Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School Curriculum Map Theme: Pirates Ahoy! Term: Autumn 2015 English •Fiction- Pirate stories (The Troll, Night Pirates) •Non-fiction- Non-chronological reports, Information text •Pirate poetry •Character descriptions •Read-write-inc Year : 1/2 Class: JG/GP/MB Maths Science •Place value, money, addition strategies, subtraction strategies, multiplication strategies, division strategies, fractions and measures •Everyday materials (suitability of materials, floating and sinking, building a boat using the correct materials) •Distinguish between different materials and name them •Identify, name and describe different materials •For more detail please see Maths New Curriculum Autumn Year 1 and Year 2 •For more detail please see English New Curriculum Autumn Year1 and Year 2 Computing, DT •To use the internet to research pirates •E-safety (staying safe and being private) •To be able to design, create and evaluate a pirate ship Geography & History •To be able to use simple maps of the local area to navigate their way to the pirate ship on Hoylake Beach •To be able to make simple maps and plans, using symbols and keys •To be able to use simple compass directions and locational and directional language on a treasure map •To be able to show an awareness of the past-famous pirates •To describe significant historical events in their locality Our curriculum has a balance of: Knowledge And covers: Linguistic Mathematical Science PE •Gymnastics (Gymnastic shapes and Travelling) •Games (Agility and coordination) •Dance (Pirate jigs) •Games (Throwing and catching) Skills Technology Art, Music, PSED, •Pirate Art (hats, eye patches, famous pirates, coins and swords) •To be able to choose the correct materials •To discuss what they like about their artwork •To be able to sing sea shanties •To be able to play tuned and untuned instruments •Self confidence •New beginnings RE •Gifts- Harvest of hands •Preparing for a Celebration / Here Comes Christmas Understanding Human & Social Physical Artistic Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School Curriculum Map Theme: Monster Madness! Term: Spring 2016 English Year: 1/2 Class: GP/JG/MB Science Maths •Fantasy worlds •‘Where the wild things are’ •Cornish giants/ Beowulf •Monster poetry •Newspaper reports •Read-write-inc •Measurement, statistics, addition and subtraction strategies, number: fractions, revisit calculation strategies, time, money, geometry, properties of shape •For more detail please see Maths New Curriculum Spring Year 1 and Year 2 •For more detail please see English New Curriculum Spring Year1 and Year 2 Computing, DT •Using the internet safely to research dinosaurs •To create a document and be able to find, open, edit and save files •To be able to explore and use mechanisms such as levers, sliders, wheels and axles when creating a monster Geography & History •To be able to use observational skills to study the geography of the school •To understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom and a non-European country (Contrasting monster locations!) •To be able use a timeline for dinosaurs and study artefacts •Living things and their habitats (where monsters might live, how they would be suited to their habitat) •To be able to explain the differences between things that are living, dead and never been alive •To be able to explain how animals get their food from plants and other animals using a simple food chain •Animals including humans •To identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and compare their structure •To identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores (dinosaurs) •Working scientifically Art, Music, PSED, PE •Gymnastics (Jumping) •Dance (Monsters) •Gymnastics (Balances) •Dance (Spring, dinosaurs) • To be able to design their own monster and create it •To be able to make different tones using pencil, chalk or charcoal •To be able to use different techniques like carbon printing •To experiment with combining monster sounds •Changes •Friendships RE New beginnings Easter surprise •Mary Anning Our curriculum has a balance of: Knowledge And covers: Linguistic Mathematical Science Skills Technology Understanding Human & Social Physical Artistic Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School Curriculum Map Theme: Heroes & Heroines Term: Summer 2016 English Year: 1/2 Class: GP/JG/MB Maths •Adventure stories •Fairytales •Myths and legends •Instructions to be a superhero •Poetry •Read-write-inc Science •Revisit calculation (money, time), using and applying, problem solving, position and movement •For more detail please see Maths New Curriculum Summer Year 1 and Year 2 •Plants •To be able to name some common, wild and garden plants including deciduous and evergreen trees •To be able to explain how seeds and bulbs grow •Working scientifically •For more detail please see English New Curriculum Summer Year1 and Year 2 Computing, DT Geography & History PE •Coding- to be able to create and debug simple programs •To be able to find and fix simple bugs in programs •To be able to design and create masks, capes and badges •To be able to perform practical tasks including joining fabrics •Significant historical people in our locality (people who have helped) •Famous people from the past (Grace Darling) •Olympics- famous Olympians (past and present) •Brazil focus (linked to Olympics) •To know about some changes in the local environment and suggest ideas to improve it (RNLI) •Dance (Spring, a day at the beach, link to Grace Darling and the storm) Games (Kicking and Striking) Gymnastics (Rocking and Rolling) Athletics (Travelling, Throwing, Jumping and competition- Olympics) Our curriculum has a balance of: Knowledge And covers: Linguistic Mathematical Science Skills Technology Art, Music, PSED, RE •To look at artwork from different cultures and times (Brazil, Andy Warhol) •To be able to make a collage using different materials (Olympics flag) •Staying safe •Responsibilities •Teamwork Our planet Understanding Human & Social Physical Artistic Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School Curriculum Map Theme: Where shall we go? Term: Autumn 2016 English Year: 1/2 Class: GP/JG/MB Maths •Stories with familiar settings •Newspaper reports •Diary writing •Range of fiction and non-fiction •Poetry •Read-write-inc Science •Place value, money, addition strategies, subtraction strategies, multiplication strategies, division strategies, fractions and measures •For more detail please see Maths New Curriculum Autumn Year 1 and Year 2 •For more detail please see English New Curriculum Autumn Year1 and Year 2 Computing, DT •Design and create a 3D animal •To recognise common uses of information technology beyond school Geography & History •To be able to describe events that are beyond living memory that are significantfirst aeroplane flight •To be able to sequence events within living memory (link to seasonal changes) •Significant people- Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale •To be able to name and locate the world’s seven continents and five oceans •To be able to name and locate the four countries and capital cities of United Kingdom •To identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in United Kingdom •To understand how places are linked Our curriculum has a balance of: Knowledge And covers: Linguistic Mathematical Science PE •Dance •Games •Gymnastics •Athletics Skills Technology •Animals including humans •To understand that animals including humans have offspring which grow into adults •Describe the basic needs of animals including humans for survival •Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amount of different types of food and hygiene •Seasonal changes Observe the changes across the four seasons •Observe and describe the weather in each season and observe how the day length varies • changes •Working scientifically Art, Music, PSED, •Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music •Artwork related to a range of cultures •Explore mark making using a variety of tools •Saying no to bullying •Family and friends Understanding Human & Social Physical RE Hinduism Divali Festival of Lights including Christmas Artistic Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School Curriculum Map Theme: Frozen planet Term: Spring 2017 Year: 1/2 English Class: GP/JG/MB Maths •Lost and found- Oliver Jeffers •Non-chronological reports on penguins •Power of reading- Princess and the white bear king •Informal letters •Descriptions of the Troll Queen •Poetry- ‘Endurance’ •Diary writing •Persuasive letters •Read-write-inc Science •Place value, money, addition strategies, subtraction strategies, multiplication strategies, division strategies, fractions and measures •For more detail please see Maths New Curriculum Spring Year 1 and Year 2 •For more detail please see English New Curriculum Spring Year1 and Year 2 Computing, DT Geography & History •Animations linked to frozen planet •To plan, design and create a moving penguin •To be able to explore and use mechanisms such as wheels and axles when creating a moving penguin •To discuss the lives of significant individuals in the past- Ernest Shackleton, Captain Scott •To show an awareness of the past •To identify hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles Our curriculum has a balance of: Knowledge And covers: Linguistic Mathematical Science PE •Dance (Set dances with a range of animals) •Games •Gymnastics •Athletics •Everyday materials •Distinguish between different materials and name them •Identify, name and describe different materials •To be able to describe how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching •Compare and group different materials •Working scientifically Art, Music, PSED, •Experiment with and create select and combined sounds using the interrelated dimensions of music •Use a range of skills to create penguins RE •Special places •Christianity •Easter:Alive! •Resilience •Positivity Skills Technology Understanding Human & Social Physical Artistic Hoylake Holy Trinity CE Primary School Curriculum Map Theme: Fire, fire! Term: Summer 2017 Year: 1/2 English •Diary entry (Samuel Pepys) •Newspaper report •Story writing •Riddles •Instructions •Fairytales •Read-write-inc Class: GP/JG/MB Maths Science •Place value, money, addition strategies, subtraction strategies, multiplication strategies, division strategies, fractions and measures •Plants •To identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants including trees •To find out and describe how plants need water, light and suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy •Working scientifically •For more detail please see Maths New Curriculum Summer Year 1 and Year 2 •For more detail please see English New Curriculum Summer Year1 and Year 2 Computing, DT •To understand what algorithms are and create simple programs •To predict behaviour of simple programs •To understand that programs execute precise instructions Geography & History •To be able to describe events that are beyond living memory that are significant- the Great Fire of London •To use a range of artefacts •To use correct historical vocabulary Our curriculum has a balance of: Knowledge And covers: Linguistic Mathematical Science Art, Music, PSED, PE •Dance (Fire routine) •Games •Gymnastics •Athletics Skills Technology •Sing and used tuned and untuned instrumentsperform ‘London’s Burning’ •Create a 2D and 3D Tudor house using a range of materials •Compassion •Self drive Understanding Human & Social Physical RE •Me, family and friends Artistic