Mason 1 NOTE: This Research Paper, Outline, Works Cited, and accompanying Note Cards are used as samples with permission by the author. Instructional notes have been added by the teacher to illustrate format guidelines. ~A. Decker Gay Marriage: Moral Catastrophe or Human Right? Thesis Statement: Gay marriage is a constitutional right and should be legalized throughout the United States to give homosexuals the right to marry in every state. Proper SENTENCE OUTLINE format: I. HEADER/Page #s in top right TITLE is centered THESIS STATEMENT is clear, argumentative ROMAN NUMERAL format with proper alignment Facts are properly quoted and documented (Author last name and page number) Background A. Better Understanding1. “Same- sex marriage (also called gay marriage or homosexual marriage) is the union of two people of the same gender” (Rich and Wagner 1). 2. “Homosexuality- Romantic or sexual attraction between two people of the same gender” (Rich and Wagner 2). 3. “Civil Union/ Domestic Partnership- A civil and legal agreement of two people, regardless of gender, and individual states, which carries similar but lesser rights as those of civil marriage and carries no federal rights” (Rich and Wagner 2). 4. “Same- sex marriage is illegal in most of the United States” (Rich and Wagner 1). B. The Debate1. “Most of the opposition to same-sex marriage comes from conservative Christians who often cite biblical censure of homosexuality as justification for their position” (Rich and Wagner 3). Mason 2 2. “At its core, the same-sex marriage debate is framed as part of the larger national debate about the morality of homosexuality” (Rich and Wagner 2). 3. “The debate surrounding same- sex marriage involves personal issues, such as gay couples’ ability to adequately raise children in a normal family atmosphere, their ability to contribute positively to society, or to maintain meaningful, loving, relationships” (Rich and Wagner 2). C. Changing Attitudes 1. “These suits, as well as legislative and voter action, have resulted in some states and localities legalizing same- sex marriage” (Rich and Wagner 1). 2. “The majority of states have either not approved it, or have explicitly rejected it” (Rich and Wagner 4). 3. “In 1999, Vermont became the first state to grant marriage rights to same-sex couples with its creation of civil unions” (Rich and Wagner 3). II. Opposition to Gay Marriage A. The Effects Gay Marriage Would Have on Society 1. “If society had the option of same-sex marriage, it would become everdependent on outside assistance for the process of pro creation. Given that same- sex couples always require an additional biological parent or two, it would be impossible for an entire society to function in same- sex unions” (Chittom and Finley 3). Mason 3 2. “Marriage should be defined as the legal union of one man and on woman. Any departure from this definition is a threat to the structure and stability of society” (Chittom and Finley 1). 3. “Same-sex marriages undermine the structure of society and misrepresent the purpose of marriage and family” (Chittom and Finley 1). 4. “Same- sex marriages should be prohibited to eliminate the potential snowball effect of their legalization” (Chittom and Finley 1). 5. “The legalization of same-sex marriage puts the entire idea of marriage at risk and opens the floodgates for redefining marriage entirely. If homosexual partners can marry, why not other couplings such as brothers and sisters, parents and children, roommates, or humans and beasts?” (Chittom and Finley 2). 6. “Why should polygamy remain illegal if same-sex unions are legalized? If marriage is redefined to include any loving partners, where would the line be drawn?” (Chittom and Finley 2) B. Biblical Scripture Opponents Use 1. “Throughout the Old and New Testaments, marriage is defined as a union between one man and one woman. Homosexuality is considered a deviant practice that undermines the purpose of marriage and the structure of a family” (Chittom and Finley 3). Mason 4 2. “…Jesus says ‘…at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; and the two will be one flesh. So they are no longer two but one’” (Chittom and Wagner 2). 3. “… the fifth commandment clearly states ‘Honor your father and your mother’ (Exodus 20:12). It seems significant that it does not offer any variation on honoring a guardian, but specifically demands that the mother and father are honored” (Chittom and Wagner 2). C. What Opponents Say 1. “Opponents of same-sex marriage reject the comparison based on the belief that homosexuality, unlike race, is not an inherited or inherent characteristic, but a choice made by the individuals” (Rich and Wagner 1). 2. “Opponents of same-sex marriage believe that homosexuals have done something wrong that should deny them the rights of marriage” (Rich and Wagner 2). 3. “Opponents of same-sex marriage support a proposed constitutional amendment that would define marriage as a union between one man and one woman” (Rich and Wagner 1). 4. “Opponents tend instead to equate same-sex marriage with other prohibited practices, such as polygamy, pedogamy, incest, and zoophilia They fear that allowing same-sex marriage could lead to these other kinds of deviance” (Rich and Wagner 1). Mason 5 D. How Gay Marriage Affects Children 1. “Gay couples should be prohibited from adopting children due to evidence that suggests that children thrive in environments with both maternal and paternal influences” (Chittom and Wagner 1). 2. “Family sociologist David Blankenhorn opposed gay adoption on the grounds that children are best reared in environments with both mother and father present” (Chittom and Wagner 1). 3. “…the rising question of gay adoption puts children who are already compromised from their experience in the foster care system at even greater risk of trauma” (Chittom and Wagner 1). 4. “Sociologists and psychologists question whether children who are exposed to only one gender will be raised with a balanced understanding of gender roles and their own gender identity” (Chittom and Wagner 2). 5. “…homosexual marriages erode the institution of marriage and are damaging to the environment in which children are reared” (Chittom and Wagner 3). III. Support of Gay Marriage A. Studies 1. “The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other organizations believe that DOMA is unconstitutional based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution” (Driscoll and Stingl 3). Mason 6 2. “… The latest Pew Center poll now shows that 54 percent of Americans support civil unions” (Driscoll and Stingl 3). 3. “… studies conducted by the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the National Association of Social Workers have proved that homosexual couples are more that equally capable of providing love and the other necessary qualities…” (Driscoll and Stingl 3). B. Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Considered a Right 1. “The rights and responsibilities of civil marriage should be equally available to all citizens of the United States, not only regardless of race and religion, but regardless of sexual orientation as well” (Pearson 1). 2. “… Only a few people are prevented from marrying. These include children who cannot yet bear the full responsibility of citizenship and close blood relatives, which presents medical complications that would affect their offspring. It is therefore discriminatory to ban gays and lesbians from marrying. To deny this right to gay and lesbian couples is to deny two adults the opportunity to fully express their love…” (Driscoll and Stingl 2). 3. “It is a right that is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, which states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property“ (Driscoll and Stingl 2). Mason 7 4. “Same-sex marriage should be considered a civil right which is guaranteed by the United States Constitution, it can therefore also be considered a human right. As such, it should be protected, not banned, by the government” (Driscoll and Stingl 1). C. Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized 1. “The institution of marriage and US society as a whole would be strengthened by allowing same-sex partners to express their commitment to family and to each other in the same manner as opposite-sex partners” (Pearson 4). 2. “Children also suffer without the umbrella of marriage protections afforded to opposite-sex families. Without a legal relationship to both parents, children can face similar problems as the same-sex partner, including the denial of Social Security benefits or the rights of a surviving family member to make medical decisions” (Pearson 3). 3. “Singling out sexual orientation as the only restriction for marriage harms the institution by using it to sanction discrimination against gay lifestyles. This lingering prejudice in American society is similar to earlier restrictions against interracial marriage…” (Pearson 2). 4. “The institution of marriage and US society as a whole would be strengthened by allowing same-sex partners to express their commitment to family and to each other in the same manner as opposite-sex partners” (Pearson 1). 5. “Bans on same-sex marriage are a form of discrimination against gay lifestyles” (Pearson 1). Mason 8 6. “…sexual orientation is just another difference, like red hair or lefthandedness… homosexuals should not be discriminated against for something over which they have little control” (Driscoll and Stingl 2). IV. My Opinion A. Bans against Gay Marriage Are Discriminatory 1. Bans against gay marriage are discriminatory because people should not be prohibited from marrying because of something that they have little control over (In a simpler way: they did not choose to be gay!) 2. ??? OUTLINE FORMAT NOTE: If you have a “1” on your outline, you must also have a “2” B. Too Many Biblical References are made 1. I believe that too many people use the Bible and its contents as a front to hide behind because they do not have a real reason for disliking gays. Do not get me wrong, not every Christian is like that, but it seems as though the large majority are. 2. ??? C. Everyone should be Able to Marry Who They Love 1. Gay marriage should be legalized because I believe that people should not be discriminated against just because of who they love. To me, seeing two girls kissing or two boys kissing is no different than seeing a girl and a boy kissing. It is all love. 2. ??? Mason 9 Kelsey Mason Mrs. Decker English III Proper 1st-page HEADING with student name, teacher, course, and submission date HEADER/Page #s continue TITLE is centered 22 October 2014 SECTION HEADINGS are centered Gay Marriage: Moral Catastrophe or Human Right? Background It seems as though there is not a week that goes by without at least one celebrity coming out as gay. Homosexuality (the romantic or sexual attraction between two people of the same gender) seems to have become a normal thing in the last few years, but there are still people against homosexuality and even more so, gay marriage, which is illegal in most of the United States. “Same- sex marriage, (also called gay marriage or homosexual marriage) is the union of two people of the same gender” (Rich and Wagner 1). In some states, gay couples are allowed to engage in a civil union, also called a domestic partnership, that is “a civil and legal agreement between two people, regardless of gender, and individual states, which carries similar but lesser rights than that of civil marriage and carries no federal rights” (Rich and Wagner 2). “Most of the opposition to gay marriage comes from conservative Christians who cite Biblical censure as justification for their position” (Rich and Wagner 3). The debate surrounding gay marriage involves the morality of homosexuality, gay couples’ ability to adequately raise and care for children, and their ability to maintain meaningful, loving relationships. As of today, the gay marriage issue is getting less prevalent in the fact that people’s attitudes as a society are changing. In fact, legislative and voter action has resulted in some states and localities legalizing gay marriage. Even with IN-TEXT CITATIONS follow every researched fact, whether a direct quote or paraphrase. Punctuation follows end parenthesis. Mason 10 THESIS STATEMENT is in bold, last sentence of introductory paragraph. these triumphs, acceptance of homosexuality and gay marriage is not where it needs to be. Gay marriage is a constitutional right and should be legalized throughout the United States to give homosexuals the right to marry in every state. Opposition to Gay Marriage As stated before, a lot of the opposition of gay marriage comes from Christians who use passages from the Bible to justify their beliefs. But there are other reasons why people oppose gay marriage, such as the effects the legalization of gay marriage would have on society and how gay marriage would affect children. According to some Christians, gay marriage should be banned because it is prohibited in the Bible. “Throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, marriage is defined as the union between one man and one woman, and homosexuality is considered a deviant practice” (Chittom and Finley 3). A specific scripture that is cited by opponents of same-sex marriage is Matthew 19:5, which states,”… at the beginning, the Creator made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; and the two will be one flesh. So they are no longer two but one.” Another scripture is Exodus 20:12, also known as the fifth commandment, which says, “Honor your father and your mother.” By this last scripture, opponents say that the commandment does not include any other guardians except for the mother and father. Another reason why people oppose gay marriage is the effects gay marriage might have on society if it is legalized. For example, if a gay couple wanted to have children, they would need a biological parent or two in order to have the child. Now, suppose that every gay couple wanted children. “If society had the option of samesex marriage, it would become ever-dependent on outside assistance for the process of Mason 11 procreation. Given that same-sex couples always require an additional biological parent or two, it would be impossible for an entire society to function in same-sex unions” (Chittom and Finley 3). Another, and probably most prominent, reason gay marriage is opposed is because people say NOTE the writer’s exceptional use of supporting details throughout her paper; however, most, if not all, are direct quotes. Paraphrased information should make up 80% of your paper, direct quotes 20%. that marriage should only be defined as the union between one man and one woman and any departure from this is a threat to society. Thirdly, people believe that if gay marriage is legalized, the entire definition of marriage will be changed, which would allow any couple to marry, such as parents and children, brothers and sisters, and even humans and animals. One reason people do not support gay marriage is the effect that it will have on children. “Sociologists and psychologists question whether children who are exposed to only one gender will be raised with a balanced understanding of gender roles and their own gender identity” (Chittom and Wagner 2). For example, opponents think that a boy raised by two lesbian mothers will not have a proper understanding of his gender and will have feminine attributes. The same goes for a girl raised by two fathers. People also say that children fair better in a household with a mother and father versus a homosexual couple. “…the rising question of gay adoption puts children who are already compromised from their experience in the foster care system at even greater risk of trauma” (Chittom and Wagner 1). Support of Gay Marriage “…The latest poll conducted by the Pew Center now shows that 54 percent of Americans support civil unions”(Driscoll and Stingl 3). This is quite a change from about 10 years ago, when this number was less than 45 percent. As stated before, the attitudes of people in our society are changing and a lot of gay marriage activists say that gay marriage should be Mason 12 considered a human right. They say this for a couple different reasons. One reason is that it is discriminatory to deny two people the right to marry. People who say this point out the fact that only a few people are not allowed to marry. “Only a few people are prevented from marrying. These include children who cannot yet bear the full responsibility of citizenship and close blood relatives, which presents medical complications that would affect their offspring. It is therefore discriminatory to ban gays and lesbians from marrying. To deny this right to gay and lesbian couples is to deny two adults the opportunity to fully express their love…” (Driscoll and Stingl 2). Another reason gay marriage activists say that gay marriage should be considered a human right is because it is a right that is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. This amendment states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property.” Supporters of gay marriage have a lot of different reasons as to why this practice should be legalized. For example, it has been suggested that prohibiting gay couples from marrying just because of their sexual orientation bears a striking resemblance to when interracial marriage was illegal. “Singling out sexual orientation as the only restriction for marriage harms the institution by using it to sanction discrimination against gay lifestyles. This lingering prejudice in American society is similar to earlier restrictions against interracial marriage…” (Pearson 2). Gay marriage activists also say that gay marriage should be legalized because children raised by gay couples will suffer. “Children also suffer without the umbrella of marriage protections afforded to opposite-sex families. Without a legal relationship to both parents, children can face similar problems as the same-sex partner, including the denial of Social Security benefits or the rights of a surviving family member to make medical decisions” (Pearson 3). Today, people are beginning to accept sexual orientation as another Mason 13 difference, like red hair or being left-handed. If attitudes keep moving in a positive direction, gay marriage will not even be an issue ten years from now. My Opinion In recent years, homosexuality has become a normal thing in our society, and in my opinion, that is exactly the way it should be. In my opinion, gay marriage should be legalized for three different reasons. One, banning gay marriage is discriminatory. I believe that people should not be criticized or prohibited from marrying just because of their sexual orientation. I also believe that gay people do not choose to be gay. How I see it is, life is hard enough, why would anyone choose a harder one? Another reason I support gay marriage is because I believe that when some people are trying to justify why they are against it, they make too many Biblical references. I understand if religion means a lot to a person, but they should not use the Bible as an excuse to dislike a person or a group of people. It seems as though some people use the Bible to hide behind just so they do not have to have a real reason to be against gay marriage. Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to bash religion or Christianity in any way; I am simply trying to state that I believe if a person does not like homosexuals or gay marriage, they should have at least one reason that doesn’t involve the Bible. Lastly, homosexuals should be allowed to marry because I believe that if two people love each other, they should be able to marry. In my life, I’ve been told that homosexuality is a sin and that these people should not be allowed to marry. When I have been told this, I cannot help but think, “Who are they hurting?” In my opinion, the answer is no one. There is no reason why two people who love each other enough to want to make a lifetime commitment shouldn’t be able to do that. To me, seeing two girls kissing or two boys kissing is no different than seeing a boy and a girl kissing. Love is love, no matter the gender, Mason 14 age, or skin color of the people involved. It is all the same and I can only hope that one day, everyone will have this mentality. Works Cited Chittom, Lynn-nore, and Laura Finley. "Point: Same-Sex Marriage Undermines Society And Families." Points Of View: Same Sex Marriage (2014): 2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Chittom, Lynn-nore, and Geraldine Wagner. "Point: Children Suffer With Same-Sex Couples." Points Of View: Gay & Lesbian Adoption (2014): 2. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Driscoll, Sally, and Alexander Stingl. "Counterpoint: Same-Sex Marriage Is Both A Constitutional And Human Right." Points Of View: Same Sex Marriage (2014): 3. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Pearson, John. "Counterpoint: Banning Same-Sex Marriage Is Discrimination." Points Of View: Same Sex Marriage (2014): 6. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Rich, Alex K., and Geraldine Wagner. "Same-Sex Marriage: An Overview." Points Of View: Same Sex Marriage (2014): 1. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. Mason 15 Proper WORKS CITED page format: HEADER/Page #s continue “Works Cited” centered at top of page All entries are double-spaced Sources listed alphabetically by author last name (or article title if no author) Hanging indentation