Jordan Marsh - Florida State University College of Law

Mechanics Lien Acts
• Much of the rhetoric around these laws is misleading.
– Much of it is couched in terms of the need to give
lien protection to those who supply the labor and
materials to construct buildings.
• Many of the acts do just as much, or more, to protect
– owners and
– construction lenders.
• Hence, many of these acts are now called
“construction lien acts” to avoid any implication that
they are primarily for the benefit of mechanics and
Donald J. Weidner
Guignard Brick Works v. Gantt
159 S.E.2d 850 (S.C. 1968).
Contract to build house for
22,000 bricks
delivered to site
Paid $7,000 on
the contract
Used 7,000 bricks and then ABANDONED
the project
Used remaining 15,000 bricks to complete
construction, knowing they have not been paid for.
Spent $29,000 to complete construction
Sued Landowner, claiming “a lien for only
the brick which has not been used in
construction when the contract was
abandoned by [General. Landowner] knew
before he used these bricks” that Guignard
Brick had not been paid.
What is Guignard Brick’s
argument on the basis of the
statute at Supp. 97-98?
Did not Guignard Brick
furnish the brick with the
“consent” of the owner?
Donald J. Weidner
Guignard Brick (cont’d)
• Bricksupplier said that, under Section 1 of the barebones
Mechanics Lien Act at Supp. P. 97:
– It “furnished” bricks
– That were “actually used” in the building
– “by virtue of an agreement with, or by consent of, the
owner of such building” such that it
• “shall have a lien upon such building . . . and upon
the interest of the owner . . . of the lot on which it is
situated to secure the payment of debt”
• What is the Owner’s response to Bricksupplier’s claim
under Section 1?
– Bricksupplier is a subcontractor and subcontractors do
not fall under Section 1.
Donald J. Weidner
Guignard Brick (cont’d)
• Section 2 (Supp. P. 97), on the other hand, refers to a lien
of “[e]very laborer, mechanic, subcontractor or person
furnishing material”
– when an “improvement has been authorized by the
– “shall have a lien” on the real estate
– “to the value of the labor or material so furnished”
– “subject to existing liens of which he has actual or
constructive notice”
• The lien may be enforced “as provided herein.”
Donald J. Weidner
Guignard Brick (cont’d)
• Consider the last sentence in Section 4 of the
barebones act (Supp. P. 98):
– It states that the lien given by Section 2 attaches
– When the laborer or materialman gives written
notice to the owner of the furnishing of labor or
material and its value
– “But in no event shall the aggregate amount of
liens set up hereby exceed the amount due by the
owner on the contract price of the improvement
Donald J. Weidner
Guignard Brick (cont’d)
• Mechanics lien statutes typically provide that the liens of all
the subcontractors relate back to some earlier point in the
development or construction process, that is, prior to the
point at which most of the materials were supplied or the
services were rendered.
– Can you see why as a matter of policy this should be
• Barebones Act Section 7 for the “relation-back” mechanism:
“Such a lien shall not avail or be of force against any
mortgage actually existing and duly recorded prior to the
date of the contract under which the lien is made.”
– Highly atypical provision because it relates the lien back
to the potentially invisible date of the contract (with the
general contractor?).
• Statutes more commonly provide that mechanics liens
relate back to the commencement of construction (or to the
filing of a notice of commencement of construction).
Donald J. Weidner
More on Supplement pages 97-98
agrees to loan L
Advance #1 L
“I am not getting paid”
Advance #2 L
Brick Co.
• What does the barebones act provide?
– Section 5 states that “no payment by the owner to
the contractor [after having been given notice]
shall operate to lessen the amount recoverable by
the person so giving the notice.”
• What about a payment to a subcontractor?
– Is Advance #2 a payment “by the owner?”
• What of the “optional/obligatory” distinction?
– Recall Florida Statute 697.04(1)(a) (Supp. P. 99)
Donald J. Weidner
“Stop Notice” and Undisbursed Proceeds
• A number of states have statutory “stop notice”
procedures: “A lender or owner holding construction
funds who fails to honor an unpaid supplier’s stop
notice demand that it withhold sufficient funds to
satisfy the supplier’s claim will be personally liable to
the supplier for the amount owed.” Text at 657.
• Some courts impose an equitable lien on
undisbursed funds.
– Others say that equitable liens are not permitted because
the mechanics’ lien and stop notice statutes provide the
exclusive remedy to subcontractors.
Donald J. Weidner
“Stop Notice” and Undisbursed Proceeds
• “The remedy is statutory, and . . . often the claimant
must file a bond to indemnify the lender against
damages that might result from a wrongful claim.
[Depending upon state law, the Lender might file “a
corresponding bond and discharge the stop notice.”]
The lender may simply pay the claim and discharge
the stop notice, but if the claim is disputed or there
are insufficient funds to pay all stop notice claims,
litigation may be necessary.” Nelson & Whitmire, Real
Estate Finance Law (5th ed. sec. 12.6).
Donald J. Weidner
Commencement, Mechanics’ Liens and Purchase Money
Kloster-Madsen, Inc. v. Tafi’s Inc., 226 N.W.2d 603 (Minn.
1975), was an action to foreclose a mechanics lien
Brought by Kloster-Madsen, a General Contractor that
furnished labor and material to remodel a 3-story
building for its New Buyer. A Subcontractor began
work prior to the time Buyer acquired title or the loan to
finance it.
The case involved a priority battle between the mechanic
lien claimant General Contractor and lender Prudential
Life Insurance Company, which had closed a loan that
was part purchase-money loan and part improvement
General Contractor had begun work prior to the time the
New Buyer acquired title.
Donald J. Weidner
Kloster-Madsen, Inc. v. Tafi’s Inc., 226 N.W.2d 603 (Minn. 1975).
July 1970 Seller Purchase
A’ment for
Whether the electricians work on
July 30 constituted an
“improvement’ to the premises
and “the actual and visible
beginning of the improvement on
the ground” within the meaning of
the Mechanics Lien Act and
If yes, whether “a purchase
money mortgage interest filed
subsequent to the beginning of
such improvement is entitled to
priority if neither the vendor nor
the purchase money mortgagee
authorized the commencement of
the work constituting the
Sub K
Commenced work on the
light fixtures (cut four
holes in ceiling and crawl
space without:
1)knowledge or
authorization of lender or
2) authorization of seller
[but, held, seller had
July 30,
Court was faced with 2 issues:
Buyer purchase,
entered into
July 20, 1970
August 3, 1970
Purchase closed
$PM (+Improvement $)
Donald J. Weidner
Kloster-Madsen (cont’d)
• First, was the work on the light fixtures an
• Second, was the improvement “visible”?
– Contractor argued that you could see it.
– Prudential argued, it was “not good enough” that it
be visible “to the naked eye”
• it had to be visible “to the mind’s eye.”
Donald J. Weidner
Kloster-Madsen (cont’d)
• The Court upheld the trial court’s finding that the
improvement was “visible”:
“The test for determining visibility is not, as Prudential
argues, that the improvement, although ‘visible to the
naked eye, must also be discernible to ‘the mind’s eyes
insofar as they tell one’s mind that an improvement has
been commenced.’ Rather, the test is whether the
person performing the duty of examining the premises
to ascertain whether an improvement has begun is able
in the exercise of reasonable diligence to see it.”
• What the “mind’s eye” would see if the naked eye
had been used with reasonable care in a search for
the commencement of construction?
Donald J. Weidner
Kloster-Madsen (cont’d)
• Third, is a pre-existing mortgage or mechanics lien
defeated by Prudential’s purchase money mortgage?
– Prudential relied on the special treatment given to
purchase money mortgages
– In general, purchase money mortgages are special
because they are preferred to certain pre-existing
claims against the buyer/purchase money mortgagor.
– The purchase money mortgage’s priority was explained
historically in terms of instantaneous transitory seisin
(which is what Prudential argued)
Donald J. Weidner
Kloster-Madsen (cont’d)
Purchase Money Mortgages are special because they often permit the
purchase-money mortgagee to defeat pre-existing claims against the
buyer/mortgagor. A purchase money mortgage takes precedence over:
1. Judgment liens against the mortgagor;
2. Liens arising from after-acquired property clauses in prior mortgages
executed by the mortgagor; and
3. Claims against the mortgagor for dower and homestead.
One Formalistic and Archaic Explanation: Instantaneous transit of seisin.
CR Gets judgment
lien on all real
estate owned by
Pays $
Loans $
Purchase contemporaneous
Under the purchase money mortgage rule, the purchase money mortgage
has priority over the prior creditor’s judgment lien. Classically, seisin passed
so quickly the prior judgment never had a chance to take hold of it.
Donald J. Weidner
Kloster-Madsen (cont’d)
• Court: the purpose of the doctrine of instantaneous
seisin is “to protect mortgagees from hidden or
undiscoverable liens.”
– The mechanic’s lien here is not hidden or
• “Prudential is chargeable with constructive
notice of the attachment of a lien when the
actual beginning of visible improvements
occurs prior to the mortgage transaction.”
• Further, the court said: the mechanics lien act does
not make any distinction between purchase money
mortgages and other mortgages.
Donald J. Weidner
General Rule: Purchase Money Mortgage
Defeats Prior Mechanic’s Lien
• Contrary to Kloster-Madsen, the general rule is: a
purchase money mortgage, whether in favor of the grantor
or a third party, takes precedence over a mechanics’ lien.
• An additional rationale for rejecting the outcome in KlosterMadsen:
– A mechanics’ lien statute does not include a contracting
vendee in possession within the meaning of “owner” of
an interest in the property to which the lien could
• In short, Kloster-Madsen was an extreme case insofar as
the mechanics’ lien was preferred to a purchase money
mortgagee who neither authorized nor knew of the
improvements, when the Seller knew of but did not
authorize the improvements.
Donald J. Weidner
Williams & Works, Inc. v. Springfield Corp.
(Text p. 646)
Fee Owners
Developer had the
right to terminate the
engineering contract
at end of any phase
Law Dev. Co.
Kelly M & Inv.
12 holes into ground,
6” diameter “staked”
Actual knowledge of
W&W’s work
Kelly holds the 1st
Mortgage and the
2nd Mortgage, both
of which Kelly
acquired after actual
knowledge of the
work W & W had
June 1972
contracts to perform
engineering services
Formal contract:
Phase #1:
Feasibility Studies
Phase #2:
Finalize all plans
Sells and conveys land
Contacts with interest
in bldg. Apt. complex
land to CNB
Records the
1st mortgage
2nd Mortgage
Records 2nd
Phase #3:
Construction Begins;
W&W supervises—sets
stakes out
Files action to
foreclose its
mechanics lien
Donald J. Weidner
Williams & Works (cont’d)
• Like Kloster-Madsen, this is a lien priority dispute between
the mortgagee and a mechanics lien claimant who started
work for the Developer before the Developer acquired
• FN. 5, p. 647, has the “much amended” Section 1.
• Do you see the language in Section 1 that embraces a
general contractor?
– “Every person who shall, in pursuance of any contract .
. . existing between himself as contractor, and the
owner . . . .”
– General is called simply “contractor” for most of the
– [but is also referred to as “original or principal
contractor” in other parts]
Donald J. Weidner
Williams & Works (cont’d)
• Do you see the language that specifically embraces
subcontractors? Near the end of Section 1:
– “and every person who shall be subcontractor,
laborer, or material man . . . to such original or
principal contractor”
• Section 1 specifically refers to “any engineering plan”
• However, the court held that Section 1 does nothing
more than describe what is “lienable.”
Donald J. Weidner
Williams & Works (cont’d)
• Section 9[3] of the mechanics’ lien act in fn. 1 contains a
priority rule.
• Consider the lien priority (relation-back) point:
– Mechanics’ liens shall take priority over other liens
“which shall either be given or recorded subsequent to
the commencement of said building . . . or
• “Improvement” is defined in statute at FN. 6 to include
“designs or engineering plans.”
Donald J. Weidner
Williams & Works (cont’d)
• Engineers Williams & Works—argue that their mechanics
lien is superior to the mortgages that were both given and
recorded after their “improvement” (their “engineering
plan”) was begun.
• Given the statute, how could the mechanics lien claimants
possibly lose this case?
• Held: “[N]on-visible, off-site engineering services . . .
although lienable under Michigan law, do not signal
‘commencement’ of a building . . . or improvement for the
purpose of fixing priority under Michigan’s Mechanics’ Lien
– The “improvement” was not an “improvement” for lien
priority purposes
• Michigan legislature subsequently specifically embraced
the Williams v. Works result (p. 655)
Donald J. Weidner
Summary of Construction Lien Concepts
(Text p. 655)
• When does a lien attach?
– The three most common possibilities are the date
• when the general contract is first executed
• when construction begins, or
• when a claim for payment is first filed.
• What must be done to perfect a lien?
– Typically, a lien must be perfected by filing the
underlying claim within a certain amount of time after
the work has been performed or construction
• How much time is allowed to foreclose a perfected lien?
– Also varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
Donald J. Weidner
Construction Lien: Concept Summary (cont’d)
• As of what time does the perfected lien take priority?
Depends upon the state. Typically, as of:
– A. Commencement of Construction; or
– B. Filing of a Notice of Commencement of
• The Uniform Construction Lien Act (similar to
Florida) requires the owner to file a “Notice of
Commencement” prior to the beginning of work.
– In Florida, the subcontractors, in turn, must file a
“Notice to Owner” (and lender) that they are about
to begin work
• If a lien claimant subsequently records a lien, the
priority of that lien is as of the date of the
recording of the Notice of Commencement.
Donald J. Weidner
Construction Lien: Owner v. Subcontractor
• In many states, the term “general contractor” is not
used in the construction lien statute. Rather, a
“contractor” is defined as someone in privity with the
– Florida uses the privity concept
• Lienors in privity can recover on their contract with the
• The owner’s liability to lienors who are not in privity
with it (subcontractors) can often be summarized as
Contract Price
Minus: Proper Payments (at least those prior to any notice)
Minus: Reasonable Cost to Complete (upon “abandonment”)
Equals: Extent of owner’s liability to all non-privity lienors.
Donald J. Weidner
Wrongly Disbursed Funds
Wrongful disbursal of funds by lender can result in the
lender’s loss of priority as against a mechanics’ lien
claimant (just as lender can lose its priority as against a
The same considerations apply as in the case of a priority
fight between a construction lender and a subordinator
– including whether the optional vs. obligatory distinction
Donald J. Weidner
J.I.Kislak Mortgage Corp. v. William Matthews
Builder, Inc. (Text p. 595)
Developer and Construction lender entered into a construction
loan agreement
1. Developer executed a construction loan note and
mortgage to construction lender
2. Construction lender recorded the mortgage
3. Construction subsequently began
• Construction lender’s draw inspector fraudulently
authorized progress payments for work that was not done
– Some subcontractors were fully paid
– Masonry subcontractor was paid nothing
• Developer defaulted on the loan and Construction lender
filed to foreclose.
• Masonry subcontractor intervened in the foreclosure,
asserting that it had a mechanics’ lien that should take
priority over the lien of the construction loan mortgage.
Donald J. Weidner
Kislak Mortgage (cont’d)
• “In the usual case it is apparent that a mortgage lien
would take priority over a mechanics’ lien that was filed
after the effective date of the mortgage provided none of
the work covered by the mechanics’ lien was done prior
to the recording of the mortgage.”
• “However, there is an exception to the rule which
applies when . . . some of the disbursements are
voluntarily made at a time subsequent to the effective
date of the mechanics’ lien.”
Donald J. Weidner
Kislak Mortgage (cont’d)
• “Where a mortgage is recorded prior to the time that a
mechanics’ lien attaches to the property and it is optional
with the mortgagee as to whether a further advance is to
be made, and where the mortgagee has made an advance
with knowledge of the fact that the mechanics’ lien has
already attached, to the extent of such later advances, the
mortgage is inferior to the mechanics’ lien.
– Even though the lender “did not have actual notice of
attachment at the time that the advancements were
made” (non-UCC terminology, saying there is
knowledge but no actual notice: apparently meaning
“constructive knowledge”)
– The lender was “charged with knowledge of the law that
mechanics’ liens relate back”
Donald J. Weidner
Kislak Mortgage (cont’d)
• Essentially the mechanics’ lien took priority to the extent the
lender made voluntary payments after knowledge that work
had begun for which a mechanics lien could be filed.
• “As between a subcontractor which did not have the
protection of a construction loan agreement and a
mortgage lender which did not avail itself of the protection it
had under the agreement it is not inappropriate . . . that the
mortgage lender bear the loss.”
• Note, in this case, the lender did not even ask for receipts
when it made the voluntary payments.
Donald J. Weidner
Wrongly Disbursed Funds (cont’d)
• Compare Guaranty Mortgage Co. of Nashville v.
Seitz (Text p. 657):
“The lien of a deed of trust securing a construction loan
has priority over mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens
only to the extent that:
a) the funds disbursed actually went into the
construction, or
b) to the extent that the construction lender used
reasonable diligence in disbursing the
construction loan.”
Donald J. Weidner
Also Compare: Florida Statute on
Mortgages for Future Advances (Supp. P. 99)
697.04 Future advances may be secured. -• “(1)(a) Any mortgage or other instrument given for
the purpose of creating a lien on real property, or on
any interest in a leasehold upon real property, may,
and when so expressed therein shall, secure not only
existing indebtedness, but also such future advances,
whether such advances are obligatory or to be
made at the option of the lender, or otherwise, as
are made within 20 years from the date thereof, to
the same extent as if such future advances were
made on the date of the execution of such mortgage
or other instrument . . . . Such lien, as to third
persons without actual notice thereof, shall be valid
as to all such indebtedness and future advances from
the time the mortgage or other instrument is filed for
record as provided by law.”
Donald J. Weidner
Landlords Must Capitalize the Cost of Obtaining
• Because we have a tax on income, the tax law
attempts to match receipts with the cost of
generating those receipts.
• A landlord must capitalize the cost of obtaining a
tenant and amortize that cost over the life of the
lease that will generate receipts (See text p. 693).
– That is, the landlord is not permitted to
expense (currently deduct) all of the cost of
obtaining a tenant because the tenant’s lease
will generate receipts for years.
– The landlord must attribute a portion of the
cost of the lease to each year’s rent receipts
Donald J. Weidner
Landlord Must Capitalize Cost of
Obtaining Tenant (cont’d)
• For example, at the beginning of year 1,
Landlord Pays Tenant $10 to enter into a 10year lease
– Landlord may not deduct the $10 payment in year
– Rather, Landlord must “capitalize” the $10
payment (the landlord gets basis in the lease
– Landlord then deducts the payment $1 at a time-$1 per year for each of the 10 years of the lease
– Thus matching the rental receipts with the cost of
generating those receipts
Donald J. Weidner
Tenants Must Capitalize Payments to Obtain
Favorable Leases
• Similarly, a bonus payment by a tenant to acquire a
lease can not be deducted by the tenant;
– The bonus payment is treated as a cost of
acquiring the lease and must be capitalized
(treated as the cost (basis) of the asset—the
leasehold estate) and then amortized over each
year of the life of the lease. (See Text p. 693).
• However, a tenant’s payment of advance rent to a
landlord at the acquisition of the lease is taxable to
the landlord when the landlord receives it. (See Text
p. 693).
Donald J. Weidner
Tenants Depreciate their Investments in
Buildings on Land they Lease
Tenants often construct buildings on land that
they lease (recall Penthouse, Cambridge).
• If a tenant invests in a building that is
1. used in its trade of business or
2. held for the production of income,
it is allowed to recover its investment in the
building (basis) through depreciation (“cost
recovery”) deductions. (See Text p. 693).
Donald J. Weidner
Write-offs Available to Tenants Who
Construct Improvements on Leased Land
• In short, a tenant may be doing all of the
1.amortizing its investment in a lease of land
2.deducting the rent it is paying under the
lease of land and
3.depreciating its investment in the building it
constructs on the leased land.
Donald J. Weidner
Are Tenant-Constructed Improvements Rent to
Landlord? The Chirelstein Hypo
Conveys tract of
20 year ground
T to pay relatively low annual
T to construct factory at
minimum cost of
Factory to become property of LL on termination of
the lease [“thus…apparently… a form of ‘rent in
Constructs building
With 25 year U.L. (5 years longer than
the lease)
That has an expected depreciated
value of $200,000 at the time the 20year lease expires
Pays relatively low annual Cash
Donald J. Weidner
General Considerations
In defining income, Glenshaw Glass emphasized a
“realized” disposable increase in wealth:
– “Here we have instances of undeniable accessions to
wealth, clearly realized, and over which the taxpayers
have complete dominion.”
• Is the factory building constructed by the tenant
“income” to the Landlord? Is it an
– “accession to wealth,”
– “clearly realized,”
– “over which the taxpayer has complete dominion”?
• What is the “right result?”
– If it is income, when are these criteria met?
– If it is income, in what amount?
Donald J. Weidner
The Realization Requirement
Chirelstein: “because the realization
requirement exists, the income tax is a tax
on transactions instead of being a tax on
income in the economic sense.”
There are four possible answers to the
question of when a tenant-constructed
building is income to the landlord. It can be
taxed as either
prepaid rent
prorated rent
postpaid rent or
no rent at all
Donald J. Weidner
Possibility # 1: Prepaid Rent
1. Possibility #1: The Landlord receives Prepaid Rent in
the year in which the building is constructed.
• How much rent?
– The present value of the right to get the building at the
end of the lease term.
Assume the building is expected to be worth $200,000 at
the end of 20 years.
– reduce that $200,000 payment at the end of year 20 to
its present value.
Using an 8% discount rate, the present value is about
– If you report the present value of the future payment in
income at the beginning of the lease, you could
consider the transaction closed at this point, with no
further income to report when the lease ends.
Donald J. Weidner
Possibility # 1: Prepaid Rent (cont’d)
• As soon as the landlord reports the building in
income, the landlord receives a $50,000 basis in it.
– Sometimes referred to as a “tax cost basis”
• Landlord’s basis in the building at the termination of
the lease at the end of year 20 would be $50,000, the
amount previously included in income.
• Landlord’s depreciation deductions for the last five
years of the building’s useful life (after the lease
expires), on a straight-line method, would be:
$50,000/5 = $10,000 per year.
• Note: To implement this prepaid rent approach, there
must be a prediction of the value the building will
have at the end of 20 years.
Donald J. Weidner
Possibility # 2: Prorated Rent
2. Possibility #2: The Landlord receives rent that is prorated
over the life of the lease.
– How much rent?
• The anticipated value of the building at the end of the lease term,
– When?
• Include some of the building’s value in income for each year of the
Ex., $10,000 for each of 20 years. $10,000 X 20 =
• Landlord’s basis in the building on termination of the lease
would be $200,000—the amount previously included in
income (a “tax cost basis”).
• Landlord’s depreciation for the remaining 5 years of useful
life after the lease expires: $200,000/5 = $40,000 per year
(using a straight-line method of computing depreciation).
• The Prorated Rent approach requires, as did the Prepaid
Rent approach, a prediction of the value of the building at
the end of the 20 year lease term.
Donald J. Weidner
Possibility # 3: Postpaid Rent
3. Possibility #3: The Landlord receives Postpaid Rent.
• When is the income realized?
– At the end of the 20 year lease, when the Landlord’s reversion in
the building becomes possessory.
• How much rent?
– The fair market value of the building when the lease terminates.
– If the building’s actual value turns out to equal the anticipated
value, that amount is $200,000 in this hypothetical.
• Landlord’s basis in the building would be $200,000, the
amount included in income.
– Again, a “tax cost basis”
• Landlord’s depreciation deduction for each of the
remaining 5 years of the building’s useful life: $200,000/5
= $40,000 per year.
Donald J. Weidner
Postpaid Rent (cont’d)
• The Postpaid Rent alternative has the
advantage in that it does not require an initial
estimate of the value at the end of 20 years.
– But it still requires an appraisal of the property at
the end of the lease.
– The Postpaid Rent alternative is the approach the
first IRS regulations took: that the expiration of the
lease was the landlord’s realization event.
• When the landlord’s reversion in the building became
– The courts initially rejected this approach.
Donald J. Weidner
Pre-Helvering v. Bruun
• Cases prior to Bruun held that there was no taxable
realization to the lessor either
– when the leasehold improvements were installed
by the tenant or
– when the improvements vested in the lessor at the
expiration of the lease.
• The idea was that the building could not be severed
and disposed of separately from the land, and thus
was not “portable and detachable” unless it was torn
down and scrapped.
• Another way of stating the notion is that “profit” must
be severed from “capital” to be taxed.
• The realization requirement turns what might have
been a tax on economic enhancement in wealth into
a tax on transactions.
Donald J. Weidner
Helvering v. Bruun
309 U.S. 461 (1940)
LLLeased lot & building for 99 years T
T may, on giving bond to secure 2
years’ rent, remove or tear down any
On termination of the lease, T to
surrender all land, buildings, and
Removed existing buildings and constructed a new
bldg with a UL of 50 years. [85 years left on the
[nonpayment of rent & taxes]
LL regained possession of land and building
FMV building constructed by T is
LL’s “unamortized cost” of old bldg. is 13,000
“Net FMV” [net “gain”
as at 7/1/33, says IRS]
Donald J. Weidner
Bruun and Its Aftermath: From Possiblility # 3 to
Possibility # 4
• Bruun held for the IRS, concluding that the landlord had
income when the tenant defaulted and the landlord’s
reversion became possessory (Possibility #3).
• One might ask what would happen if, upon the tenant’s
default, the value of the land had decreased.
– Would the landlord have been allowed a deduction?
• Congress reversed Bruun by enacting sections 109 and
– thus adopting Possibility # 4.
Donald J. Weidner
Possibility #4: No Rent
4. Possibility # 4: The Landlord has No Rent At
All from the Building Constructed by the
– The building is treated as unrealized
appreciation that is not taxed as “rent” at
any time.
• With nothing included in income, the
landlord’s basis in the building at the
expiration of the lease is zero.
• Because the landlord’s basis in the building is
zero, the landlord gets no depreciation
deductions during the remaining useful life of
the building.
Donald J. Weidner
Sections 61, 109 and 1019 in A Nutshell
• Sec. 61 regulations provide that, if a tenant
pays any of the landlord’s expenses, the
payments are additional rental income to the
• Further, if a tenant places an improvement
on the real estate that is a substitute for rent,
the improvement is additional rental income
to the Landlord.
– The test for whether it is rent is the intent of the
Donald J. Weidner
Sections 61, 109 and 1019 (cont’d)
• Sec. 109 states that, on termination of a
lease, the landlord does not have income on
account of the value of an improvement
erected by a tenant (See Text p. 693, Supp. P. 187).
• The regulations provide:
– “However, where the facts disclose that such
buildings or improvements represent in whole or in
part a liquidation in kind of lease rentals, the
exclusion shall not apply to the extent that such
buildings or improvements represent such
• This regulation has never been vigorously enforced.
Donald J. Weidner
Sections 61, 109 and 1019 (cont’d)
• Sec. 1019 is a basis rule that is consistent
with the Section 109 exclusion of what could
otherwise be seen as income.
– Section 109 states that there is no income and
– Section 1019 states that, as a consequence, there
is no basis increase (no tax cost incurred, hence
no “tax cost basis”). (Supp. P. 187).
Donald J. Weidner
World Publishing Co. v. Commissioner
(Supplement p. 188)
Net lease for 50 years
Annual rental averaged $28,500
Tenant must construct a 6 story
building costing at least $250,000
Building to become part of the
realty on construction.
Tenant agrees to subordinate to
a mortgage up to a stated
percentage of ground value.
Sold all its
interest in 1950
$700,000, subject
to the lease to T,
which had 28 more
years to run
ACCEPTED: The FMV of the land alone was $400,000.
QUESTION: What did TX, the New Fee Owner, purchase with the extra $300,000?
STIPULATED: When the NFO, World Publishing Co., purchased whatever it purchased,
the remaining useful life of the building “was not greater than the unexpired term of the
lease.” That is, the remaining useful life of the building was equal to, or shorter than, the
remaining term of the lease.
Donald J. Weidner
World Publishing (cont’d)
Is there anything facially confusing about NFO’s
claim for “Depreciation and Amortization?”
• Recall, a depreciation deduction is only
available if the property is
1. used in a trade or business, or
2. held for the production of income.
• IRS position is: NFO has merely a reversionary
interest, which is not sufficiently possessory to
be depreciated.
– The person claiming a depreciation deduction
must have something akin to a substantial
present possessory interest.
• Recall IRS argued this in Bolger
Donald J. Weidner
World Publishing (cont’d)
Blackmun rejected the argument that NFO did not
have a sufficient possessory interest.
1. Consider the analogy of a building constructed
by a landlord and then leased:
• “Where an owner of land erects a building on it and
then leases it, he is still entitled to recover the cost
of the improvement by depreciation deductions.”
Even though the present possessory interest in the building
is in the tenant.
Thus, the normal landowner/building owner is not
required to have a present possessory interest in a
building to depreciate the landowner/ building
owner’s investment in it.
2. The facts of the particular tenant constructed
improvement matter:
• Here, taxpayer “clearly owned the building in more
than a bare-legal-title sense.”
Donald J. Weidner
Then-Judge Blackmun’s Factors
Judge Blackmun: the NFO had invested in an ample bundle
of sticks to claim a depreciable interest:
1. The building became a part of the land and thus the
Lessor’s on construction.
State law provided that a building permanently affixed to the
realty becomes a part of the realty.
2. Lessor had the right to inspect, reject and amend plans
for the building.
3. Lessor was a named insured of the building.
4. Lessor had a right to subject the building, and not just
the fee, to a mortgage.
5. Lessor could prevent lessee from making major
($10,000 or more cost) changes to the building without
Lessor’s consent.
Donald J. Weidner
World Publishing (cont’d)
• IRS also argued: New Fee Owner can not purchase more of an interest
than its seller had.
– Here, the seller (OFO) did not have a depreciable interest in the
• IRS also argued: it would be anomalous to have both the tenant and the
new landlord (NFO) depreciating the same building.
– The tenant already has a depreciable interest in the building (the
tenant paid to have it built)
• Blackmun fails to see the anomaly: “each taxpayer has made a separate
wasting investment which meets the statutory requirements for
– Each is recovering his own investment.
• “That each is concerned with the same building is of no relevance.”
• Analogy: two taxpayers who own separate, undivided interests in real
Donald J. Weidner
M. DeMatteo Constr. Co. v. United States
(Supplement p. 197)
• Same essential facts as World Publishing.
– The tenant-constructed building has a useful life no greater than
the unexpired term of the lease.
• The New Fee Owner argued it was entitled to
• The court rejected World Publishing, saying: “the selling
lessor has nothing to sell except bare legal title and the
purchaser buys nothing more.”
• The New Fee Owner might have argued it could
amortize a premium paid for a favorable lease:
• “It is the lease which produces the income, not a
building which the lessee constructed and which is
going to reach the end of its useful life before the
taxpayer obtains possession.”
• However, the court said the NFO could not on appeal
raise the new argument of “a premium lease
amortization theory”
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In Theater, Inc.
(Supplement p. 199)
Here, the tenant-constructed improvements have a useful
life that is 5 years longer than the remaining (4-year) term
of the lease.
1950 OFO 20-year lease
Pursuant to lease, builds
1965 OFO sells for $200,000 above
price for land alone.
What did the NFO buy for the extra $200,000?
NFO claimed: It purchased the improvements and could
immediately depreciate its investment in them.
IRS claimed: NFO purchased a future interest: the right to
acquire the depreciable assets at the end of the lease.
The investment in the future interest is not depreciable
until the interest becomes possessory at the end of the
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)
• First statement of the court: “To qualify for [the
depreciation] deduction the taxpayer has the burden of
proving that he has a depreciable interest in the property in
the sense that he has made an investment in it and will
suffer the economic loss resulting from its deterioration
through obsolescence.”
– Focus on the word “the”
• It could mean “whatever economic loss there is”
• It could mean that the taxpayer must suffer an
economic loss
– The latter meaning is hard to square with prior
case law
• Did the taxpayer in Geneva Drive-In have more or less of
an economic investment in the asset than the taxpayers in
Mayerson, Bolger and Tufts?
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)(cont’d)
• Second statement of the court: “[The
improvements] were not [1] used in his trade or
business or [2] held for the production of income.”
– “The rent which he received compensated him
only for the use of the land, a nondepreciable
– Since the tenant constructed the building, the
tenant would not have paid rent for it.
• Third statement of the court: NFO purchased only
so much of an interest as the OFO had.
– And the OFO did not have a depreciable
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)(cont’d)
• Recall why we do not see the OFO as having a
depreciable interest?
• Is it because, under our tax law, we fail to see OFO as
having realized income with respect to the tenantconstructed improvement?
– Thus the court said: “Other than this reversionary
interest, [NFO] acquired no present interest in the
theatre improvements.”
– Compare World Publishing, in which Blackmun said
that many fee owners get to depreciate buildings that
are long-term leased to tenants
• Nor did NFO show “that they paid any premium for the
assignment of the lease which would entitle them to
amortization deductions for the remainder of its term.”
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)(cont’d)
• In explaining why this was neither [1] trade or
business nor [2] production of income property,
the Tax Court stated:
– “The improvements could produce no income for [the
NFOs] until the lease terminated and their interest
ripened into ownership of the improvements. Their
interest in the improvements did not diminish in value
as a result of the passage of time but, instead, [the
NFOs’ interest in them] increased in value as the time
for the actual enjoyment of the improvements
• However, the same is not generally said in cases
of lessor-constructed improvements
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)(cont’d)
• In the alternative: even if the improvements
deteriorated in value prior to the expiration of
the lease, the NFOs “did not suffer any
economic loss because of that deterioration.”
– Because the purchase price “no doubt”
took into account that they would not
receive the property until the end of their
lease, and that it would then be in a
deteriorated state.
• The NFO “acquired none other than the
reversionary interest,” which “was not a
depreciable one.”
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)(cont’d)
• The court said the lessee bore the risk of
economic depreciation during the unexpired
lease term because the lessee was required
to surrender the building in as good a
condition as when it was constructed.
– “therefore, whatever depreciation occurred [during
the unexpired term of the lease] was suffered by
the lessee.”
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court)(cont’d)
• “There may be situations where lessee-constructed
improvements enhance the value of real property
acquired subject to a lease. Such improvements, for
example, may provide added assurance that the land rent
to which the purchaser becomes entitled will be
collectible. * * * In the final analysis, however, the
existence of improvements in such circumstances adds
value to the lease which produces income to the
purchaser, and in appropriate cases the courts have
indicated that the premium value of the lease is
• “On the other hand, in other cases, where the purchaser
may be required to remove or rebuild deteriorated or
obsolete structures, their existence may be a negative
factor in their purchase.”
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (Tax Court and 9th Circuit)
• Tax Court said, and 9th Circuit agreed: World
Publishing allowed amortization, not
• Tax Court added: even if World Publishing
allowed depreciation, it is distinguishable
because the NFO in World Publishing
purchased a larger bundle of sticks:
– the lessor in World Publishing could borrow
money and secure it by a mortgage to
which the tenant was subordinated; and
– the lessor in World Publishing could attach
whatever clauses its mortgagee would
require to the lessee’s insurance policies.
Donald J. Weidner
Geneva Drive-In (conclusion)
• Apparently, the court concluded that the NFO in World
Publishing had more of a present possessory interest
than the NFO in Geneva.
• Ninth Circuit affirmed, with one correction:
– “[T]he Tax Court said: ‘[The taxpayer’s] interest in
the improvements did not diminish in value as a
result of the passage of time but, instead, increased
in value as the time for the actual enjoyment of the
improvements approached.’”
– “Insofar as [the Tax Court opinion] makes
entitlement to depreciation depend upon actual
changes in market value, it is erroneous.”
Donald J. Weidner
Section 1031 and Sale-Leasebacks
(Supplement p. 212)
• Century Electric, Jordan Marsh and Leslie
involve attempts by the IRS to disallow “losses”
claimed by taxpayers who “sell” property and
“lease” it back.
– The IRS weapon of choice in each of these three
cases was the Code’s best known nonrecognition
provision: Section 1031.
• Century Electric and Jordan Marsh represent the
classic split in the Circuits on how to interpret
Section 1031. The most recent of the three
cases, Leslie, sided with Jordan Marsh.
• Consider first the basic rules in section 1031(a)(d) and then consider a series of hypotheticals.
Donald J. Weidner
Section 1031
• Section 1031(a) states that there shall be no
recognition of gain or loss if property held for
productive use in a trade or business or for
investment is exchanged “solely” for like-kind
property that will itself be held for use in a trade
or business or for investment.
• That is, even though we can perceive “income”
(or loss) because there has been an exchange
that satisfies the realization requirement, section
1031(a) states that the income (or loss) that has
been realized will not be recognized (at least not
at the time of the exchange).
Donald J. Weidner
Section 1031 (cont’d)
• A quick read of section 1031(a) suggests that,
for it to apply, there must be:
– 1) an exchange;
– 2) of qualified properties;
– 3) that are of like kind.
• The exchange of real estate held for
investment with real estate held for
productive use in a trade or business may be
a like kind exchange if the transaction is
otherwise qualified.
Donald J. Weidner
Mixed Exchanges
• What if the exchanges are not solely of like kind
• Section 1031(b) states that the taxpayer will
recognize some gain if it receives some “other
property or money” as part of the mix.
• Section 1031(c) states that the taxpayer may not
recognize any loss if it receives any “other
property or money”.
– Jordan Marsh states: “even the receipt of
cash . . . is not enough to permit the taxpayer
to recognize loss.”
Donald J. Weidner
Mixed Exchanges (cont’d)
• To recap: if the taxpayer receives some
unqualified property as part of the mix in the
– There can be some recognition of gain
– There can be no recognition of loss
Donald J. Weidner
Ex. #1. A owns Ableacre, property with a FMV of $3,000 in
which A has an Adjusted Basis of $1,000. A
exchanges it for B’s like-kind property, Bakeracre,
A which is also worth $3,000.
FMV $3,000
$1,000 AB
How much gain has A realized?
$3,000 Amount Realized
-1,000 Adjusted Basis
$2,000 Realized Gain
How much, if any, of the realized gain is
Donald J. Weidner
Example 1 (Cont’d)
The realized gain is not recognized if §1031(a)(1) applies.
§1031 provides nonrecognition of gain or loss to an
exchange of properties held for productive use in a trade or
business or for investment.
A’s gain is realized (we see it) but is not recognized (we will
ignore it for the time being) at the time of the exchange.
– The gain does not disappear, it is simply postponed.
– A’s basis in the property A received from B, Bakeracre,
becomes $1,000. See §1031 (d).
– It is “substituted basis property” (7701(a)(42)) that is
“exchanged basis property” (7701(a)(44))(basis is
determined “by reference to other property held . . . by
the person for whom basis is to be determined” ).
– If A later sells Bakeracre for $3,000 cash, the
postponed $2,000 gain would be recognized on that
subsequent sale.
Donald J. Weidner
Example #2
Assume A’s property, Ableacre, was worth only $2,000 so that
A also had to give $1,000 cash (referred to as boot) to get
Bakeracre, B’s property with a FMV of $3,000.
$1,000 cash
Ableacre + $1,000 cash
FMV $3,000
$1,000 AB
Because A had to pay an additional $1,000, A’s gain on the exchange of
Ableacre for a 2/3 interest in Bakeracre is now only $1,000. It is realized
but not recognized. However, because A also paid the $1,000 cash for a
1/3 interest in Bakeracre, A’s basis in Bakeracre is increased by $1,000, to
Thus, if A subsequently sold Bakeracre for $3,000 cash, A would recognize
$3,000 Amount Realized
a $1,000 gain at the time of that sale:
-2,000 Adjusted Basis
$1,000 Realized Gain
Donald J. Weidner
Example #3
Assume, now, that A’s property, Ableacre, is worth
$3,500, so that B gives A $500 cash as “boot”:
$3,500 FMV
$1,000 AB
Bakeracre + $500 cash
$3,000 FMV
500 CASH
A has a realized gain of $2,500. How much is recognized?
The exchange is no longer solely in kind as required by §1031(a).
§1031(b) says that the $2,500 realized gain is recognized to the extent of
the $500 boot received.
What is A’s basis in the property A received?
§1031(d) says that the basis of the property A received (Bakeracre) is:
Basis of property given up
- money received
- 500
+ any gain recognized
+ 500
- any loss recognized
Basis in property received
Donald J. Weidner
Example #3 (Cont’d)
Thus, if A later sells Bakeracre for $3,000 [the value it
had when A took it in the exchange from B], A will
recognize the additional $2,000 gain.
$3,000 Amount Realized on sale of Bakeracre
- 1,000 Adjusted Basis in Bakeracre
$2,000 Gain Recognized on sale of Bakeracre
Thus, the realized gain on the exchange was
recognized in two installments:
$ 500 at the time of the exchange
$ 2,000 at the time of the eventual sale of the
property received
The end result of the exchange followed by the sale is
that A has $3,500 cash with $3,500 basis in it.
Donald J. Weidner
Century Electric Co. v. Commissioner
(Supplement p. 216)
• CE
“Sold” Mfg. facility for $150,000
Paid $150,000 cash
Got a 95-year lease back
CE Reported
$ 150,000 Amount Realized on Sale of the Mfg. facility
- 531,700 Adjusted Basis in that Mfg. facility
$(381,700) Loss on Sale
• To say there was a $381,000 “loss” is to say the entire
property was sold for only $150,000, leaving the seller with
$381,000 in unrecovered cost/investment/basis
– Recall: basis is unrecovered investment for tax
purposes—the loss was the unrecovered basis
• Presumably, if the IRS disallowed the claim of a loss, the
$381,000 in unrecovered basis would have to be accounted
for in some other way--allocated to some property.
– The taxpayer’s basis would not simply disappear
Donald J. Weidner
Century Electric (further facts)
Century Electric involved a “sale” by the Century of:
• A building that was custom-designed for Century.
• That was essential to the operation of its
profitable business.
• Century’s sine qua non was to retain the use of
the building.
• The sale of the real estate improved Century’s
ratio of current assets to current liabilities.
• The sale also generated a tax loss.
• The building was never publicly offered for sale.
• Century sought a “friendly landlord.”
• The “sale” price was 30% below assessed value.
Donald J. Weidner
Century Electric Issue # 1: Sale versus Like-kind
The Eighth Circuit’s approach:
• Congress was not defining “sales” and
• “It was concerned with the administrative problem
involved in the computation of gain or loss in
transactions of the character with which the section
• The “controlling policy” of [1031] is “the nonrecognition of gain or loss in transactions where
neither is readily measured in terms of money,
where in theory the taxpayer may have realized
gain or loss but where in fact his economic
situation is the same after as it was before the
Donald J. Weidner
Sale versus Exchange (cont’d)
The Eighth Circuit’s approach (cont’d):
• The excepted securities category [under 1031(a)(2)]
[Supp. p. 212] [inventory, stocks, bonds, notes, etc.]
indicates that [1031] does not apply if the gain or loss is
readily measured in terms of money.
• “[I]n the computation of gain or loss on a transfer of
property held for productive use in trade or business for
property of a like kind to be held for the same use, the
market value of the properties of like kind involved in the
transfer does not enter into the equation.”
• Don’t separate the transaction into its component parts.
• Rather, look at “what actually was intended and
Donald J. Weidner
Sale versus Exchange (cont’d)
The Eighth Circuit said that Century Electric
both intended and accomplished
– an exchange of a fee for a) a long-term
lease back plus b) $150,000,
– with no change in possession or control.
– of property that, both before and after the
transfer, was necessary to continue its
– “The only change” was in Century
Electric’s “estate or interest” in the factory.
Donald J. Weidner
The Section 1031 Regulations
The basic Section 1031 regulations are the
same today as they were at the time of
Century Electric. They provide:
1. “[T]he words ‘like kind’ [refer] to the nature
or character of the property and not to its
grade or quality.”
2. “The fact that any real estate involved is
improved or unimproved is not material, for
such fact relates only to the grade or quality
of the property and not to its kind or class.”
– Thus, a building exchanged for a vacant lot
– Note the great breadth of the section—how
many exchanges it embraces.
Donald J. Weidner
The Section 1031 Regulations Concerning A
30-year Leasehold
3. “No gain or loss is recognized if . . . a taxpayer who is
not a dealer in real estate exchanges
– city real estate for a ranch or farm, or
– a leasehold of a fee with 30 years or more to run
for real estate, or
– improved real estate for unimproved real estate.”
4. “Under the Treasury interpretation a lease with 30 years
or more to run and real estate are properties of ‘like
– Does this regulation dispose of Century Electric?
– Not if you insist on finding an “exchange” of properties
that have “capital value” (See Jordan Marsh)
Donald J. Weidner
Century Electric Issue #2: Given the Loss Was
Disallowed Where Did the Basis Go?
• Century Electric wanted to allocate the $381,700
loss that was disallowed (its unrecovered basis) to
and between the factory and the land and
depreciate the portion allocated to the factory.
• Note: it is awkward to talk of allocating the “loss.”
• First, the court said there was no loss.
• Second, the court was really allocating Century
Electric’s basis in the factory immediately prior to
the transaction, $531,700, minus the reduction in
basis caused by the $150,000 cash Century
Electric received in the transaction, $381,700.
Donald J. Weidner
Century Electric: Allocating the Remaining
Basis (cont’d)
• Court said Century Electric no longer “has an
identifiable capital investment in the
improvements on the land covered by the lease.”
– “Its capital investment is in the leasehold and
not its constituent properties.”
– Accordingly, the taxpayer was required to
amortize its investment in “the leasehold”
• Over its 95 year life
– And was not permitted to depreciate the
• Over its shorter life
• Is this inconsistent with the first holding: that
nothing of consequence happened?
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh v. Commissioner
(Supplement p. 221)
“Sold” 2 parcels and building
$2.3 million cash
“concededly,” the FMV
30 year, 3 day lease back
“full and normal rentals”
Contemporaneous in 1944
Additional 30-year
extension if JM erects
new building
JM does not get an option
to repurchase
Jordan Marsh reported a “loss” on the sale. IRS said that 1031
requires nonrecognition of the loss.
There are two issues, according to the court:
1. Was there a sale as opposed to an exchange?
2. If there was an exchange, were the properties of like kind as to
their “nature or character?”
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh: Sale versus Exchange
• The IRS said that, in substance, the transaction was
– An exchange of a fee for a long term lease
– Both the fee and the lease were trade or business
– And they were of like kind
– So that Section 1031 prevents the recognition of loss.
• If Section 1031 applies, no loss may be recognized even if
the taxpayer receives money as part of the exchange
• Recall, Section 1031(c), which applies to exchanges not
solely in kind, states that no loss may be recognized if
“other property or money” is received.
– Jordan Marsh received a large amount of money
• The IRS emphasized the Regulation stating that a
leasehold of more than 30 years to run is the equivalent of
a fee.
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh: Sale versus Exchange
The Second Circuit first considered statutory
• Section 1031 is an exception to the general
rule, which is: the entire amount of gain or loss
realized on a sale or exchange is to be
• Section 1031 originally required recognition
whenever the property received in exchange
had a “readily realizable market value.”
– The “readily realizable market value” test was
stricken from the statute because its application was
too indefinite.
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (more sale versus exchange)
• Current Section 1031 requires recognition if the
property received is notes or securities that are
“essentially like money.”
– See Section 1031(a)(2), stating that Section 1031
shall not apply, for example, to any exchange of
stocks, bonds, other securities or evidence of
• Section 1031 also requires recognition if the
property received represents a different kind of
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (more sale versus
• “[B]ut if the taxpayer’s money is still tied up in
the same kind of property as that in which it
was originally invested, he is not allowed to
compute and deduct his theoretical loss on
the exchange, nor is he charged with a tax
upon his theoretical profit.”
• “The calculation of the profit or loss is
deferred until it is realized in cash,
marketable securities, or other property not of
the same kind having a fair market value.”
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (Statutory Intent)
• Jordan Marsh was concerned with a taxpayer
whose money is tied up with a continuing
investment of the same sort (rather than Century
Electric’s concern for the need to avoid difficult
– “These considerations [of avoiding the
recognition of gain or loss if the taxpayer has
money tied up in a continuing investment of
the same sort], rather than concern for the
administrative task of making the
valuations necessary to compute gains and
losses, were at the root of the Congressional
purpose . . . .”
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (Statutory Intent)
• A purpose to avoid valuation would have
suggested nonrecognition for all exchanges,
and not merely for those involving like-kind
• Further, a purpose to avoid valuation would
have meant that 1031 would not have
provided for the recognition of gain in
exchanges not wholly in kind
– Under 1031, the amount of gain realized
must be computed whenever a taxpayer
receives any nonqualifying property: the
properties must be valued to compute the
gain (part of which will be recognized and
part of which will be deferred)
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (cont’d)
• Section 1031 asks whether, “in a popular and
economic sense,” “there has been a mere
change in the form of ownership”
– such that the taxpayer has not really cashed in
on the theoretical gain or closed out a losing
• This sounds at least a little bit like Century
• Had Jordan Marsh “closed out a losing venture?”
• Should it matter that Jordan Marsh remained in
possession of the property?
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (cont’d)
• The court concluded that Jordan Marsh’s
investment was completely liquidated for
– In other words, value matters (the cash
equaled the full value of the property)
• Because the lease back was at “full and
normal” rental, the leasehold interests that
“devolved upon” the taxpayer “were of no
capital value.”
– Doesn’t that follow from the fair market
value sale price?
– As opposed to subjective value?
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (cont’d)
• The taxpayer “finally closed out a losing
– “It cannot be said that the economic
situation of the petitioner was unchanged
by a transaction which substituted
$2,300,000 in cash for its investment in
real estate and left it under a liability to
make annual payments of [market] rent for
upwards of thirty years.”
Donald J. Weidner
Jordan Marsh (cont’d)
• The statute includes the word “exchange” and
we must look to its meaning
• An exchange is a reciprocal transfer of
• An exchange is not “the return of a lesser
interest” in the very property you have just
• Thus, like-kind properties must be
exchanged, not merely implicated, for 1031 to
• There might have been an exchange if the
leaseback had had a premium value
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie v. Commissioner
(Supplement p. 227)
March 1967 Leslie bought land for new factory in Parsippany
October 1967
Contract to sell land and building for $2,400,000 or
actual cost of land and improvements, whichever is
Building specified, plans and
specifications to be approved by Pru
(Pru “did not approve the original
plans.”) Actual cost was $3,200,000.
Contemporaneous with purchase: 30 year lease back
All Condemnation Awards go to Pru, without deduction
for Leslie’s leasehold interest.
Promise to pay “absolute net rental” of $190,560 per year
if the purchase price is $2,400,000 [or annual net rental of
7.94% of the purchase price, if it is lower than $2,400,000].
Two, 10-year options to renew the lease at net rent of
$72,000 [or 3% of the purchase price, if it is less than
Leslie can make “rejectable offers to purchase” at end of
Yr. 15 – for $1,798,000
Yr. 20 – for $1,592,000
Yr. 25 – for $1,386,000
Yr. 30 – for $1,180,000 (This amount has a $154,580 Present value
[assuming a 7% discount rate])
If the offer is rejected, Leslie’s
lease obligations terminate.
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie Co. v. Commissioner (cont’d)
• Leslie first explored other financing sources,
without success.
• The present value of the right to receive $1,180,000
(the rejectable offer price at the end of 30 yrs.),
assuming a 7% discount rate, is $154,580.
• Leslie reported: AR = $2.4 million
-AB = 3.2 million (cost)
Loss = ( .8 million)
• IRS denied the loss. IRS would only “allow the loss
as a cost of obtaining the 30-year lease and permit
it to be amortized over the period of the lease.”
– IRS allocated the unrecovered basis to the lease, as
Century Electric did (only the lease here is much shorter)
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (cont’d)
• Stipulated: the useful life of the building was 30 years
(although Prudential depreciated it over a 50-year useful
– That is, Leslie had the right under the lease to possess
the building for its entire useful life.
• On its books: Leslie capitalized and amortized $800,000 of
unrecovered cost of plant construction over 30 years
(rather than currently deduct it as a loss on sale).
– The IRS wanted Leslie to do a variation of the same
thing for tax purposes: capitalize the $800,000 as the
cost of acquiring a 30-year lease.
• Leslie sold its old plant for $600,000 when it moved into the
new plant in Parsippany
– Hence, it was only out-of-pocket $250,000
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tax Court)
The Tax Court’s approach:
• The general rule is that gains and losses must be
recognized when there is a sale or an exchange.
– The nonrecognition provision of Section 1031 is an
exception to this general rule requiring recognition and
so must be strictly construed.
• Section 1031, by its terms, only applies if there is
an exchange,
– which the IRS regulations define as “a reciprocal transfer
of property.”
• A transfer of property for cash does not qualify as
an exchange.
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tax Court cont’d)
• Although the leaseback was “a necessary
condition,” it “did not have any separate
capital value which could be properly viewed
as a portion of the consideration paid or
– So, although it may have had value (it clearly
was Leslie’s sine qua non of the transaction),
it did not have the right kind of value—it
did not have capital value
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tax Court cont’d)
• IRS did not challenge the assertion that the
fair market value of the property at date of
sale was equal to the $2.4 million that
Prudential paid for the land and building.
• Nor did the IRS challenge the assertion that
the rental approximated fair rental value of
comparable properties.
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tax Court cont’d)
• The treatment of condemnation awards was
consistent with these stipulations of value: the
condemnation clause provided that all proceeds
would be paid to Prudential without deduction for
the leasehold interest, further suggesting the
leasehold lacked “capital value.”
• The Tax Court concluded that the $ 800,000 was
“clearly attributable” to the land and building, not
to the leasehold.
– And so there was a genuine sale at a loss.
• And rejecting the IRS position that there was an exchange of a
fee for a lease
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tax Court cont’d)
• It did not matter that, on its books, Leslie did
not write off a $800,000 loss on a sale.
– On its books: Leslie amortized $800,000 of
unrecovered cost of plant construction over 30
• “It is not uncommon to find that the book and
tax treatment of a given transaction differ.”
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tannenwald Dissent)
• Judge Tannenwald’s dissent, FN 3,
suggests that Section 1031 does not apply
to this kind of situation: Because the
building was constructed to be sold to
Prudential, Leslie never held it “for
productive use in a trade or business or for
– Hence, Section 1031 does not apply and
therefor can not be the vehicle for
denying Leslie’s claim of a loss:
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tannenwald Dissent)
• In lieu of 1031, Judge Tannenwald’s dissent, FN 4, states
two alternative grounds for holding that Leslie may not
claim a “loss” on a “sale”:
1. This was a financing transaction
• A $2,400,00, 30-year, constant payment, selfamortizing mortgage at 7% interest has annual
Debt Service of $190,800 (virtually identical to the
“absolute net rent” for the 30 year base term of the
– Recall, in FN 7, Judge Irwin speculated that the IRS
accepted the stipulation of FMV to avoid having the
transaction characterized as “financial” (as a
» It did not want Leslie to claim depreciation deductions
2. Leslie acted as Prudential’s agent in constructing the
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (Tannenwald Dissent)
• Judge Tannenwald’s dissent, FN 5, states a
third reason to deny Leslie’s claim of a “loss”
on the “sale”:
3. Even if there was a “sale’ here, there was
no “loss” in the Jordan Marsh sense of
“closing out a losing venture.”
– Leslie got everything it was after.
• This was the beginning of a transaction,
not its end.
• Leslie paid an $800,000 bonus for a
favorable lease.
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie: Tax Court dissents (cont’d)
• Judge Wilbur, dissenting in FN 4, rejected the
idea that the lease rentals reflected fair rental
– The rent not only failed to escalate, it
– “Granted it was a net lease, it is still hard to
believe that, aside from this package
transaction and Prudential’s financing role, an
owner of real estate in this area would agree
to a fixed ‘rent’ for years nearly a half century
into the future equal to 3 percent of the
property’s current value.”
Donald J. Weidner
Leslie (3d Circuit) (Supp. p. 241)
• Third Circuit affirmed the Tax Court’s holding that
there was a sale and that the lease back was
simply a condition precedent to the sale (rather
than a part of the consideration received in an
• Third Circuit sounded like Jordan Marsh,
beginning with: “The Threshold question is
whether the transaction constitutes an exchange.”
• Note FN 6 of Judge Garth’s opinion in the 3d
Circuit. By amended petition, Leslie argued: if it is
not a sale, it is a mortgage.
– Because both courts held it was a sale, they never got
to Leslie’s alternative argument that it was a mortgagor
and, hence, entitled to depreciation deductions.
Donald J. Weidner
Revenue Ruling 90-34
(Supplement p. 247)
• Taxpayer and Y entered into a contract that required
Taxpayer to transfer Blackacre to Y.
– Blackacre had a Fair Market Value of $1Million and had been used
by Taxpayer in Taxpayer’s trade or business.
• The contract also required Y to transfer to Taxpayer
property that was not yet identified (that the Taxpayer had
not yet picked out), that was to be of like kind and worth
• The contract required Taxpayer to locate and identify such a
property for Y to purchase within 45 days of Taxpayer’s
transfer of Blackacre to Y.
– section 1031(a)’s 45-day “identification period” (pick it out)
• The contract required Y to purchase the identified property
and transfer it to Taxpayer before the earlier of 180 days
from the date Taxpayer transferred Blackacre or the due
date for Taxpayer’s tax return for the year in which Taxpayer
transferred Blackacre.
– section 1031(a)’s 180-day “exchange
period” (transfer it)
Donald J. Weidner
Rev. Rul. 90-34 (cont’d)
If Taxpayer failed to identify the property or Y failed to
purchase and transfer it to Taxpayer, Y must instead pay
Taxpayer $1M in cash.
Neither Taxpayer nor Y contracted to exchange Blackacre
with any other party.
Within the appropriate time periods:
1. Taxpayer identified Whiteacre, owned by Z, as property for Y to buy.
2. Y paid Z and directed Z to transfer Whiteacre to Taxpayer before the
end of the exchange period.
3. Z transfered Whiteacre to Taxpayer.
Taxpayer holds Whiteacre for use in its trade or business.
The “exchange” is good, and not a direct purchase by
Taxpayer, even though:
– Y paid Z for Whiteacre pursuant to Taxpayer’s instruction.
– Y never held title to Whiteacre.
– Z transferred Whiteacre directly to Taxpayer.
Donald J. Weidner