APUSH Review Continued

APUSH Review Continued
Civil War
Fort Sumter
Executive power
Habeas corpus
Border states
Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis
Alexander H. Stephens
Manassas/Bull Run
Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson
Winfield Scott
Anaconda plan
George McClellan
Robert E. Lee
Monitor and the Virginia (Merrimac)
Ulysses Grant
David Farragut
Trent Affair
Laird Rams
Confiscation Acts
Emancipation Proclamation
Thirteenth Amendment
Sherman’s March
Election of 1864
Appomattox Courthouse
John Wilkes Booth
Ex parte Milligan
Draft riots
Morrill Tariff Act 1861
Homestead Act 1862
Morrill Land Grant Act 1862
Pacific Railway Act 1862
Second American Revolution
The Union in Peril
Free-soil movement: Free-soil party
Conscience Whigs
Popular sovereignty
Lewis Cass
Henry Clay
Zachary Taylor
Compromise of 1850
Stephen A. Douglas
Millard Fillmore
Fugitive Slave Law
Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Hinton R. Helper, Impending Crisis of the South
George Fitzhugh, Sociology of the Slave and Slaves Without Masters
Franklin Pierce
Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
Know-Nothing Party
Republican party
John C. Fremont
James Buchanan
New England Immigrant Aid Society
“Bleeding Kansas”
John Brown: Pottawatomie Creek
Sumner-Brooks Incident
Le Compton Constitution
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Roger Taney
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
House Divided Speech
Freeport Doctrine
Harper’s Ferry Raid
Election of 1860
Crittenden Compromise
Territorial and Economic Expansion 1830-1860
Manifest Destiny
Stephen F. Austin
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
Sam Houston
John Tyler
Aristook War
Webster-Ashburton Treaty 1842
Oregon Territory
“54-40 or Fight”
James K. Polk
Rio Grande: Nueches River
Mexican War 1846-1847
Zachary Taylor
Stephen Kearney
California: Bear Flag Republic
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848
Mexican Cession
Wilmot Proviso
Franklin Pierce
Ostend Manifesto 1852
Walker Expedition
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty 1850
Gadsden Purchase 1853
Great American Desert
Mountain Men
Far West
Overland Trails
Mining Frontier
Gold Rush: Silver Rush
Farming Frontier
Urban Frontier
Industrial Technology
Elias Howe
Samuel F. Morse
Railroads: Federal Land Grants
Foreign Commerce: Exports & Imports
Matthew C. Perry: Japan
Panic of 1857
The Ferment of Reform 1820-1860
Second great awakening
Timothy Dwight
Revivalism: Revival Camp Meetings
Church of Latter Day Saints: Mormons
Joseph Smith: Brigham Young
New Zion
Romantic movement
Ralph Waldo Emerson, The American Scholar
Henry David Thoreau, Walden, On Civil Disobedience
Brook Farm: George Ripley
Margaret Fuller
Theodore Parker
Utopian Communities
Robert Owen: New Harmony
Joseph Henry Noyes: Oneida Community
Charles Fourier: Phalanxes
Horace Greeley
George Caleb Bingham
William S. Mount
Thomas Cole
Frederick Church
Hudson River School
Washington Irving
James Fennimore Cooper
Nathanael Hawthorne
American Temperance Society
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Asylum Movement
Dorothea Dix
Thomas Gallaudet
Samuel Gridley Howe
Auburn System
Horace Mann
Public School movement
McGuffy Readers
Women’s Rights movement
Sarah Grimke, Angelina Grimke
Letter on the Condition of Women and the Equality of the Sexes
Lucretia Mott
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Seneca Falls Convention 1848
Susan B. Anthony
American Colonization Society
American Anti-slavery Society
William Lloyd Garrison: The Liberator
Liberty Party
Frederick Douglass: The North Star
David Ruggles
Sojourner Truth
William Still
David Walker
Henry Highland Garnet
Nat Turner
American Peace Society
Sylvester Graham
Amelia Bloomer
The Age of Jackson 1824-1840
Common Man
Universal Male Suffrage
Party Nominating Convention
“King Caucus”
Popular election of president
Anti-Masonic Party
Workingman’s Party
Spoils System
John Quincy Adams
“Corrupt Bargain”
Henry Clay
Tariff of 1828: “Tariff of Abominations”
Andrew Jackson
Popular Campaigning
Revolution of 1828
Role of the president
Rotation in office
Peggy Eaton affair
Indian Removal Act 1830
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
Worchester v. Georgia
Trail of Tears
States’ Rights
Nullification Crisis
Webster-Hayne Debate
John C. Calhoun
Proclamation to the People of South Carolina
Bank of the United States
Nicholas Biddle
Two-Party System: Democrats; Whigs
“Pet Banks”
Specie Circular
Panic of 1837
Martin Van Buren
“Log Cabin and Hard Cider” campaign
Sectionalism 1820-1850
Daniel Webster
Industrial Revolution
Urbanization; urban life
New cities
Irish; potato famine
Old Northwest
American Party
King Cotton
“Peculiar Institution”
Denmark Vesey; Nat Turner
Slavery; free African American
Planters; poor whites; mountain people
The West
The Frontier
Native American Removal
Great Plains
White Settlers
Environmental damage
Nationalism and Economic Development 1817-1850
Era of Good Feelings
James Monroe
Nationalism: cultural, economic
Tariff of 1816
Protective tariff
Henry Clay; American System
Second Bank of the United States
Panic of 1819
John Marshall
Fletcher v. Peck
McCulloch v. Maryland
Dartmouth College v. Woodward
Gibbons v. Ogden
Implied powers
Talmadge Amendment
Missouri Compromise 1820
Stephen Decatur
Rush-Bagot Agreement 1817
Treaty of 1818
Andrew Jackson
Florida Purchase Treaty 1819
Monroe Doctrine 1823
Lancaster Turnpike
National (Cumberland) Road
Erie Canal
Robert Fulton; steamboat
Eli Whitney; interchangeable parts
Samuel Slater
Factory System
Lowell System; textile mills
Cotton gin
Age of Jefferson 1800-1816
Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon Bonaparte
Toussaint I’overture
Strict interpretation, of constitution
Lewis and Clark expedition
John Marshall
Judicial review
Marbury v. Madison
Aaron Burr
Barbary Pirates
Chesapeake-Leopard affair
Embargo Act 1807
James Madison
Non-intercourse Act 1898
Macon’s Bill #2 1810
Tecumseh; prophet
William Henry Harrison
Battle of Tippecanoe
War hawks
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
War of 1812
Old Ironsides
Battle of Lake Erie
Oliver Hazard Perry
Battle of the Thames River
Thomas McDonough
Battle of Lake Champlain
Francis Scott Key, “The Star Spangled Banner”
Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Creek Nation
Battle of New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent 1814
Hartford Convention 1814
The Constitution and the New Republic 1787-1800
Mt. Vernon conference
Annapolis Convention
Constitutional convention
Framers of constitution
James Madison
Alexander Hamilton
Gouverneur Morris
John Dickinson
Checks and balances
Virginia Plan
New jersey Plan
Connecticut plan; Great Compromise
House of Representatives
3/5 compromise; slave trade
Commercial compromise
Electoral college system
The Federalist papers
Bill of Rights; amendments
Legislative branch
Executive departments; cabinet
Henry Knox
Edmund Randolph
Judiciary Act 1789
Federal courts
Supreme Court
National debt
Infant industries
National bank
Tariffs; excise taxes
French Revolution
Proclamation of Neutrality 1793
“Citizen” Edmund Genet
Jay Treaty 1794
Pinckney Treaty 1795
Right of deposit
Battle of Fallen Timbers
Whiskey Rebellion 1794
Public Land Act 1796
Federalist Era
Democratic-republican party
Political parties
Washington’s Farewell Address
“Permanent Alliances”
Two-Term Tradition
John Adams
XYZ Affair
Alien and Sedition Acts
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
Revolution of 1800
The American Revolution 1775-1783
First continental Congress 1774
Patrick Henry
Samuel Adams
John Adams
George Washington
John Dickinson
John Jay
Joseph Galloway
Suffolk Resolves
Economic sanctions
Declaration of rights and grievances
Paul Revere
William Dawes
Minute Men
Lexington, concord
Battle of Bunker Hill
Second Continental Congress 1775
Declaration of the Causes and Necessities of Taking up Arms
Olive Branch Petition
Prohibitory acts of 1775
Thomas Paine; Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Loyalists (Tories)
Valley Forge
George Rogers Clark
Battle of Saratoga
Absolute Monarch
Battle of Yorktown
Treaty of Paris 1783
Articles of Confederation
Unicameral legislature
Land Ordinance of 1785
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Shay’s Rebellion
Mary McCauley (Molly Pitcher)
Deborah Sampson
Abigail Adams
Imperial Wars and Colonial Protests 1754-1775
French and Indian War
George Washington
Edward Braddock
Albany plan of Union 1754
Peace of Paris 1763
Salutary neglect
George III; crown
Pontiac’s rebellion 1763
Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act 1764
Quartering Act 1765
Stamp Act 1765
Patrick Henry
Stamp Act Congress
Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Declaratory Act 1766
Townshend Acts 1767
Writs of Assistance
John Dickinson; Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
Samuel Adams
James Otis
Massachusetts Circular Letter
Lord Frederick North
Boston Massacre 1770
Crispus Attucks
Committees of Correspondence
Gaspee Incident
Tea Act 1773
Intolerable Acts
Coercive Acts 1774
Port Bill
Massachusetts Act
Administration of Justice Act
Quartering Act
Quebec Act 1774
John Locke
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Colonial Society in the 18th Century
English cultural domination
Religious toleration
Hereditary aristocracy
Social mobility
Colonial families
Subsistence farming
Established church
Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards
George Whitefield
Georgian style
Benjamin West
John Copley
Cotton Mather
Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard’s Almanac
Phyllis Wheatley
John Bartram
Sectarian; non-sectarian
Professions: religion, medicine, law
John Peter Zenger; libel case
Andrew Hamilton
Colonial governors
Colonial legislatures
Town Meetings
County government
Limited democracy
The Thirteen Colonies and the British Empire 1607-1750
Corporate colonies
Royal colonies
Proprietary colonies
Chesapeake colonies
George Calvert, Lord Baltimore
Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore
Act of Toleration 1649
Sir William Berkley
Bacon’s Rebellion
Indentured servant
Head right system
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
Rhode Island
Thomas Hooker
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639
John Davenport
New Hampshire
Halfway Covenant
New England Confederation
Metacom; King Philip’s War
Restoration colonies
Rice plantations
Tobacco farms
New York
New jersey
William Penn
Holy experiment
Frame of government 1682-1683
Charter of Liberty 1701
James Oglethorpe
Navigation Acts
Dominion of New England
Sir Edmund Andros
Glorious Revolution
Triangular Trade
Slave trade
Middle passage
Exploration, Discovery, and Settlement 1492-1700
Native Americans; land bridge
Sioux; Pawnee; Pueblo; Iroquois
Mayas; Incas; Aztecs
Technology; compass; printing press
Spain; moors
Ferdinand and Isabella
Protestant Reformation
Henry the navigator
Christopher Columbus
New World
Amerigo Vespucci
Papal Line of Demarcation
Treaty of Tordesillas 1494
Pedro Alvarez Cabral
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Juan Ponce de Leon
Ferdinand Magellan
Hernan Cortes
Francisco Pizarro
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Hernando de Soto
Asiento system
John Cabot
Giovanni de Verrazano
Jacques Cartier
Samuel de Champlain
Father Jacques Marquette
Robert de la Salle
Henry Hudson
Joint Stock company
Father Junipero Serra
Virginia Company; Jamestown
Captain John Smith
John Rolfe; Pocahontas
Royal colony
Plymouth colony
Mayflower; Mayflower Compact
Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Winthrop
Great Migration
Virginia House of Burgesses