World Cultures II

World Cultures II
Section 1
South America and the Incas
Define Key Terms
People of a powerful South American empire during the
1400s and 1500s.
A mountain chain of western South America.
The capital city of the Incan empire, located in present
day Peru.
An official count of people in a certain place at a
certain time.
A group of knotted strings used by the Incans to
record information.
Steplike ledges cut into mountains to make land
suitable for farming.
Section 1 Reading
Read pages 336-341
Be ready to take notes on the section.
Very large and powerful empire located in the
Andes mountain range and along the pacific
coast of South America.
Empire stretched through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia,
Chile and Argentina.
Became one of the largest empires in South
America during the 1400s, containing a
population of 12 million people.
The empire was very organized which helped
maintain its dominance in the area.
Inca Government
The Inca government recorded statistics on its
people which helped keep taxes and
responsibilities accounted for.
 Why
do you think keep track of citizens in a
government is important for its growth as an
Fall of the Incas
The Inca empire began to collapse after the
1400s due to mistrust and rebellion against the
In addition to the peoples no longer believing in
their emperor, many invaders targeted the Incas
due to its wealth.
Section 1 Assessment
Go to page 341.
Copy the Section 1 Assessment (Comprehension
and Critical Thinking Questions 1a through 2c)
Answer each question using information from
the reading.
Section 1 Assessment
1A. Identify Name two geographic settings in which peoples of the
Americas lived.
Two of the following; dense forests, fertile river valleys, rocky cliffs,
mountainous regions, mountainous Andes or along the Pacific coast
1B. Synthesize Information What are the climates of those two
Dense forests were filled with trees and plants with consistent rainfall.
Section 1 Assessment
1C. Infer How might the people who lived in these regions have
adapted to their geography and climate?
People would adapt by building homes suitable to the climate and
utilizing available materials ; by making clothing suitable for the climate;
by utilizing available plants and animals; by using stone to build terraces
to increase farm production.
2A. Recall How much land did the Incan Empire cover at its greatest
2,500 miles
Section 1 Assessment
2B. Explain How did the government in Cuzco keep track of distant
parts of the empire?
Incas recorded statistics on quipus and runners brought them to
government officials.
2C. Draw Conclusions What do you think were the major problems
of keeping such a large empire running smoothly? Explain your
Example Answers: It was probably difficult to maintain a large enough
army to protect the entire empire from invasion. It was probably difficult
to maintain control over such a large area and diverse population.
Section 2
Culture of Middle America
Define Key Terms
Slash-and-Burn Agriculture
Section 2 Terms
 Aztecs
people who lived in the Valley of Mexico.
Section 2 Terms
 capital
city of the Aztecs
Section 2 Terms
 People
who established a great civilization in Middle
Section 2 Terms
Slash-and-Burn Agriculture
farming technique in which trees are cut down and
burned to clear and fertilize the land.
Section 2 Terms
 Another
word for corn.
Section 2 Terms
Hieroglyphics –
 the
signs and symbols that made up the Mayan
writing system.
Section 2 Reading
Read pages 344-349
Be ready to take notes.
A civilization that was located in the Valley of Mexico.
Aztecs developed aqueducts in order to transport
water throughout their farms and fields.
The Aztecs had a strict class structure which consisted
of the Royalty, Nobility, Soldiers, Artisans, Farmers and
then the lowest on the list were prisoners.
Chinampas were raised fields located around lakes by
the capital. These “island gardens” provided more
land to farm.
Aztec calendars were used to calculate seasons for
farming. The calendars had 13 “months” lasting
approximately 20 days.
In 1519-1521, the Spanish invaded and conquered the
Emperor Moctezuma led the fight for the Aztecs,
which suffered big losses due to diseases the Spanish
carried with them.
Mayas were influenced by previous civilizations such
as the Olmec.
The Mayans used the Slash-and-Burn method to
fertilize and clear out their fields. This method was very
successful for their agriculture.
The Mayans developed a system of writing called
Hieroglyphics which was important for communication
and also to record history.
The Mayans played a game called Pok-ta-tok which
was similar to basketball and soccer mixed together.
The Mayans began abandoning their civilization around
900 A.D.
Reasons for abandonment include:
 Drought
 Crop
 War
 Disease
 Rebellion
against Mayan Leaders
Section 2 Assessment
Using what you have read and took notes on copy the
Section 2 Assessment Questions (Comprehension and
Critical Thinking Questions 1a through 2c)
Answer each question using information from the
Section 2 Assessment
1A Recall What activity was the basis of Mayan life?
1B Explain How did the Mayan religion reflect the
importance of this activity?
The Mayan rain-god and sun-god were important because the
rain and sun were needed for growing maize.
Section 2 Assessment
1C Infer What do you think is the most likely reason the
Mayans abandoned their cities? Explain you answer.
Reasons might include crop failure, war, disease, overuse of
natural resources, or rebellion against leaders.
Section 2 Assessment
2A Describe How did the Aztec Expire expand?
By conquering neighboring villages and peoples.
2B Synthesis How did the Aztecs treat the peoples they
conquered in war?
Conquered peoples had to pay tribute to the emperor. Some people
captured in war were used as human sacrifices.
Section 2 Assessment
2C Draw Conclusions Why might some of the peoples
conquered by the Aztecs have wanted to overthrow the
Possible Answers:
They resented their treatment and having to pay tributes.
They wanted to return their village to sovereignty.
They felt the emperor did not share their interests.
Compare and Contrast
Based off of what you know about the civilizations of
Ancient Egypt, write a list in your notebook that shows
the similarities and differences between Ancient Egypt
and Ancient Middle America.
Why do you think there are so many similarities?
Section 3
Cultures of North America
Define Key Terms
Mound Builders
Ancestral Puebloans
Great Plains
Section 3
Mound Builders
 Native
American groups who built earthen mounds.
Section 3
Ancestral Puebloans
 Early
Native American peoples of the southwest.
Section 3
 Cluster
of Native American stone or adobe dwellings.
Section 3
round room used by the Pueblo peoples for religious
Section 3
Great Plains
mostly flat and grassy region of western North
Section 3 Reading
Read pages 352-358
Be ready to take notes in your notebook.
Mound Builders
Many mound builders created their “earthwork”
between 700 B.C. to 1250 A.D.
Often times these mounds mark the presence of graves
or important landmarks.
There were many different civilizations that were
considered mound builders such as the Adena,
Hopewell culture and the Mississippians.
Mound Builders
The Adena were located in the Ohio Valley around 600
B.C. They used mounds to mark the locations of tombs
and weapon. They also participated in long distance
The Hopewell Culture were located along the Ohio and
upper Mississippi rivers. They traded among a wider area
than the Adena. The reason for their disappearance is
Mound Builders
The Mississippians showed up around 700 A.D. and were
the most important of the mound builders.
They were able to trade and inhabit the South and
Midwest United States.
They utilized various forms of agriculture for food and for
trade which helped boost their presence.
People of the
Southwest and Great Plains
The Ancestral Puebloans, Pueblo and Plains Indians lived
in and around the Southwest and Great Plains region of
the United States.
These civilizations were not very powerful military-wise.
However, they did create goods and traded throughout
the region which made them a presence in the era.
Ancestral Puebloans
The Ancestral Puebloans were also known as Anasazi.
These early Native Americans were known for making
artistic goods which were often used for trade.
During 1275-1300, major droughts hit the region and
many abandoned their cities to search for more suitable
Pueblo Peoples
The Pueblos lived in the same region as the Ancestral
Puebloans, however they focused on shelter.
They built Adobe style homes out of clay and stone.
They were skilled farmers that used their adobe dwellings
to store food which helped them during droughts and
unfortunate times during the harvest season.
Plains Indians
Located in the Great Plains region of the United States,
these native people used sign language to trade among
each other.
The Plains Indians used tipis for their homes because they
were often travelling and tipis were easy to set up and
and take down.
Unfortunately, European settlers came and took over
these native peoples lands.
Section 3 Assessment
Read pages 352-358
Copy the Section 3 Assessment Questions
(Comprehension and Critical Thinking Questions 1a
through 3b)
Answer each question using information from the
Section 3 Assessment
1A Sequence List the three groups mound builders, from
earliest to latest.
Adena, Hopewell and Mississippians.
1B Compare In what ways were the three groups alike?
They built mounds, carried on long-distance trade and
grew a variety of crops.
Section 3 Assessment
2A Define What is the climate of southwestern North
It has cold, dry winters and hot dry summers.
2B Identify Cause and Effect Why did peoples of this
region build pueblos rather than other types of structure?
They used available materials such as sun dried adobe
bricks or stone cliffs.
Section 3 Assessment
3A Define What are the totem poles and potlatches?
A totem pole is a carved, painted log stood on end that
typically had images of animals carved into and painted
on it
Potlatches were a ceremony held by a person of high rank
to show wealth.
Section 3 Assessment
3B Infer How were totem poles and potlatches symbols
of a family’s wealth?
Possible Answers:
 An
elaborate totem pole with intricate carvings and paintings
might signify wealth because it indicated that the owner
might have had more free time to create it or could afford to
pay a good artist to create it.
 At
potlatches, people were able to show how wealthy they
were by giving guests expensive gifts.