Name Date ______ Period ______ - Garnet Valley School District

Name ______________________________________ Date ___________ Period __________
Review Sheet : Chapter 2 Test
People: Please be able to identify the following people, the country for which they sailed (for
explorers), and why they were important in this unit of study.
 Erik the Red
 Pizarro
 Leif Eriksson
 Coronado
 de Gama
 Martin Luther
 Magellan
 King Philip II
 Prince Henry the Navigator
 Ponce de Leon
 Dias
 de Soto
 Vespucci
 La Salle
 Balboa
 Champlain
 Marquette
 Sir Francis Drake
 Champlain
 John Cabot
 John Cabot
 Jacques Cartier
 Henry Hudson
Terms/Places/Events: Please be able to give the definition of the term and why it was important
to this area of study.
 caravels
 African Diaspora
 astrolabe
 African American Culture
 Treaty of Tordesillas
 encomienda system
 Middle Passage
 Protestant Reformation
 Northwest Passage
 conquistador
 Line of Demarcation
 presidos
 Circumnavigate
 Manhattan Island
 Columbian Exchange
 Protestants
 charter
 Roanoke
 Middle Passage
Questions: You should be able to accurately and thoroughly answer the following questions.
Why did Europeans begin exploring the world by sea?
One of the impacts of Christopher Columbus’ voyages to the new world was a conflict
between Spain and Portugal. Thoroughly explain the conflict and be sure to address the
line of demarcation, the Pope’s role, and the Treaty of Tordesillas.
What was the encomienda system? Why was it unfair?
What happened to the Spanish Armada? What was one result of this battle?
Describe the Protestant Reformation. Include in your explanation how the following were
involved: Martin Luther, 95 Theses, printing press, Protestants.
What were 2 causes and 2 effects of the African Slave Trade?
Events: You should understand causes, details, key people and effects of the following events:
 Cortes’ conquest of the Aztec
 Causes and effects of Columbus’ explorations
 Protestant Reformation
 Defeat of the Spanish Armada
 Beginnings of slavery in the Americas
 Roanoke, the “lost colony”