HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Building : WHEMS Rebecca Rutkowski Subject : Work and Simple Machines Start Date(s): April, 2015 Grade Level (s): 7 DAILY PLAN Unit Plan Unit Title: Work and Simple Machines Essential Questions: 1. How do scientists define work? 2. What is the importance and usefulness of the many machines around us? 3. How do you calculate the ideal vs. actual mechanical advantage of each simple machine? 4. How does the mechanical advantage of machines make work easier? Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject) 3.2.8.B1 Explain how inertia is a measure of an object’s mass. Explain how momentum is related to the forces acting on an object. 3.2.8.B2 Identify situations where kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy, and vice versa. 3.2.8.B3 Explain how changes in temperature are accompanied by changes in kinetic energy. Assessment Anchors: • S8.C.3 Principles of Motion and Force • S8.C.3.1.3 - Explain that mechanical advantage helps to do work (physics) by either changing a force or changing the direction of the applied force (e.g., simple machines, hydraulic systems). Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students will-understand and calculate mechanical advantage using simple machines Overview of Unit: Through a five-lesson series with five activities, students are introduced to six simple machines—inclined plane, wedge, screw, lever, pulley, wheel-and-axle—as well as compound machines, which are combinations of two or more simple machines. Once students understand about work (work = force x distance), they become familiar with the machines' mechanical advantages, and see how they make work easier. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist ____ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ___x_ Other (explain) Students utilize interactive notebooks, which incorporate all of the above Objective (s) Students will identify when work is done on an object. DOK LEVEL 1,2 Grouping Day Activities / Teaching Strategies Foldable-“Calculation of Work” i Materials / Resources Handouts Text Assessment of Objective (s) Formative-calculations. Vocab: work, joule, power 1 Calculate work done on a project SummativeStudent Self - Assessment- Define and calculate power Students will be able to explain how machines make work easier. 1,2 Vocab: machine ,input force, output force, Input work, output work, mechanical advantage, efficiency. Paper, pencils, notes i Formative-chapter page 411, Questions 1,2,3,4 Summative- Calculate the mechanical advantage of a machine Calculate the efficiency of a machine It is well known that simple machines can make work easier, but exactly how much easier? The answer to this question is known as mechanical advantage, which is defined to characterize a machine's ability to lessen the burden of work. Student Self - Assessment- Mechanical advantage is the number of times a force exerted on a machine is multiplied by the machine, in other words, the degree to which a machine makes work easier. Recall from Lesson 1 that the mechanical advantage of all machines is defined by the general expression: 2 However, this expression is too general and so it is necessary to define specifically the mechanical advantage of each machine in terms of its own unique mechanics. Furthermore, only the ideal, or theoretical, mechanical advantage of each simple machine is presented in this lesson since the actual mechanical advantage cannot be determined in advance. 3 Calculate the efficiency 1,2 of a machine (Same as day 2) Paper, pencils,notes Same as Day 2 (above) i Formative-calculating efficiency problems p 418 1,2 p.419 4,5 Students will be able to explain how machines make work easier. 2,3,4 Calculate the mechanical advantage of a machine Calculate the efficiency of a machine 4 Introduce vocabulary: Machine: A device that allows you to do work by transmitting or modifying force or motion. Mechanical Advantage: The ratio of the output force produced by a machine to the applied input force or the factor by which a mechanism multiplies the force applied to it. Work: Force times distance moved. W = F x D. Inclined Plane: A simple machine involving a flat surface with one end higher than the other. Lever: A simple machine consisting of a bar that rotates on a fixed point (its fulcrum, or pivot point) so that force applied to one point on the bar will exert force against a load on another point on the bar. Wheel-and-Axle: A simple machine consisting of a modified lever that rotates in a circle around a center point or fulcrum. Pulley: A simple machine utilizing a wheel or set of wheels with grooved edges over which a rope or chain can be drawn in order to change the direction of a pulling force and increase the capacity for lifting weight G,i stations Formative-drawings of simple machines Summative- Drawing Race: Write the six simple machines on the board (screw, lever, wheel-andaxel, pulley, wedge and inclined plane. Divide the class into teams of four, having each team member number off so each has a different number, one through four. Call a number and a simple machine. Have students with that number race to the board to draw the simple machine. Give a point to the team whose teammate first finishes the drawing correctly Student Self - AssessmentRecognize and identify the six simple machines. Define the concept of work. 5 Explain why engineers are interested in simple machines. 2,3,4 1.Arrange students into groups of 3. 2. Distribute copies of the Simple Solution Instructions. Give the groups 5 minutes to brainstorm ideas and discuss which idea they think is their most promising. Note: There is no material constraint except for a limited budget; however, it is important that the device is made out of appropriate materials for the task. For example, the material that wraps around the elephant to pick it up should not be tissue paper since it is not nearly strong enough nor should it be made of titanium, since that is too expensive. Give students 10 minutes to make a drawing on white paper that illustrates the device and explains how it will work. Note: This can be highly creative. Try to help students think through the problem using simple machines. For example, try to avoid electronics. Instead of a button you push to raise the device's arm, there might be a hand crank (wheel-and-axle). Have each group present their invention for one minute, describing how it works and how it is put together. After each group has presented, ask the class to identify some common solutions to the problem. Which were the most expensive designs? Were the less expensive designs feasible? How did the designs demonstrate the safety for the elephant? g Pencil, with eraser Ruler Colored pencil or marker (optional) 1-2 piece of white paper (can be used on one side) Copy of the Simple Solution Instructions Formative-“Simple Solution” activity Summativ Student Self - Assessment- Why is the elephant's safety important to the circus? 6 Students willExplain how the inclined plane, wedge and screw make work easier. Identify how the inclined plane, wedge and screw are used in many familiar engineering systems today. Discuss the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane, wedge and screw. 2,3,4 Calculate the mechanical advantage of a pulley. Explain why the concept of mechanical advantage is useful for engineers. Perform engineering design work in a group 2,3,4 This lesson introduces students to three of the six simple machines used by many engineers. These machines include the inclined plane, the wedge and the screw. In general, engineers use the inclined plane to lift heavy loads, the wedge to cut materials apart, and the screw to convert rotational motion into linear movement. Furthermore, the mechanical advantage describes how easily each machine can do work and is determined by its physical dimensions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7 Distribute materials and the Pulley Worksheet. Allow students to stand on desks or ladders to hang the two-wheeled pulley on the ceiling, Have the students follow the instructions on the Pulley Worksheet for measuring the weight (load) of the object, effort and mechanical advantage of several pulley systems. Have the students discuss the theoretical mechanical advantages in comparison to the actual ones. Lastly, engage the students in discussion of their activity. What were some possible sources of error in their procedure? What recommendations would they make as engineers to the aquarium trying to move the gray whale back to the ocean? Would they use pulleys? What are some constraints that they as engineers might consider while designing a pulley system for the whale? What impacts to the whale might they need to consider for moving it back to the ocean G,i Materials List Formative- Lab sheet “Inclined Plane” WS For whole class: 8 clamps and stands 8 plywood sheets about 10cm (4 in) wide and 2 each of the following lengths: 30cm, 60cm, 90 cm, and 120cm. G,i Each group needs: Spring scale Meter stick Small car (i.e., rolling toy) with a string attached Weight (same size for each group) 4 copies of the Inclined Plane Worksheet Each group needs: Approximately 20 feet of nylon rope Two-wheeled pulley Single pulley Spring scale String Weight (can use soup cans, rocks, weights, etc.) 3 copies of the Pulley Worksheet Formative: the Pulley Worksheet Then: Post-Activity Assessment Design Requirements and Constraints: Have the students make a list on the board of the problem's design requirements and constraints. Some examples might include: budget for materials, time, safety and impact on the whale, ethical and social impacts. Engineering Design: Engineers need to be able to communicate their ideas effectively to their audience. Have students create a design of their pulley system on a blank sheet of paper for the aquarium. What recommendations would they make as engineers to the aquarium trying to move the gray whale back to the ocean? What is some other information they might want to know in order to design their lift effectively? Journal Writing: Have students write a journal entry on the results of the activity. The entry should summarize the results and discuss why knowing the mechanical advantage of a machine is useful. information they might want to know in order to design their lift effectively? students will: Recognize how compound machines are used in many familiar engineering systems today and name several found in daily life. Explain the difference between compound and simple machines. Explain how to calculate the mechanical advantage of compound machines. 8. 2,3,4 Who can tell me why a door is considered a compound machine? (Answer: It consists of two simple machines working together: the hinges and the door knob.) When we come across a machine that is not functioning, it becomes apparent how much we depend on it. How would you open a can with no can-opener, or a latched door without a knob? We use these mechanical things every day. Who has another example of a compound machine you would miss? (Possible answers include: your bike or your adjustable basketball hoop or the pencil sharpener.) One way to talk about the value of a compound machine is by referring to its mechanical advantage. What is \ mechanical advantage? (Answer: Mechanical advantage is a way engineers quantitatively, or with numbers, talk about the effectiveness of a machine, or how much easier it makes work.) There is a specific reason why we miss machines when they aren't functioning. Is it because you are friends with the machine you are saddened when it is not completely healthy? Probably not. It saddens you because it no longer works for you. Can you think of a day when you did not use a simple or compound machine? These devices which make work easier for us tend to be a valuable part of our day-to-day life. w,I,G Use the engineering design process to create a compound machine – the catapult. Describe the interrelationship of the simple machines within a compound machine. Describe the constraints of their model in the context of engineering. Lesson Summary Assessment Drawing: Have the students draw a picture of an existing or made-up compound machine, one that is made of two or three simple machines. Remind them to include where the force is applied and the machine's end function.