MLA Documentation Exercise Worksheet

Name ____________________________________________________________
MLA Documentation Exercise
1. What does MLA mean?
Modern Language Association
2. Show how an MLA header is used with a title and page number.
Your Name
Last Name 1
Mrs. Michael
English Composition I
11 December 2015
YouTube for All Purposes
3. How is MLA used to avoid plagiarism?
Provides support for claims, adds credibility to your writing and offers examples of several points of view on a subject.
Sources are used as quotes, paraphrasing or summary.
4. What is paraphrasing?
It expresses the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different
words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
5. How are articles and books notated when used within an essay? Show examples.
“Artists Rise to the Top” – journal article
A Guide to Literary Theory – book (use italics)
6. Find an article/journal. Using the article, construct an MLA citation that would be placed on a
Works Cited page.
Gowdy, John. "Avoiding Self-organized Extinction: Toward a Co-evolutionary Economics of
Sustainability." International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14.1
(2007: 27-36. Print.
7. Using the article, construct a short quotation from the source and use an in-text citation.
8. On the Works Cited page, list how to cite a source from a journal with one author.
Buchman, Dana. "A Special Education." Good Housekeeping Mar. 2006: 143-48. Print.
9. On the Works Cited page, list how to cite a source from a journal with two authors.
Buchman, Dana and Smith, Dana.
"A Special Education." Good Housekeeping Mar. 2006: 143-48.
10. On the Works Cited page, list how to cite a source from a journal with four or more authors.
11. Buchman, Dana, et al. "A Special Education." Good Housekeeping Mar. 2006: 143-48. Print.
12. On the Works Cited page, list how to cite a source from a website with one author.
Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. Purdue U, 28 Nov.
2003. Web. 10 May 2006.
13. On the Works Cited page, list how to cite a source from a journal with NO author.
The Purdue OWL Family of Sites. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and
Purdue U, 2008. Web. 23 April 2008.
14. How are personal interviews cited on Works Cited page? Give an example.
Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.
15. If an article titled “Heroic Brothers Rescue Bald Eagle” was written by Ben Steelman and is
published in American Frontier, how would you cite it using in-text citation if there is no page
Use n.p. to indicate that neither a publisher nor a sponsor name has been provided.
Use n.d. when the Web page does not provide a publication date.
Steelman, Ben. “Heroic Brothers Rescue Bald Eagle.” American Frontier. n.p. Print. 2
December 2015.
16. If an article titled “Heroic Brothers Rescue Bald Eagle “has no author and is published in American
Frontier, how would you cite it using in-text citation if there is no page number?
“Heroic Brothers Rescue Bald Eagle”. n.p. n.d. Print. 10 December 2015.
17. How is a website cited using in-text citation?
How to cite website with no author in Works Cited?
Editor, author, or compiler name (if available). Name of Site. Version number. Name
of institution/organization affiliated with the site (sponsor or publisher), date
of resource creation (if available). Medium of publication. Date of access.
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