Work from 9.11.15

Module 10—Air Currents
Name __________________________
Why does warm air have a lower density than cold air?
The unequal heating of Earth affects climates because it determines regional _____________________ and it drives the
_____________________ of air around the planet.
Atmospheric Convection Currents
Air has four properties that determines its movement:
(1) Density—the density of air determines its _____________________
-less dense air _____________________, denser air ____________________
Why does warm air rise?
(2) Water vapor capacity- warm air has a _____________________capacity for water vapor than cold air.
The maximum amount of water vapor in the air is __________________________________________
When the temperature of air falls, its saturation point _____________________, water vapor
_____________________ and _____________________ happens
(3) response to changes in _____________________
Adiabatic heating or cooling- as air rises in the atmosphere its pressure _____________________and
the air _____________________. Conversely, as air sinks, the pressure _____________________and
the air _____________________in volume.
(4) Latent heat release- when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid water and energy is
Formation of Convection Currents
Atmospheric convection currents are global patterns of air movement that are initiated by the
_____________________heating of Earth.
Air warmspressure ______________________ air _____________________ _____________________
atmospheric pressure _____________________ cooling condensation and _____________________
_____________________ release air _____________________  air _____________________ more
_____________________ atmospheric pressure _____________________ cooling _____________________
displacement and sinking _____________________ atmospheric pressure _____________________ warming
Hadley cells- the convection currents that cycle between the equator and _____________________ north and south.
Why are regions at 30oN and 30oS hot, dry deserts?
Intertropical convergence- the area of Earth that receives the _____________________sunlight and where the
_____________________branches of the two Hadley cells converge.
Polar cells- the convection currents that are formed by air that rises at 60˚ north and south and sinks at the
_____________________ (90˚ north and south)
Ferrell cell—a convection current in the atmosphere that lies between _____________________ and
Describe each process:
Earth's Rotation and the Coriolis Effect
As Earth rotates, its surface moves much faster at the equator than in mid-latitude and polar regions.
The faster rotation speeds closer to the equator cause a deflection of objects that are moving directly north or
Earth's Rotation and the Coriolis Effect
Coriolis Effect- the deflection of an object's path due to Earth's rotation.
The prevailing winds of the world are produced by a combination of atmospheric convection currents and the
Coriolis effect.
Earth's Tilt and the Seasons
The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.5 ˚.
When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun,
and vice versa.