Running Start Information

Created by the Mount Si High School
Counseling Department
Presented Spring 2015
What is Running Start
An opportunity for juniors and seniors to take college
courses while still in high school.
How much does it cost?
Tuition is free. Books, supplies, transportation, and lab
fees are the student’s responsibility.
Where do I go to school?
 You can have a blended schedule where you take
some classes at Mount Si and some at the community
college or take all of your courses at the community
Credits Mount Si
VS Bellevue College
 Full time Mount Si students can obtain up to six
credits per year.
 Each semester course is worth 0.5 credits.
 There are two semesters in each year and full time
means a six class schedule.
 Full time running start students can obtain nine
credits per year.
 Each quarter course is worth one high school credit.
 There are three quarters in which running start runs
each year and full time means a total of three classes.
Mount Si Credits
Semester 1
Semester 2
1st period (0.5 credits)
1st period (0.5 credits)
2nd period (0.5 credits)
2nd period (0.5 credits)
3rd period (0.5 credits)
3rd period (0.5 credits)
4th period (0.5 credits)
4th period (0.5 credits)
5th period (0.5 credits)
5th period (0.5 credits)
6th period (0.5 credits)
6th period (0.5 credits)
Community College Schedule
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Fall Quarter (1 credit)
Winter Quarter (1 credit) Spring Quarter (1 credit)
Fall Quarter (1 credit)
Winter Quarter (1 credit) Spring Quarter (1 credit)
Fall Quarter (1 credit)
Winter Quarter (1 credit) Spring Quarter (1 credit)
What about a blended
Number of Mount Si High School
Number of Running Start Classes
(assuming each course is a five
credit class)
What are the pros
and cons of
running start?
 There is a wider variety of classes offered.
 Students who find that the traditional high school is not
fitting their needs can flourish in a different setting.
 You can earn up to two years of college credits FREE.
 If you know exactly what you want to do in life. Running
Start can give you a great head start.
 One three-month college class (5 credits) equals 1 year
long or 1 credit of high school classes.
 You have an opportunity to take classes that apply to
your chosen degree/career.
 Some schools weight MSHS AP classes higher than Running
Start classes.
Running Start credits may not transfer to your four-year
Transportation is your responsibility.
You might miss out on high school experiences.
Running Start requires you to be independent and
College requires more work in less time, with less support
from teachers. Some students who are academically ready
may find the independence and the speed of college classes
overwhelming; they may benefit by remaining in high school
 Community colleges operate on the quarter system.
Mount Si operates on a semester system. Holidays
and vacation periods may be different. Students are
expected to attend classes at the college even though
their high school is not in session.
 Student is in charge of meeting deadlines at the high
school and for running start independently.
College VS High School
Personal Freedom
Personal Freedom in High School
Your time is usually structured by
You can count on parents and
teachers for guidance and to
remind you of your
Guiding Principle: You will
usually be told what your
responsibilities are and corrected if
your behavior is out of line.
Personal Freedom in College
You manage your own time.
You will be faced with new moral
and ethical decisions. You must
balance responsibilities and set
Guiding Principle: You're old
enough to take responsibility for
your decisions and their
College VS High School
High School Classes
The school year is 36 weeks long;
some classes extend over both
semesters and some do not.
Teachers carefully monitor class
You are provided with textbooks
at little or no cost.
College Classes
The academic year is divided into
three separate 11 week quarters,
plus 3 days at the end of the
quarter for final exams.
Some instructors factor attendance
into final grades.
You must budget $200 or more for
textbooks each quarter.
College VS High School
Studying in High School
Study time outside of class can be as
little as 2 hours per week, and this may
be for last-minute test preparation.
Class participation is often all that is
necessary to learn what is needed.
Guiding Principle: You are usually
told in class what you need to learn
from assigned readings.
Studying in College
You should plan to study 2 to 3 hours
outside of class for each in-class hour
throughout the quarter to achieve
mastery. You will need to review class
notes and assignments regularly.
Substantial reading and writing
assignments may not be directly
reviewed in class.
Guiding Principle: It's up to you to
read and understand the reading
assignments. Lectures and other
assignments presume you have
already done so.
College VS High School
High School Teachers
Teachers approach you if they believe
you need assistance.
Teachers provide you with
information you missed when you
were absent.
Teachers often write information on
the board to be copied into your notes.
College Teachers
Most instructors expect you to initiate
contact if you need assistance.
Instructors expect you to get notes
from classmates for information you
Good note-taking skills are a must;
instructors expect you to identify the
important points.
Teachers often take time to remind you Instructors expect you to consult the
of assignments and due dates.
course syllabus for all important class
College VS High School
Tests in High School
Frequent tests covering small
amount of material.
Teachers may rearrange test dates
to avoid conflict with school
Tests in College
2 or 3 tests per quarter, may be
cumulative, covering large
amounts of material.
Instructors in different courses
usually schedule tests without
regard to the demands of other
courses or outside activities.
College VS High School
Grades in High School
Consistently good homework or "extra
credit" may raise your overall grade
when test scores are low.
Initial low test grades may not have an
adverse effect on your final grade.
Guiding Principle: Effort counts.
Teachers reward a good-faith effort.
Grades in College
Grades on tests and major papers
usually comprise most of the course
Generally, all tests contribute
substantially to your final grade. A
low initial test is a "wake-up call".
Guiding Principle: Results count.
Instructors expect quality work.
If you fail one or more classes at the
community college you are placed on
academic probation. If it happens the
following quarter you will be forced to
leave the program and be re-enrolled
at Mount Si.
How to enroll at BC
Step 1of 5
Step 1:
Submit Running Start Application
Step 1 of 5…details
 Step 1: Read Step 1 before you apply:
 You will first be asked to set up an account with your own user ID and password.
After that you will then need to fill out the application to attend BC through the
Running Start Program.
 The online application consists of four sections. All required questions are marked
with an asterisk(*). You can save the application at any time and return later to
complete it. There is not an application fee. Use your legal name – no nicknames,
when applying.
 You know your application was submitted if you receive confirmation to the email
provided on the application – ” If you received this email that means we have
received your Fall Quarter 2015 application …..” If you did not receive that – you
did not complete the application, it is possible that you only created the username
and password.
 Once we process your application, wait to receive an email with your Bellevue
College Student Identification Number (SID). It is extremely important that you
provide a valid e-mail address on your application. Often the SID email notification
gets directed to your spam/junk folder. Be sure to check there too.
How to enroll at BC
Step 2 of 5
Step 2: Take Compass Assessment
Once you have received your Bellevue College Student I.D. Number via
• Check the Assessment Office Testing Calendar for open testing days and
• Students must take the Compass Assessment Placement.
• Please notify the BC High School Programs office upon completion of
the test. Placement into English 101 is required for the Running Start
• The testing fee is $21.50.
• A sample assessment can be found here.
Bring the following items to the test:
• Picture ID. You will not be allowed to test without it.
• BC Student ID Number. Emailed to you by the HS Programs staff.
• Bring check or money order in the amount of $21.50.
How to enroll at BC
Step 3of 5
Step 3: Create your BC email account:
 We previously asked you to do this in the email we sent that
included your SID and instructed you to come test. IF you have not
done so – do so now.
 Now that you have passed the COMPASS test, you are half way
there to being a BC student. You are required to create a BC email
and it is your responsibility to check for messages often. Create a
Bellevue College NetID Here, or check the MYBC and choose
“create my account” on the Bellevue College website.
 You will be enrolled in the online Running Start Pre-Orientation
class that starts April 6, 2015. This class will need to be completed
and you must pass the class in order to register to attend
mandatory Running Start Orientation/Registration.
How to enroll at BC
Step 4 of 5
Step 4: Submit the Enrollment Verification Form
 Make an appointment with your High School
 Complete Running Start Enrollment Verification
Form with your High School Counselor.
 Plan your class schedule and have the Running Start
Enrollment Verification Form signed by High
School Counselor.
How to enroll at BC
Step 5 of 5
Step 5: Sign up for the Mandatory Orientation/Registration
 They will offer several dates and times for students to attend
Running Start Orientation/Registration.
 You will receive THE FINAL STEPS email only if you place into
English 101 and completed and passes the Running Start Preorientation online class. The final email is how you will register
for an optional advising workshop and mandatory Running
Start Orientation/Registration.
 The email you receive will include a link you need to use to
sign yourself up for a specific session. There will be multiple
sessions that afternoon. Due to limited seating, only the student
is able to sign up. Be sure to sign up only one time and use your
legal name.
Graduation Requirements
 While you may be full time at Running Start, you
still have to meet the graduation requirements of
Mount Si.
 Bellevue College offers equivalent courses to fulfill
your graduation requirements.
 We recommend students complete their Mount SI
High School graduation requirements by winter
quarter senior year.
 If MSHS graduation requirements have not been
fulfilled by winter senior year participation in the
Mount Si High School graduation ceremony is
determined on teachers report (pass/fail) spring
Q. Can I still be in NHS if I do running start?
A. Yes, you are still a MSHS student and your Running
Start grades will be placed on your transcript as
Q. Can I participate in clubs and activities at MSHS?
A. Yes!
Q. What is going to be covered at the parent night?
A. The BC info session will be presented on our
campus and we will have a student panel answering
questions about their experience at BC.
Q. Can I attend schools other than Bellevue College for
Running Start?
A. Yes, you can attend any school in Washington that
participates in the program. Other schools we have had
students attend in the past include Renton Technical
and Green River CC.
Q. Are there course equivalencies for all MSHS
graduation requirements?
A. Yes, all courses have course equivalency including
PE and Health.
Q. Can I take more than the allotted 15 credits at BC?
A. Yes, but this is at your own cost.
Q. Is it better to get an AA or take classes I am interested in?
A. It depends on your post high school plans and the colleges or
universities you are interested in. Talk with your MSHS
counselor, your BC counselor about the program you are
interested in post high school. Some schools like students to have
an AA, some schools don’t accept any Running Start credits.
Q. Where can I find the course equivalencies?
A. Your counselor can provide you with a list.
Q. Why don’t you post the course equivalencies online?
A. A couple of reasons, one, they change and we want to make sure
you are working off of the most current list so the classes you sign
up for are the classes that count for credit! Two, we want to meet
you and know that you are interested in running start!
Q. Can I take Algebra 2 through running start?
A. Yes, but because it is a class below the 100 level you
will have to pay the cost of the course.
Q. Can I do online courses through MSHS and Running
A. Yes.
Q. Can I do online Running Start courses?
A. Yes.