Color Schemes S Cerulean Sweater Color Schemes S Monochromatic S Analogous S Complementary S Triad S Neutral S Accented Neutral Monochromatic S Mono means “one”, refers to the tints tones and shades of one color S Possible color combinations are limitless! S Mint green and forest green S Generally calming, however it depends on the hue Monochromatic Analogous S Often referred to as adjacent. Two, three, or four hues that lie next to one another on the color wheel. All hues have one hue in common. S Possible colors (Can include tints, tones & shades) S Yellow-green, yellow, yellow-orange, orange S Feeling created: can be calming or exciting depending on whether they come from the cool or warm side of the color wheel. S This color scheme is most effective if one of the hues repeats some aspect of your personal coloring… eyes, hair… Analogous Complementary S Combine two colors from the opposite side of the color wheel. S Possible colors: red & green, blue & orange S Feeling associated: stimulating due to opposite visual characteristics. By dulling the intensity or value, calming effect may be achieved. S Can be very flattering to personal coloring, and versatile Complementary Triad S Three colors equally spaced on the color wheel S Possible colors: tints, tones and shades of primary or secondary colors S Very exciting and stimulating if used in full strength. Triad Neutral S One, two, or three achromatic neutrals, may or may not vary in the degree of warmness or coolness, lightness or darkness, brightness or dullness S Possible colors: black and white, combination of browns S Effect: vary in mood depending on the degree of light and dark value contrast S Are most effective if the degree of lightness or darkness in your hair and/or skin coloring is repeated in the lightness or darkness of the clothing Neutral Accented Neutral S One color added to other neutrals to form a scheme. S Possible colors: black, white & red, browns with light blue S Effect: draws attention to the one added hue Accented Neutral Color Schemes Portfolio Pages Examples Color Schemes Portfolio Pages Example Color Schemes Portfolio Pages S Pick one color scheme: S Monochromatic S Analogous S Complementary S Triad S Neutral S Accented Neutral S Explain which colors are in the design, and where the colors are. Tell what color scheme is created by the colors. S Explain the effect of the colors on the body. S Describe the effect of the scheme, does it draw attention, or is it calming? S Mount nicely on poster board