Central Papua Conference Personal Ministries & Sabbath School Department 2011 MISSION The Mission of the Sabbath School is to be a System of Local Church Religious Education that Builds Faith and Practice. HOW? Faith: Local church Sabbath School builds faith through the study of the Scriptures and doctrines and teachings of the SDA Church HOW? Practice: It builds practice through the application of the biblical principles of the SDA Church to the individual lives of the Sabbath School Members Successful Sabbath School has these elements: 1. Outreach & 2. Soul winning “Sabbath Schools should be one of the greatest “instrumentalities, and the most effectual, in bringing souls to Christ” – Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p.10 OBJECTIVES 1. Study of the Word 2. Fellowship 3. Community Outreach 4. World Mission Emphasis FROM OLD SS MANUAL “The SS was developed to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in response to the command of Jesus, and in setting of the three angel’s messages. In loyalty to this original purpose the SS continues to communicate the good news with objectives to WIN, HOLD and TRAIN for Jesus Christ, men, women, youth, boys and girls, in all the world”. OBJECTIVES 1. Study of the Word. Sabbath School helps student understand the gospel and make a personal commitment to Christ and His Word. It helps grow spiritually through study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy OBJECTIVES 2. Study of the Word. Sabbath School will help members develop a devotional life and teach them how to interpret and apply the principles of the Scripture to their lives OBJECTIVES 2. Fellowship. Sabbath School fosters fellowship among members in weekly Sabbath School programs OBJECTIVES 2. Fellowship. Classes develop projects for recruiting new members and integrating them into the church life OBJECTIVES 2. Fellowship. Sabbath School foster ways to restore inactive members OBJECTIVES 3. Community Outreach. Sabbath School help members catch a vision of the church’s mission in community, train members for service and inspire them to witness. OBJECTIVES 3. Community Outreach. Classes can develop programs to involve members in soul winning activities OBJECTIVES 4. World Mission Emphasis. Sabbath School presents a clear vision of the global mission of the church. It promotes a personal, systematic, and selfdenying commitment to the support of the world mission and foster in members a desire to help fulfill the gospel commission. IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Study of the Word 1. Encourage members to study God’s Word daily through the SS lessons. E.G. White has counseled: “Every day some portion of time should be appropriated to the study of lessons” – Counsels on SS Work, p. 53 IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES “Parents, set apart a little time each day for the study of the SS lessons with your children” – Counsels on SS Work, p. 41 “Let SS lesson be learned, not by a hasty glance at the lesson scripture on Sabbath morning, but by careful study for the next week on Sabbath afternoon, with daily review or illustration during the week. Thus the lesson will become fixed in the memory, a treasure never to be wholly lost” – CSSW, p. 43. IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES 2. Urge all SS teachers to set a right example to the class members by faithful daily study of the SS lesson and to follow the plan of calling attention to the importance of daily lesson study by asking the class each week for a show of hands as to how they are following the Daily Lesson Study Plan IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Fellowship Emphasis 1. Lay plans to enroll in the SS every member of the church, all their children, and other persons who express a desire to become members IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Fellowship Emphasis 2. Encourage and inspire regular and punctual attendance at the SS by all its members. Contact absentees as soon as possible and maintain a relation of Christian fellowship with them to encourage them in SS attendance IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Fellowship Emphasis 3. Plans shall be made in the local SS to manifest true Christian hospitality, giving to all who attend it a cordial welcome. Every member should be encourage to be friendly and hospital, and greeters should be appointed to welcome at the door those who come to SS IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Fellowship Emphasis 4. Hospitality could also be practiced by making a plan in each SS to assure that guests are entertained for Sabbath lunch 5. Praise and occasional testimonies may be made a meaningful part of the SS 6. Teachers may arrange occasional meetings of their classes for informal prayer, study, and/ or social activities IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Fellowship Emphasis 6. Teachers may arrange occasional meetings of their classes for informal prayer, study, and/ or social activities 7. Lay plans for nurturing the spiritual life of newly-baptized members, involving them as soon and as continuously as possible in active and meaningful service for IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Fellowship Emphasis 8. Maintain a spirit of Christian fellowship in every aspect of the weekly SS program and the auxiliary activities of the department IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Community Emphasis 1.Strength the church’s concern for the spiritual needs of the community and encourage each member to become trained in the art of visitation and personal witness for Christ 2. Make opportunities, and take advantage of special days IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES Community Emphasis 3. Encourage each class to set a goal for souls, and actively foster & support the regular community outreach programs carried on under the auspices of the Sabbath School IMPLEMENTATION OF OBJECTIVES World Emphasis 1. Foster interest in missions by including time for mission emphasis in each Sabbath’s program in all divisions of the SS 2. Establish a goal for SS mission offerings, and encourage liberality in giving for this purpose “To show a liberal, self-denying spirit for the success of foreign missions is a sure way to advance home missionary work; for the prosperity of the home work depends largely, under God, upon the reflex influence of the evangelical work done in countries afar off” – CSSW, P. 136 1852: Adventist Sabbath School begins when James White wrote first Sabbath School Lessons 1853: James White organized first regular Sabbath School in Rochester, New York 1854:John Byington in Buck’s Bridge New York Early Sabbath School had only two divisions (Adult & Children). They were called Bible Class (emp. on Scriptural memorizations) 1863: First Series of lessons for children 1863:Uriah Smith writes first adult Sabbath School lessons 1869: G.H. Bell, a pioneer teacher becomes first editor of the Youth Instructor Bell introduces two series of lessons – one for adult and one for children. 1877: Organization of in California and formation of first state Sabbath School Association 1878:(March) General Sabbath School Association organized 1883: First Sabbath School Association outside NA (Switzerland). 1886:Second Sabbath School Association outside NA (England) 1901: General Conference re-organized, the International Sabbath School became Sabbath School Dept of GC 1985: Sabbath School becomes part of newly created Church Ministries Dept 1995: Sabbath School combines with Personal Ministries to become Personal Ministries & Sabbath School Dept HIGHLIGHTS OF SABBATH SCHOOL IN HISTORY 1853 FIRST SABBATH SCHOOL – ROCHESTER, NEW YORK, FOUNDED BY JAMES WHITE 1863 FIRST SERIES OF SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN FIRST ADULT SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS WRITTEN BY URIAH SMITH 1877 STATE SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION FORMED IN CALIFORNIA AND MICHIGAN 1878 GENERAL SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION FORMED 1879 FIRST BRANCH SABBATH SCHOOL ORGANIZED 1885 FIRST SABBA TH SCH OOL MIS SIO N OFFERING; CONTRIBUTED BY OAKLAND, CALI FORNIA F OR AUS TRAL IA N MISSIO N. SABBATH SCHOOL WORKERS BEGINS PUBLICATION 1886 FIRST KINDERGARTEN DIVISION, BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN 1889 SENI OR SABB ATH SC HO OL LESS ON QUARTERLY BEGUN. FI RST SBBATH SCHOOL QUAR TERLIES P RINT ED IN L ANG UA G E OTHER THAN ENGLISH: DANISH, SWEDISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN 1901 INTERNATI ON AL SABB ATH SC HO OL ASSOCI ATI ON REPLACED BY SABBATH SCHOOL DEP ARTME NT O F TH E GE NER AL CONFERENCE 1909 PLAN FOR WEEKLY SABBATH SCHOOL MISSION OFFERINGS ADOPTED 1911 PRIMARY QUARTERLIES ORIGINATED IN AUSTRALIA 1912 FIRST THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERING TAKEN 1913 JUNIOR QUARTERLIES CREATED IN AUSTRALIA 1919 BIRTH – THANKS OFFERING INTRODUCED 1925 INVESTMENT PLAN ADOPTED 1952 CENTENNIAL OF SABBATH SCHOOL 1956 FRIST SABBATH SCHOOL MANUAL PUBLISHED 1982 CORNERSTONE CONNECTIONS BEGINS PUBLICATION – SABBATH SCHOOL LESSONS FOR TEENS 1990 NORTH AMERI CA N DI VISI ON PUB LISHES THE FIRST JUNIOR- TEEN PLUS PROGRAM HELP S WIT H A CTIVE LEAR NIN G OPTIONS FOR JUNIORS AND EARLY TEENS 1995 SABBATH SCH O O L/PERS ON AL MINISTRI ES DEPT ESTABLI SHED GENERAL CONFERENCE CHIL DRE N’S MINI ST RIES DE PT ESTABLISHED 2000 GRACELINK PUBLISHED – FIRST INTERNATIONAL CURRICULUM DEVELOPED FOR SDA CHURCH Local church Sabbath School is a unit of worldwide Sabbath School System LOCAL CHURCH SABBATH SCHOOL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: Appointing & Training class leaders Developing Sabbath School Programming Managing funds allocated by local church Organizing itself in a way that its four purposes are fulfilled: study of the Word, fellowship, community outreach and world mission emphasis The officers of the Sabbath School report to Sabbath School Council Sabbath School Council report to the Church Board SABBATH SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP Sabbath School membership includes members of every class in all divisions. All Sabbath School leaders, class teachers should be included on Sabbath School Records Anyone wishing to join may join Transferring from one class to another , or dropping names is done by Secretary as authorized by Sabbath School Council SABBATH SCHOOL MEMBERSHIP No formal transfer of membership, baptism & waiting period required for membership SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL Important council in a local church Without it Sabbath School will not achieve its desire goals & Sabbath School will center around one individual or group It strives to make Sabbath School a true place of evangelism and nurturing Its main aim is soul-winning – encouraging members to personal witnessing SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL It strives to make Sabbath School a TRUE PLACE OF EVANGELISM AND NURTURING Its main aim is SOUL-WINNING – ENCOURAGING MEMBERS TO PERSONAL WITNESSING SELECTION OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Sabbath School Officers must be baptized members Chosen by church through nominating committee Appointed by Church Board Selection by Sabbath School Council recommended to Church Board for approval SELECTION OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Election By the Church Nominating Committee elects officers along with other church officers. Sabbath School officers elected by nominating committee are: Sabbath School Superintendent, Sabbath School Leader, Sabbath School Assistant leader, Children Ministries Leader, Sabbath School Secretary, Sabbath School Assistant secretaries & Divisional Leaders SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL Members: Sabbath School Superintendent (Chairperson) , SS Leader & Assistant Leaders, Sabbath School Secretary (Council Secretary), Division Leaders, Assistant Secretaries, Personal Ministries Leader, An Elder appointed by board of elders & the pastor SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL Responsibilities Facilitates smooth running of the Sabbath School Anything that concerns the entire Sabbath School Plans for the year, including regular meetings and trainings Enables & empowers Children Ministries department SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL Agendas: Appointment of officers not elected by the church Appointing of adult class leaders Developing or scheduling of training programs Materials, equipment and facilities for various divisions SABBATH SCHOOL COUNCIL Agendas: Setting goals for offerings, membership and attendance Evaluation of overall program Planning for community outreach Other Sabbath School items that division or the children’s coordinators may brings SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS The Sabbath School Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of Sabbath School activities and reporting to the Sabbath School Council and the Sabbath School department of the local conference/mission SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Continuous Membership System The Sabbath School uses a continuous membership system. The class membership at the close of year is carried over intact to the next year Secretary prepares new records based on the last quarter of the year SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Continuous Membership System Records from Children’s division, including family information and birth date should be maintained for purposes of children promotion SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS The Master File Sabbath School should keep a Master Record File (it can be developed by local conference Sabbath School dept or by the local church) It may include membership, attendance, membership, Sabbath offerings, Community Guest days, daily study, baptisms, Branch Sabbath School& summaries of quarterly & yearly activities SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Sabbath School Class Records Each class should have a class record (all officers and class teachers should be recorded, baptismal class, specialized ministries and extension) Children’s division should maintain a good record (reports must include children’s division) SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Transferring Between Classes Members or parents who want to transfer their children to another class must first see Secretary, who takes their request to Sabbath School Council. The Secretary will then adjust records In Cases of Children, Let the children’s ministries leader handle the request SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Offering Records Class must keep records of offerings it must have mission offering goal invest offerings Thanks Offerings & Thirteenth Sabbath offerings SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Offering Records Secretary must keep records of these offerings After the offerings are counted, the secretary should turn the money over to church treasurer The treasurer must issue a receipt The secretary must keep good records of all offerings collected SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Conference Reporting Local conference provides a quarterly report form. This report form ask for information about both Sabbath School and Personal Ministries SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Conference Reporting It normally asks for: Sabbath School attendance Bible studies given Lay evangelistic campaign Baptism from personal ministries Piece of literature given Investment and mission offering Community service units SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Reporting to the Sabbath School Membership The Sabbath School members must receive updates on what the Sabbath School is doing The weekly secretary’s report (though it is no longer a part of regular Sabbath School program – but individual churches may use it for weekly reporting) Well prepared and illustrated periodic reports are best SABBATH SCHOOL RECORDS Reporting to the Sabbath School Membership Well prepared and illustrated periodic reports are best. It must have - attendance goal actual attendance Offering goal Actual offering Daily study goal Actual weekly daily study Investment goal DIVISION AND CLASSES Beginner Ages birth to 2 or 3 (depending on the needs of the individual church). In large Sabbath Schools, this group may be divided into Beginner 1 (birth-12months), and Beginner 2 (13months – 24 months) DIVISION AND CLASSES Kindergarten Ages 3-5. Kindergarten are preschoolers; they learn through their senses, by experiencing the Bible lessons Primary Ages 6-9, grades 1-4. Not all primaries will be able to read. The program and teaching methods Grace Link are designed with nonreaders in mind. Large churches may wish to divide into Primary 1 (grades 1-2) and Primary 2, grades 3-4 DIVISION AND CLASSES Junior Ages 10-12 or grades 5-6. In a small church, all upper-grade children may study together in Sabbath School. Where earliteens need to meet with junior, the division is designated as junior earliteen, and all students study the PowerPoint lessons DIVISION AND CLASSES Earliteen (Optional) Ages 13-14 or grades 7-8. When a large group of children in this age range is present, earliteens may be treated as a separate division. This groups uses RealFaith lessons. DIVISION AND CLASSES Youth Ages 15-18. If there are few young people of this age, they should meet with the adults for the program and have their own lesson study group. (If more they should have their own division) When Sabbath School has youths, the SCC should endorse youthful initiative & creativity, while giving guidance on how to maintain the basic objectives of the Sabbath School DIVISION AND CLASSES Young Adults Ages 19-35. Where enough of this group is present they should have their own division. Or they meet with adults and have their own lesson study group SSC leaders must keep in mind the particular needs of young adults in planning their programs DIVISION AND CLASSES Adult The adults form an integral part of SS. They are like any other divisions. World SS System provides the adult division with the Adult Bible Study Guides in four editions: Student edition Teacher edition Easy Reading edition Large Print edition DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension It is adult Sabbath School that cares for the needs of shut-ins, people in isolated areas and people who cannot regularly attend Sabbath School. The Extension Division provides them with Sabbath School Bible study guides and makes provision for their needs. DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension Extension Division and Branch Sabbath are two ways to extend your weekly Sabbath School into the community Extension serves our SDA members who are unable to attend SS Branch Sabbath Schools are evangelistic in nature and designed to be a mission outreach of the parent SS DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension Extension Leader: The Extension Division leader takes Sabbath School audio or video tapes, Bible study guides, children’s papers and other items to those who cannot attend due to illness, age, or physical handicap. It may include travelling workers, soldiers and humanitarian workers DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension Extension Leader: Less than three members in Extension Division, Secretary takes care of the them. More than ten, SSC should appoint extension division leader. The Leader reports to Sabbath School leader , and gives membership, daily study and offering figures to Secretary DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension Extension Leader: Time Commitment 3Hrs per week for visits, telephone calls and correspondence with isolated members. The amount of time may vary with each individual leader The Leader is member of SSC DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension Extension Leader: Duties and Responsibilities Compile and list of members of the Extension Division Maintain regular contact with members of the extension division. This may be done in number of ways; visitation, letters or telephone calls DIVISION AND CLASSES Extension Extension Leader: Provide members with SS Bible study guides, children’s papers, videos (CDs, DVDs), world mission reports, offering envelopes, record cards, and other SS supplies Submit a complete report of the membership and offerings of the SS Secretary Look for possibilities of starting Branch Sabbath SS near shut-in member DIVISION AND CLASSES Sabbath School Organization in Local Church SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERITENDENT SABBATH SCHOOL LEADER ASSISTANT LEADER Missions, Outreach, Children Ministries, etc Children’s Division Junior & Teens Division Youth & Adult Young Adults Division Division DIVISION AND CLASSES Promotion Promotion from one division to another takes place twice a year, but may take place anytime according to the needs of a particular child. Promotion based on child’s age or grade in school SSC must plan a general Promotion Day so each division is prepared to promote some students and welcome others Ideally promotion should be 20-30minutes on the last day of the quarter DIVISION AND CLASSES Promotion Make promotion day a special day Offer special prayers for those promoted Give certificates Welcome children promoted into new class (introduce them to the class, and give them a certificate of membership in new division) Each child with their SS Cards, with their names, birth-date, parent contact, should be transferred to new division WAYS TO ORGANIZE THE WORK SS LEADERS Two ways for SS leaders to organize themselves: Each Leader is assigned a certain number of programs during the year and plan for all activities for the assigned Sabbaths Each Leader takes charge of different aspect of SS and plans activities within that area of responsibilities for the entire year RESPONSIBILITY FOR PLANNING CLASS LEADERS’ MEETING Every SS should have a class leaders’ meeting (Children’s leaders, Bible Study Class teachers, etc) Agendas for the meeting 1. Study of the Week’s Lesson 2.Continuing education of teaching techniques and methods 3. Discussion of any general problems that need attention RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent It is the responsibility of the superintendent to administer the entire SS RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Role: Encourage implementation of SS goals and objectives Following people report to SS Superintendent SS Leader and Assistant leaders, SS Secretaries, Divisional leaders, Branch SS leaders, etc Superintendent reports to SS Council, Church Board and Local Conference SS director RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Time Commitment Superintendent or leader(s) should be on duty each Sabbath at least half a hour before SS begins to make sure all adult classes are functioning Two hours per month for attending SSC Two hours attending Church Board RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Time Commitment Two hours for training and caring for other administrative duties Spend time in studying Word and Prayer and planning ways in which SS can reach its objectives RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Providing Leadership Supervise all leaders of adult SS and encourage them as they perform their duties Arrange for training, support and resources needed for effective leadership 1. Help adult SS leaders to prepare budgets to SSC 2. Determine needs for equipment and supplies in adult RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Providing Leadership Arrange for training, support and resources needed for effective leadership 3. Encourage leaders and teachers to attend appropriate training events Check SS Secretary on adequacy of and records and accuracy and promptness of quarterly reports to the conference SS Director RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Providing Leadership Foster the development of adequate collection of SS books, cassettes, and videos in the church library Be on hand early Sabbath morning to coordinate activities and answer questions Work closely with the pastor, especially in planning of training, community outreach events RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Chairing SSC Call monthly meetings of SSC Call quarterly planning sessions where future plans and calendars for the divisions can be coordinated Call a yearly planning session soon after election of SS officers and outline events for entire year RESPONSIBILITY OF SABBATH SCHOOL PERSONNEL Superintendent Chairing SSC Prepare the agenda for SSC meetings Represent adult SS interests on the Church Board (Children Ministries Leader represents children’s interest) SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERITENDENT BUILDING A SOUL-WINNING SS 1. Implement the four SS objectives: Promote Bible Study and effective class teaching Foster Christian fellowship Encourage Community outreach activities Cultivate support for world mission 2.Plan with leaders for evangelism in promoting Branch SSs, Community Guest Days (not necessarily on Sabbath), Friendship evangelism, Vacation Bible School and class outreach opportunities SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERITENDENT BUILDING A SOUL-WINNING SS 3. Plan for reclaiming of inactive members 4. Help in keeping of SS membership up-todate 5. Plan for strong program of world mission & mission education in all divisions 6. Plan hospitality & care of visitors 7. Plan with adult division leaders for growth. Always look for ways to add new members (single mothers, special interest groups, women, single, prospective members, etc BUILDING A SOUL-WINNING SS “The Sabbath School should be one of the greatest instrumentalities and the most effectual in bringing souls to Christ” – Counsels of Sabbath School Worker, p. 10 SABBATH SCHOOL SUPERITENDENT BUILDING A SOUL-WINNING SS 8. Encourage activities outside of SS time, such as bung kaikai, picnic, nature walks and other social activities 9. Make sure the extension division is functioning properly HOW TO ORGANIZE YOUR ASSISTANTS / SS LEADERS 1. Each leader must be assigned a certain number of programs during the year and plans all the activities for the assigned Sabbaths 2. Each leader takes charge of a different aspect of SS and plans activities within that area of responsibility for the entire year SS leader must work closely with pastor & PM leader so that outreach plans for the church are coordinated Plan and direct Sabbath School in Community Plan with division leaders and teachers for class outreach activities Plan for Community Guest Days Sponsor Friendship evangelism Plan for Decision Days Organize and run Vacation Bible School and do follow-ups with families of neighborhood children Plan for Branch SS Develop a follow-up system for guests and other prospective members SS Secretary Analyze the local membership situation by checking SS membership with church membership Maintain an up-to-date list of addresses and phone numbers of members and prospective members Assign the names of inactive members to classes for visitation & follow-up SS Secretary Foster the visitation of members who are occasionally absent from SS Help integrate newly baptized members & transferred members into the SS program Attend SSC and report on membership & activities and plans for membership Recruit and train members to become greeters who meet members and guests on Sabbath morning Arrive early on Sabbath morning to make sure that there are greeters & observe how to improve the greeting process Work with divisional leaders to devise a plan for welcoming visitors, recording their names and addresses and phone numbers Work with divisional leaders to make sure an interesting mission emphasis is provided each Sabbath in SS programs See that each division has mission story for their age level and are using it (can use mission DVDs) Work with division leaders to help increase mission giving by helping with such things as maps or pictures, bulletin board displays, DVDs etc Provide regular information about projects, needs, goals and special offering Plan special events to promote mission such as: mission conferences, mission theme days, mission study groups, mission prayer circles, mission trips and mission bung kaikai Ideas for World Mission Report Have mission quiz Plan a kit Try a dialogue in giving mission report Report on mission trips (local & overseas) Correspond with missionaries working in another country. Write to them, and pray for them Get an overseas phone connection (and talk to someone or missionaries Ideas for World Mission Report Use maps – show exactly where story took place Liven the story with costumes – ask people to dress in costumes for special mission programs Use panel discussion Plan a 13TH Sabbath program Ideas for World Mission Offering Promotion Work with divisional leaders & SSC to set goals for weekly mission offerings, Investment offerings & 13th Sabbath offerings Promote Investment See that Birth-day Thank Offering is taken in all divisions Promote 13th Sabbath Offering, setting goals Keep members informed about how they are doing in reaching their mission offering goals Role The SS Secretary cares for the records, supplies, offerings and clerical details of the SS and its divisions. In large churches, these duties may be shared with one or more assistants. Line of Authority SS Secretary reports to SS Superintendent. The secretaries in other divisions report their membership to the SS Secretary. Class secretaries report to SS Secretary for information on membership, attendance, daily lesson study and offerings Commitment 10hrs a month plus Sabbath duties The Secretary or the assistant must be on duty every Sabbath Duties & Responsibilities It is the duty of the Secretary to attend to the clerical work of the SS, keeping records and statistics, oversee supplies, provide communication and care for the SS offerings Keeping Records & Statistics 1. Distribute & collect the class cards, offering envelopes and personal ministry reports 2. Check record cards, fill in omissions, count and record offerings 3. Promptly enter all weekly statistics into the SS Record Registry 4. Get a receipt from treasurer for all SS offerings Keeping Records & Statistics 5. Transfer the names of all class members to the new SS class records each quarter and at the beginning of the year 6. Maintain a SS membership file including baptized, inactive and prospective members 7. Maintain the weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly records required 8. Keep minutes of SSC meetings on permanent file Keeping Records & Statistics 7. Maintain the weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly records required 8. Keep minutes of SSC meetings on permanent file 9. Preserve all records and pass them on to a successor Maintaining Supplies 1.Ordering SS supplies from ABC as authorized by SSC 2. Provide the SSC with a recommended list of supplies for their approval (must be updated each quarter) 3. Request supplies needed from the conference 4. Keep SS supplies in open place where they can be distributed easily each week Providing Communication 1. Send or telephone announcements of the SSC 2. Keep minutes of SSC meetings 3. Pass on information from Conference SS dept about workshops, trainings, seminars, new policies, and new materials, etc Providing Communication 4. Keep SS & all its divisions informed of progress, trends, plans and achievements through occasional reports during regular program 5. Compile and complete & accurate SS report 6. Prepare a monthly and quarterly statistical reports for the SSC 7. Prepare a list of inactive or missing members to be given to the class or divisional leaders Providing Communication 8. Send a list of names of SS officers and divisional leaders to the conference SS dept as soon as the election is done 9. Keep SS membership aware of the progress of the SS through regular reports 10. Make sure all SS meetings are publicized in the church bulletin Attending Meetings 1. Participate in SSC meetings, take notes, write minutes and provide copies to all members 2. The Secretary or assistant may be asked to attend regular adult teachers’ meetings to keep record of any recommendations for the SSC Attending Meetings 3. The Secretary works with leaders to keep an accurate and up-to-date membership and attendance records Caring For Offerings 1. Collect the offering envelopes from each class 2. Count the money, record the amount and turn over funds to treasurer as soon as possible and get a receipt 3. Keep a permanent file of receipts 4. Approve bills for SS materials and supplies before treasurer pays them Caring For Offerings 5. Ask the treasurer for regular monthly financial statements ASSISTANT SECRETARY It is the responsibility of the assistant secretary to: 1. Perform the duties of the secretary in his/her absence 2. At the direction of the secretary, perform such tasks such: distribute and collect supplies, share in the responsibility of caring for the supplies, help count offerings, help with record keeping, fulfill specific regular responsibilities as assigned It is the role of receptionists to make atmosphere of the church warm & inviting. The receptionist’s task is to set the climate for the SS, make others feel comfortable, welcomed and loved. They are to make friends with strangers Duties and Responsibilities 1. Become acquainted with the regular members so they can recognize visitors when they arrive 2. When approaching guests introduce themselves first, extend a welcome, then ask for visitor’s name 3. Introduce the person to someone who will show them a seat or help them find SS classes or the parent’s room Duties and Responsibilities 4. Introduce newcomers to one or two people in the church with whom they might feel comfortable Making People Feel Comfortable 1. Church must appear personal and caring to all who walk through the doors, including members & visitors 2.Try to sense the needs of people arriving in the church for the first time (needs as restrooms, children’s room, classes). It is good to have a church map in the foyer Making People Feel Comfortable 3. Arrange someone to greet people in the parking lot (assist with umbrellas on rainy days) 4. Be alert to people carrying children or other materials 5. Educate regular members about the importance of mixing and talking with visitors after the service What People Look for 1. People look for warmly, friendly place 2. Look for right kind of human contact 3. They expect courteous treatment and expect to be recognized 4. They look for verbal and body language that says, “You are welcome and accepted”. Four General Categories who walk in Church Doors 1. Unchurched people who for one reason or another visit your church 2. Non-attending or occasionally attending Adventists 3. People brought to church by friends, relatives, acquaintance 4. Adventists from out of town or other churches Invitations for Lunch Make sure church has plan to ensure that visitors either invited to lunch or to someone’s house Small group lunch Fellowship dinners The leadership functions of the Adult and Young Adult divisions are nearly identical. They study the same Bible Study topics They may meet together for SS programs and then divide in separate classes They may also function as separate departments (if church choose) LEADER The role of the division is to oversee the SS programs and lesson study of the division He/she reports to SS superintendent & to the SSC Works closely with SS Secretary & teachers, song leader, pianist and greeters LEADER Duties and Responsibilities Leader’s responsibilities fall into main categories: Leadership Development Planning weekly programs Communication Leadership Development Recommend names of teachers or discussion group leaders to the SSC Plan and chair weekly teachers’ meeting Attend, and encourage other officers and teachers to attend SS workshops and leadership training seminars Leadership Development Make available to division teachers helpful training courses and other materials for self improvement See that church library has the necessary resources in the areas of teaching techniques, programs, ideas, world mission education, Bible study aids & maps Planning Weekly Programs Serve as a member of the SSC Present requests to the SSC for needed supplies, equipment, or personnel Lead in planning weekly programs Lead in planning for periodic social and fellowship activities for the division, such as banquets, picnics, retreats, camping weekend & various kinds of class social activities Planning Weekly Programs Coordinate division activities with the local church calendar activities Lead in the development of a yearly plan for community outreach events such as Community Guest Day, Friendship Evangelism & Branch SS, working closely with Personal Ministries Leader Planning Weekly Programs Plan for classes of 12 or 15 members Promote the five Sabbath School Offerings: weekly mission offerings, 13th Sabbath offering, Birthday-Thank Offering, Investment Fund & SS expense offering Planning Weekly Programs Schedule the divisions that will participate in the 13th Sabbath programs In consultation with the church pastor, plan for a Pastor’s Bible Class for new members and other interested people Communication Inform SS teachers and officers of conference sponsored training seminars or workshops Arrange for SS programs to be printed in the church bulletin Communication Advertise special SS programs & Outreach activities through announcements, bulletin notices, newspaper articles and bulletin board notices Visit classes regularly Plan for ways to express appreciation and affirmation to the volunteers who staff the SS Each class should have a leader, who is responsible for all aspects of class management, such as: Attendance records Welcoming visitors Distribution of materials, etc Responsibilities of Class Leader Be acquainted with class members, their interests, spiritual journeys and needs See that members receive their Bible Study Guides in the edition that will benefit them most (GC provides four editions: Standard, Teacher’s Guide, Large Print & Easy Reading) Watch for visitors and invite them to class Responsibilities of Class Leader Welcome all class members, introduce guests and help provide an atmosphere of warm fellowship for members and guests Take attendance record Deal with missing class member appropriate to their circumstance and needs, encouraging class members to call, visit or send cards Responsibilities of Class Leader Encourage class members in the community outreach endeavors sponsored by the church and the Personal Ministries Council Promote the world mission offering Set a class offering goal and take up the weekly world mission offering Find creative ways to encourage class members to get involve with the world missions Class Leader & Study of God’s Word It is the responsibility of the class leader to SS class in a meaningful & redemptive study of God’s Word through creative & effective teaching methodologies Teach the lesson or serve as discussion leader Encourage daily study Attend teachers’ meetings and teacher trainings Seek to involve the student in discussion and active learning Be aware of the characteristics of adult learners and their life issues and strive to meet those needs YOUTH SS LEADER Youth SS Leader coordinates programs that acquaint youth from 15-18 years (high school) with the gospel and to lead them to make a commitment to Christ and the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. YOUTH SS LEADER Line of Authority. The Youth SS Leader reports to the SSC and also cooperates with the SS Secretary, world missions coordinator and the coordinator for evangelism. Class leaders and youth staff are responsible to the leader. Duties & Responsibilities. Learn about the physical, emotional, intellectual and moral development and characteristics of youth. Understand their developmental needs and seek to meet those needs Give a sense of continuity and security to youth through regular attendance and beginning each program on time Maintain appropriate discipline Communicate unconditional love & acceptance Duties & Responsibilities. Learn each youth’s name and make contact with each of them as often as possible outside of the SS setting Duties & Responsibilities. Plan interesting program that will meet the development needs of the youth Maintain open communication with the parents or guardians about the goals and objectives of the program, special events, the faith development their youth and any serious behavioral problems Duties & Responsibilities. Get acquainted with the families and understand the particular needs of the youth Role of the Youth SS Class Leader The class leader is acquaint the youth in SS from ages 15-18 with the gospel and lead them to make a commitment to follow Christ and to become involved in the mission of the Adventist Church Role of the Youth SS Class Leader The youth SS class leader reports to the Youth Leader. The class teacher is expected to attend the teacher’s meetings and planning sessions Duties & Responsibilities It is the duty of the youth class leader to serve as a friend and counselor, support the program, teach lesson and administer to the youth in class The Leader SS class leaders share many of the same responsibilities toward the youth and youth SS as the leader Adult SS Format The SSC, under the leadership of SS Superintendent, decides of the format of the program. Whatever format is used, the four basic purposes of the SS should be included: Study of the Word, Fellowship, Community Outreach & World Mission. Ellen G. White gives clear counsel on SS programs: Innovation & Creativity “Coordinators and the workers in our Sabbath Schools have a very important, broad field to cultivate. They need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit of God, that their minds may be impressed to used the very best methods, and follow the best plans to make their work wholly successful” – Counsel on Sabbath School Work, p. 11 Ellen G. White gives clear counsel on SS programs: Innovation & Creativity “Different mind and qualities will bring in fresh ideas, fresh lines of thought, and this is essential” – Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 165 Mechanical vs. Interactive “The of the SS should not be lost sight of in mechanical arrangements, thus occupying time which should be given to the other important matters. We should ever be guarded against forms and ceremonies which eclipse the real object for which we are laboring. There is a danger of carrying system to such an extreme that the SS become weariness, when on the contrary, it should be a rest Mechanical vs. Interactive “ A refreshment and blessing. There is altogether too much dependence placed upon form and machinery, while the life-giving power of God is not manifested for the conversion of souls, for whom Christ died. The order of things must be changed if our SS meet the purposes of which they exist” Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 151 157 Key Elements of Adult SS Programs Participation & Interaction The more participation and interaction that is built in the SS programs, the more learning and personal application takes place Key Elements of Adult SS Programs Creativity & Innovation The more interesting and appealing program is, the more people will learn. SS programs that consist mostly of one person doing all the talking from the front of the meeting place, in spite of how good the content might be, have very little effect on the students Key Elements of Adult SS Programs Outreach and Evangelism Research and experience show that SSs are not really successful unless they include elements of outreach & soul winning. “The SS should be one of the greatest instrumentalities, and the most effectual, in bringing souls to Christ” Counsels of Sabbath School Work, p. 10 “It has been proved in the missionary field that, whatever may be the preaching talent, if the laboring part is neglected, if the people are not taught how to work, how to conduct meeting, how to act their part in missionary labor, how to reach people successfully, the work will nearly be a failure. There is much to be done in the SS work, also, in bringing the people to realize their obligations and act their part. God calls them, and ministers should guide them” – Counsels on SS Work, p. 184 Simple & Traditional Program (Exact time vary) 9:15 – Song Service 9:30 Opening Remarks & Welcome Prayer 9:35 Keeping on Course 9:40 Musical Selection 9:45 World Mission Report 9:55 Class Time - Class Activities (10min) - Lesson Study ( 30min) 10:35 Closing Remarks More Dynamic Traditional Program (Exact time vary) The format is the same as the traditional and follows the same time frame. However, more time & planning go into the program -Train people to read & speak well in public -Practice the program -Less formal – more participation by the students Modified Traditional Program (Exact time vary) A modified traditional program uses the same time frame, but the activities are different. Not all elements are included every week. The time is spent focusing on some issue, concern, real life matter of interest to the students. Activities might include personal growth seminar, outreach training, and training and certification of SS teachers Full Time Learning Format A full time learning format means the entire SS time, usually about an hour and half to two hours is devoted to learning activities. The objective is interactive learning and participation that meets students’ needs. Time frame is suggestion. Lesson study time be done before or after the mission feature or at the very beginning of the SS activities. Full Time Learning Format 9:00 - Family Fellowship – singing, group activity, greeting, opportunity to share & talk together 9:25 – Group Activity (Children go to divisions) 9:40 – Mission Feature or Personal Ministry Training 9:50 – Training or Nurture Seminar 10:20 Lesson Study 10:50 Closing The segments represent the nature of the activity and the time spent. The size of the segment may vary from week to week 1. Traditionalists 2. Fellowship Oriented 3. Those who wish to do in-dept Bible study 4. Social Action groups 5. Multiple interest groups A SS Action Unit is a small group SS organized in a way that provides time for sharing, Bible study and systematic planning for outreach SS Action Units provide support for fellowship, caring atmosphere, inspiration and training needed for bringing back missing members SS Action Units are continuous training schools. They provide weekly promotions and training in the practical skills of soul winning. Outreach leaders, care coordinators & SS Action Units leaders are all involved in this important training How to Build a Successful SS Action Unit 1. Classes to 6 – 8 members. Classes are formed into groups of 6-8 for optimum participation. Participation is vital to understanding, spiritual growth and outreach. In a small group of 6-8 members feel free to share their life experiences. The more we know the circumstances that form the lives of the fellow members, the more we understand and love them and are encouraged to support one another How to Build a Successful SS Action Unit 2. Outreach Leaders. Each class should have an outreach leader called a care coordinator who is an assistant to the church personal ministries leader. Assisted by a secretary the care coordinator promote outreach according to the class plan. How to Build a Successful SS Action Unit The care coordinator should be a loving, concerned, active member with a burden for souls who develop a network of enthusiastic, well trained soul winners. This person should be a tactful, enthusiastic, preserving member who can cooperate with the PM leader and other care coordinators. The objective is to give simple, practical, on-the-job training to fellow class members How to Build a Successful SS Action Unit 3. Outreach Plans. Specific class outreach plans are developed immediately after class organization at the a special training session. Little or nothing will be accompanied with a plan. With a plan, unlimited results are possible. The care coordinator leads the class in planning How to Build a Successful SS Action Unit 4. One Hour Class Time. To accomplish the purpose of a SS Action Unit, it is vital to provide an hour for class. Twenty-five minutes are developed to outreach at the beginning of the class, followed by thirty-five minutes for lesson discussion. This adjustments can be made with careful planning. It will mean shortening the opening segments to allow for one hour for classes Special days are important outreach tools, and planning for them should be an integral part of the Sabbath School annual program. Follow-up plans are vital aspect of these special days and should be included in the planning process. Plan short enthusiastic programs. Remember that special days are designed to capture interest and help create to attend further services of the SS and church How to Organize Special Days 1. Advertise the special day 2. Ask all members to invite relatives, friends, neighbors, those who have been contacted through Vacation Bible School (VBS), and especially non-attending church members, the SS Secretary should provide names of non-attending persons 3. Send written invitations to all former SDA members in the community How to Organize Special Days 4. Appoint a telephone committee to follow-up the written and personal invitations with the telephone calls 5. Display a poster in the foyer of the church 6. Include announcements in the church bulletin about the special day 7. Appoint a welcoming & ushering committee or engage existing one 8. Place a special basket or bouquet of flowers on the platform How to Organize Special Days 9. Select carefully those who participate in the program. Choose persons who can read and speak distinctly and can hold the interest of the audience. Those who participate should represent the church standards and deportment 10. Select a special music suitable for the occasion 11. Offer a small award to anyone bringing a visitor. Change it frequently How to Organize Special Days 12. Teachers may offer to take students home for dinner for bringing a visitor 13. Make an extra effort to invite visitors whenever there is a guest speaker of a special SS program. Send out invitations with students 14. Make visitors feel at home as much as possible. Ask them their names and where they are from. Invite them back next Sabbath How to Organize Special Days 15. Send thank you letters to people responsible for bringing visitors. See that every visitor receives a letter, a telephone call, or a personal visit during the week following the special day 16. Enroll new members in SS as soon as possible. Make them feel a part of class 17. Keep a yearly scrapbook, files or records of special days as resources for the following years. Adult SS class leader is critical to the success of the SS. All SS class leaders must persons with good spiritual background, has strong prayer and study life and has the spiritual gift of teaching. Person asked to teach SS class must take the responsibility seriously & be willing to devote time to learning effective teaching skills. “To the teacher is committed a most important work – a work upon which he should not enter without careful and thorough preparation. He should feel the sacredness of his calling and give himself to it with zeal and devotion” – Counsels to Parents, Teachers & Students, p. 229 “It is the nicest (most exciting) work that was ever entered upon by the human agent, the dealing with the human minds”, Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 277 The SS class leader has a far greater responsibility that the secular teacher. The secular teacher’s purpose and responsibility is to help students to acquire knowledge. The Christian teacher is charged with the added responsibility of inspiring those he or she teachers to apply biblical principles to daily living. The SS class leader has three aims: 1. Facilitate Bible Learning 2. Motivate Spiritual Growth 3.Enable class members to develop scripturally- oriented life styles Teaching Skills Based on the age level which a person is teaching, certain fundamental teaching skills are needed. These skills can be learned and improved on thorough continuing education “The LORD has made ample provision that teachers may have increased ability from Sabbath to Sabbath, that they may teach to some purpose, working as for time and eternity” – Counsels on Sabbath School, p. 104 Teaching Skills 1. Ability to teach in a variety of ways, all leading to active learning and the involvement of the students in discussion and analysis 2. The ability to formulate and ask class participation and study 3. Attention-getting skills that encourages interest & participation Teaching Skills 4. The ability to help adult participants unlearn erroneous concepts and learn correct ones 5. Sufficient biblical knowledge to teach what the Bible says, both doctrinally and experientially Teaching Skills Youth 1. Ability to promote active participation, creativity & innovation 2. Impart biblical knowledge through interactive experiences 3. Present biblical knowledge in a positive way 4.Encourage participation & positive responses from peers The SS system of the worldwide SDA church offers opportunities to SS class leaders for continuing education in the art of teaching. Teachers/leaders should take advantage of these training opportunities to improve their skills. Adult Teaching Methods Teaching is about learning. It’s what the class leaders does – they facilitate learning. And learning is the marking of meaning. How do you do that? Through four (4) basic processes known as the natural learning cycle 1. Start with the “Central Concept”. What are you trying to teach. Then follow the learning cycle starting with create an experience (or have them recall) in which they can emotionally connect to the lesson. Once you have connected to the Central Concept, then work around the learning wheel 2. Share with them the expert information, logically sequenced, in as may modalities, (visual, olfactory, etc) as possible, using media creativity. And remember, our brain can only meaningfully absorb 12 to 16 minutes of information an hour 3. Apply what they’ve learned to their personal life. Test to see if they understood what you taught. This is where they make what you’ve taught them 4. Explore what new possibilities this learning opens up to their lives. Have them explore ways to share the value of what the (see book.. When we do this, we are applying the principles Jesus taught: “Yet a time is coming and has come now when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are kind of worshippers, the Father seeks. God is spirit and His worshippers must worship in Spirit & truth” (John 4: 23,24) SABBATH SCHOOL TEACHING AND SEATING ARRANGEMENTS Seating arrangements make a great deal of difference in the effectiveness of teaching. Most teaching arrangements are dependent on the style of the church building “With one of the most sacred responsibilities of the entire church placed upon those who are called to teach a Sabbath School class, every possible effort should be made to fit them fro the best performance or their task”. Teachers Training Courses, p. 71. The teachers’ meeting is one of the most important aids for SS teachers. “God has committed to our hands a most sacred work, and we need to meet together to receive instruction, that we may be fitted to perform this work”- Testimonies, vol. 6, p.32. The need for teachers’ meeting is not regulated by the size of the school or by the efficiency attained by the officers or teachers. There is no school that does not need teachers’ meeting, and no proficiency in the work of leading or teaching can serve as a substitute. The divisional leader (e.g. Adult Division) should arrange for weekly teachers’ meeting. He/she is the leader of the meeting. Ideal time for teachers’ meeting is the middle of the week It is wise that one hour is given to teachers’ meeting This meeting should look at teaching skills Teachers should share their lesson teaching plan Should look at central truths of the week’s lesson and eliminate aimless effort in teaching Teachers learn from each other, and help each other in identifying two/three fundamental truths of the lesson Teachers’ meeting should be attended all teachers and associate/assistant teachers Children’s teachers must meet on Thursdays (teachers’ meeting for teachers’ of all divisions) Branch Sabbath School Leader It is the role of the Branch SS leader to organize and conduct an evangelistic program using SS materials to be held on any day of the week. This role may be filled by any SS leader, teacher, or member who may wish to begin Branch SS Branch Sabbath School Leader Line of Authority The Branch SS leader is responsible to the SSC or to the local conference SS Director in the case of isolated members. The leader will also work closely with SS Superintendent and other leaders Branch Sabbath School Leader The time to leader a Branch SS depends on the scope and size of the program. One should plan to spend a minimum of two hours a week preparing the program and another two hours for the program itself & visitation Branch Sabbath School Leader The Branch SS leader’s duties fall into three categories: organization, programming and soul winning Organization 1. Get approval from SSC for the necessary financial support 2. Begin Small. It is possible to start with one or two interested people. It is usually best to begin by concentrating on one age level: children, youths or adults Organization 3. Find others to help with leadership as required by the size of the group 4. Arrange for a place to hold the Branch SS and decide on the time it will be held 5. Prepare announcements & invitations, invite families, friends, neighbors & coworkers Organization 6. Order lessons, program lessons and takehome papers for the children 7. Keep the pastor and the home SS informed about the progress of the Branch SS and the interest of individuals Programming 1. Use SS materials and materials available through Children’s Ministries 2. The meeting should follow the general patterns of regular SS, though there may be some need for adaption 3.Make the programs interesting and appropriate to the age and experience of Programming of those who attend 4. Where specific Branch SS materials are available, adapt materials use in the regular SS, such as felt visual aid sets, picture sets, songbooks, illustrated songs, lessons program and activity materials Soul Winning 1. Pray for the direction of the Holy Spirit that people will be led to make decisions for Christ 2. Encourage personal devotion on the part of those attending, perhaps providing Bibles for those who need them 3. Visit homes occasionally Soul Winning 4. As you see spiritual growth taking place, be ready with encouragement and help as needed 5. Make your presentations Christ-centered and share the story of salvation first. Avoid controversial subjects (like Sabbath). Allow the Holy Spirit to guide them into a loving relationship with Christ Soul Winning 6. When appropriate, invite members of the Branch SS to participate in church functions Branch SS Branch SS is designed to create spiritual interest and bring souls to a saving relationship with Jesus. It may be conducted for children, adults and youths. Who Attends Branch SS Church Members who are not SS members Former members Guests who visit the church Vacation Bible School interests Friends, neighbors & relatives People responding to community survey Interests from literature distribution Hospital & prison visitation interests Branch SS Location Branch SS can meet in all kinds of places: Private homes of members or interested persons Vacant Buildings – church, store, office Nursing Home Prison Out of doors if weather permits Branch SS Format Branch SS usually follow the format of the regular SS and use the same materials. The only difference is when and where they meet “The Sabbath School is an important branch of the missionary work, not only because it gives to young and old a knowledge of God’s word, but because it awakens in them a love for its sacred truths and a desire to study them for themselves; above all, it teaches them to regulate their lives by its holy teachings” – CSSW, p. 10, 11. “What diligent Bible study in the Sabbath School class and through the week in the home can accomplish is outlined in this spectacular promise: “If the people of God would appreciate His Word, we would have a heaven in the church here below. Christians would be eager, hungry , to search the Word. They would be anxious for time to compare scripture with scripture and to mediate upon the Word. They would be more eager for the light of the Word than for the morning paper, magazines, or novels. Their greatest desire would be to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of God. As a result their lives would be conformed to the principles and promises of the word. Its instruction would be to them as the leaves of the trees of life. It would be in them a well of water, springing up into everlasting life. Refreshing showers of grace would refresh and revive the soul, causing them to forget all toil and weariness. They would be strengthened and encouraged by the world of inspiration” – Testimonies, vol. 8, p. 193. Daily Study Essential “All who study the word are represented as eating the Word, feeding on Christ… Even as the bodily necessities must be supplied daily, so the word of God must be daily studied – eaten, and digested, and practiced. This sustains the nourishment, to keep the soul in health. The neglect of the word means starvation to the soul. The word describes the blessed man as one mediating day and night upon the truths of God’s Word. We are all to feast upon the Word of God. The relation of the world to the believer is a vital matter. Appropriating the Word to our spiritual necessities is the eating of the leaves of the tree of life that are for the healing of the nations. Study the Word, and practice the Word, for it is your life” – CSSW, p. 43, 44 Daily Study Essential “As a means of intellectual training, the opportunities of the Sabbath are invaluable. Let the SS lesson be learned, not by a hasty glance at the lesson scripture on Sabbath morning, but by careful study for the next week on Sabbath afternoon, with daily review or illustration during the week. Thus the lesson will become fixed in the memory, a treasure never to be wholly lost” – Education, pp. 251, 252. Especially in these times of doctrinal uncertainty and testing: “We need to search the Scriptures daily, that we may know the way of the Lord, and that we be not deceived by religious fallacies. The world is full of false theories and seductive spiritualistic ideas, which tend to destroy clear spiritual perception, and to lead away from the truth and holiness. Especially at this time do we need to heed the warning, “Let no man New Member Nurture Include components in SS program to acquaint new members and friends of the SS with the functions and operations of the SDA around the world. Mood music and verse with visuals – a ten minute period designed for meditation – a time to think, reflect, and pray. This presentation is best for DVD players & lap tops with data projector. New Member Nurture Mission Spotlight. 10-13minutes DVD program that spotlight the work of the SDA church in one of the world division each week/quarter. Heritage of Seventh-day Adventist Church – a concise review of the stories that tell the beginnings of a faith that soon encircled the earth New Member Nurture Orientation – a seven minute segment that explains the unique terminologies, functions and operations of the church. Power point presentations is recommended. The primary purpose of the SS is that of all true education, to restore the image of God in man and to prepare a people, young and old, to meet their returning Lord. Personal work for every member to lead them to Christ, to aid in their spiritual maturity, and to prepare them to work for others is the major objective of the SS activity. The inspired counsel is: “The object of the SS work should be the ingathering of the souls. The order of working many be faultless, the facilities all that could be desired; but if the children and youth are not brought to Christ, the school is a failure” – CWS, p. 61 Those who take part in soul winning in SS grow spiritually : “No one can labor in the SS… work without reaping a bountiful harvest, not only in the end of the world, but in the present life. In every effort to enlighten and bless others, his own views will become clearer and broader” – CSSW, p. 13, 14 A. Young Children Evangelism Among avenues of soul winning open to SS is child evangelism. The average child is more susceptible to the gospel than is the average adult. We are seeing more & more young people baptizing these days. A. Young Children Evangelism 1. Decision Days & Consecration Services The goal of a Decision Day or decision exercise is not limited to decision for baptism. Cradle roll, kindergarten and primary children are invited to respond to God’s love by loving Jesus, promising to be obedient, kind, and helpful children of God. Junior & earliteen youth are invited to accept Christ as their personal Savior & Guide, to A. Young Children Evangelism Junior & earliteen youth are invited to accept Christ as their personal Savior & Guide, to commit themselves faithfully to uphold the beliefs and standards of Christ’s church, and to consecrate their lives to His service. A. Young Children Evangelism Older youth and adults who are yet unbaptized are invited to join a baptism class, along with juniors and earliteens who re ready for this step. All committed Christians are given opportunity to accept Jesus anew, and again to pledge their fidelity to the Bible truths, Christian living, standards and Christian witness. A. Young Children Evangelism The invitation to commitment may be made by a teacher in his/her class, in which the response may be given in personal testimonies. In general assembly the leader may call for new or renewed decisions for Christ, and the response may be made by raising hand or by standing. DECISION DAYS & CONSECRATION SERVICES SS department must work with each divisional days to organize and make treat them as special. It was work closely with the church pastor to have these days in each division or plan it as a special program each quarter. SS is about evangelism – it is more than mere worship program. It is about leading young & old to make decision for their Savior. B. Inactive-Member Evangelism SS & SSC should devise plans to reach and reclaim each non-attending member of prospective member. Officers, teachers and class members are to be involved. Each should be encouraged to show Christ-like love and concern. B. Inactive-Member Evangelism Many of these persons are ready and willing to renew lost relationships, but are fearful to the take the first step back. One good way is have prayer and Bible study group organized in their home. To show genuine, loving concern for these is true evangelism, the supreme objective of the SS C. The Class as an Evangelistic Unit E.G.White: “The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort has been presented to me by One who cannot err” – Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 21, 22. “The Lord desires that those who are engaged in the SS work should be missionaries, able to go forth to the towns and villages that surround the church” – Testimonies on Sabbath School, p. 61. C. Vacation Bible School Vacation is a fruitful soul-winning program. These schools can be organized during school holidays. Vacation program must include these four aspects; spiritual, physical, social and mental. The program must be innovative and creative. In any evangelistic program, it takes times to build up friendship & friendship as well as to teach the truth, so an effective follow-up program should be used to maintain contacts and interest.