rumors about someone • Leaving someone out on purpose or trying to get other kids not to play with someone. Staff at our school will do the following things to prevent bullying and to help children feel safe at school: • Closely supervise students in all areas of the school environment • Watch for signs of bullying and stop it when it happens • Respond quickly and sensitively to bullying reports • Take seriously parents concerns about bullying/Investigate all reported bullying incidents • Assign consequences for bullying based on the Code of Student Conduct • Assign immediate consequences for retaliation against students who report bullying Students at our school will do the following things to prevent bullying: • Treat each other respectfully • Refuse to bully others; refuse to let others be bullied • Refuse to watch, laugh, or join in when someone is being bullied • Try to include everyone in activities, especially those who are often left out • Report bullying to an adult DISCIPLINE We believe that all students have the ability to demonstrate positive behavior on a daily basis. Expectations for student behavior are based on the Henrico County Public Schools’ Code of Student Conduct, which every student receives at the beginning of the year or when he/she enrolls. The most important rule at FMS is that students show respect for self, other students, teachers, administrators, and other adults. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate disciplinary consequence. If a student is unable to monitor his/her own behavior and remain in compliance with school rules, a teacher and/or an administrator will address the student. When a student fails to respond to teacher efforts to address and correct behavior, he/she will be referred to a school administrator for disciplinary action. Prior to issuing any disciplinary consequence, the principal or assistant principal will meet with the student to discuss the violation. The student will be given the opportunity to respond. Disciplinary action may include a student being assigned detention, in- or out-of school suspension, or being recommended for long-term suspension or expulsion, depending upon the severity of a single infraction or the accumulation of multiple infractions. TIMEOUT Timeout is assigned when a student continues to disrupt the classroom-learning environment despite redirection. Timeout is designed so that a student has an opportunity to redirect his or her own behavior and return to the classroom environment after a duration of time specified by the teacher or at the start of the next class. The teacher who assigned the Timeout will contact the parent to explain the behaviors of the student. Three Timeouts during the school year will result in an assignment to ALC for two days. Each set of three Timeouts will result in an increased number of days in ALC and/or may lead to an out-of-school suspension at the discretion of the administration.