TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Your Liberal Arts Education 2. The Big Four 3. Morse Academic Plan 4. Academic Advising 5. Exploring Majors 6. Planning your Academic Program 7. Registration 8. Next Steps COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y I. 128 CREDITS I I . 2 . 0 G PA III.A MAJOR IV. MORSE ACADEMIC PLAN I. 128 CREDITS You must complete 128 Credits by the time you graduate: Average course = 4 credits 4 courses x 4 credits = 16 credits per semesters 16 credits x 8 semesters = 128 credits COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y • Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to graduate • Students must also have a GPA of 2.0 or higher in their major courses III. MAJOR • All students must complete a major before they graduate • You must declare your major prior to completing 64 total credits; this typically happens during sophomore year • Students declare their major by visiting the department of the major they wish to declare, and they can change their major at any time prior to graduation COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y MAP BREAKDOWN: 4 PARTS I. EXPOSITORY WRITING II. FOREIGN LANGUAGE I I I . F O U N D AT I O N S O F C O N T E M P O R A R Y C U LT U R E I V . F O U N D AT I O N S O F S C I E N T I F I C INQUIRY COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y MAP PART I: EXPOSITORY WRITING W R I T I N G T H E E S S AY • Stresses exploration, inquiry, reflection, analysis, collaboration WTE: SCIENCE • Tailored for students interested in science or medicine • Read and respond to essays by prominent scientist WTE: LINKED • Combined with Texts & Ideas • Receive credit for both courses WTE: GODDARD • Part of Living & Learning experience in Goddard residence hall • Students interested in creative writing or live performance I N T E R N AT I O N A L W R I T I N G WORKSHOPS • Writing courses for international students • Students must complete both I & II COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y MAP PART II: FOREIGN LANGUAGE Show proficiency through: • Placement exam (more info on these later) • Completing coursework in a language through the Intermediate II level COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y MAP PART III: FOUNDATIONS OF CONTEMPORARY CULTURE (FCC) TEXTS & IDEAS •Diverse group of humanities courses •Challenging, influential texts SOCIETIES & THE SOCIAL SCIENCES •Understanding social, political, and economic transformations •Study societal structures and human behavior CULTURES & CONTEXTS •Life in a globalized world •Social, religious, national, and regional groups EXPRESSIVE CULTURE •How is art made, and for what purpose? •Explore complexities of artistic expression •Sound, images, words, performance or film COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y MAP PART IV: FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY • Q U A N T I T AT I V E R E A S O N I N G • N AT U R A L S C I E N C E I : P H Y S I C A L S C I E N C E • N AT U R A L S C I E N C E I I : L I F E S C I E N C E COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y REVIEWING MAP REQUIREMENTS I. EXPOSITORY WRITING • • Cannot exempt Students must take Writing the Essay OR International Writing Workshop I & II II. FOREIGN LANGUAGE • • • Proficiency must be demonstrated by either: Placement exam Completing coursework in a language through the Intermediate II level COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y REVIEWING MAP REQUIREMENTS III. F O U N D A T I O N S O F C O N T E M P O R A R Y C U L T U R E • Texts and Ideas & Cultures and Contexts There are no exemptions from Texts and Ideas or Cultures and Contexts Students should plan to take both courses in their first year • Societies & the Social Sciences Completion of a designated major or minor program in the social or behavioral sciences; or Completion of an approved departmental course within the MAP department listings • Expressive Cultures Completion of a designated major or minor program in the humanities; or Completion of a designated course within the MAP Department listings COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y REVIEWING MAP REQUIREMENTS IV. F O U N D A T I O N S O F S C I E N T I F I C I N Q U I R Y • Quantitative Reasoning Can be satisfied by either: AP or IB credit; or Completion of one of the following courses: A designated MAP QR course, Calculus I, Quantitative Methods in Political Science, Statistical Reasoning for the Behavioral Sciences, or Mathematics for Economics I • Natural Science I & Natural Science II Can be satisfied in any of the following ways: Completion of a designated MAP Natural Science I and Natural Science II course; Year-long, majors-level sequence in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics; or AP or IB credit in one of the following areas: Biology, Chemistry, or Physics COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE COHORT PROGRAM (CCP) • CCP is a co-curricular initiative that gives a four-year shape to student life in CAS • Fosters academic and social networks • Helps students acclimate during their first year • Builds strong, diverse microcommunities that serve as a foundation for upper-class students as they progress through NYU COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y • MAJORS • MINORS • CROSS-SCHOOL MINORS • PRE-PROFESSIONAL • In order to complete your degree, you will complete the course requirements for: • MAP • The courses required by your major(s) • Other elective classes THE CAS BULLETIN COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y THE MAP WEBSITE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y THE CAS MAJORS & MINORS COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y REGISTRATION: ACTIVATING YOUR NETID COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y LOGGING INTO NYU HOME COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y GLOSSARY • CAS: College of Arts & Science • Majors: the primary focus of your academic career • Minors: a secondary focus of your academic career • Cross-School Minors: a minor taken outside of CAS • MAP: Morse Academic Plan • Section #: indicates a specific session of a course • Class Number: indicates a specific course • Component: lecture, recitation, laboratory COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y GLOSSARY • Lecture: main meeting of a course • Recitation: smaller meeting, accompanies lectures • Laboratory: sometime accompanies science lectures • Meeting times: the time a course meets • Units: how many credits a course is worth • Waitlist: allows students to sign up for a full course in the event that enrolled students drop • Swap: a swap must be set up when enrolling on a waitlist, so that the new course can be exchanged • Shopping Cart: a grouping of all your classes COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y WHAT TO DO NEXT? 1. Review additional advising presentations to learn about specialized student populations and programs at CAS: Engineering Program International Students Opportunities Programs Pre-Health Program Pre-Law Program 2. Select the next button on the page to go to the CCP Checkpoint 3. GET EXCITED FOR NYU THIS FALL! COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE NEW YORK UNIVERSIT Y