Key Historical Terms—Unit 1 Mayans Aztecs Adena



Mississippian culture

Christopher Columbus


Bartolomeo de Las Casas

St. Augustine

Martin Luther

Defender of the Faith


Common Law

Enclosure movement

The Restoration


Headright policy

Proprietary colony


John Winthrop

Slash and burn

Matrilineal descent

Melting pot

“invisible” charger

Balance of trade


John Peter Zenger

Sir Isaac Newton

Benjamin Franklin

George Whitefield

Key Historical Terms—Unit 1


Anasazi culture

Treaty of Tordesillas

Ferdinand Magellan hacienda presidio

95 Theses

Church of England

Sir Walter Raleigh primogeniture divine right

Glorious Revolution


Sir William Berkeley


William Bradford

Roger Williams

Pequot War

New Netherland

Sex ratio natural increase triangular trade covenant theory


John Locke

Great Awakening

Adena-Hopewell culture


Amerigo Vespucci

Hernando Cortes

Juan Ponce de Leon

Juan de Onete


Sir Francis Drake] joint stock companies

Oliver Cromwell

Toleration Act of 1684

John Smith

Bacon’s Rebellion

Mayflower Compact


Anne Hutchinson

Maryland Toleration Act indentured servant naval stores staple crop promissory note

Half-Way Covenant heliocentric universe deist

Jonathan Edwards

Privy Council

Dominion of New England

Contract theory

Board of Trade


King William’s War

French and Indian War

James Otis

Stamp Act

Nonimportation agreement

John Dickinson

Boston Massacre

Paxton Boys

Committees of Correspondence

Coercive Acts

Bunker Hill

Thomas Jefferson

General William Howe



Battle of Saratoga

George Rogers Clark

Benedict Arnold

Peace of Paris

Key Historical Terms—Unit 2 mercantilism

Sir Edmund Andros writs of assistance salutary neglect

Samuel de Champlain asiento annus mirabilis

Proclamation of 1763

Quartering Act internal and external taxes

Samuel Adams

Crispus Attucks


Boston Tea Party

Continental Congress

Olive Branch Position

Declaration of Independence

George Washington

Whigs militia

Henry Clinton

Horatio Gates

John Paul Jones

John Trumbull enumerated goods

Jacob Leister admiralty courts prorogue


Albany Congress

Sugar Act virtual representation

Townshend Acts

Sons of Liberty

Green Mountain Boys


George R. T. Herves

Lexington and Concord

Thomas Paine

The American Crisis


Continental Army

Baron von Steuben

Lord Cornwallis


Robert Morris

Land Ordinance of 1748


Annapolis Convention

Virginia and New Jersey plans


Bill of Rights


Citizen Genet

Anthony Wayne

Land Act of 1796

Washington’s Farewell Address

Alien and Sedition Acts

“Revolution of 1800”

Louisiana Purchase

Essex junto

Yazoo fraud

Embargo Act of 1807


Fort McHenry

Treaty of Ghent

Key Historical Terms—Unit 3 coup d’etat

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

Shay’s Rebellion

Patrick Henry

Great Compromise

The Federalist

Report of Manufactures


John Jay

Whiskey Rebellion

Wilderness Road

John Adams

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Marbury v. Madison

Lewis and Clark

Aaron Burr

Fletcher v. Peck

James Madison

William Henry Harrison

Andrew Jackson

Hartford Convention

Newburgh Conspiracy writ of habeas corpus


James Madison ex post facto laws

Alexander Hamilton

Implied Powers excise tax

Jay’s Treaty

Pinckney’s Treaty

Daniel Boone

XYZ Affair

Judiciary Act of 1791

Barbary Pirates

Zebulon Pike

Tertium Quid

Burr conspiracy

War of 1812

Battle of Tippecanoe

Battle of New Orleans

Bank of the United States

Tariff of 1876

Henry Clay

James Monroe

Panic of 1819

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Monroe Doctrine

Key Historical Terms—Unit 4 bank notes internal improvements

John C. Calhoun

Era of Good Feelings

Missouri Compromise

McCulloch v. Maryland

American System

South Carolina Exposition and Protest

Spoils system

Peggy Eaton



Old Hickory

Maysville Road Bill

Tariff of Abominations

Webster-Hayne debate

Nullification Proclamation

Worcester v. Georgia

Panic of 1837

William Henry Harrison

Eli Whitney

Graduation Act

Indian Removal Act

Nicholas Biddle

Whig party cotton gin

John Deere


Erie Canal

Elias Howe


Guild system


Second Great Awakening

Oberlin College

Brigham Young

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emily Dickinson

Edgar Allan Poe

Horace Greeley

Dorothea Dix

Great Plains

Oregon fever

Santa Fe trail

William Henry Harrison

Robert Fulton

Samuel F. B. Morse minstrel show

Know-Nothing party

John Jacob Aster


“Burned-Over” District

Mormons romanticism

Henry David Thoreau

Washington Irving

Herman Melville

Horace Mann

John Tyler

Overland trail

Fort Laramie Treaty presidio specie

Daniel Webster

National Road

Andrew Jackson

John Marshall

Gibbons v. Ogden

John Quincy Adams

Martin Van Buren pork barrel

John C. Calhoun

Daniel Webster

Trail of Tears

Anti-Masonic Party

Independent Treasury Act

Preemption Act

Cyrus McCormick clipper ships

Charles Goodyear

Stephen Foster

Commonwealth v. Hunt


Charles G. Finney

Joseph Smith, Jr. transcendentalism

Nathaniel Hawthorne

James Fenimore Cooper

Walt Whitman lyceum movement

Manifest Destiny


John A. Sutter prairie schooners

Donner Party

Santa Anna

James K. Polk

Winfred Scott

John C. Fremont

Battle of the Alamo

Liberty Party

Treat of Guadaloupe Hidalgo

Stephen F. Austin

Sam Houston

Zachary Taylor

Black belt

Daniel Pratt


Free person of color

New England Anti-Slavery Society

Frederick Douglass

Elijah P. Lovejoy

Wilmot Proviso

Free Soil party

Compromise of 1850

Millard Fillmore

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Transcontinental railroad

Republican Party

Pottawatomie Massacre

Dred Scott

Lecompton constitution

Freeport doctrine

Abraham Lincoln

Crittenden Compromise

Fort Sumter

Winfield Scott

Stonewall Jackson

Battle of Antietam

Clara Barton



Clement L. Vallandingham

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Chattanooga

Key Historical Terms—Unit 5

Edmund Ruffin planter slave driver

Underground Railroad

Liberty Party

American Colonization Society

American Anti-Slavery Society

Calhoun Resolutions gold rush

Great Compromiser

Stephen A. Douglas

Ostend Manifesto

Kansas-Nebraska Act

“bleeding” Kansas

Charles Sumner

Roger B. Taney

Panic of 1857

Harper’s Ferry, VA

Ordinance of Secession writ of habeas corpus

Battle of Bull Run

Ulysses S. Grant

Emancipation Proclamation

Morrill Tariff

Radical Republicans

George B. McClellan

Battle of Vicksburg

William T. Sherman

Tredegar Iron Works yeoman farmer lazy disease

William Lloyd Garrison the Grimke sisters

Sojourner Truth popular sovereignty forty-niners

Henry Clay

Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

Gadsden Purchase

Anthony Burns

John Brown

James Buchanan obiter dictum

Lincoln-Douglas debates

John C. Breckinridge

Jefferson Davis

Robert E. Lee

Monitor vs. Merrimack

Battle of Shiloh

Dorothea Dix

Legal Tender Act


Jefferson Davis

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of the Wilderness
