Senior Project Prezi Notes

Sr. Project Prezi Notes
Slide #2: My Major
Marketing and Communication in New Media
How to effectively market, communicate & persuade in promotional activities
what makes campaign effective (psychologically and design-wise?)
how do you create them? (social media campaign or creating posters in InDesign)
The major involves in-depth analysis of the function of media in today’s society,
- including how various media affect public as consumers and
- application of such promotional activities,
- which media outlets/platforms more effective 4 specific mrkting project
or target audience
- (what are benefits and drawbacks of one media form over another?)
Within this context I investigated the ethical implications
- as I feel that those in the marketing and communication fields have a social
responsibility to accurately represent someone or something to the public.
Some of ethical issues looked at 1] stereotyping (always showing women as housewives),
2] exploiting social paradigms (marketing for luxury car shows man charming woman
exploits notion that women care only about financial success and that men need luxurious
things to attract women), 3] vulnerable audience (marketing aimed at children)
Ultimately, major teaches how to market, represent, & communicate on behalf of an
organization both ethically and effectively through the media in its marketing projects
Slide #3: Courses
Theater class: The Digital Darkroom: Ethics of Digital Image Manipulation in Photojournalism
Engl. class: Instagram: How Private Lives Filter Into Public Spaces
Slide #4: Project Overview
Internship at BA Group
- Provided hands-on experience
- Had opportunity to see how real-life businesses perform and carry out promotional activities on
a day-to-day basis
- Integrate what I learned both in class and in my own research into my work at the BA Group
and vice versa
– Learned importance of “Good Old Fashioned Planning,” CEO explains as SWOT
analysis on steroids.
– Evaluating Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats/Targets of a project/biz
– Performing due diligence (market research and Monitoring competition) is key in
figuring out what issues a business may have and how best to solve them
– also helps define customers’ wants & needs
– Once goals & missions of clients understood, all marketing efforts must pass through
various “filter points” to ensure that everything the agency does reflects the clients and
their evolved brands.
- These filters become guiding principles to help lead the agency’s decision making and
to make sure that every marketing effort aligns with the clients’ visions and missions.
- Every part of a marketing effort (whether a logo, website, or tagline, for example) must
pass through these filters as a way of reflecting the personality and values of the
- Additionally, the filter points act as a way of making promises or taglines actionable.
- How do various organizations and businesses actually do the things they say
they are doing and/or promoting?
-The filters ensure that marketing efforts are both meaningful & comprehensive.
– One last thing I’ve learned: personalizing a brand is key.
- Focusing on community(& on people)helps provide feeling of companionship & trust.
- Often portrayed through story-telling, which typically makes marketing efforts
all the more personal, relatable, & effective.
Examples of work
reporter w/ Credit Union Journal magazine - wanted to follow up on press
release he received about BA Group creating a CU marketing analyst position
wanted to interview CEO and ended up in printed CU Journal Mag.
Slide #5: Project Overview
Informational Website
research included analysis of history of such visual-based media & its evolution,
why this rise in visualization,
the effects of this type of media, in regards to attention spans and literacy, &
then how brands & marketing agencies can utilize these media &
- how they’re currently harnessing this as a means of communication & persuasion.
Project builds on foundations of theoretical understandings of marketing, communication,
& media, while providing a central topic in which 2 deeply investigate these areas.
Slide #6:
A: All B: Bubbilicious C: Campbells D: Dawn E: Eggo
F: Fritos G: Gatorade H: Hebrew National I: Ice J: Jello
K: Koolaid L: Lysol M: M&M's N: Nilla Wafers O: Oreos
P: Pez Q: Q-Tips R: Reese's S: Starburst T: Tide
U: Uncle V: V8 W: Wisk X: Xtra Detergent Y: York Peppermint Patties
Z: Zest
Slide #7
Slide #8
According to Dr. William J. Ward, Social Media prof @ Syracuse University:
- "Blogs 1 of earliest forms of social networking where people wrote 1,000 + words
We moved to status updates on Facebook, posts became shorter.
- Then micro-blogs like Twitter came along & shortened updates to 140 characters
Now we’re skipping words altogether & moving towards more visual communication
with social-sharing sites like
Slide #9: Facebook
– 2013 saw numerous social platforms make updates 2 expand its use of images & videos.
Facebook’s new cover photo is 170% larger than the previous profile picture
- Timeline's redesign increased user engagement by 176%.
Facebook launched its Graph search allowing users to create broader searches on images,
videos and other content.
Pictures on Facebook get 53% more "Likes" than normal posts.
Slide #10: Instagram and Twitter
Photo-sharing app. went from 1 mil. accounts @ start of 2011 to 15 million at end of yr
- 27 million in March 2012,
& now Instagram saysit has 200 million monthly active users,
& 75 million daily users who post on average 60 million photos per day &
tap like button 8,500 per second.
43% of top 100 brands post daily on Insta
- average amnt of Instagram posts by top 100 brands per week: 5.5 posts
Text-heavy twitter goes beyond 140 characters allowing users 2 upload photos & view
content without leaving their site
646,000,000 total active registered twitter users
58 mil avg. # of tweets/day
Twitter introduced vine app – allow users 2 create & watch 6-second looping videos
Slide #11: Pinterest
Photo-bookmarking site hit 10 mil mnthly unique visitors faster than any other site in history
Various brands leveraging pinterest for its own gains.
Rather than ad popping up on sidebar w/in site,
images of cable knit sweater you pinned to “fashion” board linked to brand’s
- There click 1 or 2 buttons, purchase sweater, have it delivered next day.
There is certain sense of interaction.
Idea that you found sweater on your own, & no advertiser persuaded you to
look at it. Or did they?
Only 3 yrs old & already has 70 million total users
30 billion total number of pins to date
500,000 pinterest business accounts
Slide #12: WHY THE TREND
- 2 yrs ago, marketers spreading maxim that "content is king," but now seems, “picture
really is worth 1,000 words."
Slide #13: Why is this happening?:
Less time? – As cliché goes …. Images have ability to quickly portray meaning
Ekaterina Walter, led strategic & marketing innovation 4 brands like Intel & Accenture,
says “ Images act like shortcuts to the brain: we are visual creatures, & we’re
programmed to react to visuals more than to words."
Images have become 1 of our default modes of sorting & understanding vast amnts of
information we're exposed to every day.
Detavio Samuals, Director of Client Services at GlobalHue, one of the nation's top
market advertising agencies.
- explains that pictures are a bit like movie trailers for written content
--they provide snippet of what an article, brand, site or other piece of
content is about, so you can quickly decide if it's what you want or not.
rapid, visual transfer of info. in aesthetically pleasing formats allows us 2 devour visual material quickly.
"Research indicates consumer interest in visual content isn't necessarily just a preference;
- actually easier & faster for humans to process."
So "right picture can go further than just telling your story visually;
can make U feel emotions, evoke memories, & even make you act differently
"Pictures become short form way of communicating lots of info. quickly
- Need for publishers 2 get 2 point quicker than ever came about as humans became more
pressed for time and content became more infinite.
- For marketers, it’s either evolve or risk losing consumers, & only thing shorter than tweet or
post is a picture.
Lower attention? – Many have argued that internet is lowering attention spans.
- Rising popularity of visual social media could be result of this idea,
- allowing for quick jumps from one topic to the next
More content? – W/rise of smartphone, peeps have hi-qual camera on person @all times
- new technology allows it
As more people engage w/ soc. media via smartphones,
discovering taking a pic "on the go" much less tedious than typing out a status
Self-expression? – people use images to show who they are, what they do, &
what they’re interested in.
- Brand’s goal in soc. media should be 2 be part of s’one’s self-expression
The hunt? – Sites like pinterest evoke an interest in searching for things.
Globalization? - The only common language we all speak is Visual
Slide #14 Effects:
Availability of visual content (images & videos) shifted way people view & seek info.
- If s’one wanted 2learn how 2 create s’thing (InDesign), probs find vid on YouTube
Most people now prefer this approach rather than reading pages of instructions.
People have learned to skim & scan articles/websites more efficiently,
- however, makes close reading more of a chore.
Katherine Hayles’ article, “How We Read: Close, Hyper, Machine” discusses decline
in print reading & print literacy/reading skills as digital comm. & digital texts increased
- Print-based reading assoc/ w/ Close reading - allows 4 more meaning making,
deeper understandings, & more recognition of connections of the material
- Whereas digital-based reading is assoc/ w/ hyper reading and allows individual
2 skim or scan material for key words or phrases and get a better gist of the material
National Literacy Trust of Great Britain study
-3000 students aged 9-16 questioned and surveyed
-20% have never read a book cover to cover
-67% surfed the web daily
-55% read emails daily
-47% read blogs
-87% send text messages
Conclusion: although this world is visual there are still many more reading and writing outlets
Approx. 11% of children 4-17 years of age been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011.
- lot of debate about over-diagnosing and only correlation, not causal
Slide #15: Why should brands care?
 Search engines now rank content based on social convos & sharing, not just websites alone.
-Brands can use visual content on their social media to increase engagement&
inspire sharing & viral marketing.
Increased engagement
Users much more likely to engage with a brand if they post pictures
posts on facebook that include an album – increase engagement by 180%,
Picture by 120%, and if video 100% respectively
More referral traffic
FB remains social network driving most referral traffic, pinterest shown value of visuals
Other benefits such as:
- company branding, improved brand awareness, word-of-mouth advertising, increased
customer loyalty and trust, and improved audience reach and influence.
Slide #16: What should brands do?
1) Invest in visuals
- important 2include visuals w/ social endeavors, but invest in producing high-quality images.
– don’t tell if you can show - whenever & whererver possible, use visuals to share
your message (pics, infographics, videos, graphics, animations)
2) Show personality
don’t think visuals always have to be aimed directly@ selling prod.
Social networks should be used to give your brand a soul.
Create content showcases essence & story of your brand in fun & interesting ways.
- Images = emotion and connection
3) Crowdsource
Don’t do everything yourself! Engage fans & followers w/ crowdsourcing contests to
create visuals for you.
Participants will become stronger brand advocates and on-lookers will enjoy content
generated by“peers”
4) Mix it up – use all dif. types of social media platforms – twitter, pinterest, facebook,
Instagram, youtube, etc.
EX] Moleskine harnessed power of visual media to create one of the world's most active,
& creative online communities. - Their visual content strategy focuses on user-generated content:
They create large-scale projects that users participate in by posting their own images and videos.
Inspiring fans to create & spread images, organize online competitions, and otherwise engage
with the brand on a creative level has set Moleskine apart in its highly specialized market.
Slide #17: How Brands are Leveraging Power of Visual Social Media
Slide#18: Concluding Thoughts
papal inauguration photo
Marketing is all about telling stories, creating emotional connections, and personalizing
in order to persuade
Images help tell stories and evoke emotions to make someone experience something and
feel a certain way toward your brand and interact with it
Images tell stories, and stories sell