EVIDENCE FOR THE RESURRECTION Do you believe that Jesus defeated death and the grave? Do you believe in the resurrection? My wife and I sat down to dinner with a new friend who lives in Oklahoma City. I ask him if he had been living there during the time Timothy McVeigh bombed the federal building. He says, “I was in that building at 8:00 that morning and left only minutes before the explosion.” That experience, needless to say, changed his outlook on life. 168 people lose their lives and hundreds of others are injured on that dark morning in Oklahoma history. No one sees Timothy McVeigh driving the rental truck to the scene of the accident that fateful morning. No one sees him load two tons of fertilizer-based explosives into that truck. No one is able to pick him up on a security or video camera fleeing the scene after the heinous crime. In other words, there are no eyewitnesses at all who see him tied in to the crime scene. Yet, a jury is able to unanimously agree that he is guilty by using circumstantial evidence to convict him. They are able to reconstruct the situation beyond any shadow of doubt. At the resurrection of Jesus there are both eyewitnesses and strong circumstantial evidence. Over 500 people see the resurrected Jesus face to face. In addition, there is strong circumstantial evidence to help prove Jesus’ resurrection. Today, it is more important than ever before not only to believe but also to know why you believe. We are going to look together at evidence for Jesus' resurrection and what that can mean for us and to us. THEORIES THAT JESUS DID NOT CONQUER THE GRAVE a) JESUS’ BODY IS STOLEN. This is a reasonable theory until you ask the question, “Who would or could steal the body and why would they steal the body?” This theory is even Biblical in origin because Matthew, in chapter 28 of his book, tells us that the chief priests and elders, when they hear that Jesus’ body is missing, bribe the soldiers to tell everyone that the disciples came and stole the body while they were sleeping. Matthew even says that that theory is still being propagated while Matthew is writing his gospel, several decades after the death of Christ. Who would steal the body? Who could steal the body? The Romans had a guard unit there around the clock. The pictures you may have seen of this group look a lot like a bunch of wimps carrying crude wooden spears and wearing mini-skirts. A Roman guard unit was a fighting machine! Falling asleep during the night watch was punishable by death. The disciples were a defeated, demoralized group! They are cowering in an upper room, afraid that the next knock at their door will be the authorities who will crucify them just as they did Jesus. Why would they steal Jesus’ body, even if they could, and then go out and die for a lie? Would you die for a lie? All of the disciples are believed to have suffered martyrs’ deaths, with the exception of John, who is exiled to the island of Patmos. 2 The Jews would not have stolen Jesus’ body. That would mean that they would actually be supporting the resurrection. The Romans would not steal the body. That would give support to a new religious movement, and they did not want any new uprisings that would threaten their control over Palestine. b) GROUP CONSPIRACY. In other words, all the disciples and followers of Jesus got together and came up with a “whopper.” Again, we would have to ask the question, “Why would someone come up with a lie and then go out and die for it?” However, another very important point is that if they were going to make up a story about the resurrection, they would have never included the testimony of the women going to the tomb. In Jewish court, the testimony of a woman is never accepted as valid. They would be shooting themselves in the foot from a legal perspective to make up such a tall tale. c) HALLUCINATIONS. This theory suggests that everyone who saw the resurrected Christ just dreamed it up. This is a fairly bizarre story because this means that all of the people in all 12 post-resurrection accounts saw the same hallucination. At times there was one witness and on another occasion there were over 500 witnesses. They all had the same hallucination. I don’t think so! d) SWOON. According to this theory, Jesus did not really die. He receives 39 lashes from a cat of nine tails type whip (pieces of bone or metal imbedded in leather straps) administered by Roman guards. Why 39 lashes? Forty lashes are the death penalty, although many never made it to 39 lashes before they died. Jesus’ head is pierced with a crown of thorns. He is beat upon the head with a long stick. He is forced to carry his cross up a long hill to Golgotha. He is nailed to a rough wooden cross. The soldiers pierce his side with a spear. Dr. Luke reports that when his side is pierced, water and blood flow out. Medical experts report that this separation of the water and blood is a postmortem or after-death separation of the blood into clot and serum, proving that Jesus had already died before his side is pierced. He is pronounced dead on the scene by medical experts. Therefore, those who believe that Jesus did not die on the cross believe that Jesus went through all this, was wrapped in 75 pounds of linen cloths and aromatic spices, was placed into a cold, damp tomb, went without food, water, and medical attention for several days, and on Sunday morning he jumped up, tore off his burial clothes, rolled away a huge stone all by himself, overcame some of Rome’s finest soldiers, walked into Jerusalem on nail pierced feet and presented Himself as Lord of life and conqueror of death. The evidence suggests otherwise! EVIDENCE FOR JESUS’ RESURRECTION: 1) CHANGED LIVES OF THE DISCIPLES. The disciples spend three years living with Jesus Christ. They see all the miracles, hear the incredible wisdom from his divine lips, and experience first-hand how to live in this world. Suddenly all their hopes and dreams are dashed when Jesus is arrested, tried, and sentenced to die a cruel criminal’s death on the cross. The disciples are discouraged 3 and depressed. They have seemingly wasted three years of their lives for what? They will now be forever identified as the gullible disciples of the carpenter’s son. According to Jewish belief, a crucified person is cursed by God. They had been led to falsely believe that the Messiah would never have to suffer death. The Jesus movement is dead in the water. The disciples are cowering in that upper room, fearing that the next knock on the door will be the authorities coming to arrest and perhaps crucify them. They are defeated. Just a few days later they leave their hideout and go out with a strong passion to share the message that Jesus is the Messiah. He died on the cross for their sins and had returned to life. Get this! They spend the rest of their lives sharing this message with no hope of any payoff from a human perspective. They are persecuted, go without food, are exposed to harmful weather, and are ridiculed, beaten, and imprisoned. Most of them are executed for their faith. Call it “The Great Turnaround.” Acts 4:13 is really a summary of what is happening. “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Peter and John changed after the resurrection; however, they were already followers of Jesus. Some of the strongest evidence for the resurrection comes from the changed lives of those who had previously been skeptics. One of these is James, Jesus’ half-brother. John 7:5 says, “For even his own brothers did not believe in him.” How humiliating this must have been for Jesus! His own brothers did not believe. You can be “close” to Jesus without having a life change. Before the resurrection James is not convinced that Jesus is the Messiah. After the resurrection, look at the testimony of his own letter: “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Josephus, a Jewish historian, tells us that James, who at that time is the leader of the church in Jerusalem, is stoned to death because of his belief in his brother. The resurrection changes everything! Another skeptic is Paul or Saul. As a loyal Pharisee, he would oppose anything that disrupts Jewish tradition and beliefs. For him to become a follower of Jesus would be the ultimate in betrayal, the height of disloyalty to his roots. He never would have taken that step if he did not believe wholeheartedly in Christ. Before his dramatic conversion to Christianity, he persecutes and executes Christians. Then he becomes one! Galatians 1:23 is a reference to Paul: “They only heard the report: ‘The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” What happens? Paul has a face-to-face encounter with the risen Jesus and receives his appointment to go out and share that news with the world. Look at Peter. He denies even knowing Jesus to a servant girl, who certainly could have done him little harm, and, after the resurrection, Peter goes out to boldly proclaim Christ until he dies as a martyr and is hung upside down on a cross because he says he does not deserve to die in the same way Jesus died. Men who are cowering in an upper room invest the rest of their lives courageously suffering for their faith in Christ. What happens? Jesus defeats the grave and sin and comes back as Lord of Lords. 4 2) CHANGED JEWISH TRADITIONS. All of us have certain family traditions that we like to observe. Some of them may have even been passed on from a generation or two back. We live in a society that changes every single day and we are not accustomed to traditions as much as the Jews are. The Jews have been persecuted for centuries on end, and yet they have survived. How were they able to do so? Other cultures from Biblical days have died out. They mix, mingle, and intermarry. Jews survive because they are able to pass on their traditions, which they believe came from God from generation to generation. Yet, just weeks after Jesus’ death, huge changes are made by converted Jews to their revered religious traditions. Here are four specific examples: a) Animal sacrifice. They would offer animal sacrifices yearly in order to pay or to atone for their sins. God would transfer the sins to the animal and they would be forgiven. Jewish followers of Christ stopped making animal sacrifices because they realize that Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice, the “Lamb of God.” b) Priority of rules and laws. 1st century Jews believe that one has to obey the laws entrusted to them through Moses in order to be upstanding citizens of the kingdom of God. After the resurrection, they say that you don’t become a kingdom citizen merely by obeying the laws of Moses. It is faith in Christ that provides the power for moral obedience. c) The Sabbath. Many of their laws and traditions focused on the special Sabbath day. For 1500 years they worshiped God on this day. Suddenly they change this revered tradition and began to worship on Sunday. Why? The resurrection occurs on Sunday morning. d) Understanding of the Messiah. Most Jews thought the Messiah or Savior would be this political ruler who sweeps in and establishes a political kingdom and who would destroy Roman armies. Christfollowers observe the Lord’s Supper where they celebrate the facts that Jesus is betrayed by one of his own disciples, goes through inhumane treatment, is put through an unjust, illegal trial, and is tortured on the cross in a grotesque and humiliating way. How could they celebrate that? Why would they emphasize the death of Christ in baptism? Within 5 weeks of the resurrection, 10,000+ Jews are Christ-followers! How could such a rag-tag motley crew pioneer a movement that now spans the globe? If you were walking through the 1st century world, where would you have placed your money – on Christianity or on the Roman Empire? Yet today we name our children Peter and Paul and our dogs Nero and Caesar. What makes the difference? The resurrection of Jesus Christ! 3) CHANGED LIVES THROUGH HISTORY (and the existence of the Church). The resurrection has been the foundational principle of the Christian church for almost 2000 years. Millions and millions of lives have changed. Mine has. Has Jesus changed you? What is your verdict today? Sir Lionel Luckhoo is recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s most successful lawyer. For several years he analyzed the details surrounding the resurrection and then declared, “I say unequivocally that the 5 evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.” The resurrection is more than just history. It leads to an experience, an encounter with Jesus Christ. BECAUSE JESUS DEFEATS DEATH… 1) HE IS UNIQUE AND TRUSTWORTHY. Combine all the attributes and you will find no other like Jesus. He is the most moral individual who has ever lived. He is the greatest teacher and the most powerful miracle workers. He exhibits the greatest wisdom in decision-making. He identifies himself as the way, the truth, and the life. He is the way to heaven. He said that and verified it through his death and resurrection. You can believe what he says. The resurrection has been the foundational principle of the Christian church for many centuries. 2) I HAVE AN UNCHANGING MORAL STANDARD. More and more, the standards for society’s morality are being built on changing and selfish standards. Jesus’ life and teachings become the never-changing standards for the way you and I are to live. 3) HE IS ALIVE AND AVAILABLE TODAY. You can go to the tombs or gravesites of other world religious leaders and you can find their remains. However, you cannot find a grave memorial for Jesus. He is risen! You can have a living, personal, daily relationship with the resurrected Lord Jesus. Christianity is not just history and it is certainly more than just a religion. Jesus wants to live in and through you. 4) I CAN EXPERIENCE RESURRECTION POWER. 1 Corinthians 6:14 says, “By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also.” This is the power that brings life out of death. You can experience that overcoming power, which includes forgiveness of sins and a home in heaven. You can have a God-given purpose and plan for your life – educationally, vocationally, and relationally. Ephesians 1:18,19 say, “I pray … that you may know … his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength. Everywhere we look today we see books, tapes, and seminars in self-help areas. All of these tell us what we need to do. Here’s the problem. They can tell us exactly what we need to be doing, but they cannot give us the power to do it. Christianity says that death precedes power. When we choose to die to self and follow Christ, we then begin to have the potential power to have a victorious life. The same resurrection power that raised Christ from the dead is available to help us to overcome addictions, have a strong marriage, be effective parents, make a difference in the workplace, be faithful servants of Christ, develop and pursue godly financial goals, and make the best out of bad situations that we face in life. Are you experiencing the resurrection power of Christ? The resurrection tells me that God will have the final word. He is trustworthy! 1 Peter 1:3 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great 6 mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” Since Jesus is alive, we have a living hope! We have heaven as our eternal home! A boy named Jeremy had been born with a twisted body and some mental deficiencies and was diagnosed as being terminally ill. He was “mainstreamed” into the regular school program because in their area they were not equipped to deal with special needs students and at 12 he was still in the second grade. During the advent of spring Mrs. Miller, the class teacher, gave each student a plastic egg and asked them to take it home and to bring it back the next day with something inside the plastic egg that shows new life. When asked if they understand the assignment, all of the children responded positively, except Jeremy, who said nothing and simply stared at the teacher and then stared at his egg. The next morning the kids came in excitedly, all 19 students placing their eggs into a basket on Mrs. Miller’s desk. They then opened their eggs, explaining what they had brought. One held a flower, an obvious sign of new life for the springtime. Other eggs contained butterflies, a rock with moss on it, and numerous other objects that represented new life to those children. Then Mrs. Miller opens one egg that is empty. She knew this was Jeremy’s and did not want to embarrass him, so she put it to the side and went on opening the others. After a few moments, Jeremy says, “Mrs. Miller, aren’t you going to talk about my egg?” She says, “Yes, but Jeremy, your egg was empty.” Jeremy looks into the eyes of his teacher and says, “Yes, but Jesus’ tomb was empty, too!” His teacher asks, “Jeremy, do you know why the tomb was empty?” “Oh, yes, Mrs. Miller, I know why. Jesus was killed and put in there. Then His Father raised him up!” Three months later Jeremy died. Those who paid their respects at the funeral home see a very interesting sight – 19 plastic eggs laid on top of his casket, all of them empty. An empty tomb means an overflowing life! 5) NEUTRALITY IS NOT AN OPTION. The resurrection demands a decision. You can no longer sit on the fence, if you have been. If you have ignored making a decision about Christ, you have told Him, “No, thanks!” If you have ignored the bride of Christ, His church, you are saying, “No, thanks! My plan is better than your plan.” That’s a dangerous philosophy of life. Jesus says, “He who is not with me is against me.” Let today be the day you make a serious commitment to follow Christ. C.S. Lewis, at one time a skeptic, says the following: “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: ‘I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept His claim to be God.’ That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic…or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God.”