5. Body
5.1 What is a biome?
5.2 Description of the characteristics of your biome
5.3 Does your biome exists in Colombia?
5.4 Effect of climate change in your biome
5.5 Fauna and Flora of you biome
5.6 Topography
5.7 Biotic and Abiotic factors unique to your biome
5.8 Food Chain
6. Bibliography
A biome is a type of habitat that is clasificated by its temperature. Taiga is a biome found in the high altitude of the north hemisphere. This biome is also called boreal forest and it is located just below the tundra. the taiga has low temperatures and due to this not a lot of plants can resist the harsh conditions. This biome is threatened by the logging and acid rain comming from the cities.
In this project we are going to explain the biome taiga with a word document and a model scale of the biome. We found out the characteristics of this biome, the
topography, the effect of climate change in the taiga, if this biome exists in
Colombia, a food chain about the biome and the fauna and flora found in the biome. We also did extra research aboit the biome and we learned more about knew species of the taiga, we learned that the Taiga biome existed, we practiced teamwork and how to make an essay about the different aspcts inside the biome.
5.1 What is a biome?
A biome is a type of habitat in certain places like a mountain tops, deserts and tropical rainforests clasisfcated by its temeprature.
5.2 Description of the characterists of you biome(taiga)
Precipitation: the total precipitation in a year is to 30-85 cm the forms of precipitation come in snow, rain and dew.
Temperature: the average temperture is below freezing for 6 months out of the year. The winter temperaute is -54 to -
Temperature range in the summer gets as low as 7°C. the high summer can be
21°C. the summers are mostly warm, rainy and humid. They are also very short with about 50 to 100 frost free days.
5.3 Does you biome exists in Colombia?
Taiga, also called boreal forest , the largest land biome, doesnt exist in Colombia since Colombia is near the Equator line and this biome needs low temperatures to developed. These forests are found in broad belt across Europe, Asia and North
America. about two thirds are found in Siberia, and the rest are in Scandinavia,
Alaska and Canada.
5.4 Effect of climate change in your biomes?
In this biome (taiga) summer are short and mild and the winters are long, cold and dry.
Summers are mostly warm, rainy and humid, the temperature in summer range gets as low as 7°C and its high temperature can be 21°C. it is either hot and humid of very cold in taiga.
Winter is cold with lots of snow these temperatures range is 54°C to -1°C. the extensive logging in boreal forests is threatening their survaival. Also acid rain is comming from the cities due to the polution, this is affecting the different communities living in the biome.
5.5 what is the type of flora and funa in your biome?
The Taiga doesn´t have as many plants and animals as other biomes because of its harsh conditions , but it has millions of insects in the summertime. Many animals migrate in the winter to have better food and shelter for their babies. A lot of species of plants survive to the high taiga winter as well as linches and mosses , but most of the tress it has are white spruce, hemlock fir, douglas fir and pines.
Animals of the taiga tent to be predators like the lynx and members of the weasel family such as wolverines, bobcat, minks and ermine. There are also hervivors like snowshhoe rabbitts, red squirrels and voles. red dear, elk and moose can be also found in taiga in regions where more tress grow. coniferous trees or evergreens in the taiga tend to be thin and grow close together, this way of growth favors the snow to fall down the trees.
5.6 Topography: it is just below the tundra biome. this biome appears in the north hemisphere only because in the south hermisphere there are not enough land to be able to appear. it is one of the most extensive biomes in earth, it extends throught Alaska, Canada and Scandinavia and Russia. the zones occupied by the taiga where covered by ice few thousands of years ago. huge areas of taiga are occupied by permafrost that is a layer permantly frosted in the deepness. in the taiga normally you can find frost free areas near the rivers and slopes.
5.7 biotic and abiotic factors unique to your biomes? biotic: black bear,fox,squirrl,deer,coyote,bald eagle,balsam fir,the jack pine abiotic: sunlight, fertile soil, large amount of precipitation, distant from the sea.
5.8 food chain
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