Agro-MAPS: Mapping sub national land use statistics on a global scale H. George, I. Verbeke and S. Corsi Land and Water Division, FAO Wye City Group Workshop on Statistics on Rural Development & Agricultural Household Income ROME, 11-12 June 2009 H. George, FAO Overview Agro-MAPS • Origins & key characteristics • Value addition Land use issues and rural development Selected land-use applications • Development of land-use indicators • Mapping & characterization of land-use systems Concluding remarks H. George, FAO Agro-MAPS: Origins LU information needed for specific global applications IFPRI -- Impacts of new technologies; nutrient balances, .. SAGE -- Climate change; human impacts on ecosystem services, .. FAO -- Land degradation, farming systems, early warning, .... Informal Consortium (Agro-MAPS) Meetings (2002; 2003); pool data holdings CIAT (joined in 2003); IRRI, ILRI – major contributions Funding: within existing programs; MEA (core indicator data set) FAO contributions: coordinated through interdepartmental working group (SPATL) H. George, FAO Key Decisions Maize Focus on food crops; globally/ regionally important; most recent data; time series? Production, Harvested area; Crop yields Geo-referenced; admin 1 and 2 Global coverage, largest countries Pool existing data holdings & published sources (e.g. Ag census) Harmonize data (codes; units; but no corrections); include reference to data sources No long-term commitments! FAOSTAT – 57 countries OPPORTUNITY: Seek partners to develop synergies for further improvements ---data gathering, content, formats, harmonization, long-term development, ... Agro-MAPS – 5690 units H. George, FAO Challenges of implementation Data Compilation/ Harmonization Multiple sources (± metadata) Ambiguities (-, ., 0, blank, NA, ..) Boundaries (variations - extent, names, codes – SALB, FIPS, NUTS, GAUL, ad-hoc, ..) Crop codes SAGE CIAT FAO IFPRI Data access/ dissemination CD-ROM (2006) Web site development (interactive, 850 Mb data) & distributed update IPR (“Agro-MAPS”; EUROSTAT, data vs boundary info, ..) H. George, FAO Geocoding NAME1 Region 1 Region 1 Region 1 Region 2 Region 2 Region 2 Region 1 Region 1 Region 1 Region 2 Region 2 Region 2 NAME2 Ariana Ben Arous (Tunis Sud) Tunis Bizerte Nabul Saghuan Ariana Ben Arous (Tunis Sud) Tunis Bizerte Nabul Saghuan CODE TUN001001 TUN001002 TUN001003 TUN002001 TUN002002 TUN002003 TUN001001 TUN001002 TUN001003 TUN002001 TUN002002 TUN002003 ITEM_CODE YEAR ELEMENT_CO DATA COMMENTS 44 1994 031 2100 44 1994 031 1700 44 1994 031 300 44 1994 031 6000 44 1994 031 17300 44 1994 031 2800 44 1994 051 1900 44 1994 051 1500 44 1994 051 400 44 1994 051 5400 44 1994 051 18600 44 1994 051 3400 Match codes appearing in tables and maps H. George, FAO Boundaries: A X-cutting issue CHALLENGE: compile & distribute all aggregated data and their corresponding boundary maps MALAWI FAO IFPRI •Different boundaries from different sources •Differences reported for different crops; year; •Disputed Boundaries H. George, FAO Status: Data coverage Contents 134 Countries - 92% of the world land surface covered Some data without maps Updates/corrections (via publications; collaborators; projects, .. public feedback 130 – admin 1 Region Crops Years Africa 72 1981-2008 Asia 20 1970-2001 Europe 18 1975-2001 Near-East in Asia 72 1984-2001 LAC 45 1984-2001 North America 26 1970-2002 Oceania 30 1982-1997 59 - admin2 H. George, FAO Status: Data quality Agro-MAPS > FAOSTAT perfect agreement < FAOSTAT FAOSTAT •Use ‘metadata’ to consult original sources •Develop better indicators for data sharing H. George, FAO Web-based LU info system Interactive display BY REGION Web site enhancements • rapid update; • best resolution display Derived info products to support applications • major crop combinations • raster versions H. George, FAO On-line query Find best matching shapefiles! % Data displayable H. George, FAO Download Download options •CSV, dbf, .. •All statistical data (by country, region) •All statistical data for a specific query •Shapefiles (except Europe) H. George, FAO Site updates & adjustments Site Administrator only Rapid update • datasets, • layers All Users Adjust parameters • crop combination tools H. George, FAO Generate a CD of the site H. George, FAO Locally important crops Preview time series data BY COUNTRY Data sources Burkina Faso Important crops Burkina Faso H. George, FAO Agro-MAPS: Added value Global compilation of sub national data • versus national aggregates – FAOSTAT • global analyses & perspective studies • geographic targeting within countries Geo-referenced formats • vector; raster for easier integration with user applications (under development) Derived information – LU characterization • indicators on rural development issues • locally important crops or crop groups -> LU systems mapping H. George, FAO Land issues & Rural Development MDG1 LU changes to combat food insecurity & poverty High bioenergy demand & indirect LU changes Land scarcity Large scale cropland acquisitions Climate change impact on land suitability and use Increasing urbanization Highly variable food prices; trade MDG7 land degradation (including forest) sustainability of agro-ecosystems/ biodiversity food versus environmental tradeoffs H. George, FAO Development of LU Indicators Percent changes • crop production; per capita production • area harvested; per capita area harvested • yields (NB: influences due to management; rainfall) • yield gap Proportions • harvested area to total suitable area (NB: differs from arable land to total land area) • harvested area to cropland area (i.e. cropping intensity) Differences • Potential vs Actual yields (e.g. field trials, Agro-MAPS) H. George, FAO Yield gap – sorghum (kg/ha) - BFA YIELD GAP -- Difference between potential yields and actual yields available from Agro-MAPS. H. George, FAO Yield gap map (sorghum, Kg/ha) Yields from field trials versus yields from Agro-MAPS For geographic targeting of regions where productivity gains are possible H. George, FAO Harvested vs suitable area Harvested area Highly suitable area H. George, FAO Harvested vs suitable area H. George, FAO Harvested vs total cropland Harvested area total cropland area H. George, FAO Cropping intensity Harvested area to total cropland (i.e. cropping intensity) It is useful for estimating future food production under given conditions of the availability of land suitable for cropping and population growth H. George, FAO Land use systems mapping • Distinct geographic assemblages of i. the natural resources base, ii. current land use and management, and iii. the socio-economic setting • Facilitates ‘territorial’ vs. sectoral policies & planning • Global sub national scales Farming systems & Poverty2001 H. George, FAO Locally important crops •Set of crop(s) having the highest relative percentages of total harvested area which together just exceed a predetermined threshold percentage (75%) of the total harvested area for each administrative unit. •“Mixed’ label if the number of crops is greater than 4 (user selectable) National LU systems mapping Senegal RESOURCE BASE ENTERPRISE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXT (production conditions) (use of resources – land use) (explanatory factors – influence land use management practices) AEZ suitability crops & management population density soil; climate; terrain livestock & management land cover fishing & management infrastructure (access to advisory services; markets) land availability groundwater integrate Agro-MAPS data District-level farming systems map scale independent framework created by spatial integration of relevant data for each of the 3 major land-use characteristics with the aid of geographic information systems as well as with input of expert local knowledge ± indicators to suit end-user needs •land tenure, plot characteristics •orientation/intensity of production •prices/ subsidies, credit access H. George, FAO LU systems & attributes LADA -- National land degradation assessment - Senegal LU systems & degradation % area affected by land degradation Agro-MAPS: User survey Climate change •GIS-based cropland GHG inventory for Burkina Faso and Tanzania •C sequestration calculation •MSc research project aiming to upscale the emissions of the ozone depleting gas methyl bromide •research on carbon sequestration in croplands Land-use (policies; assessment; planning) Land use assesment in calculating arid and semi arid land area in Kenya Plantation planning Comparing yields between SSA and LA Biofuels policies impact on land use For presentation of sugarcane production ares under cultivation and yield in India For research Purpose- Land-livestock planning on country scale Data Preparedness for response to emergency seminar on food security Academic and scientific Modelling exercise on water use Research on Crop Growth Modeling biofuels research Change in indigenous land practices since 1950 H. George, FAO Agro-MAPS: User survey Environment analyses and management Geospatial analysis for evaluating North American and European Union ecological areas for pesticide dissipation studies project Ecological Region analysis North America and EU Establish GIS database for environment management Investment and marketing Investment research Preparing analyses for sales department Size markets in Argentina and Brazil soyabean production in Madhya Pradesh research researching oil palm industry in DRC Gain understanding of African agricultural imports/exports to assist my work in Mozambique as a volunteer consultant to sustenance farmers food production and consumption in asia H. George, FAO Viewed pages 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 Bandwidth GB 5 4 3 2 1 0 Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- Jul- Oct- Jan- Apr- For more info ... 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 09 webstats H. George, FAO Concluding remarks Agro-MAPS: ready access now • to sub national LU data (vs national aggregates) • derived information, on global scale Facilitates development of • LU indicators of relevance to MDG1 and 7 issues in rural development • LU systems maps allowing a territorial vs a sectoral approach to policy formulation and planning Info gaps remain • time series data; no data for some countries • seeking collaborative arrangements for future sub national LU data compilation (not just statistics) H. George, FAO