With Senior Projects

Getting Geared Up
With Senior Projects
Senior Project
• The Senior Project is an on-going process that
showcases a student’s growth and understanding of an
idea or topic they are passionate about
• Academy Requirement: All students who are in the 3rd
and/or 4th level of an Academy must complete a senior
project related to their academy
• Non-academy students may choose to do a project and
participate in Bulldog Showcase.
Presentation & grading in class
Presentation to the Community
Senior Project Steps
Choose a Topic
Formulate a Project Proposal
Validate your Design
Get Project Approval
Conduct Background Research
Collect Materials & Data
Organize your Portfolio
Practice Your Presentation
Complete a Showcase Needs Form
Choose a Topic
(Due by the end
of Quarter One)
• Choose a project idea.
• Think about a topic that interests you
and turn it into a question for further
• Choose a topic that is relevant to their
Formulate a Project Proposal
See Project Proposal
(Due to your
Academy Teacher
by October 23rd)
• Could be based on your background
knowledge, research or experience.
• Thinking about why you are in this academy
• What interests you in this field?
• What you want to have as a career?
• Write a 300-word essay describing your
• Select at least 5 project elements for the
presentation of your project
Validate your Design
(October 23rd / 24th
– November 5th / 6th)
• Is it safe?
• Do I have permission to do it?
• What materials do I need and can I get
• Do I have enough time to complete my
• If it involves living things, will they be
Get the Project Approved
(October 29th / 30th November 5th / 6th)
• Academy students - project approved
by their academy teacher.
• Non-academy students – project
approved by the Academy Coordinator
or a mentor teacher
Conduct Background Research/Data
(November –
March 1st / 2nd)
What do you already know about the topic?
What are the processes involved and how do they work?
Find out what others know.
Primary sources interviews with a teacher, a professor, a career
professional or other person with specialized knowledge.
Secondary sources such as books, magazines, journals,
newspapers, online documents, or literature from non-profit
Research is ongoing and can be a report, an interview, a journal,
job/career shadow, etc.
As you are conducting and recording research, you may need to
update your project proposal.
Remember to record resources for a bibliography
Design Your Project
Due to your
Academy Teacher
by January 7th / 8th
• Write steps or create an outline of how
you are going to design or create you
• Create a timeline and set deadlines for
each step.
Collecting Materials & Data
November –
March 1st / 2nd
• Make a list of things that you will need
to collect or purchase to complete the
• Data could be:
Results of an interview
Journal entries
Trial and error data
Organize Your Portfolio
Due to Academy
Teacher by March
1st / 2nd
Project/Portfolio Checklist
Cover Page
2 Letters of Recommendation
Senior Project Proposal
Including a written
description of the project
Community Service
Research Documentation
Personal Statement
Interview form
Job/career shadow
Sr. Project Rubric
Practice & Time your Presentation
To be determined by
your Academy
• Practice in front of friends/family
• Keep your presentation to a minimum
of 10 minutes.
• Present to your class for a grade
Dress professionally
• Use classmates feedback forms to
improve your presentation
Complete a Showcase Needs Form
Due April 7th / 8th
to your Academy
• Be specific about what you will need to
present your project.
Save any files needed in Google Docs
• Write 3 questions for judges
Must require detailed answer
Must be thought provoking
• Turn into academy teacher or mentor
by deadline
• Students projects will be evaluated in their Academy Class and will
affect either Q 3 or Q 4 grades. Each academy teacher determines
the due dates for classroom presentations.
• All students will have the opportunity to present to community judges
at Bulldog Showcase and receive a Bulldog showcase pin.
• The 10 top projects from Bulldog Showcase will be awarded a prize
and go on to the next level of judging.
• The 10 project finalists will be evaluated by administration and the
top 5 will be recognized at Senior Awards night.
Project Awards
• All presenters – Bulldog Showcase pin for
graduation sash
• Showcase Top Ten – Ribbon and Prizes
• Administration Top Five – Recognition at
Senior Awards
Project Timeline
• Classroom presentations – determined by each academy
• April 13th – Bulldog showcase
• 7:15- 7:45 students set up projects
• 8:00-10:00 Students present to a groups of
Community/Business members
• Lunch Blocks – Projects open to viewing by underclassmen
and teachers
• Top 10 & Top 5 will be announced on the school news on
Friday, April 15th.
• TBA– Senior Awards night – recognition of Bulldog
Showcase Top Five.
• Senior project is all about you!
• Seek help from family, teachers, friends, or
community members
• See Mrs. Silva in the Career Lab if you have
additional questions.