Charnwood Housing Residents’ Forum (CHRF) Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 15th July 2015 | 10am – 1pm | Committee room 1 Attendees: Trish Edwardes – (Chair) HMAB/SCRA Lynne Drewery (Vice Chair) – Community Rep Peter Bates (Secretary of SCRA) Jacqueline Thomas (Chair of SCRA) Alix Glazier (Tenant) Mike Brown (SCF) Joan Ure (Tenant) Officers: Ian Philp- Landlord Services Manager Martin Harper- Principal Officer – Investment and Programme Delivery Vicky Coomber – Customer Engagement Officer Julie Byrne – Customer Engagement Officer Emily Clarke – Customer Liaison Officer Wates Tom Langley- Regional Operations Director (TL) Andy Brown- Construction Manager (AB) Item 1) Action Welcome and Apologies Trish welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received from Cath Biddles and June Bush. 2) Matters Arising- No matters arising 3) Introduction Trish Edwardes explained that Wates had been invited to the meeting because tenants generally were concerned about the performance of Wates in carrying out decent homes work, and a set of pre- advised questions had been prepared for Wates to respond to. Lynne Drewery explained that tenants were part of the procuring of the Wates contract for CBC, and the properties they were shown when visiting other Wates sites before procuring the contract were a higher standard than the completed Charnwood properties. This is why Wates were asked to attend this meeting. Questions to Wates 1. At the present time why it is taking so long to complete a kitchen and bathroom, (average 17 days instead of ten days, sometimes longer). Is this because of a lack of qualified personnel? So far whilst the contract has been running Wates have not achieved their promised times. What is the reason after 15 months? Tom Langley (TL) told the meeting that Wates in the last 18 months have as part of their Communites work: Raised over £3k for charity Worked with 5 schools and 2 colleges Employed 8 local apprentices 8 more local apprentices to be employed Funded and organised a Dragon’s Den event Page 1 of 8 Painted Barkby Cricket Pavilion 50% of the trades people are employed locally. Andy Brown (AB) explained: That the time to complete work as quoted in the tender were based on a scope of work, and this scope has now increased which is why they have been recording longer times. Also the handover process to CBC was taking too long. From April-June 2015 Bathroom averages were 7 days and Kitchens were 10.56 days AB admitted that there was an error in their tender when committing to complete bathrooms within 5 days; it should have read 7 days. Wates are opening 15 bathrooms a week and there have been peaks and troughs in the workload. During Jan-March 2015 there was more spend in 3 months and more properties had work done in the previous 4 months than in the last 9 months. This had meant relying on additional staff and not Wates normal teams and Wates acknowledge this has resulted in poor customer satisfaction. From April 2015 teams have been re-structured. Indicators are showing that in the last 3 months there has been an improvement with good customer feedback. AB explained the bathrooms will always skew the figures because of the 5day turnaround quoted in the tender in error. Completing bathrooms within 5 days is not achievable. 2 Why is the quality of plastering mostly poor? It is a big issue with tenants and isn’t at an acceptable level. More often than not, it is very noticeable and brings discontentment. More recently there has been additional plastering works and this means extra work involved. Initially it allowed 2 M² which takes 2 hours realistically, but CBC requested 6M².0 m kitchen and 4M² in a bathroom and therefore more work is involved. Tenants commented that quality isn’t always good. TL said that plastering is done based on the existing wall. If you are patching walls, it will only be as good as the original plastering. Tenants commented on the poor painting. AB said that because of poor plastered walls being patched, painting one coat of emulsion will not hide this. The solution would be to skim the whole walls, and this was not in the tender; it was only spot plastering and touch up. TL said Wates are actually doing two thirds more plastering work. Tenants said they would rather Wates were in properties longer and doing a better job as the work has to last 20 years. One tenant asked what about poor work in previous properties given that more plastering was agreed in properties AB said that as CBC have already signed it off they were happy with it and no further plastering work would then be done One tenant asked about other Wates contracts and the amount of plastering done. AB explained in Nottingham there were similar problems at the beginning of the contract- when they realised that patch plastering wasn’t effective enough they amended the contract to allow for more time for M6 to be plastered. Tenant asked if CBC are allowing Wates to do this? Page 2 of 8 TL explained if Wates increase theM² of plastering done in kitchens and bathrooms to enable walls to be skimmed and made to ‘look new’ then 200 less properties a year will be improved. AB acknowledged that CBC have identified and looked to resolve this issue with Wates, and Wates are doing more plastering as a result. 3 When appointments are made for workmen to work at a property and don’t turn up, tenants/leaseholders are left un-notified and nobody bothers to advise them. People who are working and others who are waiting in all day are fed up trying to fit everything in with very little co-ordination of trades people calling in on spec. Could we have more co-ordination please? TL explained that when there is no access to a property, this has a knock on effect and causes a ripple effect because workmen then have to go back to complete this work at another time. Wates are now employing a workforce made up of their own direct labour and using fewer sub-contractors. More sub contractors are used when there are peaks and troughs AB explained to the meeting that every day, every scheme starts with a 10 minute team meeting called start right to resolve any issues from the previous day, and at the end of the day the admin team telephones tenants to ensure that the works are ok and/or to let tenants know that a workman will be turning up tomorrow. explained that Wates must let people know when appointments are changed as people especially those who work make an effort to be in for those appointments. Wates acknowledged this but added that where work has a 10 day programme, tenants should know access is required throughout this time. TLOs for the scheme go out on site on day 1 for the whole day and carry out regular audits. 4 Staveley Court residents said there had been a lot of issues. Wates explained this was during the peak of work and the works programme is now flatter. Wates again explained that the call volume and spend from January-March 2015 was vastly increased. Wates explained that the number of refusals in CBC properties Is very high; some of this is due to where tenants have refused work in the past. They then appear again on Wates work list even though they have refused work previously. Other reasons given for the high refusal rate are: 1. Elderly tenants don’t always want work in their homes 2. High rate of tenants with mental health issues 3. Work has already taken place and inaccurate information handed to Wates 4. 225 of properties in year 2 had already had the work done 5. Void properties are on the list 6. Tenant said elderly tenants do not want the work doing in the winter There has always been a problem contacting Customer Service, whatever method you opt for ie: phone message or person on site there is never any response. If customers need to speak to anybody to confirm details or make arrangements for appointments it can drag on for days. There is no coordination between Customer service and workers, as they do not know what each other are doing. AB acknowledged there has been a problem with the phone line. Initially Wates upgraded the line to 5 different number options. They are now in the Page 3 of 8 process of employing 2 business apprentices who will man the phone lines. Wates are also promoting the other ways they can be contacted such as email. Wates also said issues raised in question 3 such as refusals increases resulted in telephone traffic blocking the phone line. Tenant asked how many telephone operatives at Wates? AB confirmed 1 receptionist dealt with the calls. 5 Why are there so many sub contractors then subbing out to other people so much? Is there a lack of qualified staff,and do you actually know how many such people are working under the Wates name? AB confirmed that during the peak Jan-March, Wates needed to use more sub-contractors to complete the work. Managing sub-contractors during flatter periods is much easier. All Wates site workers are qualified. Staff are trained to the TPAS standard and this includes sub contractors. All staff receive Wates customer care training to ensure all working to same standard. 6 It takes forever to get snags or queries sorted out. Would it be possible to have a finishing team to deal with just these problems please? Wates do not employ a defect team. Snags are closed down when the work is finished. 2 Wates staff are now dealing with the backlog. 7 Would it not be practical and sensible to work in one area to get bathrooms and kitchens that are waiting to be done, less travelling and more production? Plus happy tenants and leaseholders. TL said that the process is for work to be done based on the addresses supplied by CBC by postcode, but the numbers of refusals is influencing being able to work and do all the properties in each and every area. “The number of refusals is having a massive knock on effect”. We want to work with CBC and zone areas as the take up rate is much better when we work in one street, however CBC issue a list of properties requiring works throughout the year. When tenants refuse work, other properties (potentially from a different area and postcode) are added to the list to replace the refused ones. AB explained that with Kitchen and Bathrooms, Wates do get a list of properties to enable them to plan works in an area however other work is more ad-hoc due to budget and this makes postcode order running more difficult. 8 Attitude of work men is poor i.e.:” what you moaning for, you are getting a free Kitchen/bathroom” and “it’s only decent homes” Charnwood Borough Council take their job in looking after our homes seriously and don’t expect others working on their behalf not to have the same attitude! AB said that if a tenant complains to us and Wates are made aware of any issues, theywill deal with them if the complaint is found to be true. Wates will take disciplinary action potentially resulting in dismissal. Tenants need to tell Wates if any of their workforce say inappropriate things. Tenant explained poor attitude towards tenants is not acceptable and gave an example. Page 4 of 8 TL said Wates are catching feedback about operatives and their own forms are showing great feedback. AB explained that Wates are setting up a reward system for operatives byrewarding them for the quality of their work and positive customer feedback. 9 Workman urinating in a pop bottle, and throwing it on to the garden. Letting Wates and Charnwood Borough Council down! Tenants said this has happened more than once. Wates said if it’s about a particular address as posted on Facebook (address withheld) then the tenants have a claim against Wates and at no point despite Kelly Birkenshaw visiting them have they mentioned the above complaint. AB again stressed that unless these incidents are brought to Wates attention, there’s not a lot they can do. Emily Clarke added that this incident had not been brought to CBCs attention either by the tenant. 10 On a visit to lady of 82 to be assessed for mobility requirements, she was told it would be a such a delay? Emily Clarke has spoken to this tenant and work is planned in the next 4-6 weeks after the Occupational Therapy (OT) report. CBC will instruct Wates once they have the OT report. Wates said their staff are not in a position to give timescales when work depends on an OT report. 11 Why when so many jobs are not signed off are you not keener to finish them so they can be signed off, and then you get paid for them? Is this not a concern to your accounts dept.? AB said that in year 1, they were paid on completion. In year 2, they are paid on task order- it was not dependant on properties being signed off. Wates acknowledged that by finishing all the work = happy tenants and payment is made. 12 Why when there have been so many issues over the last 15 months has there not been more effort to resolve these? This question was not asked. See notes from Andy Brown (Wates) attached. No notes attached- This question was answered by reply’s to several questions, it was felt this was duplicating replies. Page 5 of 8 13 Why are Wates so behind with fitting the doors, 176 external doors, 464 fire doors and 678 smoke alarms? AB said that Wates are not behind. As they produce the programme how can they be behind? Trish Edwardes said work quality was often poor. AB explained that the door supplier has changed to Brit door and the response is positive. Last year 651 doors were fitted. This year April-July they fitted 233 doors. Fire doors were prioritised at the end of last year because of fire service inspections and therefore more fire doors were fitted than front doors. Tenant explained the tone of the letters used to inform tenants work on doors would be starting was aggressive and unacceptable. TL said they will take it away and look at it. AB said its already been changed Tenant complained about the amount of conduit used when installing smoke alarms. AB said this is the performance criteria given by CBC as conduit is cheaper and easier. Martin Harper explained that this is the reason CBC are now using radio linked fire alarms and heat detectors is that where possible it will remove the need to install conduit as normally the smoke and heat detectors can be installed by picking up a live connection from the existing lighting circuit Actions for Wates 23 Staveley Court- why was new fluorescent light removed and replaced with a rose light when doing the smoke detector? 53 Staveley Court- Why was conduit used with a new smoke detection? Martin Harper said he has asked where possible for all cable to be taken through the overhead space. Tenant explained new fire doors very heavy especially for older tenants to open. Emily Clarke explained Britdoor can adjust the settings to help open them. Martin Harper said “this is a learning curve for workmen to make sure tenants can open and close the new fire doors before leaving” AB said that Lewis? has introduced a checklist for residents before leaving a property- Wates to check fire door opening is on there. 14 8 Staveley court door handle problem resolved by Emily Clarke. Why do you think some tenants are refusing to have Wates to do decent homes work in their homes? You only need to see Facebook comments to see how people feel (copy enclosed) No facebook transcript was enclosed TL said Wates were very upset by the comments on Facebook (FB) and in places it breached data protection by naming staff. The comments were liable and are being followed up and investigated by Wates lawyers and if necessary legal action will be taken. AB to mitigate these negative comments by promoting the good work they do. All people identified on FB have been contacted unless they have an ongoing claim against Wates. There was more discussion around refusal numbers and why so many refused. AB claimed that there had been 433 refusals and that CBC cannot continue with such high numbers. Page 6 of 8 Wates TL to confirm letter changed and is more acceptable Wates to action AB said they are spending money on refusals that has implications for Wates. Emily Clarke acknowledged CBC information does need updating and Christine Ansell is designing a survey to help resolve this. Emily is visiting apprehensive tenants to reassure them as a lot of refusals are from elderly tenants. AB said they work at a fixed cost a week and refusals are costing them (staff costs), as they are sending letters. 15 CHRF have asked Wates to our meetings to update us, but in reality all we are told is how many streams are being done in each category. We would like a more detailed update good or bad with what progress being made. CHRF Tenants reported that Kelly’s performance reports were not giving the information required by CHRF. Wates asked for CHRF to specify what information they wanted. Vicky explained that both Kelly and Emily are happy to meet individually with tenants at 9.30am before a CHRF meeting to discuss individual properties. TL agreed that Emily/Kelly would report the customer care performance. Wates will report the works programme bi-monthly to the CHRF. Emily and Kelly were thanked for all their work with the FB incident. No doubt when work is done properly it is good, but the reality is it’s not consistent 16 This question was not asked. See attached notes from Andy Brown.No attached notes 17 Any other questions Andy Brown 1. Schedule boards cost £17.50. Why are Wates not collecting them after completion of the works? AB will chase up at Toothill Road and Staveley Court. Trish Edwardes thanked Wates for their wonderful kitchens and bathrooms and acknowledged it was a difficult journey between CBC and Wates. She also thanked Martin Harper and Emily Clarke CBC for their work on tenant queries. TL added an open invitation to CHRF members to attend their Directors Safety Tour. Emily and Kelly will extend this invitation to view any properties. Meeting ended at 12.20pm. Glossary CBC CHRF TSG EMTPF KPIs FRA NM Charnwood Borough Council Charnwood Housing Residents’ Forum Tenant Scrutiny Group East Midlands Tenant Participation Forum Key Performance Indicators Fire Risk Assessments Neighbourhood Monitors Page 7 of 8 DHP SCF HMAB ASB CIH HRA KPI Discretionary Housing Payment Senior Citizens’ Forum Housing Management Advisory Board Anti-Social Behaviour Chartered Institute of Housing Housing Revenue Account Key Point Indicator Charnwood Borough Council Officers Christine Ansell Ian Philp Martin Harper Julie-Anne Byrne Vicky Coomber Emily Clarke Head of Landlord Services Landlord Services Manager Principal Officer Investment & Programme Delivery 01509 634952 01509 634608 01509 634669 Customer Engagement Officer 01509 634955 Customer Engagement Officer Customer Liaison Officer 01509 634931 01509 634974 CHRF Meeting dates, venues and times 2015 Date 19 August 16 September 21 October 18 November Page 8 of 8 Venue Committee Room 1, Southfields Committee Room 1, Southfields Committee Room 1, Southfields Committee Room 1, Southfields Time 10.00am – 13.00pm 10.00am – 13.00pm 10.00am – 13.00pm 10.00am – 13.00pm