Lesson Plan Chart Form Binghamton University Teacher Name: Heather Clark Subject: ELA Lesson Topic: Amelia Earhart Close Reading Unit: Date: 9/23/2013 Grade Level: 5th grade Time Estimate: 30 minutes Group Size: 4 students I. Overall Rationale and Goal Understanding of character and main idea II. Preparation Measurable Lesson Objective(s) The student will identify character traits and motivations The student will notice nonfiction text features, such as words in bold print and headings The student will identify the main idea of the article NYS Common Core Learning Standards RL.5.4 RI.5.1 RI.5.2 IEP Objectives Given a fifth grade journal writing prompt with two to three bulleted questions, Dameon will write a paragraph with a topic sentence, a detail and elaboration in response to each bulleted question, and a closing sentence Given a reading passage at her instructional level, Samantha will answer 4 out of 5 inferential comprehension questions Given a reading passage at her instructional level including ten punctuation marks, Samantha will pause at all commas and ending punctuation marks while reading aloud Teacher Resources and Student Materials Highlighters, pencils, dry-erase easel, dry erase markers, list of character traits for teacher list (teacher.scholastic.com) and worksheets (article and question sheet) (www.readworks.org/passages/deep-sea-search-0) Written on easel (taken from teacher.scholastic.com list): athletic, brave, creative, exciting, inventive, nasty, proud, shy, selfish, wild Meeting Diverse Needs: Modifications & Accommodations (include objectives), Enrichment Activities, Specific Individualized Strategies Dameon requires short movement breaks during long segments of instruction or tasks in class or with an adult in all settings, prompts to return to the text when responding to questions for details, and focusing prompts to complete the tasks given to him Ethan requires thought prompts to assist with focusing thoughts to respond to written paragraphs requiring supporting details Samantha requires assistance with focusing her thoughts to respond to questions, return to the text for understanding and details, and understanding of text in general Hilda requires assistance with grammatical and spelling structure when composing her written responses to a text Prerequisite Knowledge The students have prior exposure to character traits and the close reading strategy AT and IT Considerations AT: short movement breaks, highlighters and pencils to give students guided and independent practice with strategy IT: easel to supply visual support, articles and questions to support verbal communication and understanding, highlighters and pencils to give students guided and independent practice with strategy Arrangement of Physical Space & Group(s) Teacher behind circular table, easel to right of teacher; students seated around other side of circle table III. Procedures Anticipatory Set / Introduction Steps Key Questions, Comments, Directions Introduce/review character traits, main idea, and close reading Bring student attention to easel and explain these are character traits that could be given to people and characters in stories. Define character traits as “who a character or person is on the inside, or their personality.” Ensure student understanding that main idea is the main message, topic, or purpose of a text. Explain to the students that a close reading is when we read an excerpt very closely; paying attention to the little details in text and read the text several times for details! Good readers read twice! Amelia Earhart was a great airplane pilot who broke many flying records during the 1930s. After a flight in 1937, Earhart disappeared forever. Today, you will read about a search that took place in hopes to understand what happened to her. We will read to understand the qualities of Amelia Earhart and the qualities of David Jourdan (an explorer who would search to find out what happened to her). Concentrate- focus their attention to one area; vanisheddisappear without a trace; scheduled- a plan of activity; launch- to plunge into action; trace- visible mark or evidence of where someone or something was; deserted- a place without civilization or people; rescued- freed or saved; confident- sure of own ability; expectation- reasonable hope; intact- remaining complete, whole, or undamaged; pioneer- a person among the first to do something; fearless- without fear or brave (wording taken and refined from wordsmyth.net/blog/children-dictionary) Model how to annotate text with your thoughts/questions while reading the first section of the article aloud to the students Students silently read article and annotate the article; teacher will read the text aloud while students annotate Students answer the question sheet supplied by ReadWorks, given questions 1-5 only Body of Lesson (Include Guided & Independent Practice) Steps (Decreasing levels of support?) Brief introduction of article Review difficult words not defined in text Model strategy Students use strategy Question sheet Key Questions, Comments, Directions Closure / Concluding Activity Steps Discussion, synthesize content of text Key Questions, Comments, Directions What are character traits of Amelia Earhart? What are character traits of David Jourdan? How do you know? What did you notice about the way the author organized the text? Did you notice headings or bold print? How did these text features help you understand? What is the main idea of the article? IV. Follow-Up/Extension Activities II. Assessment (Include samples of rubrics, worksheets, class monitoring form or data collection sheet, etc) Of Student Learning Of Teaching Process How will you evaluate the objective? Question sheet provided by ReadWorks website Preparation and Delivery III. Reflection on Lesson Taught I think this lesson went… Is there a need to re-teach? If yes, to the group or portion? What went well? What will I do differently next time?