A unique access point for your foreign trade operations 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Outline of the Presentation • PERU: Strategic alignment • Peruvian Single Window • Restricted goods component • Port services component • Origin component PERU: Strategic alignment 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Integration Strategy in the world Two instruments: ITN and Trade development International Trade Negotiations • Improving conditions of access to foreign markets, forming expanded markets. • Provide clear rules and disciplines and predictable trade. • Provide a policy framework attractive to private investment. • 3 ways: multilateral, regional, bilateral. 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Integration Strategy in the world Two instruments: ITN and Trade development Trade development • National Export Strategic Plan • Exportable: Identifying exportable supply, programs to improve quality and competitiveness. • Markets: Trade promotion, market research; • Trade facilitation infrastructure, financing, Single Window; • Export culture, training in export and development of human capital. A busy schedule of 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema International trade negociation Russia Canada EFTA South Korea They are a market ofUE over 4 billion people with a GDP of over USA Japan U.S. $ 56 billion China Mexico ACE 8 Amp. Marruecos India Thailand For 2011, we expect that 95% of our exports will be destined for CAN Singapore markets in Trade Agreements P4 + 4 Central América Sudáfrica Chile Existing agreements Signed agreements Negotiation Agreements future Negotiations Australia 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Implementation of the Single Window Context Favorable context Opportunities for improvement Trade Agreements Public sector reform is pending Sustained increase in exports Asymmetric technological capabilities in public agencies Economic growth despite the global crisis Complex procedures and unclear legal framework Peruvian Single Window 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Definition The Single Window for Foreign Trade (VUCE, Spanish acronym), is an integrated system that allows all parties involved with overseas trade; to access through a single entry point, all that is involved in order to facilitate and expedite merchandise trade. VUCE, is a strategic component to develop, facilitate and simplify foreign trade; with this tool the process gets integrated, simplified, logical and makes the particular country process easy to follow. Development and implementation of SW APEC Context Development and implementation of SW APEC Context Development and implementation of SW APEC Context Components Restricted goods Allows users, through the internet, to obtain all permits, certificates, licenses and required authorizations for the import/export of restricted goods, i.e.: food, medicines, drugs, arm, telecommunications equipment, toys, etc. Port services Allows users, through the internet, to learn the process for a ship to be welcomed, stay and depart a harbor, for instance: to announce the arrival or departure dates, technical forms, cargo report, dangerous merchandise, international ship and port security , harbor and crew members. Origin System for the issue, negotiation and review or origin certificates; authorized exporter and expected decrees at origin. Integrating producers, exporters, and Customs Entities involved. Restricted goods component Restricted goods component Process Cycle Restricted goods component Accomplishments http://www.vuce.gob.pe 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Restricted goods component Accomplishments 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Restricted goods component Accomplishments Importer/Exporter Customs Agent • • • • • • Authentication Requirements Electronic Payment Trace Capability Modifications Acquiring an authorized document • Technical counseling • Restricted Merchandise Counsel SENASA, MTC, DIGESA, DIGEMID, PRODUCE e ITP • • • • • • Process reception Process System Integration Electronic notification Bank conciliation Process resolution 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Restricted goods component Accomplishments Customs administration Ministry of foreign trade (SUNAT) (MINCETUR) • Availability of Authorized Documents for the specific entity • Technical Counseling for involved entities • Data Access • ID of restricted merchandise • Abiding International Trade roll • Transaction Monitoring • Help Desk Monitoring • Indicators Processes • Statistics 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Restricted goods component Generated Savings for the client For each document request : US$ 83.00 Item Savings for process achievement and obtain document Avoiding paperwork (paperless) Process savings time US$ 21 3 45 Each day savings to obtain document (after merchandise arrival) 110 Each day savings to obtain document (if merchandise in transit) 11 First year of operations (progressive) : U.S. $ 2'071, 429.00 Restricted goods component Processes evolution Amount 6,000 4,830 3,805 4,000 2,089 2,247 March April 4,666 3,777 2,000 May June Processes July 2011 August Restricted goods component User amount User amount 4,000 3,405 2,850 3,000 2,395 1,895 2,000 1,000 1,469 1,125 521 290 March 759 426 519 344 April Total users number May June Monthly users 1,188 993 455 922 500 July 555 August 2011 New users per month Restricted goods component Administrative procedures ranking Others 12.29% MTC – Equipment Homologizing and/or telecommunications parts, Private Teleservices using radio electronic spectrum 3.15% DIGESA – Registration, Food and Beverage Administration for consumers 3.99% ITP – Official Certification and/or quality control to export fishing produce 5.12% DIGESA – Official Sanitary Certificate to export food and beverages fit for human consumption 5.55% 6.09% DIGESA – Certified Sanitary Authorization Copy for toys and/or office supplies SENASA – Plant Health sanitary permit, produce and other regulated products 22.25% MTC – Permanent entry permission for telecommunications equipment and components 41.56% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Restricted goods component Corporation ranking Position Corporation Processes quantity Percentage quantity 1 PRODUCTORA ANDINA DE CONGELADOS SCRL 143 3,06% 2 AMERICA MOVIL PERU S.A.C. 107 2,29% 3 TELEFONICA MOVILES S.A 98 2,10% 4 HUAWEI DEL PERU SAC 93 1,99% 5 ELKA RETAIL DEL PERU SAC 70 1,50% 6 MOTOROLA MOBILITY PERU S.R.L. 62 1,33% 7 NESTLE PERU S A 53 1,14% 8 FRUTOS Y ESPECIAS S.A.C. 50 1,07% 9 ANIXTER PERU S.A.C. 44 0,94% 10 UPS SCS (PERU) S.R.L. 44 0,94% 11 OTROS 3902 83,64% Restricted goods component Schedules to initiate transaction 29.66% 70.34% Transactions initiated outside office hours Transactions initiated within office hours Restricted goods component Kind of administrative procedures 9.00% 12.28% Import procedures Export procedures 78.72% Unrelated to office procedures 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Restricted goods component Regional Users/Clients Position Region Quantity Percentages Position Region Quantity Percentajes 1 LIMA 935 80,19% 12 LAMBAYEQUE 7 0,60% 2 TACNA 46 3,95% 13 TUMBES 4 0,34% 3 CALLAO 41 3,52% 14 LORETO 4 0,34% 4 AREQUIPA 35 3,00% 15 CAJAMARCA 4 0,34% 5 LA LIBERTAD 18 1,54% 16 MOQUEGUA 3 0,26% 6 CUSCO 12 1,03% 17 ANCASH 3 0,26% 7 PUNO 12 1,03% 18 UCAYALI 2 0,17% 8 PIURA 11 0,94% 19 MADRE DE DIOS 2 0,17% 9 ICA 9 0,77% 20 AYACUCHO 2 0,17% 10 SAN MARTIN 8 0,69% 21 APURIMAC 1 0,09% 11 JUNIN 7 0,60% 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Restricted goods component Second Phase 2011 – 2012 Objective: To achieve the integration of all restricted merchandise administrative procedures To complete all 252 transaction To incorporate the 17 entities involved on the restricted goods processes Accomplishment Time: 12 months Infrastructure improvement Procedure improvement for participating entities Interoperability with customs processes Customs administration Integration Unique Customs Document Customs administration Single Window • Issues Document • Allows for entities to become familiar how to use the Document Risk Management Control improvement Integración Integration Document Automatic Validation: • Document existence • Importer/Exporter, • Authorized product • Validity • Balance/Net Balance Port services component 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Port services component International ship and port security (ISPS) Crew List Passenger List Hazardous Materials Maritime Health Declaration Drug List Provisions List Ship’s Stores Declaration Cargo manifest Technical Form • • • • All participating entities Harbor Administrators Maritime Agency Harbor Services companies • • • • Internet/Web forms Electronic data exchange Authentication Electronic Payment 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Port services component First Version National Port Authority Following phases Date Port Participating entities integration September 6, 2010 Callao Technologic infrastructure December 13, 2010 December 20, 2010 April 28, 2011 Mataraní Ilo San Nicolás Pisco Salaverry Paita and Bayovar Iquitos Pucallpa Yurimaguas implementation 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Port services component 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Port services component 1.- Componente de mercancías restringidas – Construcción del sistema Port services component Port services component Following phases Activity Begins Ends Improvements to the Port Component Aug 2011 Dec 2012 Entities risk management mechanisms Apr 2012 Dec 2013 ISO 9000 Certification, entity procedures Nov 2012 May 2013 Origin Component Origin Component Integrated processes, standardized and simplified File of physical document waived Origin evaluation Origin certification Authorized Exporter (auto certification) Notifications and responses electronically Follow the procedure through detailed traceability Enhanced security, diminishes opportunity for fraud and forging To use Single Window (either as an exporter or entity official representative), the only requirement is to have Internet access 24 hours service * 7 days a week Across the board Origin Component Origin Evaluation – Flow Producer Register Declaration Exporter Request for Origin Evaluation Notification Notification Certifying Entity Evaluate request according commercial agreements Request for Origin Evaluated Origin Component Origin Certification – Flow Exporter Origin Certificate Application (CO) Certifying Entity Evaluate application CO Stamp/Printing and signatures Notification Agreement Associate Request for Origin Evaluated Review emitted CO CO Issued Origin Component Following phases Activity Begins Ends Release 1.1 CO May 2011 Oct 2011 Release 1.0 Authorized Exporter Sep 2011 Nov 2011 Technological capabilities enhancing of the Origin Unit Mar 2012 Dec 2013 A unique access point for your foreign trade operations Thank-You Andrés Flores andres.flores@mincetur.gob.pe Technical Coordinator of the Single Window Ministry of Foreign Trade and Turism of Peru