新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. The First Quarter of 2014 Financial Statement 1、Consolidated Balance Sheet Prepared by by: Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. Item March 31st, 2014 Item Unit: RMB Ending Balance Current assets: Monetary Capital 244,861,935.44 270,346,796.42 Notes Receivable 24,996,832.53 74,323,683.33 Account Receivable 78,742,932.65 69,653,580.23 165,708,064.85 143,812,787.65 804,013.03 276,937.82 61,689,061.42 49,075,222.35 158,603,075.19 106,378,793.96 735,405,915.11 713,867,801.76 54,147,447.82 54,184,563.71 1,187,462,593.25 1,157,634,100.57 Settlement Provision The Lending Funds Trading financial assets Prepayments Premiums Receivable Receivables from Reinsurers Receivable reinsurance contract reserve Interest Receivable Dividend Receivable Other Receivable Redemptory monetary capital for sale Stock Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets Total current assets Non-current assets: Entrusted loans and advances Available- for –sale financial assets Held to maturity investments Long-term receivables Long-term equity investment 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Investment property 86,476,050.96 87,497,967.75 Fixed assets 517,507,394.70 526,978,981.29 Construction in progress 543,446,509.30 499,604,875.16 255,628,372.34 259,837,444.61 109,545.59 109,545.59 3,018,688.73 3,436,381.55 31,059,616.38 31,059,616.38 Total non-current assets 2,678,856,219.07 2,620,343,476.61 Total assets 3,414,262,134.18 3,334,211,278.37 360,000,000.00 360,000,000.00 193,733,650.82 213,945,721.01 28,904,458.72 33,485,983.18 Payroll payable 54,991,265.25 61,013,418.20 Taxes payable 18,591,247.99 30,245,024.23 172,992.80 134,531.16 2,827,481.04 2,827,481.04 125,471,698.18 108,376,149.84 Materials holds for construction of fixed assets Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Intangible assets Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses Deferred tax assets Other non- current assets Current liability: Short-term borrowings Borrowings from the central bank Deposits and interbank deposit Borrowing funds Trading financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable Advances from customers Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Fees and commissions payable Interests payable Dividend payable Other payable Payable reinsurers Insurance contract reserve 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Acting sale of securities Acting underwriting securities Non-current liabilities due within 6,383,105.20 6,383,105.20 329,560.00 329,560.00 791,405,460.00 816,740,973.86 236,899,576.82 185,215,800.00 Long-term payables 7,526,092.22 7,526,092.22 Special payables 1,150,000.00 1,150,000.00 6,609,729.99 6,639,619.99 252,185,399.03 200,531,512.21 1,043,590,859.03 1,017,272,486.07 Paid-up capital(or equity) 736,064,000.00 736,064,000.00 Capital reserves 445,113,782.59 445,113,782.59 one year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings Bonds payables Estimated liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Owner’s equity(or shareholder’s equity): Less-treasury stock Special reserves 123,875.63 Surplus reserves 45,979,523.79 45,979,523.79 640,645,619.64 614,934,308.28 154,133.35 142,953.22 1,868,080,935.00 1,842,234,567.88 502,590,340.15 474,704,224.42 2,370,671,275.15 2,316,938,792.30 3,414,262,134.18 3,334,211,278.37 General risk provisions Undistributed profit Currency translation differences Total equity attributable to owners of the parent Minority interests Owner’s equity(or shareholder’s equity): Liabilities and owner’s equity (or shareholder’s equity) Total Legal Representative:Zhao Xuhong Chief financial officer:Du Shuliang Accounting Leader:Chen Xiang 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 2、Parent Company Balance Sheet Prepared by by: Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. Item March 31st, 2014 Ending Balance Unit: RMB Beginning Balance Current assets: Monetary Capital 118,672,629.59 122,581,756.93 4,690,645.00 3,751,670.00 804,013.03 276,937.82 3,058,424.49 3,058,424.49 266,735,340.92 288,537,846.46 393,961,053.03 418,206,635.70 54,147,447.82 54,184,563.71 1,419,754,577.30 1,358,885,777.94 Long-term equity investment 3,724,101.33 3,796,852.77 Investment property 1,223,890.00 1,273,581.40 51,527.79 59,444.46 2,674,171.97 2,856,501.83 Trading financial assets Notes Receivable Account Receivable Prepayments Interest Receivable Dividend Receivable Other Receivable Stock Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets Total current assets Non-current assets: Entrusted loans and advances Available- for –sale financial assets Held to maturity investments Long-term receivables Construction in progress Materials holds for construction of fixed assets Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Intangible assets Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Deferred tax assets Other non- current assets Total non-current assets 1,481,575,716.21 1,421,056,722.11 Total assets 1,875,536,769.24 1,839,263,357.81 130,000,000.00 130,000,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 10,303,440.31 10,196,037.79 269,296.48 -975,222.42 214,832,962.11 208,484,926.45 355,490,698.90 347,790,741.82 355,490,698.90 347,790,741.82 736,064,000.00 736,064,000.00 67,574,045.78 67,574,045.78 Current liability: Short-term borrowings Trading financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable Advances from customers Payroll payable Taxes payable Interests payable Dividend payable Other payable Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings Bonds payables Long-term payables Special payables Estimated liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Owner’s equity(or shareholder’s equity): Paid-up capital(or equity) Capital reserves Less-treasury stock Special reserves 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Surplus reserves 140,220,979.59 140,220,979.59 576,187,044.97 547,613,590.62 1,520,046,070.34 1,491,472,615.99 1,875,536,769.24 1,839,263,357.81 General risk provisions Undistributed profit Currency translation differences Owner’s equity(or shareholder’s equity): Liabilities and owner’s equity (or shareholder’s equity) Total Legal Representative:Zhao Xuhong Chief financial officer:Du Shuliang Accounting Leader:Chen Xiang 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 3、Consolidated Income Statement Prepared by: Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. January- March 2014 Item One. Total operating income Unit: RMB Amount of this period Amount of last period 184,870,785.43 194,001,082.36 184,870,785.43 194,001,082.36 178,180,397.51 178,211,528.50 112,204,110.92 121,266,462.13 3,578,180.79 4,416,725.15 Selling expenses 15,574,364.61 15,293,636.15 Administrative expenses 41,601,140.27 35,122,309.36 5,225,006.05 2,114,679.19 -2,405.13 -2,283.48 30,645,104.82 16,549,118.06 29,878,492.68 12,286,708.24 37,335,492.74 32,338,671.92 3,382,561.09 598,442.89 14,106.23 594,723.12 551.33 3,575.43 Four. Total profit (- means loss) 40,703,947.60 32,342,391.69 Less:Income tax expense 8,290,235.98 6,619,033.75 Include:Operating income Interest income Earned Premium Fee and commission income Two. Total operating costs Include:Operating costs Interest expense Fee and commission expense Surrenders Net claims paid Net reserves of insurance contracts to extract Policyholder dividends Reinsurance costs Business tax and surcharges Finance costs Impairment losses on assets Add:Changes in fair value gains(- means loss) Investment income(- means loss) Include:Investment income from associates and joint ventures Exchange gains(- means loss) Three. Profit from operation(- means loss) Add:Non-operating income Less:Non-operating expense Include:Losses on disposal of non-current assets 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Five. Net profit(- means net loss) 32,413,711.62 25,723,357.94 25,711,311.36 20,353,792.63 6,702,400.26 5,369,565.31 Include:Net profit that the merged party has already realized before the combination Net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company Minority interest Six. Earnings per share: -- -- 1. Basic earnings per share 0.0349 0.0277 2. Diluted earnings per share 0.0349 0.0277 Seven. Other comprehensive income 154,133.35 Eight. Total comprehensive income Total comprehensive income attributable to the owners of the parent company Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders Legal Representative:Zhao Xuhong Chief financial officer:Du Shuliang 32,567,844.97 25,723,357.94 25,865,444.71 20,353,792.63 6,702,400.26 5,369,565.31 Accounting Leader:Chen Xiang 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 4、Parent Company Income Statement Prepared by: Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. January- March 2014 Item Unit: RMB Amount of this period One. Operating income Amount of last period 3,580,357.12 1,705,853.86 102,614.88 72,751.44 182,035.20 286,269.14 Administrative expenses 9,657,820.34 2,609,200.51 Finance costs 4,088,680.20 256,543.48 -240,429.34 316,706.46 38,784,369.84 16,490,138.68 29,904,424.36 12,286,708.24 28,574,005.68 14,654,521.51 Less:Operating costs Business tax and surcharges Selling expenses Impairment losses on assets Add:Changes in fair value gains(- means loss) Investment income(- means loss) Include:Investment income from associates and joint ventures Two. Profit from operation(- means loss) Add:Non-operating income Less:Non-operating expense 551.33 Include:Losses on disposal of non-current assets 551.33 Three. Total profit (- means loss) 28,573,454.35 14,654,521.51 28,573,454.35 14,654,521.51 Less:Income tax expense Four. Net profit(- means net loss) Five. Earnings per share: -- -- 1. Basic earnings per share 0.0388 0.0199 2. Diluted earnings per share 0.0388 0.0199 28,573,454.35 14,654,521.51 Six. Other comprehensive income Seven. Total comprehensive income Legal Representative:Zhao Xuhong Chief financial officer:Du Shuliang Accounting Leader:Chen Xiang 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 5、The consolidated cash flow statement Prepared by: Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. January- March 2014 Item Unit: RMB Amount of this period Amount of last period One. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods and provided service 202,188,938.62 199,624,142.48 2,159,646.25 524,000.00 26,499,411.28 16,959,165.00 230,847,996.15 217,107,307.48 99,484,592.68 60,986,415.70 Payments to employees and cash payment for employees 76,165,202.33 79,445,503.30 Cash paid for taxes 51,259,992.03 73,525,744.20 Other cash paid for operating activities 53,380,222.09 51,923,642.61 Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 280,290,009.13 265,881,305.81 Net cash flow from operating activities -49,442,012.98 -48,773,998.33 49,715.00 295,000,000.00 Cash received from investment income 276,937.82 4,742,841.42 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 407,909.10 38,970.00 Customer deposits and interbank deposits from Net increase Net increase in borrowings from central bank Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from primary insurance premium Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase in policyholders' deposits and investments Net increase in disposal of trading financial assets Cash interest, fees and charged commissions Net increased of capital borrowed Net capital increase of repurchased business Tax refunds Other received cash relating to operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities Cash of purchasing commodities and paying labor service Net increase in loans and advances Net increase in central banks and interbank payments Cash paid for the indemnity of original insurance contract Cash paid for interest, fees and commissions Cash paid for policyholder dividend Two. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from investment 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash received from investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 734,561.92 299,781,811.42 30,205,190.04 20,273,717.56 Cash paid for investments 325,000,000.00 Net increase in pledged loans Net cash payment from subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid to investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities Net cash flows from investing activities 30,205,190.04 345,273,717.56 -29,470,628.12 -45,491,906.14 Three. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from investors 10,441,997.70 Include:Cash that subsidiaries received from minority shareholders Cash received from borrowings 50,032,297.86 10,000,000.00 60,474,295.56 10,000,000.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received from financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities Cash of repayments 10,000,000.00 Cash to pay dividends, profits distribution or interest payment 5,913,707.13 3,142,138.91 Include:Dividends and profit that paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash paid for financing activities 1,600,000.00 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities Net cash flow from financing activities Four. Effect of changing rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Five. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Add:Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Six. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Legal Representative:Zhao Xuhong Chief financial officer:Du Shuliang 7,513,707.13 13,142,138.91 52,960,588.43 -3,142,138.91 467,191.69 -25,484,860.98 -97,408,043.38 270,346,796.42 419,636,667.44 244,861,935.44 322,228,624.06 Accounting Leader:Chen Xiang 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 6、Parent Company Statement of Cash Flows Prepared by: Sundiro Holding Co., Ltd. January- March 2014 Item Unit: RMB Amount of this period Amount of last period One. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods and provided service 1,624,368.40 Tax refunds 1,496,189.25 Other received cash relating to operating activities Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 1,856,136.40 28,646,794.83 968,886.77 31,767,352.48 2,825,023.17 1,291,341.46 6,372,332.31 554,962.81 5,009,438.72 7,596,590.11 33,527,005.58 9,442,894.38 44,908,776.61 22,324,458.10 -42,083,753.44 49,715.00 275,000,000.00 8,390,271.16 4,683,862.04 8,439,986.16 279,683,862.04 154,196.60 135,696.00 31,014,375.00 305,000,000.00 31,168,571.60 305,135,696.00 -22,728,585.44 -25,451,833.96 Cash of purchasing commodities and paying labor service Payments to employees and cash payment for employees Cash paid for taxes Other cash paid for operating activities Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities Net cash flow from operating activities Two. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from investment Cash received from investment income Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Other cash received from investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investments Net increase in pledged loans Net cash payment from subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid to investing activities Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities Net cash flows from investing activities Three. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from borrowings Cash received from issuance of bonds 新大洲控股股份有限公司 2014 年第一季度财务报表 Other cash received from financing activities Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities Cash of repayments Cash to pay dividends, profits distribution or interest payment 1,905,000.00 Other cash paid for financing activities 1,600,000.00 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities Net cash flow from financing activities 750,000.00 3,505,000.00 750,000.00 -3,505,000.00 -750,000.00 -3,909,127.34 -68,285,587.40 122,581,756.93 157,096,016.85 118,672,629.59 88,810,429.45 Four. Effect of changing rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Five. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Add:Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Six. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Legal Representative:Zhao Xuhong Chief financial officer:Du Shuliang Accounting Leader:Chen Xiang