Nov2012 - UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

SCAVMA Board Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, November 13th, 2012
Meeting called to order at 1806
Verified Quorum (2/3rds of Executive Board voting members and at least 1 faculty
advisor in attendance)
Call for Last minute additions to agenda – no additions
Approval of prior meeting’s minutes (Tuesday, October 16th, 2012) – approved 1807
Unfinished business
a. Annual Club Report Reviews: 23/25 club reports have been reviewed and
returned to Club Presidents. Still need to review and return FMC and HVMC,
Coleen will review and return the HVMC report, SCAVMA is still waiting on the
FMC report.
b. Visit by Dr. Threlfall, AVMA Vice President - February 21st, 2013??? Still
working on a visit date, tentative Feb 21st, night before career night and there may
be student off at conference so this date may not be feasible.
c. Results of “Lunch Talk/Food Issue Committee and Mini-Meeting Interest”
Survey (Mike Armer, Bernadette Grismer, Emily Isaacs)
The above board members will form a meeting and come up with a
proposal on how to approach the issue of discouraging food stealing, a
proposal before January would be ideal but due to holidays it might not
d. Results of “New Budget Item: Sending Students to SAVMA Symposium” Survey
Award $3,000 to an established attending student committee and entrust
them to determine how they want to use the money - or - Use the $3,000
to establish a fund raiser to make more money to put toward student
attendees travel and lodging costs.
ii. Suggested that there is some sort of application for students to receive
money - or - If students decide to split money evenly, then SCAVMA
will retain funds and split via re-imbursement (like PDF funding)
iii. Means of utilizing this money can be changed in the future: keep
The symposium is in March and there is some time to push ideas
through, a student committee may also be able to take over
Bernadette suggested with the amount of money in the budget it may be
easier/better to give the money away to the students who want to go
rather than use for fundraising
Not many students go due to traveling issue, this money is to encourage
students to go and provide financial support
Need to advertise that the money is available and find out who is
interested in going, figure out the number of students interested in
attending. Will table the issue on how to disperse the money until
January and get an interest poll, and then determine what to do with the
money. Mike Ramos and Christine will advertise it to the school. Have
posters that they need to put up.
e. Results of “SCAVMA Discussion: Potential Fundraising Idea - Formal Event”
CJ Johnson, Emily Isaacs, Corey Harms, Jess Sands will head committee
and meet to discuss and come up with a proposal.
ii. How should we utilize this event? Can it be paired as a class fundraiser
and SCAVMA fundraiser to send students to Symposia in the future?
(Not for this year) Do we want to pair it with a class fundraiser?
Looking at starting the event next year
iii. UMN CVM shared their budget costs for their “Snowball” event: Serves
approximately 200-250 attendees, costs approximately $6,000 for
Ballroom rental, DJ, advertising, food and drinks; corporate
sponsorships from Banfield, VCA, etc.
Corporate hospitals not under health care vendor policy so can sponsor
the event
f. Update on Dedicated Career Services for UC Davis SVM Students and Alumni
Administration is currently in the process of compiling a comprehensive
review of the student programs department to be presented to the Dean’s
Cabinet on November 26th, 2012
ii. Update provided by Aaron Broadus, Financial Aid and Scholarship
1. Review projects where we want to see student programs 1-3 years
from now
2. Dr. Jim Clark has volunteered to organize a committee to read and
review Resumes and CVs to meet the more immediate needs of
current students
3. Modeling the creation of a jobs database after the School of
Graduate Managements for employers to post directly to the SVM
for senior students targeted for students 1-5 years out.
4. Reviewing the AAVMC Student Debt Report and determining how
to adapt best practices among other Vet Med Programs for UCD
SVM Students regarding debt management education
5. Envisioning a “One Health Approach” to students wellness:
eventually housing an independent financial aid office, career
services, and student psychological services all in one location
Colleen Geisbush will tentatively meet with the “Career Services
Committee” after the proposal has been reviewed by the Dean’s Cabinet,
and provided feedback (after November 26th, 2012)
New business
a. Fundraising opportunity - Book written by Penn DVM Class of 1992 “An Animal
Life: The Beginning”
Written by Dr. Howard Krum, Dr. Roy Yanong, Dr. Scott Moore, and
Dr. Patricia Hogan
ii. Suggested uses: Auction, Silent Raffle, or Holiday SCAVMA Book
iii. Holiday SCAVMA Book Dividend: Book website to be launched
November 15th, 2012. Authors can create a “Donation Code” Unique to
each SCAVMA Chapter - when people order the book using that code, a
small portion of the net proceeds would be sent to the Chapter (hoping
for $2-4/book purchased) will determine who is in charge of advertising
to the school at large. This may be the easiest option for the SCAVMA
b. Clarifying the partnership between student clubs and the VMTH Center for
Continuing Professional Education
Most recent information regarding this issue has been e-mailed to
student body and posted to website: still collecting feedback via an
anonymous drop box, feedback has been slowed
ii. At this time, we are waiting for a statement to be made by the Center for
Continuing Professional Education and Dean’s Office that will address
student and faculty concerns, as well as outline how they wish to
proceed moving forward. Caution against speculation prior to receiving
this report. Miscommunication played a major factor in student upset, at
this point SCAVMA will stay involved and make sure communication is
continued. Report will be provided to students and additional meeting
between club leaders and SCAVMA will be held.
iii. Will still continue to collect budgets and symposium data
c. Memorandum of Understanding with the Veterinary Bookstore
Current agreement: Bookstore provides SCAVMA $20,000 annually:
This is unsustainable! Especially with movement away from textbooks
and recession
ii. Emily Isaacs and Colleen Geisbush met with Mike Faragasso and
John…. morning of November 13th, 2012, to sign for this years check,
as well as discuss the future of the memorandum
iii. SCAVMA needs to make a push for students to use the bookstore
Suggested that instead of a definitive number, it makes more sense for
the bookstore to provide SCAVMA with a percentage of profits. This
will relieve burden of the memorandum on the bookstore, as they are
currently not self-supporting.
SCAVMA asked to work with Mike Faragasso to develop a survey for
students, faculty and staff to determine value of the bookstore, and what
direction they should move in
Colleen Geisbush and Emily Isaacs will communicate with the
Admissions committee, and see if it is possible to send out
advertisements for the Bookstore with acceptance letters (encourage
students and family to buy their stethoscopes, etc. from the bookstore
during White Coat Ceremony)
Suggested that instead of only price matching to amazon and not
secondary sites, that matching secondary sites may encourage textbook
purchases from the bookstore
Suggested to create pre-purchase package for scrubs/stethoscopes etc.
for incoming first years
Suggested a system of ordering items from the main bookstore and
having them ready for pickup from the vet bookstore
Officer Reports
a. Emily Isaacs (President-elect)
b. CJ Johnson (Vice President)
Call for assistance with Winter PDF applications: Needs help for
reviewing PDF apps, there is a funding cap and there will be more work
to compare to past records. Have lifted the once a year funding cap so
we are expecting a lot of applications. Apps due Monday Dec 10 at
noon, review same day and turn into treasurer Tuesday so everyone can
get their checks by the end of the week. Would save CJ time if she had
c. Connie Lo (Treasurer)
The working 2012-2013 Budget is on the SCAVMA Website! (Meetings
Tab); will be updated monthly. E-mail if most up to date is needed.
ii. Tax Filing Update: Taxes have been filed! Paperwork has been e-mailed
to the board for review
d. Amanda Silverman (Treasurer-elect)
SCAVMA Pet Food Program: Changes to Hill’s Pet Food Program
starting January 2013; Program will now include all SVM Faculty, Staff
and Students, Food per month increases from 40 lbs to 120 lbs
ii. Developing a more commercial model (current model unsustainable):
Charge for food - 60% off Science Diets, and 40% off Prescription
Diets; Overrides the $50 program fee (Questionable if this is in
compliance with HCVP - demands $50 program fee, and maximum of
40% off)
iii. Hill’s will give $0.25 per lb sold to SCAVMA, along with any
additional proceeds
Key messages to share with students:
1. Hills has made some changes to the program that could result in
more money for
2. SCAVMA (more people participating and quarterly donations)
3. We are working with key folks to determine the best model as we
look at our colleagues at Washington, KS and Cornell
4. SCAVMA will be the beneficiary of the pet food program
5. Hills plans to roll out the details in early December (via Fiona
SCAVMA made an additional $3,600 after opening up to new staff list
Addition of Platinum Performance to the Pet Food Program! Students
must be paid members of the Pet Food Program in order to receive 25%
discounts off all purchases of Platinum Performance Products
Well over $20000 made off food program total
viii. May be adding royal canine at cost to the food program
e. Christine Haas (UDA Treasurer)/Tanushri Thakran (UDA Treasurer-elect)
SCAVMA Mini Meeting to review December/January applications November 27th, 2012 @ 12PM in scrubs. Please attend, last time there
were only 3 people
ii. Review Constitutions Mini-Meeting Protocol: Keeping track of
f. Emma Deane (Secretary)
g. Rachel Brownlee (Webmaster)
h. Christine Hsueh/Mike Ramos (SAVMA Sr./Jr. Delegates)
1) Partners for Healthy Pets and 2) AVMA Scholarship
ii. Update on registering our students for SAVMA – all classes are
registered, working on problem list
iii. Encouraging students to attend SAVMA Symposium 2013! March 2123, LSU (Baton Rouge, LA) – email on interest will be sent out to
Elections for a new Junior Delegate
i. Fiona Whitton (IVSA Rep)
Update on IVSA Position
1. Contacted SAVMA International Exchange Officers for
information, heard back briefly, but no reply when I requested
more info (twice). She is at least on list serve now
2. SAVMA Funding is available – Fiona will send out grants to
student body
ii. Contacted Dr Lisa Tell at International Programs, asked how to expand
the IVSA position, and how to help her accommodate international
students, she said she'd keep Fiona in the loop and get her info onto the
International Programs website
j. Shirley Chen (CVMA Rep)
k. Hanie Elfenbein/Kathleen Heng (Legislative Liasons)
l. David Kim/Lea Merkins (Waggie Editors)
Thank you to those of you who made suggestions via the “Save the
Waggie” google doc
ii. Plan to approach the 2015 and 2016 classes face to face to garner
interest and support and possibly create a ppt showing the positions to
encourage participation.
m. Christina Tam (Josh Project Coordinator) - Stand in: Diana Donckles –
Dunk the Dean Fundraiser! Friday, November 30th @ 5PM (TG)
ii. First Josh Day! Thursday, November 29th, 2012
iii. There are several new coordinators that will take over for Christina next
Donations are coming in slowly, possibly resend email, advertise at TG,
email faculty and staff about dunking the dean
n. Kat Tomalty (Graduate Professionals Student Representative)
o. SCAVMA Class Representatives
Cristin Roach/Katrina Castaneda (Class of 2013 SCAVMA
ii. Amy Achille/Bernadette Grismer (Class of 2014 SCAVMA
iii. Nina Akana/Jess Sands (Class of 2015 SCAVMA Representatives)
Olivia Shull/Eric Nickerson (Class of 2016 SCAVMA Representatives)
p. Class Presidents
Esther Zakowski/Justine Ma/Austin Kerns (Class of 2013 Presidents)
ii. CJ Johnson/Jon Levine/Elizabeth Engall (Class of 2014 Presidents)
iii. Michael Armer/Shirley Chen/Andrew Findlaytor (Class of 2015
Corey Harms/Jenelle Soppet/Ryen Morey (Class of 2016 Presidents)
8. Faculty Advisor and Administration Representative Reports
a. Dr. Karl Jandrey (Junior Faculty Advisor) – has not
Dr. Birgit Puschner (Senior Faculty Advisor)
c. Dr. Jan Ilkiw (Administration Representative)
The school has some control over professional degree and course
material fees, but tuition fees are set by the regents. Last year they
remained the same. There will be a 2.5 % for professional degree fees
increase for next year and no increase in course material fees. This is up
to regents to look at and approve.
ii. Industry night – development working hard to get sponsorship
iii. Aaron Brodus is a new staff person in student programs, has experience
in financial aid and debt management. Has an office on the main
campus and we have an office o the vet campus between scrubs and the
vet school.
iv. Students are concerned about where counseling office is, it is not private
right opposite scrubs. It is going to relocate around to opposite corner to
171. Plans drawn up and funding approved, supposed to be open
February with a more private door.
VET MED 3b opening set for march with week long celebrations
9. Committee Reports
a. Career Night Committee (Students: Amy Achille, Nina Akana, Dustin Dennis,
Colleen Geisbush, Bernadette Grismer, Christine Hsueh, Jess McConnell, Dustin
Noack, Emily Isaacs; Administration: Cheryl Cobbs, Celeste Borelli, Allison
Committee held third meeting on Thursday, October 25th , 2012
ii. Currently: 2 booths purchased (CVMA), and 1 practice attending
(Acupuncture for Pets)
iii. Administrative members of the committee working on a Sponsorship
As a model for Student/Administration cooperation: definitely working
out some kinks, but thus far working relatively well
Next Steps: continued recruiting of companies and practitioners
Next Committee Meeting: November 14th, 2012 @ 1PM in Valley 1013
b. Mentor Committee (Emily Isaacs, Birgit Puschner)
Proposal for Constitutional Amendment: Addition of new Mentor
Program Coordinator Board
1. The Faculty Mentor Program Coordinator shall be responsible for
overseeing the Faculty Mentor Program and maintaining contact
with faculty and students involved in the program.
2. The Faculty Mentor Program Coordinator shall attend all
SCAVMA Board meetings and report on the current status of the
program and discuss future events and planning with the executive
3. The Faculty Mentor Program Coordinator shall be responsible for
keeping track of the annual finances for the Faculty Mentor
4. The Faculty Mentor Program Coordinator shall have one vote on
the SCAVMA board.
5. The Faculty Mentor Program Coordinator shall be responsible for
completing the Annual Officer
6. Report and maintaining a file of information with suggestions for
the future. These documents (paper or electronic) shall be passed
down to the new officer at the last board meeting of the
current officer’s term.
7. Addition to constitution – approved 1904
ii. Position (to be elected in January, 2013)
1. Want to do a lunch talk with faculty mentors there and set it up for
after thanksgiving
c. Surgery Pack Committee (Rebecca Hall, Whitt Hoffman, Ralph Pettus)
Currently processing instrument sharpening (4 scissors/pack) - cost:
ii. SCAVMA will be reimbursing, no definitive number
10. Summary of action items
a. Lunch Talk/Food Issue Committee- meet and come up with a proposal for
January’s meeting
b. SAVMA Symposium Fund- SAVMA delegates to advertise to school and gauge
interest (Mike and Connie)
c. Formal Event Committee- meet and come up with a proposal for January’s
d. Fundraising Penn Alumni book- Colleen to contact authors about holiday book
e. Bookstore survey to send out to student body before thanksgiving
11. Next scheduled meeting - TBD: January 2013! Election info will be going out in January.
SCAVMA reps please encourage your class to get involved.
12. Call for meeting Adjournment – Adjourned 1912