CV Full Spenceley 30 July 2015

Address (home/office)
Postal address
15 San Hill, Seaward Estate, Ballito, 4420, South Africa
PO Box 132, Dolphin Coast, Ballito, 4404, South Africa
+27 (0)72 311 5700
Landline & Fax
+27 (0)32 5863750
Date of birth
Permanent resident in South Africa
29 NOVEMBER, 1972
Dr Anna Spenceley is a renowned tourism expert with 20 years international experience
and an extensive publication record, rich diversity of project experience, an extensive
international network of associates with whom she collaborates. She has lived and worked
in English, French and Portuguese speaking developing countries for 18 years.
Thematic areas: Dr Spenceley is a leading authority in sustainable and responsible tourism
with a focus on biodiversity conservation, protected areas and transfrontier conservation
areas, certification, indicators, concessions and public-private partnerships, triple bottom
line assessments (i.e. economic, social and environmental), value and supply chains, small
enterprise development and poverty reduction.
Approaches: She has a reputation for excellence, with the ability to lead and collaborate with
multi-disciplinary and multi-language teams, in addition to having the focus and drive to
succeed with independent work. She has the ability to work from the macro level, on
interventions with government ministries, intergovernmental agencies; with tourism
destinations and multinational tourism operations; and also at the micro level with
community members and small businesses.
Impact: Dr Spenceley’s work is applied through policy and strategy development, planning,
project development, research, training, curriculum development, conferences and
workshops, capacity building, education and monitoring. She focuses on analytical
approaches, participatory processes, practical and appropriate solutions, with clear
reporting and measurable results. Her applied research has influenced policy making and
practice in countries including Mozambique, South Africa, Seychelles, Rwanda. She has
made a considerable contribution to the global debate on sustainable tourism, notably
through her international networks, including her Chairmanship of the IUCN’s World
Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group
(TAPAS Group), her membership of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s (GSTC)
board since its founding years.
International experience: Dr Spenceley has worked in 24 countries, including Angola,
Botswana, Cape Verde, China (Tibet), Ethiopia, France, The Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar,
Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland,
Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, UK, USA, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Dr Anna Spenceley
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
March 2010 - Ongoing
Spenceley Tourism And Development cc (STAND)
Founder and President
Consultancy and research on sustainable and responsible tourism for clients including:
Donor agencies:
Government agencies:
Private sector:
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
World Bank, International Finance Corporation, UN World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO), International Trade Centre
(UNCTAD), UN Environment Program (UNEP), United
Nations Development Program (UNDP), International Labor
Organisation (ILO), UN Industrial Development Organization
US Agency for International Development (USAID),Gesellschaft
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), The Netherlands
Development Agency (SNV), Commonwealth Secretariat.
Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism (South Africa),
South African National Parks Council for Scientific and Industrial
Research (CSIR), Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC).
Columbia University, University of the Witwatersrand, University
of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu Natal, Natural
Resources Institute, University of Greenwich.
African Safari Lodges program, Fair Trade Tourism, Peace Parks
Foundation, Travel Foundation, Centre for the Promotion of
Exports from Developing Countries (CBI), Birdlife South Africa,
Overseas Development Institute, World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
The International Ecotourism Society (TIES), International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International
Gorilla Conservation Program (IGCP, International Institute for
Environment and Development (IIED), CESVI.
Wilderness Safaris, Technoserve.
February 2009 – February 2010
SNV – Rwanda
Senior Tourism Advisor
Main responsibilities included leading a 5person advisory team in providing technical
advice on:
 mainstreaming pro-poor tourism at
national and district level to national
and district government, tourism
training and academic institutions,
private sector associations and NGOs
 leading SNV in the identification,
documentation and dissemination of
best practices and case studies in propoor tourism
 identification of training and
partnership needs
 organisation of pan-African conference
on tourism and poverty reduction with
the International Trade Centre and
Commonwealth Secretariat
Dr Anna Spenceley
Updated July 2015
 coordination of destination value chain
analysis, market research and training
 public consultation on national
sustainable tourism masterplan and
tourism forums on public private
partnerships and tourism certification
 support to government drafting national
Tourism Strategy for Rwanda
 developing national and international
partnerships and contribution to tenders
 contribution to SNV Rwanda’s tourism
strategic plans and knowledge
development strategy
 mentoring and training tourism
advisors, government tourism staff, and
university lecturers within Rwanda, and
SNV teams in East and Southern Africa
 Regional Knowledge Network Leader
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
February 2007 – January 2009
Self employed
Independent consultant
Consultancy and research on sustainable and responsible tourism for a range of
international clients.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
November 2006 – October 2007
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tourism investment research
Post-doctoral research fellow
Development of an edited volume on ‘Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for
conservation and development’, published by Earthscan in 2009, and including chapters
from 19 practitioners working across southern Africa. Supervision of three postgraduate
researchers undertaking tourism economics evaluations in the Great Limpopo
Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA). Grant from the National Research Foundation
of South Africa (ZAR 60,000), through the Transboundary Protected Areas Research
Initiative, and the IUCN Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist Group.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
March 2005 – February 2007
Mafisa, South Africa
Tourism and sustainable development
Implementation of diverse research and consultancy projects in tourism planning,
indicator development, holistic impact assessments and best practice. Development of
new consultancy opportunities and tender preparation.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
August 2004 – July 2005
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tourism investment research
Post-doctoral research fellow
Research analysing tourism investments and their impacts within the Great Limpopo
Transfrontier Conservation Area (TFCA) with the Transboundary Protected Areas
Research Initiative. Grant funded jointly by the BMW Chair for Sustainability, University
of the Witwatersrand and the Centre for the Integrated Study of the Human Dimensions
of Global Change, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (ZAR 96,000). Work included
a detailed evaluation of the current status of tourism investment; coordinating and
facilitating a regional stakeholders workshop; and undertaking a ‘triple bottom line’
sustainability analysis of Covane Community Lodge in Mozambique.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
October 1999 – July 2004
c/o Institute of Natural Resources, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Tourism, sustainable rural livelihoods, poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation
Researcher and consultant
Work on the design and implementation of environmentally, socially and economically
sustainable nature-based tourism, socio-economic development and poverty alleviation
resulting from tourism and protected areas, and the conservation of biodiversity in and
around protected areas. Consultancy, research and project management experience in
sustainable livelihoods assessment, nature-based and community-based tourism, national
and provincial policy development, participatory planning, environmental and ecological
assessment, evaluation tool development and monitoring of socio-economic impacts.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
April 1998 – May 1999
Middlemarch Environmental Ltd, UK
Environmental Consultancy
Acting Consultancy Manager
Management of an ecological and landscape consultancy owned by Warwickshire Wildlife
Trust. Business and financial planning, human resources management, project
management and field assessments - on habitat creation schemes, wetland restoration
projects, ecological evaluations, environmental impact assessments and public
Dr Anna Spenceley
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consultation exercises. Involvement in county-level waste minimisation steering group
and local business committees. Initially employed as project manager and subsequently
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
September 1995 - October 1996
Tropical Biology Association, Bristol, UK / Kibale Forest, Uganda
Tropical Ecology Education
Assistant to the Director
Work in Uganda included assisting with field and laboratory work, while activities in the
UK included report writing, recruiting students and teachers, organising field equipment,
accounting, creating publicity material, writing newsletters and fundraising.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
July – August 1994 / July – August 1993
Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece, Greece
Assisting with Loggerhead and Green turtle research, monitoring, conservation and public
awareness on Crete.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
July 1993 – December 1994
Kneesworth House Hospital, UK
Psychiatric nursing assistant (Part-time)
Work in nursing forensic personality disorder and schizophrenic patients.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
August – October 1993
Medical Research Council Applied Psychology Unit, UK
Research Assistant
Assistance with clinical psychology and psychophysical experimental research, including
statistical analysis of research data.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and
July - October 1991
Corporate Software, Paris, France
Information Technology
Administrative Assistant
Office administration
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
Dr Anna Spenceley
October 1999 – September 2001; February 2003 – November 2003
(Full time; 18 month intermit taken to undertake consultancy work)
International Centre for Responsible Tourism, School of Earth and Environmental
Sciences, University of Greenwich, UK.
Doctoral research designed to develop a regionally appropriate assessment toolkit to
address the environmental, socio-cultural and economic sustainability of nature-based
tourism developments in southern Africa. An extensive Delphi consultation undertaken
with southern African regional experts regarding sustainability in transfrontier
conservation areas. Design and management of extensive rural community surveys
investigating interactions and opportunities between people, parks, and business. Tools
developed for triple bottom line sustainability assessments, and field-tested at 4 naturebased operations in South African protected areas.
Grant award from the Leverhulme Trust, Study Abroad Studentship (£24,000).
PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences
1996 – 1997 (Full time)
Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology, University of London, UK
Environmental impact assessment; environmental law; environmental management
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skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
systems; terrestrial, aquatic and atmospheric pollution; climate change; waste and water
management; sustainable agriculture; sustainable livelihoods; risk assessment;
environmental policy; environmental economics and management skills. Specialist options
on population ecology, resource management, community ecology, ecosystem
management, remote sensing, and pest management.
Research Project was a “Strategic Environmental Assessment of Tourism at Hwange
National Park, Zimbabwe”. This entailed an in situ ecological, socio-cultural and economic
assessment of current and predicted tourism in and around Hwange.
NERC studentship (£9000) and a British Airways Assisting Conservation award
MSc in Environmental Technology (Distinction)
1992 – 1995 (Full time)
University of Bristol, UK
Final year Zoology courses included conservation and wildlife management, mammalian
ecology and socio-biology, and parasitology. Psychology courses included clinical and
developmental psychology. Research Project “Intrusive memories in depressed women.”
BSc Joint Honours in Zoology and Psychology (First Class Honours)
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
May 2009
Value chain analysis and development
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
October 2008
Google Earth Outreach
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
September 2003
World Bank (Environmental Department) and the Conservation Finance Alliance
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
February 2003
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa / Povey Mulvenna & Associates
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
July 1995
Tropical Biology Association
• Title of qualification awarded
Dr Anna Spenceley
5 day training program provided by the Overseas Development Institute and the
International Trade Centre in collaboration with SNV
1 day training course on use of Google Maps and Google Earth to annotate maps.
Two-day training course on economic valuation of protected area benefits, its role in
financing conservation, and the use of finance tools.
Four-day training course on Grading and Assessment of an establishment for Fair Trade
in Tourism South Africa
Certificate of Attendance
Tropical Ecology course in Uganda. A month was spent studying forest ecosystems,
conservation management and biodiversity with African and European students at
Makerere University field station in Kibale Forest and in Queen Elizabeth Park.
Supported by a grant from the British Ecological Society and the Darwin Initiative
Certificate of attendance
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- Spenceley Tourism And Development cc (STAND) (2008-ongoing)
- Triple Bottom Line Development Ltd (2012 – 2014)
Board / Committee Member:
- Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas Tourism Specialist Group (2010 – ongoing)
- Vice Chair of the Board, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) (2010-2012), Chair, GSTC
Destination working group; Member (2012-ongoing); GSTC Trainer (2015 – ongoing)
- Capacity Building coordinator, Sustainable Tourism Forum, SADC (2015- ongoing)
- Chair, Impact analysis portfolio, Sustainable Tourism Certification Alliance Africa (2012-2014)
- Board member, INTASAVE Partnership Trust (2011 – 2014)
- Board member, International Centre for Responsible Tourism – South Africa (2006 – 2009)
Affiliations :
- Senior Research Fellow, School of Tourism & Hospitality, University of Johannesburg (2011
- Group of Experts, Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism (2011 – 2015)
- ExCo, IUCN WCPA Transboundary Protected Areas Taskforce (2009 – 2010);
- Member: Flora and Fauna International
- Member : IUCN Commission on Education and Communication (CEC); IUCN Species Survival
Journals’ Editorial board member:
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Koedoe, Journal for Educational Travel, International Journal for
Environmental Economics and Statistics (Associate Editor)
Who’s Who in the World entry, 2010, 2013 - ongoing
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
April 2015 - ongoing
International Trade Centre (ITC) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD)
Value chain analysis of the meetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE)
tourism sector in Botswana
Leader. Design of value chain research program for MICE tourism in Botswana, focussing
on Gaborone and Kasane. Development of interview tools based on supervision and
training of field research teams in Botswana. Facilitation of stakeholder consultation
workshops. Value chain analysis and reporting. Validation of recommendations to
Botswana Tourism Organisation to strengthen local and small business involvement in
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
Dec 2014 - ongoing
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Development of a proposal to the Global Environment Facility for a project to
mainstream biodiversity into the tourism sector in Cape Verde
Joint team-leader. Design of a 5-year, USD 15.5 million project to mainstream biodiversity
into tourism and improve the sustainability of the protected areas system. Development of
a UNDP Project Document and Global Environment Facility (GEF) CEO Endorsement
Request package to the GEF, in close coordination with national consultants, UNDP staff
and government officials. Field missions to Cape Verde, stakeholder consultation,
compilation of background literature, coordination of national consultants, and reporting.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March 2014 – June 2015
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Development of a tourism concession toolkit for protected areas
Lead. Research and development of a toolkit to guide World Bank Group practitioners
and their clients on successful concessioning for tourism in protected areas, focussing on
the best deal for revenue generation, tourism growth, local economic development,
conservation and partnerships. Coordination of launch event at the IUCN World Parks
Congress (Sydney, 2014).
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
December 2013 – February 2015
Development of a strategic alliance partnership proposal
Lead. Preparation of a strategic alliance partnership proposal (developPPP) between GIZ
and Wilderness Safaris, for €4.2 million. Liaison with GIZ and Wilderness Safaris to
design a research and intervention program in Botswana, Nambia and Malawi to counter
the current poaching crisis, establish sustainable alternative livelihood opportunities for
local people, and build capacity within law enforcement institutions.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
April 2014 – August 2014
GIZ / Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Facilitation of tourism concession guidelines for transfrontier conservation areas in
Lead. Preparation, coordination and facilitation of an international conference on
innovative concessions partnership for tourism in transfrontier conservation areas
(TFCAs). Research on best practices in tourism concessions in TFCAs and compilation of
sustainable tourism concession model guidelines for SADC TFCAs. Coordination of
participatory process to review and validate the guidelines. Coordinator of a related
dissemination session on transboundary event tourism at the IUCN World Parks
Congress (Sydney, 2014). Guidelines approved by SADC steering committee, and tabled
for SADC ministerial approval.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May 2014 – September 2014
External evaluation of the Limpopo Tourism Program
Lead researcher. Research and evaluation of CESVI’s tourism program in Limpopo.
Collation and review of project documentation, supplemented with interviews and
consultation with key stakeholders.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2013 – October 2013
Empowerment Concepts, South Africa, on GiZ project.
Environmental assessment of manufacturing suppliers to SASOL
Development of environmental assessment protocol based on the Global Reporting
Initiative, technical advice to assessors, case study development and intervention planning.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2013 – July 2014
Sustainable Travel International, for the Northern Rangelands Conservancy
Development of a tourism plan for the Northern Rangelands Conservancy in
Kenya Tourism consultant. Contribution to a new tourism plan for the conservancy through
market analysis and demand assessment, mapping of attractions and use-zones, and the
tourism development plan.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March 2013
International Labour Organisation
Strategic planning workshop facilitation, for the Sustaining Competitive and
Resource Enterprises (SCORE) training program
Facilitator: Facilitation of a strategic planning workshop with stakeholders to guide the
next four years of the “Sustaining Competitive and Resource Enterprises” (SCORE)
training program in South Africa. Impact on the subsequent implementation of the
SCORE program in the country.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October – December 2013
International Labour Organisation
Market analysis for the Sustaining Competitive and Resource Enterprises
(SCORE) training program in South Africa
Lead researcher. Overall project design, including interview questions, online
questionnaires, and workshop discussion questions. Desk review of existing SCORE
Dr Anna Spenceley
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materials and internal reports. Facilitation of market research workshop with key
stakeholders. Analysis and reporting, including recommendations for enhancing the
training program. Development of a 5-year marketing strategy for SCORE.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2013 – February 2013
International Labour Organisaion
Evaluation and case studies of an ILO initiative to promote rural employment for
young women through the development of SMEs in the tourism sector of Southern
Lead researcher. External evaluation of the program, through a review of project
documentation, and consultation with ILO staff, consultants, trainers and trainees.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2012 – March 2013
Travel Foundation
Pro-poor tourism in South Africa: Strengthening local supply chains around the
Sabi Sand Game Reserve.
Lead researcher. Design of a supply chain study regarding the market demand for locallysourced products and services from the Bushbuckridge Local Municipality by luxury
tourism operators in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve. Coordination of community
entrepreneur field assessments to establish existing supply, including quality and
constraints. Design of an intervention program to enhance local supply chains, local
economic development, and product supply to lodges.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2012 – December 2012
United Nations Environment Program / Global Partnership on Sustainable Tourism
Situational analysis of sustainable tourism initiatives in sub-Saharan Africa
Lead. Desk review and regional consultation to research the status of sustainable tourism
initiatives. Analysis of innovative approaches to countering challenges including concepts,
financial instruments, models for capacity development, capacity requirements, feasibility
of Transfrontier conservation areas and coastal zones for sustainable tourism. Preparation
of a concept note and budget for an intervention that addresses the needs an priorities of
the region. Development of a brief for a regional symposium to discuss the findings and
the concept note.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
January 2012 – May 2012
International Finance Corporation (IFC), Mozambique
External evaluation of Anchor Tourism Investment Program: Mozambique &
Sierra Leone
Joint-lead. Evaluation of tourism investments, and investment processes used by the IFC
through a process of stakeholder interviews, online surveys and literature review.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
January 2012 – April 2012
DAI, USAID’s SPEED program
Development of a tourism concessions manual for Mozambique
Leader of process to develop a concessions manual and report, through review of best
practice globally in protected area concessions, and stakeholder interviews and focus
groups to review Mozambican experience. Organisation of an international training
workshop on tourism concessions in collaboration with the IUCN Tourism and Protected
Areas Specialist Group.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2011 – December 2012
Wilderness Safaris, South Africa
Development of a case study of Mombo Camp, Botswana
Lead researcher. Document the history of Mombo camp’s development; understand the
impacts that Mombo had on tourism development in the Okavango Delta; and
implications for wildlife and tourism policy development in the Okavango Delta.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September – November 2011
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Revision of tourism training modules on business and community engagement
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
Lead. Review of gaps and requirements for modifying existing module; facilitation of key
stakeholder roundtable on required revisions; revision of module and preparation of
teaching tools.
September 2011 – November 2011
Department of Environment in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Environment, Transport
and Energy, Seychelles
Development and conduct of training program for Seychelles Sustainable Tourism
Leader of process to review SSTL, develop training materials for operators, external
auditors and trainers, delivery of training workshop in Seychelles, and feedback on the
process, scoring systems and management processes.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August – September 2011
TechnoServe, USA
Project proposal development for sustainable livelihoods in Kafue National Park,
Review of wildlife based livelihoods and sustainable agriculture in Zambia, guidance for
field assessments, literature review, and logframe development.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August – September 2011
TechnoServe, Zimbabwe
Review of community based natural resource management and community based
tourism, and natural resource management in Zimbabwe
Desk based analysis of community tourism in Zimbabwe, CBNRM under the
CAMPFIRE program and best practice in NRM. Development of best practice process
for developing CBT. Development of a Technoserve position on NRM.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2011 – October 2011
BirdLife South Africa
Tourism and marketing plan for Chrissiesmeer, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Lead. Participatory tourism and marketing planning for Chrissiesmeer lake district. Process
incorporating interviews, site evaluations, desk research, and participatory planning
workshop with relevant stakeholders.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
June – December 2011
Environment Business and Development Group, for (CBI) Centre for the Promotion of
Exports from Developing Countries
Value chains for tourism between the EU and Ghana, Mozambique and Kenya
Review of existing VCAs and tourism statistics for the three countries; development of
evaluation tools for local experts, project management of local experts, validation visits,
and reporting on bottlenecks and proposed interventions for CBI
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
June 2011
EcoAfrica, South Africa
Market trends and market strategy for Bojanala Platinum District Municipality
tourism routes
Research on current market trends and potential markets for BPDM and development of
a marketing strategy. Contributions to business plan for routes.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July - August 2011
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Development of case studies and review of progress of training modules
Lead. Development of six case studies for lodges in Madikwe and Amakhala Game
reserves illustrating the impact of training through the ‘Sustaining Competitive and
Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) program. Process included site visits, stakeholder
interviews, review of training modules, and compilation of case studies.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
March 2011 – January 2012
SNV, through MDF Training and Consultancy BV
Dr Anna Spenceley
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• Main activities and
Development of High Impact Tourism Training for Jobs & Income (HITT)
program methodologies
Development of an HITT approach for developing and implementing vocational training
for the informal tourism economy, development of adaptable training materials and a
monitoring and evaluation framework.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
January – April 2011
Analysis and recommendations for biodiversity conservation and tourism
Preparation of a new 5-year USAID program in Northern Mozambique on tourism and
biodiversity conservation. Process entailing review of past experience, biodiversity based
threats analysis, stakeholder interviews, and field visits.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
December 2010 – March 2011
South African National Parks
Development of a responsible tourism research framework
Facilitation of a multi-stakeholder workshop of practitioners, academics and government
to develop a strategic research framework for SANParks that addresses the new
Responsible Tourism Strategy.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
December 2010 – December 2011
Inclusive business: moving from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’
Project leader. Compilation of a comprehensive and systematic review of Inclusive Business
practice in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, combined with an overview of relevant initiatives
and policies in South Africa and Latin America. Recommendations of policy changes
would foster an Inclusive Business climate, and which can be implemented.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November-December 2010
INCAE Business School, Costa Rica
Sustainable tourism in Africa
Desk-based case study development on sustainable tourism in Africa, as a contribution to
the UNEP Green Economy Report
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2010 – December 2011
Commonwealth Secretariat
Design of good environmental practice guidelines for the Mauritius hotel industry
Project leader. Development of technical guidance on environmental management systems,
best appropriate technologies, and biodiversity in hotels in partnership with the
Association des Hôteliers et Restaurateurs – Ile Maurice (AHRIM).
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2010 – December 2010
The World Bank, Washington DC
Review of nature-based and cultural heritage tourism interventions and best
practices in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)
Lead. Market scan of all actors working in SSA (government, private sector, NGOs,
development agencies etc), and destinations where good practice is taking place.
Production of a series of case studies illustrating best practice and innovation in naturebased, cultural, coastal, and business tourism, and a synthesis to draw out guiding
principles for governments and the World Bank.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2010 – August 2011
Wilderness Safaris, South Africa
Sustainability reporting
Project leader. Development of sustainability indicators for 47 lodges in Africa, based on the
Global Reporting Initiative and the Zeitz Foundation’s 4 ‘C’s. Production of evaluation
frameworks, a pilot phase, and sustainability reporting frameworks.
Dr Anna Spenceley
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
June – August 2010
SNV tourism network analysis
Lead. Analysis of corporate and regional knowledge networks for sustainable tourism in
SNV, and the development of a concrete vision and plan to maximise effectiveness and
efficiency. Identification of resourcing requirements and opportunities for external
resource mobilization.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March 2010 – June 2010
Value chain analysis and development strategy
Lead. Compilation of a strategy for SNV tourism advisors across Africa to undertake
VCAD interventions, develop and share knowledge generated, and promote VCAD as a
tool for poverty reduction through tourism.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March 2010 – June 2010
COAST project, UNIDO
Training needs analysis for Seychelles and Mozambique
Evaluation of stakeholder training needs and service providers on environmental
management systems, tourism certification, reef management, and ecotourism
development for poverty reduction. Work undertaken through a series of site visits and
detailed discussions with key partners and stakeholders in relation to their expected roles
and responsibilities within the project.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March 2010
Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Research priorities for tourism and poverty alleviation in South Africa
Commissioned discussion paper
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October – November 2008
World Bank, Washington DC.
Mozambique competitiveness project appraisal.
Tourism specialist. Assistance with Mozambique Competitiveness and Private Sector
Development project preparation. Development of procurement plan, implementation
arrangements and results framework for Inhambane.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
October 2008 – January 2009
International Trade Centre’s Export-Led Poverty Reduction Program, United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) / World Trade Organisation
(WTO), Geneva
Revision of community based tourism and agricultural training modules.
Coordinator of restructuring and revision of a tourism module to address poverty reduction
through responsible tourism. Technical assistance to revision of an agricultural training
module. In collaboration with the Overseas Development Institute.
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October – December 2008
United Nations World Tourism Organization, Madrid, Spain
Seminar on ecotourism and Protected areas, Maputo, Mozambique.
Lead. Technical assistance to develop the program, deliver technical presentations, prepare
case study material, moderate debates and development of proceedings report.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2008 – May 2009
South African National Parks, Pretoria, South Africa
Development of a strategy and implementation plan for responsible tourism
planning in national parks.
Coordinator. Review of relevant strategies and plans, interviews with key stakeholders in
SANParks, and development of a strategy and implementation plan. In collaboration with
the International Centre for Responsible Tourism – South Africa.
Dr Anna Spenceley
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2008
Richtersveld Company for Sustainable Development, Port Nolloth, South Africa
Organisation of a study tour.
Development of a study tour itinerary to build capacity among community members in
successful desert tourism operations, including joint-ventures and community-based
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August– October 2008
Richtersveld Company for Sustainable Development, Port Nolloth, South Africa
Feasibility of Conservation based Economic Opportunities for the Richtersveld.
Lead. Identification of the most viable conservation based business options for SMMEs
for the Richtersveld World Heritage Site, under a World Bank Project. Works include an
analysis of conditions for sustainable tourism and identification of barriers to investment.
Participatory planning and stakeholder interviews used to develop a (i) a competitive
strategy; (ii) an implementation action plan; and (iii) a performance monitoring and impact
assessment system.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
August – December 2008
International Trade Centre’s Export-Led Poverty Reduction Program, United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) / World Trade Organisation
(WTO), Geneva
Revision of Opportunity Study Guidelines for inclusive tourism.
Coordinator of the adaptation of ITC guidelines for community-based tourism feasibility
assessments. Revision focused on addressing inclusive business and value chain
diagnostics. Development of the assessment approach, tools and guidelines for
consultants undertaking assessments in collaboration with the Overseas Development
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August 2008
De Beers Group Services, South Africa Exploration / Plan it with enviro-care
Tourism Assessment.
Basic Assessment to support an Environmental Impact Assessment Process of proposed
diamond mining prospecting on tourism in the Haenertsburg area, Limpopo Province.
Works included site visit, interviews with local stakeholders, and evaluation of tourism
market and economic impacts.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
June – July 2008
World Bank, Washington DC.
Mozambique competitiveness project – pre-appraisal.
Tourism specialist. Development of a 5 year project to improve the business environment
for the tourism sector, and in particular SMMEs in Inhambane Province. Participatory
project planning with stakeholders in Inhambane and Vilanculos and bilateral stakeholder
meetings. Budget and monitoring and evaluation indicator development, and development
of institutional arrangements for implementation.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May 2008 – July 2008
Economic Development Unit, eThekwini Municipality, Durban
Feasibility study, market research and business plan for a proposed eco-hub and
conference centre on the Umgeni Estuary in Durban, as part of the South African
Greening the 2010 Soccer World Cup program, South Africa. Lead
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
February – March 2008
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Madrid
Development of community based ecotourism in Anse Royale, Seychelles.
Lead. Technical cooperation to develop a proposal and terms of reference for funding
applications for agritourism, cultural tourism and nature-based tourism activities.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
February – March 2008
FutureWorks! , Durban
Dr Anna Spenceley
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• Main activities and
Economic assessment of a proposed Square Kilometer Array telescope.
An evaluation of the existing tourism industry of the towns of Carnarvon and Williston in
the Northern Cape. Financial modelling and predictions of the potential impact of a
proposed SKA (Square Kilometer Array) radio telescope facility on the local tourism
industry within the two towns and their districts.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August 2007 – May 2008
Mafisa / Ford Foundation, Johannesburg
Case study development on nature-based tourism and poverty alleviation.
South African and Namibian case studies on Phinda, Rocktail Beach Lodge, and
Damaraland Camp developed for information dissemination of best practice workshops
between South Africa, India and Brazil.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August 2007 – January 2008
SNV – Mozambique, Maputo
Evaluation of capacity building needs and actions in tourism in northern
In situ stakeholder analysis and evaluation of activities and gaps in pro-poor tourism
interventions, and development of a tourism capacity development plan.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July – September 2007
Ecotourism Society of Kenya, Nairobi
Development of a strategy and business plan for the EcoRating ecotourism
certification program in Kenya.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July – August 2007
SNV – Mozambique, Maputo
Situation analysis and trends of the tourism sector in Mozambique.
Desk study evaluation of tourism trends, stakeholder activities, and potential development
agency interventions to promote pro-poor tourism.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2007
World Bank, Washington DC.
Mozambique competitiveness project – project identification.
Tourism specialist. Identification of potential areas of support in improving the business
environment and providing access to skills and business development services, and access
to finance for tourism related businesses and entrepreneurs.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
June 2007 – May 2008
International Trade Centre’s Export-Led Poverty Reduction Program, United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) / World Trade Organisation
(WTO), Geneva
Opportunity study on community benefits from tourism for the ACCOR hotel group
in Dakar, Senegal. Using supply chain analysis, identification of potential local producers
and suppliers and facilitation of linkages and sourcing agreements including fruit and
vegetable production, free range chickens and tourism activities. Development of a project
document and logframes for funding applications
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March 2007 – February 2014
World Bank, Washington DC.
Transfrontier Conservation Area and Tourism Development Project,
Implementation Support Missions. Tourism Specialist. Evaluation of progress of the
World Bank TFCA program in Mozambique, with site visits and assessments in
Vilanculos, Gaza, Sussudenga, Ponta d’Oura and Maputo Special Reserve. Missions take
place twice a year, and on demand.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
February – July 2007
International Finance Corporation, Washington DC.
Tourism Training Network. A market research survey on tourism management
education in African countries (South Africa, Rwanda, Madagascar, Kenya and
Mozambique) among both tertiary and technical vocational education institutions and the
private sector.
Dr Anna Spenceley
Updated July 2015
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
January 2007 – August 2008
Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal,
Masters course development. Development of a masters degree module on
“Sustainable Tourism for Protected Area Management”.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
January 2007 – February 2007
CSIR Environmentek, Stellenbosch
Development of responsible tourism guidelines for estuaries. Desk review of best
practice of tourism in estuarine environment, and development of practical guidelines for
conservation managers and environmental officers working in the Cape Floral Kingdom
of South Africa.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2007 – February 2007
IUCN Southern Africa Sustainable Use Specialist Group (SASUSG), Pretoria
Institutional review of the IUCN SASUSG, providing research design and
implementation guidance to the reviewers.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2006
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment. On site evaluation of De Zalze Golf Course.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2006 - April 2007
Institute of Natural Resources, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Tourism Impact Assessment for the proposed King Shaka International Airport,
Durban for the Environmental Impact Assessment. Economic impact assessment on
tourism and ecotourism, incorporating scenario analysis, evaluation of potential for
scheduled and charter airlines, and implications for local and provincial economic
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2006 – February 2007
Forum Natureza em Perigo (FNP) – Mozambique, Maputo
Sustainable financing of protected areas in Mozambique. Project leader. Evaluation
of existing financing and status of protected areas in Mozambique, and development of a
consolidated financial model for future costs and revenues.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2006
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment. On site evaluation of Masakala Guest House and
the Mehloding Adventure Trail.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
June - November 2006
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) – Mozambique, Maputo
Economic valuation of natural resources in Mozambique. Project leader.
Development of survey tools and sampling approach, and management of field staff to
evaluate the economic value people prescribe to natural resources, in a national park
(Bazaruto), an area with community-based natural resource management (CBNRM)
(Chirendzene Sacred Forest) and no CBNRM (Vilanculos).
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May – November 2006
United Nations World Tourism Organization, Madrid
Update of the Regional Tourism Authority of Southern Africa (RETOSA)
Community Based Tourism Enterprise directory for the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) and marketing support. Project leader. Review of
CBT enterprises operating in SADC countries; supervision of online directory and
searchable enterprise website; and liaison with in-country stakeholders and volunteers to
collect enterprise information. Project resulted in nearly 200 CBTEs representing 12
southern African countries having enhanced market access through the website (via Development and testing of market access training materials and
coordination of implementation and review. Feasibility evaluation and implementation of
an integrated CBTE certification system.
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May 2006 – May 2008
Tibet Ecotourism Project of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University,
New York
Development of an Ecotourism Curriculum for Tibet. Evaluation of existing tourism
curriculum at Tibet University and development of a semester-long undergraduate course
on ecotourism. Liaison with local and international agencies, including the private sector
and policy makers in Tibet. Teaching the module to Tibetan tourism educators at
Columbia University both in New York and in Tibet.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May – June 2006
Institute of Natural Resources, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Tourism Scoping Assessment for the Environmental Impact Assessment of the
proposed Idube International Airport, Durban. Desk review and stakeholder consultation
to evaluate the current national and provincial tourism status and trends, and evaluation of
potential impacts on the coastal and provincial tourism industry.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March – April 2006
United Nations World Tourism Organization, Madrid
Review of Sustainable Tourism-Eliminating Poverty
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
February 2006
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria, South Africa
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment. On site re-evaluation of Spier Resort Management
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2005 – March 2006
Sustainable Solutions Worldwide / Association of Caribbean States
Development and implementation of sustainability indicators for the Greater
Caribbean. Development of criteria for Caribbean countries to participate in a
Sustainable Tourism Zone; profiling countries; environmental audits; participatory
planning workshops for destination SWOT analysis and development of action plans to
address gaps.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November – December 2005
Futuresight / Association of Caribbean States
Elaboration of certification strategies. Desk and market research to evaluate
sustainable tourism certification schemes and UK and European travel and trade industry
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
February 2006
Mafisa Planning and Research
Tourism Certification Review for Southern Africa. Review and presentation for the
African Safari Lodges Program
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2005 – February 2006
International Finance Corporation, Maputo
Business analyst. Formulation of project components and program budgets for the
South East Africa Tourism Investment Program (SEATIP). Components incorporate a
spatial framework for tourism routes, identification of key anchor projects and tools to
promote an enabling environment for sustained private sector investment. Activities
include an analysis of opportunities for the 2010 soccer World Cup and a cost-benefit
analysis of the program.
Dr Anna Spenceley
December 2005 – April 2006
CSIR Environmentek, Stellenbosch
Research Associate. Development of a four year research development plan for
sustainable nature-based tourism, and review of linkages between biodiversity
conservation and the nature-based tourism sector. Development of the leadership and
profile of the nature-based tourism group through co-publication, mentorship, cosupervision and guidance. Assistance in developing research funding proposals and
developing strategic interactions with key stakeholders.
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July – October 2005
CSIR Environmentek, Stellensbosh
Mentor to develop a nature-based tourism research program. Facilitation of
discussions and guidance regarding opportunities for research linking tourism, biodiversity
conservation and poverty alleviation.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July – November 2005
EnvironDev / Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), Pretoria
Development of indicators for coastal and marine ecotourism. Production and
testing of indicators for sustainable coastal and marine ecotourism in a pilot program for
DEAT. Development of a monitoring and evaluation framework.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
April – December 2005
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), GEF PDF-B project,
Regional expert on ecotourism, biodiversity conservation and reef management.
Ecotourism consultant. Guide ecotourism and coastal use zonation schemes in 5 West
African countries (Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, The Gambia), and ecotourism,
coral reef management and biodiversity conservation projects in 4 East African countries
(Kenya, Mozambique, Seychelles, Tanzania). Facilitation of sub-regional workshops and
evaluation of proposed demonstration sites in Senegal, Gambia, Kenya and Mozambique.
Define national pilot demonstration activities and develop framework for monitoring and
indicators appropriate for GEF submission.
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
April 2005
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment. On site evaluation of Mboyti River Lodge with
respect to ‘fair trade’
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
November 2004 – May 2005
IUCN – Regional Office for Southern Africa, SADC Regional Programme for Rhino
Conservation, Harare
Economic analysis of Rhino conservation in a land-use context within the SADC
region. Market analysis of the value of black and white rhino in relation to land use in
southern Africa. Evaluations of the Save Valley conservancies in Zimbabwe, the Torra
and Puros conservancies in Namibia, Hluhluwe-Umfolozi and Phinda in South Africa.
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2004 – October 2005
EDSA for the Government of Madagascar / GEF project, Fort Lauderdale
Development of a tourism management plan: Nosy Be et Tolagnaro.
Participatory planning of coastal tourism development, promoting local economic
development, sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity conservation. Tourism site
assessments and facilitation of SWOT analyses in local stakeholder workshops.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2004 – March 2006
The International Ecotourism Society, Washington DC
Research on tourism certification in Africa. Including analysis of marketing and
incentives and monitoring and evaluation systems within responsible tourism certification
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2004 – December 2005
KPMG / South African Tourism Institute, Johannesburg
Development of a learning program on responsible tourism planning for provincial
tourism officials. Development of training materials and quality assurance.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
February – July 2004 & November 2004 – May 2005
IUCN Southern Africa Sustainable Use Specialists Group (SASUSG), Pretoria
Book coordinator. Coordination and editing of 55 case studies on wildlife programmes,
protected areas and community-based natural resource management in southern Africa
(Suich Child and Spenceley, 2009). Production of proceedings from annual workshop at
Addo National Park.
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May - June 2004
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment. On site evaluation of Amadiba Adventures (a
coastal community based tourism enterprise).
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
January – May 2004
International Gorilla Conservation Programme, Uganda / GEF-PAMSU project,
Participatory Tourism Planning, South West Uganda. Development of participatory
tourism development plans focussed on product diversification and poverty alleviation for
two districts that currently provide the focus of mountain gorilla tourism in Uganda.
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
March – April 2004
Mafisa / DEAT project, Pretoria
Poverty Evaluation. Evaluation of poverty and livelihoods in eight communities around
Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September – November 2003
Mercury Consultants, UK / Global Environment Facility project, Faversham
Swaziland Biodiversity Conservation and Participatory Development Project. Desk
study regarding tourism assets and potential in Swaziland.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September – October 2003
KPMG. Gauteng Tourism Authority project, Johannesburg
Responsible Tourism Planning Framework for Gauteng. Situation analysis, review of
best practice, development of concept framework, stakeholder workshops, development
of consolidated framework and manual chapters.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2003
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment Audit. Audit of National Qualification candidate,
FTTSA enterprise assessment of Spier, and review of FTTSA audit materials and
evaluation process.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 2002 – February 2003
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade in Tourism Assessment framework. Development of an assessment
framework for FTTSA assessors to use when evaluating tourism enterprises for FTTSA
membership, and training of assessors. Development of a NQ in grading and assessing
establishments. Assessment framework developed to evaluate issues of fair share,
democracy, respect (for human rights, culture and environment), reliability, transparency,
and sustainability.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September - November 2002
International Institute for Environment and Development, London
Pro-poor strategies and impacts in responsible South African Tourism enterprises.
Review of pro-poor private sector tourism impacts from safari, resort, and diving
operations, by addressing enterprises that had undertaken responsible tourism evaluations.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
September 2002
Mercury Consultants, Faversham, UK
Practical pro-poor strategies in South African Tourism. A review of private sector
experience in providing tangible, quantifiable benefits to the poor through different
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July - September 2002
Coral Divers, Sodwana, South Africa
Socio-economic assessment of the 4x4 beach-driving ban on tourism in Sodwana.
Coordinator of research; assessment design and commission of field researchers to
ascertain the local economic impact of new legislation on the number of visitors to
Sodwana Bay and turnover of tourism enterprises in the area.
Dr Anna Spenceley
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• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
June - July 2002
Centre for Responsible Tourism, University of Greenwich, UK
Development of a masters course unit on community based tourism initiatives for a
distance-learning course in the Centre for Responsible Tourism, University of Greenwich.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
April – July 2002
Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), Pretoria
Responsible Tourism Manual for South Africa. Management of the development of a
manual to guide private sector tourism enterprises in developing and operating
economically, socially, and environmentally responsible tourism - in line with the national
guidelines. Coordination of a technical working group to compile the web-based manual
and consultation with wider stakeholder groups to solicit examples of best practice
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May 2002
Development Bank of Southern Africa, Pretoria
Responsible Tourism Guidelines for Investment. Advice regarding the development
of responsible tourism guidelines to facilitate responsible investment decision-making.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
May 2002
Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa, IUCN, Pretoria
Fair Trade and Tourism in South Africa membership criteria. Advice on the
development of a quantitative evaluation system and trademark criteria for potential
membership of FTTSA.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
October 2001 –April 2002
Overseas Development Institute and the Sustainable Livelihoods Southern Africa project,
Institute of Development Studies, London
Role of the Tourism Private Sector in Tourism. Consultancy researching how
changing institutional arrangements, policies and the private sector influence tourism
development, and affect poor people’s access to natural resources and livelihoods. Review
of seventeen tourism case studies from South Africa and beyond.
• Main activities and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
June 2001 – March 2002
Natural Resources Institute (NRI), UK / DFID project, Chatham, UK
Responsible Tourism Guidelines, South Africa. South African team leader facilitating
the development of responsible tourism guidelines for the South African tourism industry,
on behalf of the South African government’s Department for Environmental Affairs and
Tourism. Work included: desk research, consultation workshop management and
implementation, Delphi consultation of stakeholders, case study design and project
management of three case studies, scuba diving enterprise case study implementation,
design of measurable indicators of responsible tourism, assessment of the
commercialisation of South African National Parks in relation to the guidelines.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
August – September 2001
Harold Goodwin, University of Greenwich, UK
Developing the Informal Sector in The Gambia. Review of experience on the
DFID/Tourism Challenge Fund initiative using partnerships between UK tour operators
and hoteliers and ground handlers to develop opportunities for the informal sector and
reduce barriers to access.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
July 2001
Mafisa Works, Johannesburg
Tourism and Conservation Training Assessment, South Africa. Research assessing
the extent and success of current tourism and conservation training in South Africa on
behalf of the Tourism, Hospitality, and Sport Education Training Authority (THETA).
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
December 2000 – April 2001
United Nations Environment Programme – Biodiversity Planning Support Program, Paris
Integration of Biodiversity & Conservation into Tourism Planning
Case study of South Africa’s work integrating biodiversity conservation into tourism
planning for UNEP-BPSP, and presented case study at workshop in Mexico City.
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Updated July 2015
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Working group editing final document defining lessons learned and advice for national
biodiversity and tourism planners.
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
November 2000 - January 2001
Overseas Development Institute/ International Institute for Environment and
Development/ Centre for Responsible Tourism. DFID funded project.
Assessment of Pro-Poor Tourism Livelihood Impacts, South Africa. Two pro-poor
tourism assessments of Wilderness Safaris lodge operations in KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa; Financial and livelihoods analysis of six pro-poor tourism case studies; evaluation
of NACOBTA and UCOTA: community operated tourism associations in Namibia and
• Dates (from – to)
• Name and address of employer
• Main activities and
October 1999
CSIR, Johannesburg
Study on the Trends in Tourism as a Developing Industry and Water User.
Assessment of the development of tourism in the Sabi-Sand catchment, South Africa.
Peer reviewed journal articles
Spenceley, A. (In press) Tourism and the IUCN World Parks Congress, 2014, Journal of Sustainable Tourism
Spenceley, A. (In press) Tourism and the World Parks Congress: Lessons learned, key trends and future directions,
Tourism and Hospitality Research
Spenceley, A. and Snyman, S. (In press) Can an individual safari camp and company influence conservation and the
development of tourism in a specific destination? The case of Mombo Camp and Okavango Wilderness Safaris in
Botswana, Tourism and Hospitality Research
McCool, S. and Spenceley A. (2014) Tourism and protected areas: A growing nexus of challenge and opportunity,
Koedoe, 56 (2),
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Living outside the fence: Opportunities for neighbouring communities to
supply products and services to the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa Living outside the fence: Opportunities
for neighbouring communities to supply products and services to the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa, African
Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, Supplement 2 (September),
Snyman, S. and Spenceley, A. (2012) Key sustainable tourism mechanisms for poverty reduction and local
socioeconomic development in Africa, Africa Insight, 42 (2), September, pp76-93
Spenceley, A. and Meyer, D (guest editors) (2012) Tourism and poverty reduction: Theory and practice in less
economically developed countries, Special edition of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20 (3)
Spenceley, A. and Meyer, D (2012) Tourism and poverty reduction: Theory and practice in less economically
developed countries, Special edition of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20 (3), 297-317
Biggs, D., Turpie, J., Fabricius, C., and Spenceley, A., (2011) The value of avitourism for conservation and job
creation – an analysis from South Africa, Conservation and Society, 9 (1), 80-90
Spenceley, A., Habyalimana, S., Tusabe, R. and Mariza,D. (2010) Benefits to the poor from gorilla tourism in
Rwanda, Development Southern Africa, 27: 5, 647 — 662
Tusabe, R. and Spenceley, A. (2009) Lake Kivu trails, The Eye, September-December 2009
Spenceley, A. (2008) Requirements for Sustainable nature-based tourism in Transfrontier Conservation Areas: A southern
African Delphi Consultation, Tourism Geographies, 10 (3), 285 - 311
Spenceley, A. and Goodwin, H. (2007) Nature-based tourism and poverty in South Africa, Current Issues in Tourism, 10,
(2&3), 255-277
Spenceley, A. (2006) Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park, Development Southern Africa, 23 (5), 649-669
Spenceley, A. (2006) Ecotourism: Benefits for conservation and local people ? African Wildlife, 60 (3), 16-18
Spenceley, A. (2006) Tourism in the New South Africa : Social responsibility and the Tourism experience, Book
review, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 14 (5), 520-523
Spenceley, A. (2006) Wildlife Tourism, Book review, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 4 (6), 645-648
Spenceley, A. (2005) Nature-based tourism and environmental sustainability in South Africa, Journal of Sustainable
Tourism, 13(2); 136-170
Spenceley, A. (2001) A comparison of local community benefit systems from two nature-based tourism operations
in South Africa, Industry and Environment: Ecotourism and sustainability, United Nations Environment
Programme, 24 (3-4), pp50-53
Spenceley, A., and Jerrom, B. (1997) Intrusive traumatic childhood memories in depression: A comparison between
depressed, recovered and never depressed women, Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 25 (4), 309-318
Flanagan, J. R., Wing, A. M., Allison, S., and Spenceley, A. (1995) Effects of surface texture on weight perception
when lifting objects, Perception and psychophysics, 57 (3), 282-290
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Spenceley, A., and Meyer, D. (In press) Tourism and poverty reduction: Impacts and principles in developing
countries, Routledge
Leung, Y-F., Spenceley, A., Hvenegaard, G., and Buckley, R. (In press) Tourism and visitor management in
protected areas: Guidelines for sustainability, Best Practice Protected Area Guideline Series, IUCN, Geneva.
Spenceley, A. (ed) (2008) Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for conservation and development, Earthscan: London &
Sterling VA, © IUCN
Suich, H., Child, B., with Spenceley, A. (2008) Evolution and innovation in Wildlife Conservation: From Parks and Game
Ranches to Transfrontier Conservation Areas, Earthscan
Wishitemi, B., Spenceley, A. and Wels, H. (eds) (2007) Culture and community: tourism studies in Eastern and Southern
Africa, Rozenberg Publishers: Amsterdam
Spenceley, A., Kohl, J., McArthur, S., Myles, P. Notarianni, M., Paleczny, D., Pickering, C., and Worboys, G. L.
(2015) Visitor management, In Worboys, G. L., Lockwood, Ml, Kothari, A , Feary, S and Pulsford, I., (eds) Protected
Area Governance and Management, ANU Press, Canberra.
Spenceley, A. and Bien, A. (2013) Ecotourism standards: international accreditation, local certification and
indicators, In Ballantyne, R. and Packer, J. (eds) The International Handbook on Ecotourism, Elgar, pp404 - 420
Spenceley, A. and Manning, T. (2013) Ecotourism: planning for rural development in developing nations, In
Ballantyne, R. and Packer, J. (eds) The International Handbook on Ecotourism, Elgar, pp292-311
Spenceley, A. and Nelson, F. (2013) Heritage tourism in Africa, In Staiff, R., Bushell, R., and Watson, S. (eds)
Heritage places and tourism: Engagement, communication, Dialogue, Key issues in Cultural Heritage, Routledge
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2012) Responsible wildlife tourism in Africa, in Leslie, D. (ed) Responsible tourism:
Concepts, theory and practice, CABI, Wallingford: UK, pp130-141
Spenceley, A. and Snyman, S. (2012) High-end ecotourism’s role in assisting rural communities in reaching the
Millennium Development Goals, in Bricker, K. Black, R. and Cottrel, S (eds) Sustainable tourism and the Millennium
Development Goals: Effecting Positive Change, The International Ecotourism Society, Jones & Bartlett Learning,
Nielsen, H. and Spenceley, A. (2011) The success of tourism in Rwanda: Gorillas and More, In Chuhan-Pole, P. and
Angwafo, M. (eds) Yes Africa Can: Success stories from a dynamic continent, The World Bank
Spenceley, A. (2011) Sfide legate alla consapevolezza locale delle potenzialità turistiche di una destinazione
emergente: il caso del Rwanda, (Challenges for developing community understanding of tourism in an emerging
destination: The case of Rwanda), In Cresti, I and Touadi, J-L, (eds) Il continente verde, L’Africa: cooperazione,
ambiente, sviluppo (The green continent, Africa: cooperation, environment, development), Bruno Mondadori
Spenceley, A. (2009) Southern Africa: Policy initiatives and environmental performance, In Leslie, D. (ed) Tourism
Enterprises and Sustainable Development - international perspectives and responses to the sustainability agenda. Routledge,
Bothma, J. du P., Suich, H., with Spenceley, A. (2009) Extensive wildlife production on private land in South
Africa, In Suich, H., Child, B., with Spenceley, A. (eds) Evolution and innovation in Wildlife Conservation: From
Parks and Game Ranches to Transfrontier Conservation Areas, Earthscan, pp 147-162
Spenceley, A. (2008) Tourism and poverty alleviation: lessons from southern Africa, In McCool, S. and Moisey, N.
(eds) Tourism, Recreation and Sustainability: Linking Culture and the Environment, 2nd Edition, CABI, pp 197-219
Spenceley, A. (2008) Responsible tourism in southern Africa, In Spenceley, A. (ed) Responsible Tourism: Critical
issues for conservation and development, Earthscan: London & Sterling VA, © IUCN, pp 1-24
Spenceley, A. (2008) Impacts of wildlife tourism on rural livelihoods in southern Africa, In Spenceley, A. (ed)
Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for conservation and development, Earthscan: London & Sterling VA, © IUCN,
Spenceley, A. (2008) Local impacts of community-based tourism in southern Africa, In Spenceley, A. (ed)
Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for conservation and development, Earthscan: London & Sterling VA, © IUCN,
pp 285-303
Spenceley, A. (2008) Implications of responsible tourism for conservation and development in southern Africa, In
Spenceley, A. (ed) Responsible Tourism: Critical issues for conservation and development, Earthscan: London &
Sterling VA, © IUCN, pp 361- 376
Spenceley, A. and Goodwin, H. (2007) Nature-based tourism and poverty in South Africa, In Hall, M. C. (Ed) Propoor tourism: Who benefits? Current themes in Tourism, Channel View Publications, pp145-167
Spenceley, A. and Schoon, M. (2007) Peace Parks as Social Ecological Systems: Testing Environmental Resilience in
Southern Africa, In Ali, S. H. (ed) Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution, MIT press, pp 83-104
Spenceley, A. (2007) Transfrontier protected areas and sustainable nature-based tourism, In Bushell, R. and Eagles,
P. (eds) Tourism & Protected Areas: Benefits Beyond Boundaries, CABI International. pp129-140
Seif, J. and Spenceley, A. (2007) Assuring community benefit in South Africa through ‘Fair Trade in Tourism’
Certification, In Black, R. S. and Crabtree, A. (Eds.) Quality Assurance and Certification in Ecotourism. Ecotourism
Dr Anna Spenceley
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Book chapters
Updated July 2015
series No. 5. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon, UK.
Spenceley, A. (2006) Environmental impacts of nature-based tourism in South Africa, In Dixit, S. K. (ed) Promises
and Perils in Hospitality and Tourism Management, New Delhi: Aman Publications
Spenceley, A. (2004) Responsible nature-based tourism planning in South Africa and the commercialisation of
Kruger National park, In Diamantis, D. (Ed) Ecotourism: Management and Assessment, Thomson Learning,
Spenceley, A., Goodwin, H., and Maynard, W. (2004) Development of responsible tourism guidelines for South
Africa, In Diamantis, D. (Ed) Ecotourism: Management and Assessment, Thomson Learning, London
de la Harpe, D., Fernhead,P., Hughes, G., Davies, R., Spenceley, A., Barnes, J., Cooper. J., and Child, B. (2004)
Does ‘Commercialization’ of Protected Areas Threaten Their Conservation Goals? In Child, B. (ed) Parks in
Transition: Biodiversity, Rural Development and the Bottom Line, Earthscan & IUCN
Koch, E., Massyn, P.J. and Spenceley, A. (2002) Getting started: The Experiences of South Africa and Kenya, In
Honey, M. (ed) Ecotourism & Certification: Setting Standards in Practice, Island Press, pp237-264
Spenceley, A., Rylance, A., and Lloyd, S. (2015) Tourism value chain findings, strategy and proposed interventions;
Botswana CDE and ITC partnership on value chains, Report to the International Trade Centre
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2014) ILO market assessment for SCORE training in South Africa’s Tourism sector,
Report to the International Labour Organisation
Spenceley, A. (2014) Tourism report on Limpopo Transboundary Program interventions undertaken by CESVI,
Report to CESVI
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Evaluation and case study development for the International Labour
Organization’s (ILO) Regular Budget Supplementary Account (RBSA) funded initiative promotion of rural
employment for young women through the development of small and medium enterprises (SME) in the tourism
sector of Southern Africa, Report to the International Labour Organisation
Spenceley, A. (2013) Case study of Mombo Camp, Botswana. Report to Wilderness Safaris
Spenceley, A. (2013) Advancing sustainable tourism: A regional sustainable tourism situational analysis: Southern Africa,
UNEP and the Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2013) Demand and supply for local products and services: The Sabi Sand Game
Reserve, South Africa, Report to the Travel Foundation and the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, April 2013
Spenceley, A. (2012) Final report: Mainstreaming sustainable tourism in Southern Africa, Report to UNEP-DTIE
SCP Branch / Tourism, December 2012
Spenceley, A. and Fabricius, M. (2012) External evaluation report, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Tourism
investment generation program in Mozambique, 5 April 2012
Fabricius, M. and Spenceley, A. (2012) External evaluation report, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Tourism
investment generation program in Sierra Leone, March 2012
Spenceley, A. and Casimiro, R. (2012) Tourism concessions in protected areas in Mozambique: Analysis of tourism
concessions models in protected areas in Mozambique, Report USAID SPEED, 19 April 2012
Spenceley, A. and Hunter, M. (2011) Blockages and mechanisms to overcome them: Findings from a series of Inclusive
Business case studies, Report to SNV, October 2011
Spenceley, A. and Gordon-Davis, L. (2011) Review of the Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Label, Report to GoSUNDP-GEF Mainstreaming Biodiversity Management into Production Sector Activities, October 2011
Spenceley, A. and Hunter, M. (2011) Inclusive Business: Moving from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’, Roundtable report,
Report to SNV
Spenceley, A., Hunter, M. Maunze, T.l, Sibanda, R., van Niekerk, R., and Falco, M. (2011) Inclusive Business:
Moving from the ‘why’ to the ‘how’, Exploratory analysis, Report to SNV
Spenceley, A. (2011) Community tourism and natural resource management in Zimbabwe, Report to Technoserve,
July 2011
Spenceley, A. and Batey, E. (2011) Economic case for tourism in Mozambique, Report to USAID, 17 March 2011
Spenceley, A. (2011) Marketing strategy for the Bojanala Platinum District and surrounding areas, Report to
Spenceley, A. (2010) Tourism Product Development Interventions and Best Practices in sub-Saharan Africa. Part 1:
Synthesis report, Report to the World Bank, 27 December 2010
Spenceley, A. and Bashain, A. (2010) Design of Environmental good guidelines for the Mauritius hotel industry,
Assessment report, Project reference X/MRT/027, Report to the Commonwealth Secretariat, 1 November 2010
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Spenceley, A. (2003) Managing sustainable nature-based tourism in Southern Africa: A practical assessment tool,
Doctoral thesis, University of Greenwich, UK
Spenceley, A. (1997) Strategic environmental assessment of tourism at Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, MSc thesis,
Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology, University of London
Research reports
Updated July 2015
Spenceley, A. and van Strien, M. (2010) SNV Tourism Network Analysis, report to SNV, August
Nielsen, H., and Spenceley, A. (2010) The success of tourism in Rwanda – Gorillas and more: Background paper for
the World Bank African Success Stories Study, April 2010
Spenceley, A. (2010) Global and local priorities for research on tourism and poverty alleviation, Report to the
HSRC, 12 March 2010
Spenceley, A. Keyser, H., Brauteseth, T., Daniels, T., Turnbul, H. and Janeke, L. (2009) Towards national minimum
standards for responsible tourism and an accreditation system for certification agencies. Phase 1: Situational analysis.
Report to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, South Africa
Spenceley, A. (2009) The success of gorilla tourism in Rwanda, Report to the World Bank, 8 December 2009
Spenceley, A. Habarimana, H., Ritah Tusabe, R., Mariza, D., Mushabizi, D., and Neven, I (2009) Tourism Market
Research for Rwanda 2009: A survey of tourists, tour operators and hoteliers, SNV, 11 June 2009
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2008) Study Tour of Feasible and Viable Conservation based Economic
Opportunities, Report to the Richtersveld Company for Sustainable Development, October 2008
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2008) Feasibility of Conservation based Economic Opportunities in the Richtersveld
World Heritage Site: Including proposals for an Ecotourism Competitive Strategy, an Implementation Plan and a
Performance Monitoring and Impact Assessment System, Final Report, Final Report to the Richtersveld Company
for Sustainable Development, September 2008
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2008) eThekwini Municipality Umgeni Green Hub EcoTourism Centre: Business
plan, Report to the eThekwini Municipality Economic Development Unit, 18 July 2008
Spenceley, A. Dzingirai, P. and Tangawamira, Z (2008) Economic Impacts of Transfrontier Conservation Areas :
Tourism in the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area, Report to IUCN Southern Africa Sustainable Use
Specialist Group and
the University of the Witwatersrand, 4 April 2008
Rylance, A, Spenceley, A., and Mander, M (2008) Development of the SKA Radio Telescope : Assessment of the
potential impacts on the tourism economy in Williston and Carnarvon, Draft report to Imani Development
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2008) eThekwini Municipality Umgeni Green Hub EcoTourism Centre: Stakeholder
Analysis, Market Research & Defining the Concept, Report to the eThekwini Municipality Economic Development
Unit, 4 July 2008
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A (2008) Tourism assessment of prospecting near Haenertsburg, Limpopo Province,
Report to De Beers Group Services
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2007) Business plan and strategy for the Eco-rating scheme, Report to Ecotourism
Kenya, September 2007
Spenceley, A. (2007) Responsible tourism practices by South African tour operators, Survey results from
participants at the 2006 Tourism Indaba, International Centre for Responsible Tourism South Africa.
Spenceley, A. and de Vletter, R. (2007) Situational analysis and trends of the tourism sector in Mozambique, Report
to SNV-Mozambique, August 2007
Spenceley, A. and Rozga, Z. (2007) IFC Tourism Training Network: Market research report, Report to the Global
Business School Network, International Finance Corporation
Spenceley, A., McKenzie, M., Morgan, D. and Sheetal Dullabh, S. (2007) Tourism Specialist Study for the
DubeTradePort Environmental Impact Assessment, Report to the Institute of Natural Resources, 23 January 2007
Spenceley, A. (2006) Sustainable nature-based tourism assessment of Covane Community Lodge, SUNTAT – COVANE
1, Unpublished report to the Covane Community Lodge, Helvetas and the Transboundary Protected Areas Research
Rome, A., Crabree, A., Bien, A., Hamele, H., and Spenceley, A. (2006) International Accreditation System and
Consolidation of National Systems for Sustainable Tourism Certification to Facilitate Small and Medium Enterprises’
(SMEs) Competitiveness and Market Access, IDB-MIF Activity 2.5: Financial Sustainability of Certification
Programs, The International Ecotourism Society, November 2006
Spenceley, A. (2006) Tourism Certification Tools in Africa: A review and implications for the RETOSA/UNWTO
community-based tourism directory for Southern Africa, Report to the UNWTO and RETOSA as part of the
Update of Database and Marketing Support for Community-Based Tourism in Southern Africa, November2006
Spenceley, A. (2006) Financing Tourism Certification in Africa, Report to The International Ecotourism Society,
January 2006
Spenceley, A. and Rozga, Z. (2006) Technical Assistance to RETOSA for Update of Database and Marketing
Support for Community-based Tourism Products in Southern Africa, Final report to UNWTO., UNWTO/STEPESA / RETOSA (Regional Tourism Organisation of Southern Africa) / SNV Tourism Practise Areas (East and
South Africa)
Spenceley, A. and Spenceley, J. (2006) Cost benefit analysis of the South East African Investment Program
(SEATIP) and potential for the 2010 World Cup, Report to the International Finance Corporation, January 2006
Spenceley, A. (2006) Scoping report on Tourism for Dube Airport, Durban, Report to the Institute of Natural
Resources, June
Spenceley, A. (2005) Tourism certification schemes and the Caribbean region: Analysis of existing programs, Report
to Futuresight for the Association of Caribbean States, December 2005
Spenceley, A. (2005) Certification tools for tourism in Africa: social, environmental and economic criteria, Report to
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Updated July 2015
The International Ecotourism Society, 3 February 2005
Spenceley, A. (2005) Tourism Certification Initiatives in Africa, Report to The International Ecotourism Society, 20
January 2005
Spenceley, A. (2005) Tourism investment in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area : Scoping report, Report
to the Transboundary Protected Areas Research Initiative, University of the Witwatersrand
Spenceley, A. and Barnes, J. (2005) Economic Analysis of Rhino Conservation in a Land-Use Context within the SADC
region, SADC RPRC Task 6.3-1.2 (Phase II), SADC Regional Programme for Rhino conservation, Report to IUCN-ROSA
Spenceley, A. (2004) Tourism Certification in Africa: Marketing, incentives and monitoring, Report to The
International Ecotourism Society, 29 November 2004
Spenceley, A. (2004) Socio-economic conditions of communities within the Mayibuye Ndlovu Development Programme
near Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, Report to Mafisa, March
Spenceley, A. and Seif, J. (2003) Strategies, Impacts and Costs of Pro-poor Tourism Approaches in South Africa, ProPoor Tourism working paper No. 11, January 2003
Spenceley, A. (2003) Sociocultural impacts of Pretoriuskop Camp, Kruger National Park on the Numbi Community,
Sustainable nature-based tourism assessment, 29 March
Spenceley, A. (2003) Sociocultural impacts of Sabi Sabi on the Huntingdon Community, Sustainable nature-based tourism
assessment, 24 March
Spenceley, A. (2003) International practice in tourism planning and South Africa’s Responsible Tourism Guidelines,
report to KPMG for the Gauteng Tourism Authority, October
Spenceley, A. (2003) Tourism flows and development nodes in Swaziland, Report to Mercury Associates for the World
Bank, November
Spenceley, A. (2002) Practical Pro-Poor Activities from South African Tourism Enterprises, Report to Mercury
Consultants, September 2002
Spenceley, A. (2002) Sociocultural impacts of Jackalberry Lodge on the Timbavati Community, Sustainability Sustainable
Nature-Based Tourism Assessment, Institute of Natural Resources Occasional Paper No. 192-02
Spenceley, A. (2002) Sustainable nature-based tourism assessment: Pretoriuskop Camp, Kruger National Park,
Unpublished report to South African National Parks, December
Spenceley, A. (2002) Sustainable nature-based tourism assessment: Sabi Sabi, Sabi Sands Wildtuin, Unpublished report to
Sabi Sabi
Spenceley, A. (2002) Sustainable nature-based tourism assessment: Jackalberry Lodge, Thornybush Game Reserve,
Unpublished report to Jackalberry Lodge, February 2002
Goodwin, H., Spenceley, A., and Maynard, W. (2002) Development of Responsible Tourism Guidelines for South
Africa, Final Report to DFID, National Resources Institute, May 2002,
Spenceley, A. (2002) Responsible Tourism: A briefing document for the Department for Environmental Affairs and
Tourism, May 2002
Spenceley, A. and Bell, H. (2002) Pilot Socio-economic Assessment of Tourism in Sodwana Bay, South Africa: Impacts of
the 4x4 Beach Driving Ban, Confidential Report to Coral Divers, September
Poultney, C. and Spenceley, A. (2001) Practical strategies for pro-poor tourism, Wilderness Safaris South Africa: Rocktail
Bay and Ndumu Lodge, Pro-Poor tourism working paper No. 1, ODI/CRT/IIED, April 2001
Williams, E., White, A. and Spenceley, A. (2001) UCOTA – The Uganda Community Tourism Association: a comparison
with NACOBTA, Pro-Poor tourism working paper No.5, ODI/CRT/IIED, May 2001
Goodwin, H. and Spenceley, A. (2001) Harnessing Tourism for Poverty Elimination: A Blueprint from The Gambia,
DFID/Tourism Challenge Fund Project interim report, July 2001
Spenceley, A. (2001) Development of National Responsible Tourism Guidelines and Indicators for South Africa:
Literature Review: Principles, Codes, Guidelines, Indicators and Accreditation for Responsible and Sustainable
Tourism, Report to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, and the Department for International
Development, August 2001
Spenceley, A. (2001) Tourism Law Reform Project: Comments on the Second Draft Report (14 August 2001) by the
Institute for Social and Systemic Change, University of Port Elizabeth in relation to the Development of Guidelines
for Responsible Tourism for the South African Tourism Industry, Prepared on behalf of the Department of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism, August 2001
Spenceley, A. (2000) Sustainable nature-based tourism assessment: Ngala Private Game Reserve, Unpublished report to
Ngala Private Game Reserve
Spenceley, A. (2000) Sustainable Nature-based Tourism in Transfrontier Conservation Areas: A Delphi
Consultation Study, Working Paper WP134, Institute of Natural Resources, South Africa
Spenceley, A. (1999) Report on trends in Tourism as a Developing Sector and Water User in the Sabie-Sand Catchment,
Deliverable 20: Collaborative WRC study to Develop protocols for integrated water resource management, CSIR –
Spenceley, A. and Carter, S. (1999) Black Bank Pool, Exhall, Bedworth: Ecological Assessment, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-555, March 1999
Spenceley, A., Carter, C., and Ball, J. (1999) East Cleveland Reinforcement – Conceptual Design: Ecological and
Archaeological Assessments, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-553, February 1999
Spenceley, A., Carter, S., and Ball. J. (1999) Management Plan for Rock Mill Wood, Middlemarch Environmental Report
No. RT-MME-398-02, March 1999
Spenceley, A., Smith, D., and McLellan, M. (1999) Swift Valley Park Management Plan, Middlemarch Environmental
Dr Anna Spenceley
Updated July 2015
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Report No. RT-MME-506, March 1999
Spenceley, A. and Dutton, R. (1999) Bat survey and exclusion from Stoneleigh Bridge, Middlemarch Environmental
Report No. RT-MME-563, April 1999
Spenceley, A., and Dutton, R (1999) Bat Survey: Old Brewery Building, Ricado Midlands Technical Centre; Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-556, March 1999
Carter, S. and Spenceley, A. (1999) Churchover to Newbold Pacey Transco Pipeline: Newt Survey, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-559, April 1999
Carter, S. and Spenceley, A. (1999) Rugby Western Ring Main: Bat Survey, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RTMME-569, April 1999
Denton, J., Read, K., and Spenceley, A. (1999) Churchover to Newbold Pacey Transco Pipeline: White-Clawed Crayfish
Survey, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-558, March 1999
Spenceley, A. (1998) Indigenous people count, The Independent on Sunday, 1 February, 1998, Section 2, 2
Carter, S. and Spenceley, A. (1998) Fleetwood Power Limited Pipeline: Ecological Assessment, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-503, August 1998
Carter, S., Spenceley, A., and Ball, J. (1998) Ecological Monitoring, Harmondsworth Moor: Quarterly Technical Report
#1, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-542, December 1998
Carter, S., Spenceley, A., and Swainston, D. (1998) Water Level Management Plan: Avon Valley SSSI, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-510, October 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 1755: Sutton Abinger, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-487, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 3753: Plaxtol, Middlemarch Environmental
Report No. RT-MME-488, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 6605: Pontycymer, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-489, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 6635: Brecon Beacons,, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-490, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 4548: Conwy Falls, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-491, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 3892: Coed-y-brenin, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-492, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 3386: Kirkbymoorside, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-493, July 1998
Carter, S., Ball, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 4344: Patterdale,, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-494, July 1998
Carter, S., Tanner, I., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Surveys, Broadway, Warwickshire, Middlemarch Environmental
Report No. RT-MME-502, July 1998
Carter, S., Tanner, I., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Grange Farm, Longford: Hedgerow, Bat, Newt and Badger Surveys,
Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-495, July 1998
Cawston, J. and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 4239: Aughnacloy, Middlemarch Environmental
Report No. RT-MME-496, July 1998
McLellan, M., Bloor, J., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Fleetwood Power Limited Pipeline: Electric Fishing Surveys,
Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-505, August 1998
Ismay, J., McLellan, M., Carter, S., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological survey and assessment of proposed dry attenuation
area, South Sydenham, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-515, September 1998
The Wildlife Partnership, Carter, S., and Spenceley, A. (1998) Ecological Assessment of Cell Site 4432: Newton Bridge,
Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-537, October 1998
White, D., Carter, S., Wolf, A., Spenceley, A., and McLellan, M. (1998) Hydrological and ecological surveys at Whitley
Abbey School Lake, Coventry, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-518, October 1998
Spenceley, A. (1998) Water Level Management Plan: Pasturefields Salt Marsh SSSI, Middlemarch Environmental Report
No. RT-MME-513, October 1998
Spenceley, A. and Ball, J. (1998) Water Level Management Plan: River Teme SSSI, Middlemarch Environmental Report
No. RT-MME-511, October 1998
Spenceley, A. and Carter, S. (1998) Earlswood Lakes, Warwickshire: Desk Study, Middlemarch Environmental Report No.
RT-MME-509, June 1998
Spenceley, A., Carter, S., Ball, J., and Tanner, I., (1998) Churchover to Newbold Pacey Transco Pipeline: Ecological
Survey, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-499, June 1998
Spenceley, A., Carter, S., Ball, J., and Tanner, I., (1998) Churchover to Newbold Pacey Transco Pipeline Re-route:
Ecological Survey, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-521, October 1998
Spenceley, A., Carter, S., Tanner, I., Wolf, A., and Swainston, D. (1998) Rugby Western Ring Main: Ecological Surveys,
Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-541, November 1998
Spenceley, A., Harrison, S., McLellan, M., Millet, M., Menendez, C., and Littlewood, M. (1998) Whitley Abbey School,
Coventry, Outline design for lake restoration, Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-482-02, May 1998
Spenceley, A. & McLellan, M. (1998) Rough Cut Appraisal for Rock Farm Lagoons: Ecology, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-481-01, April 1998
Spenceley, A., and McLellan, M. (1998) Ecological Assessments of Cell Sites, 1997 & 1998; Summary of Issues,
Middlemarch Environmental Report No. RT-MME-497, August 1998
Dr Anna Spenceley
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Updated July 2015
Spenceley, A., Ball, J., and McLellan, M. (1998) Water Level Management Plan: Brandon Marsh SSSI, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-512, October 1998
Ball, J. and Spenceley, A. (1998) Fleetwood Power Limited Pipeline: River Corridor Surveys, Middlemarch Environmental
Report No. RT-MME-504, August 1998
Carter, S. and Spenceley, A. (1998) Aquatic Macro-Invertebrate Survey, Gog Brook, Warwick, Middlemarch
Environmental Report No. RT-MME-516, September 1998
Case studies
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2014) Creating luxury ecotourism with the local community, Case study, GIZ,
German Cooperation, Endeva
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2014) Local procurement strengthens a hotel’s business base, Case study, GIZ,
German Cooperation, Endeva
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2014) Strong community partnership through long-term land leasing, Case study,
GIZ, German Cooperation, Endeva
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Female-owned tourism businesses in Lesotho, Case Study: Mokhotlong Hotel
and Motlejoa Guest House, International Labour Organisation
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Born to be an Entrepreneur, Case Study: Bothabelo Bed and Breakfast,
International Labour Organisation
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) The SCORE Process: A Trainer’s Perspective, Case Study: Caleb Mabaso:
Candid Colours; and Doris Worfel: Southern Cross Foundation, International Labour Organisation
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Having the perseverance and confidence in yourself to make the right business
decisions, Case Study: Mantovani Guest House, International Labour Organisation
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Supporting open discussion leads to business growth, Case Study: Rhino’s Rest
Guest House, International Labour Organisation
Rylance, A. and Spenceley, A. (2013) Collaboration between tourism businesses resulting in joint marketing venture,
Case Study: Mashovhela Bush Lodge, International Labour Organisation
Spenceley, A. (2011) Enhancing guest experience: Gaining customer feedback and using results, ILO case study, August
Spenceley, A. (2011) Clothes, craft and jewelry: Good practice in support and outsourcing to local artisans, ILO case
study, August 2011
Spenceley, A. (2011) Soap savings: How monitoring and control saves money, ILO case study, August 2011
Spenceley, A. (2011) Improving communication: Using white boards to clarify roles and responsibilities, ILO case study,
August 2011
Spenceley, A. (2011) Increasing wine sales: cooperation between sales staff and managers, ILO case study, August 2011
Spenceley, A. (2011) Fluid dynamics: saving money and reducing waste from bottled water, ILO case study, August 2011
Spenceley, A. (2010) Tourism Product Development Interventions and Best Practices in sub-Saharan Africa. Part 2: Case
studies, Report to the World Bank, 27 December 2010
Spenceley, A. and Durbarry, R. (2010) Sustainable tourism in Africa, Case study prepared for the UNEP Green Economy
Report, December 2010
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2008) eThekwini Municipality Umgeni Green Hub EcoTourism Centre: Best practice
study, Report to the eThekwini Municipality Economic Development Unit, 27 June 2008
Spenceley, A. (2003) Tourism, Local Livelihoods and the Private Sector in South Africa: Case studies on the growing role
of the private sector in natural resources management, Sustainable Livelihoods in South Africa Research Paper 8,
Sustainable Livelihoods Southern Africa project, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton UK, February 2003
Spenceley, A., Goodwin, H., Maynard, W. (2002) Commercialisation of South African National Parks and the National
Responsible Tourism Guidelines, Report to DfID/SANParks, April 2002
Spenceley, A. (2002) Overview report of three case studies: Pretoriuskop Camp, Jackalberry Lodge, and Coral Divers,
National Responsible Tourism Guidelines for the South African Tourism Sector, Application of the Guidelines to the
Nature-based tourism sector, Report to DFID/DEAT, March 2002
Spenceley, A., Roberts, S. and Myeni, C. M. (2002) Case Study Assessment of Coral Divers, South Africa, National
Responsible Tourism Guidelines for the South African Tourism Sector, Application of the Guidelines to the Nature-based
tourism sector, Report to DFID/DEAT, February 2002
Spenceley, A. (2001) Integrating Biodiversity into the Tourism Sector: Case Study of South Africa, United Nations
Environment Programme – Biodiversity Planning Support Programme (UNEP-BPSP)
Spenceley, A. (2001) Sustainability of tourism with respect to neighbouring community impacts: Case Study of the
Welverdiend Community, South Africa, Institute of Natural Resources Occasional Paper No. 191
Manuals, guidelines and tools
Spenceley, A., Neville, H., and Souto, M. (In press) Protected area tourism concessions: A toolkit, World Bank Group
Spenceley, A. (2014) Tourism concession guidelines for Transfrontier conservation areas in SADC, Report to GIZ /
Dr Anna Spenceley
Updated July 2015
25 of 31
Casimiro, R. and Spenceley, A. (2012) Tourism concessions in protected areas in Mozambique: Manual for the
private sector, Report USAID SPEED, 19 April 2012
Daconto, G., Habyalimana, S., Mahajan, S. G., Ninsiima, H, Spenceley, A. and Tusabe, R. (2011) Power in
enterprise: Manual to strengthen the internal governance of community-based enterprise organizations, CARE,
IGCP, Oxfam: Kigali, Rwanda
Spenceley, A. Bashain, A. and Saini, A. (2010) Handbook, Design of Environmental Good Guidelines for the Mauritius
Hotel Industry, Report to AHRIM and the Commonwealth Secretariat, December 2010
Ashley, C. Mitchell, J. and Spenceley, A (2009) Opportunity Study Guidelines, Tourism Led Poverty Reduction
Programme, Report to the International Trade Centre’s Export-Led Poverty Reduction Program
Spenceley, A. (2007) Guidelines for sustainable tourism in Estuaries of the Cape Floral Region, report to the CSIR
for Cape Action for People and the Environment (CAPE)
Spenceley, A. (2005) Marine and Coastal Eco-tourism Indicators for South Africa, Report to EnvironDev, August
Spenceley, A., Relly, P., Keyser, H., Warmeant, P., McKenzie, M., Mataboge, A., Norton, P., Mahlangu, S., and Seif,
J. (2002) Responsible Tourism Manual for South Africa, Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism, July
Spenceley, A. (2001) Responsible tourism guidelines for the South African Tourism Industry: Draft Guidelines for
Discussion, Report to DfID/DEAT, October 2001
Spenceley, A., Golding, J., Kanju, R., Sachs, D., and Mkhosi, P. (2011) Responsible wildlife tourism: business
sustainability, environmental responsibility and community engagement, Sustaining competitive and responsible enterprises,
SCORE training module 3, International Labour Organization.
Spenceley, A. (2010) Seychelles Tourism Training Needs Analysis, Report to UNIDO, June 2010
Spenceley, A. (2010) Mozambique Tourism Training Needs Analysis, Report to UNIDO, June 2010
Rylance, A., Spenceley, A., Mitchell, J. and Leturque, H. (2009) Training module for agriculture, Tourism Led
Poverty Reduction Program, Office for Interregional Programs, International Trade Centre, UNCTAD
Spenceley, A., Ashley, C., and de Koch, M. (2009) Tourism and local development: an introductory guide, Core
training manual, Tourism Led Poverty Reduction Program, Office for Interregional Programs, International Trade
Centre, UNCTAD
Spenceley, A. (2008) Responsible Tourism, Undergraduate module for the Tourism Department, University of Lhasa,
Spenceley, A. and Keyser, H. (2008) Sustainable Tourism for Protected Area Management, Module for the Protected
Areas Management Masters at the Centre for Environment and Development, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Spenceley, A. and Rylance, A. (2007) Capacity Development Plan for Nampula Province: Evaluation of tourism
capacity building needs and actions, Report to SNV-Mozambique, December 2007
Rozga, Z. and Spenceley, A. (2006) Welcome to the market access training manual, Report to UNWTO and RETOSA,
September 2006, Available at
Spenceley, A., Hvenegaard, G., Mader, R., Snyman, S., Nikolaeva, E., Bushell, R. and 18 members of the TAPAS
Group (2015), Specialist Group: Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS Group), Annual Report to
the Steering Committee, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas.
Spenceley, A. (2014) Proceedings: Workshop on tourism concessions in Transfrontier conservation areas in SADC,
Report to GIZ / SADC
Spenceley, A. (2013) SCORE Phase II Planning workshop report, report to the International Labour Organization
Spenceley, A., Casimiro, R., and Barborak, J, (2012) Concessioning tourism opportunities in conservation areas and
maximizing rural development: lessons and the way forward in Mozambique and other Southern African countries,
Minutes of meeting, Girasol Indy Village, Maputo, Mozambique, 19-22 March 2012
Spenceley, A. (2010) Tourism research workshop for South African National Parks, Game capture auditorium,
Skukuza, Kruger National Park, 1-2 February 2011, Report to SANParks
McCool, S., Spenceley, A., and Swemmer, L. (2010) Identification of proficiencies needed to manage tourism and
Dr Anna Spenceley
26 of 31
Training courses and evaluations
Tourism plans
Spenceley, A. (2011) Chrissiesmeer (Mpumalanga Lakes District) Tourism and Marketing Plan 2011-2016, Report to
BirdlifeSouthAfrica and TRAC.
E D S A, Détente Consultants, GLW Conseil, Dr. Anna Spenceley (2005) Plans d’amenagement touristique de Nosy Be et
Tolagnaro, République de Madagascar, prepare pour La Vice Primature Chargée Des Programmes Economiques, Ministère
Des Transports, Des Travaux Publics, De L’Aménagement Du Territoire
EDSA and Spenceley, A. (2004) Kisoro District Tourism Development Plan, Uganda, Report for the International Gorilla
Conservation Program, May 2004
EDSA and Spenceley, A. (2004) Kanungu District Tourism Development Plan, Uganda, Report for the International
Gorilla Conservation Program, May 2004
Conference and Workshop Proceedings
Updated July 2015
visitation at natural heritage protected areas, Report of a small group process at the Global Sustainable Tourism
Conference, Nelspruit, South Africa, WCPA Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group
Borges, M. A. and Spenceley, A. (2010) What contribution can tourism make to biodiversity conservation? Report
of a World Travel Market World Responsible Tourism Day session by the IUCN and the IUCN World Commission
on Protected Areas (WCPA) Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist (TAPAS) Group
Spenceley, A. (2008) Seminar on Ecotourism and Protected Areas in Africa: Contributing to community
development and conservation, Maputo, Mozambique, 5-7 November 2008, Report to UNWTO
Spenceley, A., (ed) (2008) Community Engagement towards Best Practice in Social Research in Rural Communities
neighbouring the Kruger National Park, Workshop Proceedings, 21 July 2008, Adventure Addicts, Dinokeng / Pretoria,
Gauteng, South Africa
Spenceley, A. (ed) (2005) Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area: Relating strategic visions to
local activities that promote sustainable tourism development, Workshop proceedings, 14 – 16 April 2005, Wits Rural
Facility, Nr. Kruger National Park, South Africa
Spenceley, A. (ed) (2004) Proceedings of the SASUSG Annual Members Meeting, Addo Elephant National Park, 5-7 May
2004, Report to the IUCN Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist Group
Contributions also were made to the following publications (with acknowledgement):
Denman, R. and Denman, J. (2015) Tourism supporting biodiversity: A manual on applying the CBD guidelines on
Biodiversity and Tourism Development, United Nations Environment Program / Convention on Biological Diversity
Vasilijevic, M., Zunckel, K., McKinney, M., Erg, B., Schoon, M., Micher, T. R., Groves, C. (2015) Transboundary
conservation: A systematic and integrated approache, Best Practice Protected Area Guidelines Series No. 23, Gland,
Switzerland: IUCN
Thompson, A., Massyn, P.J., Pendry, J., Pastorelli, J. (2014) Tourism concessions in natural protected areas: Guidelines for
managers, United Nations Development Program
Christie, I., Fernandes, E., Messerli, H. and Twining-Ward, L. (2014) Tourism in Africa : Harnessing tourism for growth and
improved livelihoods, Africa Development Forum, AFD/The World Bank (contribution of 4 case studies)
Christie, I., Fernandes, E., Messerli, H. and Twining-Ward, L. (2013) Tourism in Africa: Harnessing Tourism for Growth and
improved livelihoods, World Bank (contribution of 4 case studies)
Bristow, D. and Bell, C. (2013) Africa’s Finest: the most sustainable and responsible safari destinations in sub-saharan Africa
and the Indian Ocean Islands, Iamecowarrier
Commerce, Conservation, Community, Culture: Integrated annual report 2011, Wilderness Holdings Ltd.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) (2010) TEEB for local and regional policy makers, UNEP
Elliott, J. and Sumba, D. (2010) Conservation enterprise – what works, where and for whom? African Wildlife Foundation,
International Institute for Environment and Development
Denman, R. and Denman, J. (2009) Tourism and poverty alleviation: practical steps for destinations, SNV & UNWTO
Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity, World Tourism Organization and the United Nations Environment
Program (2009) Tourism for Nature and Development: A good practice guide. Montreal.
Block, B. (2009) Recession may hinder sustainable tourism, Worldwatch Institute (
(re-published in The Guardian)
Rwanda report from the Financial Times (2009) (
Tapper, R., Hesselink, F., Dubois, G., Lootvoiet, M., Wells, S., Parnell, E., and Jenkins, M. (2008) Biodiversity: My hotel in
action, a guide to sustainable use of biological resources, Glad, Switzerland: IUCN
Honey, M. (2008) Who owns Paradise ? 2nd Edition, Island Press
Simpson, M. C., Gossling, S., Scott, D., Hall , C. M. and Gladin, E. (2008) Climate change adaptation and mitigation in the
tourism sector: Frameworks, Tools and practices. UNEP, University of Oxford, UNWTO, WMO: Paris France
Blangy, S. (ed) (2006), Indigenous destination guidebook, Editions Indigène
United Nations Environment Program and World Tourism Organization (2005) Making Tourism more sustainable: A guide
for policy makers, UNEP/WTO
Greening the WSSD (2003) Responsible Tourism Handbook
World Tourism Organisation (2002) Tourism and poverty alleviation, WTO: Madrid
Ashley, C., Roe, D., and Goodwin, H. (2001) Pro-poor tourism strategies: Making tourism work for the poor: A review of
experience, Pro Poor tourism report No. 1, ODI/IIED/CRT
United Nations Environment Program (2001) Guide to best practices for sectoral integration: Integrating biodiversity into the
tourism sector, Biodiversity Planning Support Program, UNDP/UNEP/GEF
Dr Anna Spenceley
Updated July 2015
27 of 31
Conference papers
Conference / Venue
International Conference on Contemporary
Perspectives in Tourism and Hospitality Research:
Policy, Practice and Performance, University of
Brighton, UK
BEST-EN Think Tank XV, Kruger National Park,
South Africa
RETOSA / JICA Seminar on Sustainable Tourism,
Durban, South Africa
IUCN World Parks Congress, Sydney, Australia
INKASA Research Symposium, Cape Town Hollow
Hotel, South Africa
International conference on tourism concessions in
Transfrontier conservation areas in the Southern
African Development Community, GIZ/SADC,
Airport Grand Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa
RETOSA/UNEP 1st regional consultation meeting for
developing the 10YFP Program on sustainable tourism,
Airport Grand Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa
Sustainable Tourism Certification Alliance Africa, 5th
Annual Meeting, Durban, South Africa
Global Partnership for sustainable tourism, 3rd Annual
Partners Symposium, Bonn, Germany
Concessioning tourism opportunities in conservation
areas and maximizing rural development, Girasol Indy
Village, Maputo, Mozambique
11th AHEAD – GLTFCA working group meeting,
Mopane Rest Camp, Kruger National Park, South
WCPA Steering Committee Meeting, Geneva,
Sustainable Tourism Conference, Mombela, South
World Responsible Tourism Day, World Travel Market,
Round table on responsible tourism, Arusha, Tanzania
Dr Anna Spenceley
Tourism and the World Parks Congress: Lessons learned,
key trends and future directions
12-14 July 2015
Keynote: A decade of progress in sustainable tourism in
protected areas
Global innovation and trends in sustainable protected area
tourism: implications for Southern Africa
Facilitator of four tourism sessions, and presentations on
the following:
- Tourism as a nature-based solution
- Tourism in Transfrontier conservation areas: a vehicle for
development and sustainable life
- Welcome Visitors! Making tourism work for protected
areas and sustainable development: Critical success factors
- Launch of new publications on tourism, protected areas
and concessions.
- Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS
Group): Engaging with and inspiring youth
- TAPAS Group: Strategy session
- TAPAS Group: where we’ve come from & where we’re
going to
- Tourism Journey @ WPC
Keynote: Benefit sharing from natural heritage: Examples
and Challenges from Africa
Facilitator of international meeting, and presentations given
- Guidelines on concessioning and sustainable tourism
investment in TFCAs in SADC
- Guidelines for working groups: Scoping, Design and
Feasibility, Procurement and transaction, Contract
management and tools
Understanding the challenges to sustainable tourism:
recommendations for southern Africa
17-21 June 2015
Impact Analysis Portfolio committee – activities from May
2012 to May 2013
Achieving the Aichi Targets: Concessions and protected
Organiser and facilitator of conference. Presentations
- Introduction to meeting, agenda, background to this
meeting, concessions 101
- Review of concessions processes globally/southern
- Review of concessions contract management processes
globally/southern Africa
- Integrating sustainability: Best practice globally/southern
- Stakeholders involved in concessions & training needed
- Concessions manuals available internationally
- Dissemination, outputs and options for the future
Facilitator of session on sustainable development.
Presentation on ‘Sustainable development: How do
economic activities in TFCAs affect livelihoods, profit and
Tourism and protected areas specialist group
10 May 2013
Keynote: Sustainable tourism and protected areas
14 November
11 November
3 June 2010
What contribution can tourism make to biodiversity
Keynote: Responsible tourism
Updated July 2015
9 May 2015
12 – 19
14-16 April
2-3 September
15 August 2013
25 March 2013
19-22 March
2-4 March 2011
4-8 April 2011
28 of 31
10th AHEAD – GLTFCA working group meeting, Cosa
do Sol, Hazyview, South Africa
Tourism forum, Rwanda Development Board, Tourism
and Conservation, Kigali, Rwanda
Pan African workshop on tourism and poverty
reduction, SNV, Rwanda Development Board,
International Trade Centre, Commonwealth Secretariat,
Kigali, Rwanda
Transboundary Protected Areas Research Initiative,
Teleseminar, Kigali/Netherlands/South Africa
World Travel Market, World Responsible Tourism Day,
London, UK
School of Finance and Banking, Kigali, Rwanda
Tourism forum, Rwanda Development Board, Tourism
and Conservation, Kigali, Rwanda
Rwanda Tourism University College, Kigali
Delphe/EPA workshop, Kigali, Rwanda
UNWTO Seminar on Ecotourism and Protected Areas
in Africa. Avenida Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique
Effective Local Economic Development
implementation Symposium, Centurion Lake Hotel,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tourism Empowerment Council of South Africa,
Willow Valley Conference Centre, Johannesburg, South
Transboundary Protected Areas Research Initiative,
Community Engagement towards best practice in Social
research around Kruger National Park
African Safari Lodges practitioners workshop, The
Grace Hotel, Rosebank, South Africa
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Responsible Luxury Summit, CCAfrica, Durban Indaba
2008, South Africa
2nd International Conference on Responsible Tourism
in Destinations, Kerala, India
International Centre for Responsible Tourism, Balmoral
Hotel, Durban, South Africa
IUCN Southern Africa Sustainable Use Specialist
Group, Grootbos Nature Reserve, South Africa
Institut National de Tourisme et d’Hotellerie (INTH),
Antananarivo, Madagascar
IUCN Southern African Sustainable Use Specialist
Group (SASUSG) AGM, Blyde River Canyon, South
4th Kruger National Park Science Networking Meeting,
South Africa
6th AHEAD-GLTFCA Working Group Meeting,
Kruger National Park, South Africa
African Safari Lodges Workshop on Certification,
Johannesburg, South Africa
Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park Joint Management
Board, Kruger National Park
CSIR-Environmentek, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Regional Technical Working Group and Project
Steering Committee Meetings of the Coastal Tourism
PDF-B Project, Mahé, Seychelles; Mombassa, Kenya;
and Banjul, The Gambia
Dr Anna Spenceley
Keynote: Tourism in Transfrontier Conservation Areas and
poverty reduction
Sustainable tourism certification and awards
24-26 February
28 January 2010
Mapping stakeholders in tourism value chains
Selecting which destinations to work in
25-27 January
Tourism in transfrontier protected areas and poverty
Working with the private sector in East and Southern Africa
10 Dec 2009
Tourism research in Rwanda
1. What to public private partnerships look like?
2. How is it done elsewhere? PPP policies and processes in
Namibia and South Africa
Sustainable and pro-poor tourism
Poverty reduction and tourism: research activities and
1. Creating the enabling environment for nature
conservation and ecotourism development
2. Reducing poverty and providing community benefits
through local supply chains
3. Supporting nature conservation through tourism
Developing and promoting pro-poor tourism for economic
22 Sept 2009
17 Sept 2009
Responsible tourism and transformation in South Africa
23 July 2008
International Code of Ethics of the International Society of
21 July 2008
1. Phinda Private Game Reserve, South Africa
2. Rocktail Beach Lodge, South Africa
3. Damaraland Camp, Torra Conservancy, Namibia
Responsible Tourism in Southern Africa
19-21 May 2008
Participation in panel discussion on ‘Can Africa lead
Responsible Luxury Travel?’
1. Practical Initiatives in Responsible Tourism in
Destinations: Development of an online directory for
community-based tourism enterprises in Southern Africa
Responsible tourism in practice
10 May 2008
Wildlife economics research in Southern Africa
1-4 May 2007
1. Sustainable tourism in South Africa
2. How should tourism be developed in South Africa and
Madagascar ?
Update of information on Community-based Tourism
Enterprises in Southern Africa and Marketing support
16-21 Mar 2007
Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation
Area: Achievements, observations and future work
Transboundary Protected Areas Research Initiative
13-17 Mar 2006
Tourism Certification in Africa
28 Feb 2006
Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation
Nature-based tourism in southern Africa
Ecotourism, biodiversity conservation and reef management
17-19 Oct 2005
Updated July 2015
11 Nov 2009
21 August 2009
7 July 2009
20 August 2008
14 May 2008
21-24 March
6 Jun 2007
12-15 June 2006
9-10 Mar 2006
26 July 2005
2-5 May 2005
21-23 Sept 2005
3-5 Oct 2005
29 of 31
TPARI/IUCN Workshop on Tourism in the Great
Limpopo TFCA, Wits Rural Facility, South Africa
Research workshop on ecosystems and tourism, Beijer
Institute, Chobe, Botswana
World Tourism Organisation Tourism Policy Forum,
Washington D.C., USA
Transboundary Protected Areas Research Initiative,
University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
ATLAS Africa Conference, Pretoria, South Africa
IUCN Southern Africa Sustainable Use Specialist
Group, Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
Protected Area Management Masters course, University
of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Vth World Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa
International Conference on Tourism Development in
Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Cairo, Egypt
University of Natal, Centre for Environment and
Development, South Africa
Ecotourism and nature parks in East and Southern
Africa, Afrika Studie Centrum, Leiden, Netherlands
Tecknikon Durban, South Africa
Responsible Tourism in Destinations, Cape Town,
South Africa
Southern African Wildlife College / Texas A&M
University, Kruger National Park, South Africa
International Association for the Study of Common
Property, 9th Biennial Conference, Victoria Falls,
Development Bank of Southern Africa, Johannesburg,
South Africa
Conference on the National Responsible Tourism
Guidelines for South Africa, Pretoria
Centre for Responsible Tourism, Chatham, UK
Wits University Graduate School of Public and
Development Management, Johannesburg
Tourism as a Catalyst for community-based
development in Africa, Centre for AfrikaTourism,
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Integrating Biodiversity into the Tourism Sector,
Mexico City, Mexico
Planning, Development and Management of
Ecotourism in Africa, World Tourism Organisation,
Maputo, Mozambique
Tourism in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation
Local economic impacts from nature-based tourism
14-16 April
6-8 Jan 2005
Communities and tourism : Reality in South Africa
18-20 Oct 2004
Critique of ‘Safari Lodges and rural incomes : Some key
southern African trends’ by Peter-John Massyn
Holistic sustainability assessments of nature-based tourism
in South Africa
Stories from Southern Africa
Gaps in conservation economics research
Tourism and Protected areas: Conservation and poverty
1. Do local benefits from nature-based tourism generate
support for protected areas? (Presentation)
2. Measuring sustainability of nature-based tourism in
protected areas (Poster)
Environmental sustainability of nature-based tourism
enterprises in protected areas: 4 Case studies from South
Community based tourism and linkages with nature-based
tourism enterprises
Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary: Power, poverty and
Community based tourism and business linkages
Application of the South African environmental guidelines
to two nature-based tourism enterprises
Ngala Private Game Reserve and the Welverdiend
Community: conservation and community development
Vilanculos Coastal Wildlife Sanctuary: Power, poverty and
14 Oct 2004
Responsible tourism at Jackalberry Lodge
6 May 2002
Application of the Responsible Tourism Guidelines to the
nature-based tourism operation of Coral Divers, Sodwana
Bay, South Africa
Research methodologies for a Strategic Environmental
Assessment of Tourism at Hwange National Park,
Policies and Programmes in South Africa to promote
growth, job creation and local economic development
through tourism
Comparative Community Benefits from two Lodge-Benefit
12 Mar 2002
Integration of biodiversity conservation into tourism
planning in South Africa
Comparative Community Benefits from two Lodge-Benefit
29-31 Mar 2001
29 Sept–1 Oct
5-7 May 2004
12 Feb 2004
8-17 Sept 2003
26-29 May 2003
21 May 2003
12 Nov 2002
Oct 2002
22 Aug 2002
30 July 2002
17-21 Jun 2002
12 Dec 2001
9 Oct 2001
1-3 Oct 2001
5-6 Mar 2001
Additional workshops, meetings and conferences attended
World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa
Regional Community Based Tourism Association Workshop, SAFIRE, Johannesburg, South Africa
Bridging the Gap – Tourism, Mineworkers Development Agency, Johannesburg, South Africa
First African Peace Through Tourism Conference, Nelspruit, South Africa
Ecotourism Planning Workshop, Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Cape Town, South Africa
Tourism Research Summit, Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Tourism Law Reform Process, Department for Environmental Affairs and Tourism, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa
Think Tank on Sustainable Tourism, Business Enterprises for Sustainable Travel, South Africa
Biosphere Workshop, Kruger National Park
KwaZulu Natal Nature Conservation Services Annual Research Symposium, Queen Elizabeth Park
Dr Anna Spenceley
Updated July 2015
30 of 31
Protected Area Management Workshop, University of Natal
Tourism Research Workshop, Tecknikon Natal
International Expert Conference ‘Environmental Technology and Tourism’ ICC in Berlin, Germany.
VSO Tourism Forum
CITES CoP 10, Observer on behalf of The People’s Trust for Endangered Species, Harare, Zimbabwe
Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) Seminar given on tourism at Hwange National Park
UK-United Nations Environment and Development (UNED) Annual conference.
Award judge: World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)’s Tourism for Tomorrow Awards in 2014, 2005 and 2006. Federated
Hospitality Association of South Africa’s Imvelo Awards in 2002 and 2003. National Geographic World Legacy Awards,
Peer review: Editorial board member of the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Educational Travel and Koedoe, and also
Associate Editor of the International Journal for Environmental Economics and Statistics. Review of journal papers for Tourism
Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Development Southern Africa, the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Current Issues in
Tourism, Conservation and Society, Natural Resources Forum, Local Environment and Development Alternatives, Journal of
Ecotourism, Journal of Environment and Development, Ecology and Society, Journal of African Studies and Development, Population
and Environment, and Society and Natural Resources. Peer review of the 2014 UNDP Tourism Concessions Manual.
Research grant reviews: Review of Antarctic research applications to National Research Foundation in 2005.
Research students supervised
Student supervision:
 2013 - ongoing. Jackie Karathi, Developing responsible nature-based tourism in the Mount Elgon region of Kenya: An
integrated approach, University of Cape Town. External supervision
 2012 – ongoing. Jeffrey Muntifering, Evidence-based management of rhino conservation and tourism in the communal lands
of northwest Namibia, Stellenbosch University / Save the Rhino Trust. External supervision
 2012 - Tom Thiele. Innovative financial mechanism for biodiversity conservation and the role of the tourism sector. University
of Applied Sciences Eberswalde, 2011. External supervision
External examination:
PhD thesis:
 2014 - Patrick Cobbinah, Towards poverty reduction in developing countries: An analysis of ecotourism implementation in the
Kakum Conservation Area, Charles Sturt University
 2014 - Norhazliza abd. Halim, Tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation using value chain analysis: a case study of Setiu
Wetland, Terengganu, Malaysia, University of Tasmania
 2011 – Mayra Pereia. Sharing benefits from tourism in Mozambique, University of Cape Town
 2007 – Nicole Frey. Responsible tourism management, University of Cape Town
 2006 - Timothy Fannin. Willingness-to-pay for ecotourism, University of KwaZulu Natal
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
Dr Anna Spenceley
Sport: Mountain biking, scuba diving (NAUI Advanced), swimming, hiking, surf ski,
Updated July 2015
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