
The OWASP Foundation
Washington DC 2009
Digital Forensics
Worry about data loss
Motashim Al Razi
OWASP member
Copyright © The OWASP Foundation
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the OWASP License.
What is Digital Forensics?
• Branch of forensic science – uses scientific method
• The preservation, recovery, analysis and reporting of digital
artifacts including information stored on:
Computer/laptop systems (hard drives)
Storage media (USBs, CDs, DVDs, cameras, etc.)
Mobile phones
Electronic documents
• Typically used reactively, move toward proactive
- Reactive: court cases, incident response
- Proactive: mobile app security audits, continuous forensic monitoring
Storage Devices
There are 3 main types of storage devices used today:
1. Hard-disk drive (HDD) – Contains a spinning magnetic drive
used to store non-volatile data.
2. Solid-state drive (SSD) – Contains internal microchips for
the purpose of storing non-volatile data.
3. NAND Flash memory
Typically found in smart phones, USB thumb drivers and other portable devices
Not removable like typical HDD or SSD
Very unique characteristics from standard HDD (limited writes/erase)
In constant state of change (FTL)
Acquisition strategies
Forensics Analysts can acquire/receive data 3 different ways
• Backup Files
Backup files are provided from the “custodian”. This could include backup software
from corporations, PST file, iTunes backup, etc.
• Logical Acquisition
- A copy of the file system is created (i.e. tar.gz of / or recursive copy that preserves
• Physical Acquisition
- Creates an exact digital replica of the storage medium
- Can recover deleted data
- This process requires specialized analysis tools and techniques
- Drive management firmware may still affect acquisition (FTL, bad blocks, etc.)
Image Verification
• Hash value – A calculated hex signature based on a set of
- A hash value can be used to verify forensic image integrity. One slight change in
source will cause “avalanche” effect in hash value
- In order to prove that two data sets are identical, their hash values must match.
- In some instances, hash values are not stable (NAND Flash) so a hash of the data as
it’s extracted is taken but won’t necessarily match if source is imaged again.
• Common hash techniques
- mad5 (128-bit value)
- Sha256 (256-bit value)
• md5 of “Andrew Hoog” =
How to acquire a forensic image
• If possible, connect drive to a physical write blocker
- This prevents any writes to the drive
- There are software techniques but not as effective
- Generally, impossible with NAND Flash devices
• Forensically acquire device with software
- Open source: dd, dcfldd and dc3dd
- Free: FTK imager and many others
- Commercial: FTK, EnCase, etc.
• Perform verification of source and image with hash signature
and record in Chain of Custody.
Digital evidence
• What Constitutes Digital Evidence?
– Any information being subject to human intervention or not, that can be extracted
from a computer.
– Must be in human-readable format or capable of being interpreted by a person with
expertise in the subject.
• Computer Forensics Examples
– Recovering thousands of deleted emails
– Performing investigation post employment
– Recovering evidence post formatting hard
– Performing investigation after multiple
users had taken over the system
Reasons For Evidence
• Wide range of computer crimes and misuses
– Non-Business Environment: evidence collected by Federal, State and local
authorities for crimes relating to:
Theft of trade secrets
Industrial espionage
Position of pornography
SPAM investigations
Virus/Trojan distribution
Homicide investigations
Intellectual property breaches
Unauthorized use of personal information
Reasons For Evidence (cont)
• Computer related crime and violations include a range of activities
– Business Environment:
• Theft of or destruction of intellectual property
• Unauthorized activity
• Tracking internet browsing habits
Reconstructing Events
Inferring intentions
Selling company bandwidth
Wrongful dismissal claims
Sexual harassment
Software Piracy
Who Uses Computer Forensics?
• Criminal Prosecutors
– Rely on evidence obtained from a computer to prosecute suspects and use as
• Civil Litigations
– Personal and business data discovered on a computer can be used in fraud, divorce,
harassment, or discrimination cases
• Insurance Companies and Banking sector
– Evidence discovered on computer can be
used to mollify costs (fraud, worker’s
compensation, arson, etc)
– When an entity is compromised and CHD has been stolen then the entity must be
investigated by an authorized forensic company. (Commonly referred to as a QIRA or
• Private Corporations
– Obtained evidence from employee computers can
be used as evidence in harassment, fraud, and embezzlement cases
• Law Enforcement Officials
– Rely on computer forensics to backup search warrants and post-seizure handling
• Individual/Private Citizens
– Obtain the services of professional computer forensic specialists to support claims of
harassment, abuse, or wrongful termination from employment
How do computer forensics relate to
Law enforcement?
Detection centre
Cyber police
forensics lab
Magistrate court
for civil offence
and high court for
criminal offence.
Case Study
Banking Industry Executive Level Financial Fraud
Case Study – Digital Forensics
Case Type – Internal Corporate Fraud
Environment – Complex Multi-Location Network and
Desktop computer forensics
Industry – Banking
A large accounting firm was hired to audit certain activities
related to loans to individuals on the Board of Directors of a
medium size, publicly traded bank (the “Bank”). During the Audit, the auditors needed to
several computer systems used by certain Bank employees as well as by certain Board
digital forensic examiners were immediately dispatched and sent in to arrange for the forensic
analysis of the computer systems and to search for corroborating evidence in support of the
team’s suspicions and findings. The systems analysts forensically analyzed included laptop
computers issued to managers in the loan origination department, desktop systems used by
managers and board members. Email (Exchange) servers as well as Voicemail Systems were
Existing law for digital forensics in
There is a specific version in ICT act-2006.
• 8th chapter, part-2
• No. 68: Cyber tribunal Implementation, criminal
investigation, trial, Appeal etc.
• Part-3, No. 82: Cyber Appeal tribunal.
International Guideline
• National Institute of Science and Technology – NIST
• Association of Chief Police Officers – ACPO (UK)
• It is a major part of IS auditing.
Summary &