AP Keypass identity card RIG

Australia Post
Parcel Post
Barcodes requirements
Parcel Services
Effective 1 November 2014
1 Overview
What does this mean for Victorian Government customers?
Victorian Government State Purchasing Contract (SPC) customers are asked to apply a unique processing barcode on all the
domestic parcels they lodge with Australia Post. We have a range of available solutions for applying barcodes.
SPC Users have two options for how they apply a unique barcode to their parcels. They can choose a tracked or a non-tracked
solution, as each is designed to meet our new barcode requirements.
Tracked barcode solutions
If external tracking is critical to our customers then the tracked barcode solution will be a better option as it ensures their
parcels receive tracking that is visible to them and their customers.
SPC Users may choose to migrate to eParcel or continue to use our Receipted Delivery or Express Post services.
Non-tracked barcode solutions
If external tracking isn’t critical to your requirements then the non-tracked barcode will be a better option, as it ensures your
parcels are efficiently routed through our parcel network but, this option does not provide tracking to your or your customers.
SPC Users may also choose to generate their own barcodes using their own systems, use our Labels Print Service or apply a
pre-printed barcode.
Australia Post Parcel Post
2 Pre-printed barcode labels
Vic Government can choose to apply a pre-printed, self-adhesive barcode label, called Parcel Post Untracked, which will be
provided by Australia Post. You can order these consumable labels from your local lodgement point.
What do the Parcel Post Untracked labels look like?
There are two versions; one is a linear label and the other is a 2D data matrix label. Both labels have the same SAP number
and can be read by scanners in our processing and delivery facilities.
We will be issuing the linear label first and when stock is exhausted, we will commence issuing the 2D data matrix label.
How do I order the Parcel Post Untracked labels?
Contact your lodgement point and reference the following stock code for the Parcel Post Untracked label: 8840303. Labels
are available in rolls of 500.
Can a customer track a Parcel Post Untracked label?
No. The Parcel Post Untracked labels are to assist in the sortation of parcels only and cannot be used to track the progress of
a parcel throughout its delivery journey. If a customer wants to track their parcel they need to use the Receipted Delivery
service or lodge the parcel via Express Post.
Where should customers affix the Parcel Post Untracked labels?
Customers must place the barcode labels on the same face and as close as possible to the delivery address.
Australia Post Parcel Post
3 Next Steps
Please commence immediately to apply barcodes and all parcel sent from 1 February 2015 will need to have a barcode
Help desk contact details
If you have any further questions or would like to discuss this transition, please contact the Australia Post Customer Service
on 13 11 18.
Australia Post Parcel Post