UNIT 1 The main intention of all artistic expressions is to reach the

The main intention of all artistic expressions is to reach the public, and music is a clear
example of it. When we listen to music the first aspect which reaches us is the
sensation it gives us, but there are many other aspects to bear on mind such as tempo,
dynamics, types of voices…
Answer the following questions:
1. Define the following terms: Tempo, time signature and dynamics.
2. Classify the human voices (men and women).
3. Name and explain the types of music textures.
THE MIDDLE AGES (Origin of music)
The period of the Middle Ages starts at the end of the 5th century and ends in the 14th
Read from pages 26/32 and answer the questions.
Religious music in the Middle Ages.
1. Into how many phases can Middle Ages be divided?
2. Why are the Gregorian chants named after Pope Gregory the Great?
3. How did the Gregorian chants became the official singing of the Catholic
Profane music in the Middle Ages
1. Give a full definition of Joglars and minstrels (how their made their living,
themes of their songs, language they used, etc…)
2. By which other name were troubadours known in Germany?
3. Why is the king Alfonso X the Wise well known?
4. Define the term Cantiga and give an example.
Medieval instruments
1. Name at least two medieval instruments of each family and attach a picture.
Other questions (p. 34/37):
1. Which is the difference between syllabic and melismatic style?
2. What do you know about Philippe de Vitry?
This period starts in the first half of the 15th century and ends in the late 16th century.
Read from pages 48/54 and answer the questions:
1. What does the term “Renaissance” indicates?
2. The idea of theocentrism is substituted by another one, say which one and
explain the meaning.
3. Compare the music from the Protestant reform and the one from the Catholic
4. Characteristics of profane music in this period.
5. According to their levels of sounds or volume, name the two major groups in
which instruments can be divided in the Renaissance.
Other questions (p. 55-57):
1. Define motet, madrigal and Anglican hymn.
2. What do you know about Juan del Encina.
This period comes after the Renaissance and before the Classical period. It stars in the
17th century and ends in the mid-18th century.
There are two musical important events which take place during these ages. The
appearance of the first opera (1600) and the death of Johann Sebastian Bach (1750).
Now read from pages 64/75 and answer the following questions.
1. Define what a castrati is.
2. Which are the two main reasons why there was a development of the
instrumental music?
3. Who are Amati, Guarnerius and Straduvarius and why are they important?
4. What important event took place in the 17th century?
5. Explain what is a concerto grosso, a suite and an oratorio.
6. How many parts does an opera have?
7. When and where was the Zarzuela created?
8. Name at least five baroque composers.
This period runs from the mid-18th century to the early 19th century, but in musical
terms it starts after Bach´s death (1750) and the premiere of Beethoven’s the 3 rd
Read page 87 /88 and 90 and answer the questions:
1. Characteristics of the opera.
2. Which string instrument is totally new in the Classical period? Explain what you
know about it.
The Romanticism comes just after the Classical period and includes almost all the 19th
Read from pages 102/ 105 and answer the following questions:
1. Speaking in musical terms, Romanticism stretches from…
2. Difference between musicians in the Romantic and Classical period.
3. What is a Symphony?
4. Explain why Richard Wagner, Bizet and Verdi are important, which type of
opera do they represent and name one of their works.
5. Which are the characteristics of a Symphonic poem?
Nationalism can be divided between Early Nationalism (1848/1900) and Late
Nationalism (1900/ mid-20th century).
Read from pages 129/135 and answer the questions:
1. Where did Nationalism started?
2. Name the most important nationalist Spanish composers and some of their
3. To which nationalist schools do these composers belong to?
Dvorak, Smetana, Borodin, Kodaly, Villalobos, Mussorgsky, Gershwin, Bartok,
Cui, Sibelius, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka, Copland, Grieg, Tchaikovsky and
This period overlaps the 19th century and the first years of the 20th century. During this
period music was influenced by literature and painting.
Now read page 145/148 and answer the question:
1. Define the parallel relation that exists between painting and music in
Read page 166/169 and answer the question:
1. Name the main musical movements which arose in the 20th century.
2. Why is Arnold Schonberg important in music?
Los alumnos de 4º de ESO que tengan la asignatura de música de 3º de ESO
pendiente deben recuperarla realizando el presente trabajo. En caso de dudas pueden
acudir a resolverlas al aula de música durante el siguiente horario.
Lunes: 13:15-14:10
Martes: 9:20-10:15/ 11:30-12:20/ 13:15-14:10/ 14:25-15:15
Miércoles: 12:20-13:15
Jueves: 12:20-13:15
Viernes: 10:15-11:10/12:20-13:15
El libro de texto que se necesita para realizar el trabajo es “A world of sounds” grade
C. Si fuera necesario pueden realizar fotocopias del mismo.