Welcome to 3FF3! Bio-organic Chemistry Jan. 7, 2008 • Instructor: Adrienne Pedrech – ABB 417 – Email: adriennepedrech@hotmail.com -Course website: http://www.chemistry.mcmaster.ca/courses/3f03/index.html Lectures: MW 8:30 F 10:30 (CNH/B107) – Office Hours: T 10:00-12:30 & F 1:00-2:30 or by appointment – Labs: 2:30-5:30 M (ABB 302,306) **Note: course timetable says ABB217 2:30-5:30 F (ABB 306) Every week except reading week (Feb. 18-22) & Good Friday (Mar. 21) Labs start Jan. 7, 2008 (TODAY!) For Monday 7th & Friday 11th • Check-in, meet TA, safety and Lab 1 (Isolation of Caffeine from Tea) • Lab manuals: Buy today! • BEFORE the lab, read lab manual intro, safety and exp. 1 • Also need: – – – – Duplicate lab book (20B3 book is ok) Goggles (mandatory) Lab coats (recommended) No shorts or sandals • Obey safety rules; marks will be deducted for poor safety • Work at own pace—some labs are 2 or 3 wk labs. In some cases more than 1 exp. can be worked in a lab period—your TA will provide instruction Evaluation Assignments Labs: 2 x 5% -write up - practical mark 10% 15% 5% Midterm 20% Final 50% Midterm test: Fri. Feb. 29, 2008 at 7:00 pm Make-up test: TBD Assignments: Feb.6 – Feb.13 Mar.7 – Mar.14 Note: academic dishonesty statement on outline-NO copying on assignments or labs (exception when sharing results) Texts: • Dobson “Foundations of Chemical Biology,” (Optionalbookstore) Background & “Refreshers” • An organic chemistry textbook (e.g. Solomons) • A biochemistry textbook (e.g. Garrett) • 2OA3/2OB3 old exam on web This course has selected examples from a variety of sources, including Dobson &: • • • • Buckberry “Essentials of Biological Chemistry” Dugas, H. "Bio-organic Chemistry" Waldman, H. & Janning, P. “Chemical Biology” Also see my notes on the website What is bio-organic chemistry? Biological chem? Chemical bio? Chemical Biology: “Development & use of chemistry techniques for the study of biological phenomena” (Stuart Schreiber) Biological Chemistry: “Understanding how biological processes are controlled by underlying chemical principles” (Buckberry & Teasdale) Bio-organic Chemistry: “Application of the tools of chemistry to the understanding of biochemical processes” (Dugas) What’s the difference between these??? Deal with interface of biology & chemistry Simple organics BIOLOGY Life large macromolecules; cells—contain ~ 100, 000 different compounds interacting CHEMISTRY eg HCN, H2C=O (mono-functional) Biologically relevant organics: polyfunctional 1 ° Metabolism – present in all cell Cf 20A3/B3 (focus of 3FF3) 2 ° Metabolism – specific species, eg. Caffeine (focus of 4DD3) How different are they? BIOLOGY: CHEMISTRY: cell Round-bottom flask Exchange of ideas: Biology Chemistry • Chemistry explains events of biology: mechanisms, rationalization • Biology – Provides challenges to chemistry: synthesis, structure determination – Inspires chemists: biomimetics → improved chemistry by understanding of biology (e.g. enzymes) Key Processes of 1° Metabolism Bases + sugars → nucleosides nucleic acids Sugars (monosaccharides) polysaccharides Amino acids proteins Polymerization reactions; cell also needs the reverse process We will look at each of these 3 parts: 1) 2) 3) How do chemists synthesize these structures? How are they made in vivo? Improved chemistry through understanding the biology: biomimetic synthesis Properties of Biological Molecules that Inspire Chemists 1) Large → challenges: for synthesis for structural prediction (e.g. protein folding) 2) Size → multiple FG’s (active site) ALIGNED to achieve a goal (e.g. enzyme active site, bases in NAs) 3) Multiple non-covalent weak interactions → sum to strong, stable binding non-covalent complexes (e.g. substrate, inhibitor, DNA) 4) Specificity → specific interactions between 2 molecules in an ensemble within the cell 5) Regulated → switchable, allows control of cell → activation/inhibiton 6) Catalysis → groups work in concert 7) Replication → turnover e.g. an enzyme has many turnovers, nucleic acids replicates Evolution of Life • Life did not suddenly crop up in its element form of complex structures (DNA, proteins) in one sudden reaction from monofunctional simple molecules In this course, we will follow some of the ideas of how life may have evolved: HCN + NH3 bases nucleosides H2C=O sugars phosphate nucleotides more RNA, other molecules catalysis RNA "RNA world" modern "protein" world CH4, NH3 H2O amino acids RNA (ribozyme) proteins RNA World • Catalysis by ribozymes occurred before protein catalysis • Explains current central dogma: transcription translation protein RNA DNA requires protein requires RNA + protein Which came first: nucleic acids or protein? RNA world hypothesis suggests RNA was first molecule to act as both template & catalyst: catalysis & replication How did these reactions occur in the pre-RNA world? In the RNA world? & in modern organisms? CATALYSIS & SPECIFICITY How are these achieved? (Role of NON-COVALENT forces– BINDING) a) in chemical synthesis b) in vivo – how is the cell CONTROLLED? c) in chemical models – can we design better chemistry through understanding biochemical mechanisms? Relevance of Labs to the Course Labs illustrate: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Biologically relevant small molecules (e.g. caffeine – Exp 1) Structural principles & characterization (e.g. anomers of glucose, anomeric effect, diastereomers, NMR, Exp 2) Cofactor chemistry – pyridinium ions (e.g. NADH, Exp 3 & 4) Biomimetic chemistry (e.g. simplified model of NADH, Exp 3) Chemical mechanisms relevant to catalysis (e.g. NADH, Exp 3) 6) 7) 8) Application of biology to stereoselective chemical synthesis (e.g. yeast, Exp 4) Synthesis of small molecules (e.g. drugs, dilantin, tylenol, Exp 5,7) Chemical catalysis (e.g. protection & activation strategies relevant to peptide synthesis in vivo and in vitro, Exp 6) All of these demonstrate inter-disciplinary area between chemistry & biology Two Views of DNA 1) Biochemist’s view: shows overall shape, ignores atoms & bonds 2) chemist’s view: atom-by-atom structure, functional groups; illustrates concepts from 2OA3/2OB3 Biochemist’s View of the DNA Double Helix Minor groove Major groove Chemist’s View O alkene O O P O O H H diastereotopic Ring conformation ax/eq H H-bonds NH N O H OH resonance O bonds H H OH chirality 2o alcohol (FG's) nucleophilic O + substitution rxn O P O O electrophilic BASES N N pyridine pyrrole • Aromatic structures: – all sp2 hybridized atoms (6 p orbitals, 6 π e-) – planar (like benzene) • N has lone pair in both pyridine & pyrrole basic (H+ acceptor or e- donor) ArN: H+ ArNH+ pKa? + N H 6 π electrons, stable cation weaker acid, higher pKa (~ 5) & strong conj. base + H N H sp3 hybridized N, NOT aromatic strong acid, low pKa (~ -4) & weak conj. base • Pyrrole uses lone pair in aromatic sextet → protonation means loss of aromaticity (BAD!) • Pyridine’s N has free lone pair to accept H+ pyridine is often used as a base in organic chemistry, since it is soluble in many common organic solvents • The lone pair also makes pyridine a H-bond acceptor e.g. benzene is insoluble in H2O but pyridine is soluble: N : e- donor base H-bond acceptor O H H e- acceptor acid H-bond donor • This is a NON-specific interaction, i.e., any H-bond donor will suffice Contrast with Nucleic Acid Bases (A, T, C, G, U) – Specific! Pyrimidines (like pyridine): O NH2 NH N H H * NH O N O N O N * H * Uracil (U) (RNA only) Thymine (T) (DNA only) Cytosine (C) Purines O NH2 N N N N H* Adenine (A) O N N N H * N NH2 Guanine (G) * link to sugar • Evidence for specificity? • Why are these interactions specific? e.g. G-C & A-T • Evidence? – If mix G & C together → exothermic reaction occurs; change in 1H chemical shift in NMR; other changes reaction occurring – Also occurs with A & T – Other combinations → no change! e.g. Guanine-Cytosine: H H N O N N H N N N NH H O N H 2 lone pairs in plane at 120o to C=O bond H • Why? G C – In G-C duplex, 3 complementary H-bonds can form: donors & acceptors = molecular recognition • Can use NMR to do a titration curve: G+C Ka GC get equilibrium constant, G = -RT ln K = H-TS • Favorable reaction because ΔH for complex formation = -3 x H-bond energy • ΔS is unfavorable → complex is organized 3 H-bonds overcome the entropy of complex formation • **Note: In synthetic DNAs other interactions can occur • Molecular recognition not limited to natural bases: Forms supramolecular structure: 6 molecules in a ring Create new architecture by thinking about biology i.e., biologically inspired chemistry! Synthesis of Bases (Nucleic) • Thousands of methods in heterocyclic chemistry– we’ll do 1 example: – May be the first step in the origin of life… NH2 N NH3 + N HCN N H N Adenine Polymerization of HCN – Interesting because H-CN/CN- is probably the simplest molecule that can be both a nucleophile & electrophile, and also form C-C bonds Mechanism? H + N C H H N + H HN H C N H N N N H N NH + H H NH3 N N H H H H N NH NH2 H N tautomerization N H N N H NH N H NH + NH2 N H + NH N N H N + NH2 N N H N N H N N Other Bases? HC N G, U, T and C NH3 N N N (cyanogen) H (cyanoacetylene) ** Try these mechanisms! Properties of Pyridine • We’ve seen it as an acid & an H-bond acceptor • Lone pair can act as a nucleophile: O O N N + + + N X SN2 R X + N R e.g. exp 3: benzyl dihydronicotinamide O O H2N (like NaBH4) N + aromatic, but +ve charge + Ph O "H-" H2N H H N Ph electron acceptor: electrophile H2N reduction N Ph • Balance between aromaticity & charged vs non-aromatic & neutral! • can undergo REDOX reaction reversibly: NAD-H NAD+ + "H-" reductant oxidant • Interestingly, nicotinamide may have been present in the pre-biotic world: CN CN DielsAlder NH N H electical discharge [O], hydrolysis of CN CH4 + N2 + H2 O NH2 N 1% yield • NAD or related structure may have controlled redox chemistry long before enzymes involved! Another example of N-Alkylation of Pyridines Caffeine O N HN O O N HN N N H O N N CH3 This is an SN2 reaction with stereospecificity R NH R R Ad + + H3C S N Met R s-adenosyl methionine CH3 + Ad S Met References Solomons • Amines: basicity ch.20 – Pyridine & pyrrole pp 644-5 – NAD+/NADH pp 645-6, 537-8, 544-6 • Bases in nucleic acids ch. 25 Also see Dobson, ch.9 Topics in Current Chemistry, v 259, p 29-68 Sugar Chemistry & Glycobiology • In Solomons, ch.22 (pp 1073-1084, 1095-1100) • Sugars are poly-hydroxy aldehydes or ketones • Examples of simple sugars that may have existed in the pre-biotic world: OH H H O H OH O CH2OH CH2OH O OH glycolaldehyde glyceraldehyde (chiral) dihydroxyacetone (achiral) Aldose Aldose Ketose • Most sugars, i.e., glyceraldehyde are chiral: sp3 hybridized C with 4 different substituents HO CHO CHO = H OH H OH OH CHO = H OH OH (R)-glyceraldehyde The last structure is the Fischer projection: 1) CHO at the top 2) Carbon chain runs downward 3) Bonds that are vertical point down from chiral centre 4) Bonds that are horizontal point up 5) H is not shown: line to LHS is not a methyl group • In (R) glyceraldehyde, H is to the left, OH to the right D configuration; if OH is on the left, then it is L • D/L does NOT correlate with R/S • Most naturally occurring sugars are D, e.g. D-glucose • (R)-glyceraldehyde is optically active: rotates plane polarized light (def. of chirality) • (R)-D-glyceraldehyde rotates clockwise, it is the (+) enantiomer, and also d-, dextro-rotatory (rotates to the rightdexter) (R)-D-(+)-d-glyceraldehyde & its enantiomer is: (S)-L-(-)-l-glyderaldehyde (+)/d & (-)/l do NOT correlate • Glyceraldehyde is an aldo-triose (3 carbons) • Tetroses → 4 C’s – have 2 chiral centres 4 stereoisomers: D/L erythrose – pair of enantiomers D/L threose - pair of enantiomers • Erythrose & threose are diastereomers: stereoisomers that are NOT enantiomers • D-threose & D-erythrose: • D refers to the chiral centre furthest down the chain (penultimate carbon) • Both are (-) even though glyceraldehyde is (+) → they differ in stereochemistry at top chiral centre • Pentoses – D-ribose in DNA • Hexoses – D-glucose (most common sugar) Reactions of Sugars 1) The aldehyde group: a) Aldehydes can be oxidized Ag(0) Ag(I) H NH3 O O HO Aldose Aldonic acid “reducing sugars” – those that have a free aldehyde (most aldehydes) give a positive Tollen’s test (silver mirror) b) Aldehydes can be reduced H H O NaBH4 OH c) Reaction with a Nucleophile H OH O MeMgBr • Combination of these ideas Killiani-Fischer synthesis: used by Fischer to correate D/Lglyceraldehyde with threose/erythrose configurations: CN CN H O OH - CN Nu, (recall from base synthesis) HO + cyanohydrins (stereoisomers) H3O+ nitrile hydrolysis OH + HO CO2H CO2H CHO CHO NaBH4 OH + HO (reduce) pair of homologous aldoses aldonic acids Reactions (of aldehydes) with Internal Nucleophiles O H 1 2 HO 4 OH 5 OH CH2OH 6 6 = 3 H+ OH OH OH 5 4 HO HO O 2 3 HO 1 H D-glucose OH O HO HO OH HO a "hemiacetal" D-glucopyranose Derivative of pyran O • Glucose forms 6-membered ring b/c all substituents are equatorial, thus avoiding 1,3-diaxial interactions • Can also get furanoses, e.g., ribose: OH HO O O OH HO H HO OH HO OH ribofuranose O like furan • Ribose prefers 5-membered ring (as opposed to 6) otherwise there would be an axial OH in the 6-membered ring O OH OH OH Why do we get cyclic acetals of sugars? (Glucose in open form is << 1%) a) Rearrangement reaction: we exchange a C=O bond for a stronger C-O σ bond ΔH is favored b) There is little ring strain in 5- or 6- membered rings c) ΔS: there is some loss of rotational entropy in making a ring, but less than in an intermolecular reaction:1 in, 1 out. O MeO H + 2 MeOH + H2O H 2 molecules out 3 molecules in ** significant –ve ΔS! OMe ΔG = ΔH - TΔS Favored for hemiacetal Not too bad for cyclic acetal Anomers • Generate a new chiral centre during hemiacetal formation (see overhead) • These are called ANOMERS – β-OH up – α-OH down – Stereoisomers at C1 diastereomers • α- and β- anomers of glucose can be crystallized in both pure forms • In solution, MUTAROTATION occurs Mutatrotation OH OH O HO HO OH OH HO HO HO O HO H -D-glucopyranose (19o) OH OH O HO HO OH HO HO HO OH -D-glucopyranose (112o) H HO O In solution, with acid present (catalytic), get MUTAROTATION: not via the aldehyde, but oxonium ion O O OH + H2O O H+ oxonium ion OH +112o () []D +52.7o at equilibrium time MUTAROTATION +19o () • At equilibrium, ~ 38:62 α:β despite α having an AXIAL OH…WHY? ANOMERIC EFFECT Anomeric Effect + O O -OH OH O lone pair is antiperiplanar to C-O σ bond GOOD orbital overlap (not the case with the βanomer) oxonium ion