ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Chunzi Wang Education 101 INTASC Standards for Beginning Teachers Standard #3: Learning Environments The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and selfmotivation. Background Information More than 6,000 languages are spoken in the world today. But some linguists believe that by the end of the century the influence of globalization and new technologies like the Internet will have most people speaking one language -- English. English should be the nation's official language. The reason to be a Bilingual Teacher According a Reseach “English is already the global language, and it is only going to grow as more and more young people learn it,” says Richard H. Schlagel, a professor of philosophy at the George Washington University. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD PRO Bilingual education, turns out to be among the most beneficial. Its effectiveness — both in teaching English and in fostering academic learning in English — has been validated in study after study. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD PRO The English is the primary language in America. English is just a tool, like any other tool. The purpose of tools is for service, the main purpose of language is to communicate, to convey information. To understand today's globalization trend is English becoming the most widely / multiple languages. Today, the most information on the Internet, which accounted for more than 80% of the information in English. Academic articles, some areas of international exchanges must be in English ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD PRO communication many immigrants like to spreadtheir traditions, customs, food with others. This can be enriching to other Americans as well, who will visit these neighborhoods, patronize their restaurants and buy goods in their shops. Discussion Questions Do we need the separate class for non-native English speakers when they were little? If you are a teacher now, one of your student could not speak English, how should you do? References David,M.(2000)Future of Language http://library.cqpress.com.indianapolis.libproxy.ivytech.edu.allstate.libproxy.ivyt ech.edu/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre2000111700&type=hitlist&nu m=0 Richard L.(2000)Bilingual Education http://library.cqpress.com.indianapolis.libproxy.ivytech.edu.allstate.libproxy.ivyt ech.edu/cqresearcher/document.php?id=cqresrre1993081306