Columbus North High School Step 1: Choosing a Project Step 2: Proposal Approval Demonstrate skills learned in high school through reflection and application of your expertise Gain a connection to the community Apply skills learned in the classroom to the planning and development of your senior project Find all senior project info on these links! Proposal Paper Job Shadowing Service Learning Portfolio Presentation January Proposal Due January Research Paper Due in English Class Project Completed & Portfolio Due April April Presentations Accepted on projects that can ONLY be completed during the summer months Run your idea past Mrs. Cooley to see if it qualifies for an early approval If she approves, complete required proposal paperwork Present early proposal on: Choose a project based on your interests, showcasing your knowledge and skills Choose a project that is a “stretch,” demonstrating your ability to extend yourself beyond your existing skills and experiences Take risks, challenge yourself, step outside your comfort zone Find a tie-in with the community What am I passionate about? What career(s) am I interested in pursuing? Which community organization could use my skills and expertise? What have been my favorite classes in high school? How can I tie my senior project together with the skills and experiences I learned in high school? Remember, you must complete a minimum of 15 hours (20 hours to eligible for Outstanding) on the project with at least half of the hours spent working and not planning the project ◦ Example: With a 15 hour project, 8 hours must be spent on the project with a maximum of 7 hours planning the project. ◦ You may not work on your project during school hours or while school is in session. Projects that include fund raising: Projects dependent on good weather Projects that take place in March ◦ Too dependent on your ability to market your project ◦ Too dependent on who shows up and how much they give ◦ Students often spend more money than they make! ◦ This cuts too close to the presentation 1. 2. 3. Take a talent, skill, or passion that you have and find someone in the community that needs your help in that area. Find a community organization that needs help and offer your services in an area that will showcase your talents and abilities. Identify a skill you would like to learn and find someone in the community who would benefit from you learning that new skill. Organize an Event or Group ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Directing the play Steele Magnolias Coordinated mission projects for church Teen mom support group Summer gardening for senior citizens Organized Senior Project fair at CNHS *** Brought Invisible Children of Uganda to CNHS Organized Angel Tree Christmas gifts at church Organized book drive at St. B’s for BCPL Art for the elderly at Keepsake Village Clean Your Closet for Orphan Grain Train Construct or Build ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Create a website for a community organization Repair or improve an existing school facility Build a flight cage for Utopia Wildlife Create social media connection for a local mission Design poster/advertising for community event Create video for freshman orientation at CNHS Repair basketball goal in local apartment complex Convert closet into a bathroom for local organization Complete home maintenance for two elderly families Create a history scrapbook for CNHS gymnastics Provide routine auto maintenance for low income families Coach/Teach ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Mentor 4th graders in a math after school program Teach special needs class to build cardboard boat Teach Chinese to a Girl Scout Troop Free clarinet classes to middle school musicians Teach a three day journalism workshop Teach dance at Foundation For Youth Teach pottery at Busy Bees Academy Coach 12 yr old volleyball team to combat obesity Coach soccer for physically disabled kids Coach a cheer squad at Parkside Learn a New Skill & Teach/Demonstrate to Others ◦ Examples: Learn to quilt, play a musical instrument, kickbox, lose weight, train for a 5K for the first time, etc. ◦ After learning the skill, teach, demonstrate, or donate your newly learned skill in the community. Examples: Donate your quilt to the elderly Play your instrument during a church service Run in a charity 5K and collect pledges for the charity Teach a group of preschoolers the basics of kickboxing Mentor an adolescent who wants to lose weight 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Proposal Brief Form Extended Proposal Form (typed) Mentor Acceptance Form Parent Approval of Community Mentor Form Facility Usage Form (if applicable) Define the focus of the project Define goals to attain by project’s completion Provide a rough outline for project’s completion Identify expenses Identify “artifacts” to include in portfolio Confirm your mentor’s identity Identify benefit to the community Identify the “learning stretch” this project provides you Clarify your project’s vision ◦ Complete the first draft of your Extended Proposal Form Select your Community Mentor ◦ Community Mentors must meet the following criteria: Must be at least 21 years of age Must be knowledgeable or experienced in field of interest Parent(s) must sign the parental mentor approval form. so parent(s) must approve of the mentor. Has knowledge/experience in your topic area Willing and able to provide support and guidance through completion of project Is a support person, not an organizer, director, or manager. YOU ARE IN THE LEAD! Recommended you meet with mentor at least five times (see suggested meeting agenda handout) Complete all required paperwork Get required signatures Ask for help when needed ◦ Mentor ◦ Bull dog Time Teacher (or other teachers) ◦ Parents Present proposal ◦ During Class ◦ Deadline for Proposal: January 23rd Participate in an informal conversation with a panel of two or three teachers Describe your entire project and plans for completion Answer the panel’s clarifying questions Receive Feedback: Positive aspects and possible areas of improvement Revise your proposal if necessary and present revision to your panel leader Will be completed in English class during 1st semester Must earn a passing grade Must keep paper and completed rubric from teacher DO IT! Don’t put it off! 2 Different Places 5 hours total At least 2 hours at each location 2 separate written summaries of 250 words each Minimum of 10 total hours Can be split among different locations 500 word summary of your experience 3 Ring Binder Dividers Bull Dog time teacher check-off sheet (I check it off) Blank Binder Due Thursday January 15th (35 pts. binder, 15 pts. for dividers) 8-10 minutes speech Prefer a visual (PowerPoint, poster etc.) Organized with Introduction, Past (background), Present, Future of your project