
Manifest Destiny PowerPoint
B Y : K A I T L Y N B U T L E R 6 TH P E R I O D
FEBRUARY 24,2012
Manifest Destiny
 The definition for Manifest Destiny is the idea popular in the United
States during the 1800s that the country must expand its boundaries to
the Pacific.
 John L. O’Sullivan came up with the slogan in 1845.
Oregon Country
 The Oregon Country is at a huge area of land between the pacific ocean and the
Rocky Mountains and north of California.
Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Washington all come from the Oregon
The Oregon Country came from the Treaty with Great Britain.
The journey on the Oregon Trail started at the Mississippi Valley. It went over
Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains. The journey was 2,000 miles long. It
crossed the Snake River and the Columbia River.
The slogan “Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!” referred to the line of latitude that
Democrats believed should be the nations northern border in Oregon.
 The main idea of Texas was Texas won their independence from Mexico and
asked to be admitted to the United States.
The conflict over Texas started when Davy Crockett lost his seat of Congress in
Stephen F. Austin recruited 300 American families to settle the fertile land
along the Brazos River and Colorado River of Texas, they were called Old Three
In 1830, the Mexicans decreed to stop all immigration from the United States.
In 1833 General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became president of Mexico.
In 1836, San Antonio found a small Texan force barricaded inside a nearby
mission called the Alamo.
Texas declared his independence on March 2,1836, in Washington-on-theBrazos.
Sam Houston was commander in chief after Texas declared its independence.
Battle of San Jacinto
 On April 21, 1836 The Battle of San Jacinto started.
“Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!” was the battle cry.
At the end of the battle Santa Anna signed the treaty that recognized the
independence of Texas.
Andrew Jackson refused to annex Texas because the addition of another slave
state would upset the balance of slave and free states in Congress.
Texas became a state in December 29, 1845.
James K. Polk was president when Texas became a state.
War with Mexico
 New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming are all
parts of the territories.
The Santa Fe Trail was the Becknell’s rout and it covered the Missouri River, and
crossed the prairies to the Arkansas River. It followed the river west toward the
Rocky Mountains before turning south into New Mexico Territory.
The trade in New Mexico increase affected the United States by Americans settling
in the region.
In California, influenced culture was missionaries.
John C. Fre`mont described the climate in California by mild climate, scenic beauty
and abundance of natural resources.
Many Americans saw the advantage of extending United States Territory. That way
the nation would be safely bordered by the sea instead of by a foreign power.
The Rio Grande was the border that the United States insisted.
Mexico claimed that the Nueces River was the border for Texas.
Polk called an emergency meeting in his cabinet, and the cabinet agreed that the
attack was grounds for war with Mexico.
War with Mexico
 Frederick Douglass thought of the war as “disgraceful” and “cruel”. Douglass
shared the belief that if the United States expanded into the West, the Southern
states would carry slavery into the new territories.
The flag they used to represent the Independent Republic of California was
called the Bear Flag Republic.
Polk gave the task of capturing Mexico City to General Winfield Scott.
The peace treaty was The Treaty of Hidalgo, and it was signed in February in
The Rio Grande is the border of Texas.
The new states in Mexico, was California and New Mexico.
The Gadsden Purchase was in 1853
Sates from The Gadsden Purchase were Arizona and New Mexico.
New Settlers with California and Utah
 Gold Rush: it started in 1849 in California. Those who came to mine were called
They had to cross westward through California’s Sierra Nevada mountain
Americans made up about 80 percent of the forty-niners. Others came from
Mexico, South America, Europe, and Australia. About 300 men came from
China, the first large group of Asian immigrants to come to America.
Boomtown; people rushed to a new area to look for gold, they built new
San Francisco grew to a smaller city to a large city by 20,000 people.
Levi Strauss was a Jewish immigrant and created denim.
Religious Refuge in Utah: The religion is Mormon.
The founder of the church is Joseph Smith.
In 1844, a mob in Illinois killed Smith.
New Settlers in California and Utah
 Brigham Young took over as head of the Mormons.
 Young decided the Mormons should move again, this
time near the Great Salt Lake in present day Utah.
 Utah became a state in 1896.
Causes and Effects of Westward Movement
 Causes:
-Americans accept Manifest Destiny.
-As the East becomes more crowded, Americans
want more land.
-The West contains furs, lumber, and precious
 Effects:
-Native Americans are forced off their lands.
-The United States wars with Mexico.
-The U.S. extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific.