The faithfulness of God to His promises to Israel

Abraham – Gen. 12:10-20
Promised blessing
To Egypt
Feared due to wife’s
beauty (like me)
Lied to pagan ruler (Sis)
Wife taken/endangered
Got caught
Cared for by God anyway
Dumb to do this
Isaac – Gen. 26
Promised blessing
Told not to go to Egypt
Feared due to wife’s
beauty (like me)
Lied to pagan ruler (Sis)
Wife taken/endangered
Got caught
Cared for by God anyway
Dumb to do this
Abraham had repeated his sin a second time
before Isaac’s sin - Gen. 20.
One clear message in this passage =
The faithfulness of God to His promises to
Abraham was now dead (Gen. 25).
What would now happen to those who
came after him?
The God who had promised Abraham will
do as He said and be faithful to Abraham’s
Rom. 11
Biblical Time Line
Church Age
7 years
1,000 years
Romans 11 – Israel’s destiny will be realized!
God’s grace has led to a remnant - 1-6
All this was predicted - 7-9
The rejection is not final - 11-16
“Are you out of your tree?” - 17-24
National Israel will be restored - 25-32
Paul is blown away - 33-36
God’s grace has led to a remnant (1-6)
Even though Israel has been rejected, God’s grace
has left believing Israelites to “represent” the
All this was predicted (7-9)
God was not caught “off-guard” by any of this, but
is in control of the future of the world and His
The rejection is not final (11-16)
God is not done with His people and His ultimate
purpose to bring Israel back into a favored
standing will be realized one day.
“Are you out of your tree?” (17-24)
While it is true that Israel is no longer a channel
for God to accomplish His purposes, it is not true
that He cannot, nor will not, use Israel again in the
The “Olive Tree”
• Root = Abraham (AC = blessing)
• Natural Branches = National Israel
• Branches grafted in = Gentile believers
Galatians 3:8-9, 27
8 And
the Scripture, foreseeing that God
would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached
the gospel to Abraham
beforehand, saying, “In you all the nations
shall be blessed.” 9 So then those who are of
faith are blessed with believing
Abraham…26 For you are all sons of God
through faith in Christ Jesus.
“Are you out of your tree?” (17-24)
The Gentiles should be careful not to become
proud of their current status as channels for God’s
purposes and should maintain their faith, their
response of believing the gospel.
“Are you out of your tree?” (17-24)
Mt. 13:31-33
We have Satanic “birds” on the tree that has
grown so large and now weigh it down and leaven
is corrupting the teaching of the Church.
The failure of the Gentiles is becoming clear.
National Israel will be restored (25-32)
In the past, the elevation of the Gentiles was not
The concept of the Church was a “mystery”.
Rom. 16:25-27; Eph. 3:4-6
National Israel will be restored (25-32)
One day, all Israel will be saved from wrath and
come to faith.
National Israel will be restored (25-32)
One day, the “partial hardening” will be lifted.
Events in our present day indicate we are very
close to this happening.
National Israel will be restored (25-32)
After thousands of year, what we see reaffirmed
to Isaac and later Jacob, we see still being a
priority of our Lord for “the gifts and calling of God
are irrevocable”!
Paul is blown away (33-36)
The splendor and magnificence of God’s plan
causes an emotional, and appropriate, outburst of
praise from Paul!
So what? #1
God is not done with Israel. Far from it. We should
be careful to realize Israel is still very much in the
plans and purposes of God.
So what? #2
Though loved because of the fathers, national
Israel is at odds with God over the truth of the
So what? #3
God’s work through the Gentiles depends on our
continued adherence and responsiveness to the
So what? #4
Rather than allow the world’s course to distress us
entirely, we should join Paul in marveling at, and
trusting in, the plan and purpose of God.
So what? #5
We need to be careful to not repeat the mistakes
of Abraham and Isaac when, after hearing the
promise of God, they panicked and allowed fear to
rule their behavior.
So what? #6
Simply put, God keeps His Word.