Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited Executive Summary of Petition for True up for 2014-15, Review of FY 2015-16 and Revised Aggregate Revenue Requirement for MYT Control Period Submitted to Hon’ble Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission Executive Summary Background In line with HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 (hereinafter referred to as “HERC Tariff Regulations, 2012” or “MYT Regulations 2012”) notified on December 05, 2012, Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd is hereby filing this petition seeking True up of FY2014-15 based on the annual audited accounts and Annual Performance Review of FY2015-16 based on the revised capital expenditure estimated for FY2015-16. 1. True-Up for FY 2014-15 The relevant section (Regulation 8) of MYT regulations 2012 pertaining to MYT approach for baseline values is reproduced as under: “The Commission shall determine baseline values for various financial and operational parameters of ARR for the control period taking into consideration the figures approved by the Commission in the past, actual average figures of last three years, audited accounts, estimate of the figures for the relevant year, Industry benchmarks/norms and other factors considered appropriate by the Commission;” In view of the above regulations, it is submitted that while passing the True up Order for FY 2013-14, the Hon’ble Commission has considered the audited annual accounts for most of the elements of ARR. Therefore, it is humbly prayed that based on the same principle, the true up exercise for FY 2014-15 may also be undertaken, as the audited annual accounts are truly reflective of the actual costs incurred by the Petitioner. The summary of various components of ARR and grounds on which true up is sought is provided as below. 1.1 Operations and Maintenance Cost The O&M expenditure comprises of Employees’ cost, administration & general expenses and repair & maintenance expenses. The Hon’ble Commission in its True up Order for FY 2013-14 has considered annual accounts of FY2013-14 to approve the revised employee cost. It is submitted that the based on the same principle, the Hon’ble Commission must true up the actual employee cost for FY2014-15. Also it is requested to true up the repair and maintenance cost incurred by the petitioner on actual basis. Further as the MYT Regulations 2012 has particularly considered the terminal liability to be uncontrollable element of ARR, the petitioner seeks true up of the actual expense incurred. 1.2 Return on Equity In line with the MYT Tariff Order, the Petitioner has proposed the return on equity for the FY 14-15 considering the equity pending allotment. The Petitioner has estimated RoE, completely in line with the approach adopted by the Hon’ble Commission in its previous True up Order dated 31.03.2015. 1.3 Depreciation The Hon’ble Commission in its True up Order for FY 2013-14 has provided for depreciation based on the GFA of FY 2013-14 with certain estimates. In line with the above approach, the Petitioner requests the Hon’ble Commission to approve the depreciation for the FY 2014-15 on actual basis. 1.4 Interest on working capital The Petitioner prays to the Hon’ble Commission to kindly approve the actual interest on working capital incurred by the Petitioner, which is based on the actual audited accounts of FY 2014-15. 1.5 Incentives As per MYT tariff framework and guiding principles the petitioner is eligible for incentive on account of actual transmission system availability above target system availability. The Petitioner seeks incentive for the FY 2014-15 based upon system availability and proposes to pass on the benefit of incentive to the consumers by reduction of its ARR. 1.6 Reactive Energy Charges In line with the Regulation 48 of MYT Regulations 2012, the petitioner seeks to recover excess reactive energy charges incurred over actual expenses recovered from the Discoms. 1.7 Loss due to Foreign Exchange In line with the Regulation 24.3 of MYT Regulations 2012, the petitioner seeks to recover loss due to foreign exchange rate variation for the FY 14-15 on actual basis. In addition to above, the Petitioner would also like to request the Hon’ble Commission to kindly consider the losses on account of FERV, incurred in the past years, i.e. FY 2011-12 and FY2012-13, as these are legitimate claim of the Petitioner, based on the audited annual accounts. It is submitted that the Petitioner has not been able to claim the past FERV losses as the MYT Regulations 2012 came in effect from December 2012 and there was no provision of true up under the repealed HERC Tariff Regulations 2008. The Hon’ble Commission has allowed the recovery of FERV losses for FY 2013-14 in its Order dated 18th August 2015. Therefore, in line with principle adopted by Hon’ble Commission, it is submitted that the recovery of the past FERV losses may be allowed. Based on the above discussed elements of ARR, the ARR approved by the Hon’ble Commission and revised ARR submitted for True up are summarized below. ARR - Transmission (In Rs Million) Approved Proposed for True Up Surplus/(Gap) Employees’ cost Terminal benefits R&M expenses A & G Expenses Interest on Capital Expenditure Borrowings Debenture Interest (PF Bonds) Debenture Interest (Pension Bonds) Interest on bonds – Others Interest on Working Capital/Bank Loans Depreciation Return On Equity Non-Tariff Income Share of SLDC Charges Total Add: True up of interest cost for FY13-14 Add: Reactive energy Charges Add: Loss Due to Foreign Exchange Add: FERV True up of FY11-12 and FY1213 Total ARR Add: Incentive based on Transmission Availability passed on to beneficiary Total ARR - Including incentive 2,177.09 1,297.62 296.75 168.92 1,476.74 58.01 193.55 983.00 176.10 2,074.80 1,425.00 (240.02) 11.57 10,099.13 10,099.13 10,099.13 2,387.11 1,917.76 386.75 131.42 2,217.61 162.17 673.00 983.00 467.33 2,699.47 1,699.87 (314.38) 11.57 13,422.69 94.98 22.81 (210.02) (620.14) (90.00) 37.50 (740.87) (104.16) (479.45) (291.23) (624.67) (274.87) 74.36 (3,323.56) (94.98) (22.81) 134.36 (134.36) 325.00 (325.00) 13,999.84 (3,900.71) 28.13 (28.13) 14,027.97 (3,928.84) Based on the above comparison of approved and actual ARR parameters, a revenue gap of Rs. 3,928.84 million is computed for FY 2014-15 which is proposed to be carried forward. The Hon’ble Commission is requested to approve to same along with carrying cost which is computed in the subsequent chapter. 1.8 ARR of SLDC The table below provides the details of ARR approved for SLDC business by the Hon’ble Commission in its Tariff Order for FY 2014-15. However, in line with the revised ARR for Transmission business it is submitted that the true up for SLDC business may also be considered by the Hon’ble Commission and it may approve the same. Approved Actual Employees’ cost A & G Expenses R&M expenses Depreciation Interest & Finance Charges on Capital Expenditure Interest on Working Capital 32.89 9.18 4.54 45.59 50.91 2.29 31.38 10.13 8.30 23.44 14.59 2.59 Surplus/ (gap) 1.51 (0.95) (3.76) 22.15 36.32 (0.30) Total Expenditure (including special appropriation) 145.40 90.42 54.98 SLDC ARR (Rs. Million) 2. Review of Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 On 29th May, 2014, the Hon’ble Commission had issued the MYT Order for HVPN for the Control Period FY 2014-15 to FY 2016-17. HVPN is required to file for Annual Performance Review (APR) in line with Regulation 11(5) of the MYT Regulations, 2012. The Petitioner has proposed a review of capital expenditure for the remaining years of the Control Period, based on the expenditure incurred so far in the current FY 2015-16 and also presently envisaged for the remaining years of the Control Period. 2.1 Capital Expenditure Keeping in view the need to cater demand growth and to improve the existing system the petitioner has revised the capital expenditure estimates for the remaining control period. The details of proposed schemes have been provided in the annexures. The Hon’ble Commission is requested to revise the capital expenditure allowed and may approve the same. The capital expenditure incurred during first quarter of FY 2015-16 and works wise revised capital expenditure for the control period is summarized in the table below: Works Substations Lines IT Land Misc. Total FY 15-16 (Approved) T.O 31st March 2015 Actual Up to Q1 6,316 2,126 170 679 514 9,805 490 338 12 0 0 840 FY 15-16 Envisaged 5,148 1,733 139 553 419 7,991 FY 16-17 (Approved) FY 16-17 (Envisaged) 4,479 2,175 30 71 427 7,182 6,028 2,927 41 96 574 9,665 2.2 Operations and Maintenance Cost The O&M expenditure comprises of Employees’ cost, administration & general expenses and repair & maintenance expenses. For employee cost, actual employee cost of FY 2014-15 exclusive of capitalization and SLDC employee cost as per audited accounts has been considered. The inflation factor growth has been considered as 7.43%, as per methodology, approved by the Hon’ble Commission in the MYT regulations and no further addition in manpower has been considered. The terminal benefits estimate for the MYT control period is based on the actuarial valuation report, annexed herewith this petition. Also, the R&M expenses have been revised considering the revised opening GFA for FY 201516. Further, the revision in A&G cost is sought considering A&G cost of FY 2013-14 as the baseline. 2.3 Depreciation In line with the baseline value of GFA considered by the Petitioner in True up for FY 2014-15, the revised proposal for the depreciation has been submitted. 2.4 Interest and Finance Charges The interest cost has been revised based on additional loans which are required to be drawn for significant capital expenditure planned for the Control Period. 2.5 Interest on Working Capital The revision of interest on working capital is sought on the basis of base rate prevailing as on 1st April 2015 i.e. 10.0% and adding a margin of 350bps. Thus the interest rate on working capital is estimated to be 13.5% for calculation on interest on working capital for the control period. 2.6 Return on Equity The revised return on equity has been estimated based on the expected equity contribution on the new capex proposed. The rate of return on equity is considered to be line with the MYT Regulations, which provide for 10% returns. 2.7 Aggregate Revenue Requirement As per the parameters discussed above, the revised ARR of HVPN for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 as revised by the Petitioner and earlier approved by the Hon’ble Commission is summarized in the table below: Financial Year Particulars O&M Cost Interest on Loan Interest on Pension Bonds Interest on PF Bonds Interest on Bonds (others) Depreciation Interest on Working Capital Return on Equity Share of SLDC Charges Non-Tariff Income True up for FY13-14(Including Holding Cost) Redemption of Pension Bond Total ARR Review of True-Up FY13-14 (Order Dated 18th August 2015) Revised ARR(Order Dated 18th August 2015) FY 15-16 (In Rs Million) Approved as per Order Revised dated 31st Proposed March 2015 3,777.42 5,709.09 1,706.37 2,512.88 7 673 18.40 162.17 0 0 3,147.64 2,980.76 2,06.73 372.60 1,832.23 1,796.60 9.98 (241.87) (314.38) 1833.95 1833.95 1397.6 12,287.87 17134.27 FY 16-17 (In Rs Million) Approved as Per MYT Order Revised Proposed 4,315.21 1,445.93 61.97 983.00 2,854.43 182.86 2,060.62 17.60 (52.14) 5,710.05 3,149.21 572.05 137.85 0 3,588.0 349.85 1,903.24 13.68 (314.38) 11,869.48 15,109.56 381.13 12669.0 The Petitioner requests the Hon’ble Commission to approve the Revised Aggregate Revenue Requirement of HVPN for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17 as estimated in the table above and allow recovery of the variation in the transmission charges for FY 2014-15 in the revised ARR for FY 2016-17. 2.8 Revenue Gap and Carrying Cost Based on the true-up of FY 2014-15 and revised ARR for FY 2015-16, the revenue gap for computed for the respective years are provided in table below: Financial Year Approved ARR Proposed Revised ARR Revenue Surplus /(Gap) FY 2014-15 (In Rs Million) 10,099 14,028 (3,929) FY2015-16 (In Rs Million) 12,288 17,134 (4,846) The Petitioner requests the Hon’ble Commission to allow recovery of the revenue gap of FY 2014-15 and gap on account of revision in ARR of FY 2015-16 in the transmission charges to be approved by the Hon’ble Commission for FY 2016-17 and also allow for carrying cost on the under-recovered amount in line with HERC MYT Regulations, 2012. Accordingly, the Petitioner has computed the carrying cost on the revenue gap for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 considering the applicable SBI base rate and appropriate margin rate which is provided in the table below: Particulars (In Rs Million) FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 - 3,929 Addition 3,929 4,846 Closing Revenue Gap 3,929 8,775 13.20% 13.50% 259 858 Opening Revenue Gap (including carrying cost) Interest Rate Carrying Cost Total 8,775 1,117 HVPN requests the Hon’ble Commission to include the carrying cost of Rs.1,117 Millions in the ARR for FY 2016-17 for recovery through transmission charges. 2.9 Annual Transmission charges for FY 2016-17 The annual transmission charges shall be determined as stated under Regulation 50 of the MYT Regulations 2012: “Transmission licensee shall recover the transmission charges at the normative annual transmission system availability factor specified for it by the Commission.” It is submitted that the petitioner has also included the Yearly Transmission Charges for 3 lines operating as Inter-state Transmission Lines as approved by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in its order dated 17th September 2015. In line with the same methodology applied by the CERC, the petitioner has also calculated and included Yearly Transmission Charges for FY15-16 & FY16-17 based on tentative line lengths (ckm) to be added in corresponding years. The details of the annual transmission charges are summarized in table below: Amount (Rs. Million) Particulars Aggregate Revenue Requirement for FY 2016-17 15,110 Gap on account of True-up for FY 2014-15 3,929 Gap on account of Review of FY 2015-16 4,846 Carrying Cost on Gap for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 1,117 Adjusted ARR 25,002 Unitary Charges for JKTPL 46 YTC for Lines Operating As ISTS Lines (Till FY14-15) 240.65 YTC for Lines Operating As ISTS Lines (For FY15-16 & FY16-17) 203.51 Total Transmission Charges 25,492 Monthly Transmission Tariff 2,124.31 Ratio of Average Transformation Capacity UHBVNL 49.62% DHBVNL 49.64% TPTCL 0.71% NTPC Ltd 0.03% Chanderpur Renewable Power Co. Private Limited (CRPCPL) 0.0042% Monthly Transmission Tariff - UHBVN (based on ratio of Transmission capacity) 1,054.06 Monthly Transmission Tariff - DHBVN (based on ratio of Transmission capacity) 1,054.55 Monthly Transmission Tariff - TPTCL (based on ratio of Transmission capacity) 15.0 Monthly Transmission Tariff - NTPC (based on ratio of Transmission capacity) 0.6 Monthly Transmission Tariff - CRPCPL (based on ratio of Transmission capacity) 0.09