CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM P R O JE C T M A N A GEM E N T PLA N (PMP) EXECUTIVE SPONSOR – MARY HERRERA AND NM STATE LEGISLATORS BUSINESS OWNER - DON FRANCISCO TRUJILLO II PROJECT MANAGER – JOSE HERNANDEZ ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: APRIL 6, 2009 REVISION DATE: REVISION: VERSION 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM REVISION HISTORY................................................................................................................................................ III PREPARING THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................................... IV ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................................................... IV PROJECT OVERSIGHT PROCESS MEMORANDUM – DOIT, JULY 2007 ...................................................................................... IV 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY- RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT ......................................................................................................1 1.2 FUNDING AND SOURCES .............................................................................................................................................1 1.3 CONSTRAINTS ..........................................................................................................................................................2 1.4 DEPENDENCIES.........................................................................................................................................................2 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS.....................................................................................................................................................3 1.6 INITIAL PROJECT RISKS IDENTIFIED..............................................................................................................................3 2.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .............................................................................. 5 2.1 STAKEHOLDERS ........................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE .............................................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart .....................................................................................6 2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee ............................................................7 2.2.3 Organizational Boundaries, interfaces and responsibilities ........................................................................7 2.3 EXECUTIVE REPORTING..............................................................................................................................................7 3.0 SCOPE .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 Business Objectives .....................................................................................................................................8 3.1.2 Technical Objectives ....................................................................................................................................8 3.2 PROJECT EXCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................9 3.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS .......................................................................................................................................9 4.0 PROJECT DELIVERABLES AND METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 9 4.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE ............................................................................................................................9 4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables ............................................................................................................10 4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations ...........................................................................................11 4.1.3 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure ............................................................................................................12 4.2 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE .........................................................................................................................................12 4.2.1 Technical Strategy .....................................................................................................................................13 4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables .......................................................................................13 4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations ...........................................................................................14 4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure ............................................................................................................14 5.0 PROJECT WORK .............................................................................................................................................. 15 5.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) ....................................................................................................................15 5.2 SCHEDULE ALLOCATION -PROJECT TIMELINE ................................................................................................................16 5.3 PROJECT BUDGET ...................................................................................................................................................16 5.4 PROJECT TEAM ......................................................................................................................................................17 5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure .....................................................................................................17 5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................................18 5.5 STAFF PLANNING AND RESOURCE ACQUISITION..................................................................................................19 5.5.1 Project Staff ...............................................................................................................................................19 5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources ...........................................................................................................................20 5.6 PROJECT LOGISTICS ...........................................................................................................................................20 REVISION: 1.0 DOIT-PMO-TEM-020 i OF vi PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 5.6.1 Project Team Training ...............................................................................................................................21 6.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS ...................................................................................................... 21 6.1 RISK AND ISSUE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................21 6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy .......................................................................................................................22 6.1.2 Project Risk Identification ..........................................................................................................................22 6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach ..............................................................................................................22 6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy.....................................................................................................23 6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach .................................................................................................................23 6.1.6 ISSUE MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................23 6.2 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V .............................................................................................24 6.3 SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN ....................................................................................................................................24 6.3.1 Change Control ..........................................................................................................................................25 6.4 PROJECT BUDGET MANAGEMENT..............................................................................................................................26 6.4.1 Budget Tracking ........................................................................................................................................27 6.5 COMMUNICATION PLAN ..........................................................................................................................................28 6.5.1 Communication Matrix .............................................................................................................................30 6.5.2 Status Meetings ........................................................................................................................................32 6.5.3 Project Status Reports ...............................................................................................................................33 6.6 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PROJECT METRICS) ......................................................................................33 6.6.1 Baselines....................................................................................................................................................34 6.6.2 Metrics Library ..........................................................................................................................................34 6.7 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND CONTROL ................................................................................................................34 6.7.1 quality Standards ......................................................................................................................................34 6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS ......................................................................................35 6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction ..................................................................................................................35 6.7.4 PRODUCT DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCESS .......................................................................................36 6.8 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .....................................................................................................................36 6.8.1 Version Control ..........................................................................................................................................36 6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library) ...........................................................................................................36 6.9 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ..............................................................................................................37 7. 0 PROJECT CLOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 37 7.1 Administrative Close .....................................................................................................................................37 7.2 Contract Close ..............................................................................................................................................37 ATTACHMENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 38 REVISION: 1.0 DOIT-PMO-TEM-020 ii OF vi PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM REVISION HISTORY REVISION NUMBER DATE COMMENT 1.0 April 6, 2009 Campaign Finance Information System Project Management Plan (CFIS) REVISION: 1.0 DOIT-PMO-TEM-020 iii OF vi PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM PREPARING THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN The workbook for preparation of the Project Management Plan is built around helping the project manager and the project team to use the Project Management Plan in support of successful projects. Please refer to it while developing this PMP for your project. ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT Project Oversight Process Memorandum – DoIT, July 2007 “Project management plan” is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines. A project plan includes at least other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management. “Project manager” means a qualified person from the lead agency responsible for all aspects of the project over the entire project management lifecycle (initiate, plan, execute, control, close). The project manager must be familiar with project scope and objectives, as well as effectively coordinate the activities of the team. In addition, the project manager is responsible for developing the project plan and project schedule with the project team to ensure timely completion of the project. The project manager interfaces with all areas affected by the project including end users, distributors, and vendors. The project manager ensures adherence to the best practices and standards of the Department. Project product” means the final project deliverables as defined in the project plan meeting all agreed and approved acceptance criteria. “Product development life cycle” is a series of sequential, non-overlapping phases comprised of iterative disciplines such as requirements, analysis and design, implementation, test and deployment implemented to build a product or develop a service. REVISION: 1.0 DOIT-PMO-TEM-020 iv OF vi PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW The Project Overview sets the stage for the details of the project and begins the “story” of the project and plan. 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY- RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT The purpose of this project is to design, develop and implement the Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS) to replace the currently installed Political Finance Reporting System (PFRS) to be more user friendly, increase functionality, enhance administrative support and to make this immediately accessible to the public. For the Bureau of Elections and Ethics Administration, the purpose of this effort is to increase public confidence in the conduct of elections and the electoral process; to assist local election officials through ongoing education and training; to educate and ensure compliance with governmental ethics laws by persons subject to their provisions; to improve the management of reports and other documents filed by reporting entities; to successfully implement electronic filing of campaign finance reports; to improve access to records; and to adopt administrative rules and regulations and internal procedures. 1.2 FUNDING AND SOURCES SOURCE AMOUNT ASSOCIATED RESTRICTIONS APPROVERS HOUSE BILL 2, LAWS OF 2008, SECTION 7, ITEM 19 $176,500.00 SINCE THE PROJECT IS A CUSTOM BUILT APPLICATION THAT WILL HAVE IMPACT ACROSS THE STATE THE SOS WILL PROVIDE THE COMPLETE ARCHITECTURE INCLUDING NETWORK, SECURITY, EMAIL AND SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES PCC-PROJECT CERTIFICATION COMMITTEE, DFA, EXECUTIVE SPONSOR-MARY HERRERA, BUSINESS OWNER-DON FRANCISCO TRUJILLO II PAGE 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 1.3 CONSTRAINTS Constraints are factors that restrict the project by scope, resource, or schedule. NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 $176,500.00 in funding is approved for project upon delivery of required documents as specified by the Department of Information Technology Cabinet Secretary State Chief Information Officer 2 Timely submission of IT Project Certification for PCC approval and certification 3 In house application developer capability of meeting deadlines and developing new Campaign Finance Information System application 4 Project must be fully operational no later than July 1, 2009 5 Training for the Secretary of State Office Project Team, County Clerks, Candidates, Lobbyists and Political Action Committees (PAC) before the October 2009 Bi-Annual Report is due 6 Bi-Annual Report due October 12, 2009. All incumbents, lobbyists, candidates and political action committees with an open account must report finances 1.4 DEPENDENCIES Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed. Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done. D- Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. E-External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and nonproject activities such as purchasing/procurement NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E 1 COMPLETE PROJECT CHARTER DEFINING SCOPE M 2 DEVELOP PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN M 3 PCC APPROVAL GATE AND AGENCY PRESENTATIONS M 4 PURCHASING EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE TO HOUSE D,E NEW APPLICATION PAGE 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E 5 D,E THE SUPPORT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLGY ASSISTING THE SECRETARY OF STATE’S STAFF IN THE PURSUIT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF THIS PROJECT AND CONSULTATION TO MAKE THIS PROJECT A SUCCESS BY IDENTIFYING BARRIERS THAT WOULD INCREASE THE RISKS OF THIS PROJECT 1.5 ASSUMPTIONS Assumptions are planning factors that, for planning purposes, will be considered true, real, or certain. NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 New Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS) will be completed by July 1, 2009 2 Certifications will be approved at each phase of the project 3 Adequate personnel resources will be available to perform work 4. Testing by SOS personnel of new CFIS application before July 1, 2009 5. Training will be provided to SOS Project Team of new CFIS application tentatively for the month of August 2009 1.6 INITIAL PROJECT RISKS IDENTIFIED In this section identify and describe how each risk will be managed. Include the steps that will be taken to maximize activity that will result in minimizing probability and impact of each risk. Risk 1 Providing Deliverables to Department of Information Technology Description- Preparing and gathering Documents by management and project manager for certification process of TARC and PCC review PAGE 3 Probability 75 percent Impact CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN AND RELEASE OF FUNDS Mitigation Strategy -The Office of the Secretary of State has created a Project Management Team and Steering Committee to provide guidance, leadership and develop strategies to produce the deliverables required for this project. Understand and follow DoIT’s Project Certification Timeline and Gates process. Request support from assigned DoIT consultant. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Contingency Plan Review and Revise the original CFIS Project Charter Develop a Project Management Plan and Scope of Change Status Report for the Campaign Finance Information System Identify all deliverables that are associated with this project Prepare CFIS Project Schedule using Project Management Software (preferably GANT chart style) Gather and Develop all identified deliverables for the TARC and PCC presentations Set up a date for testing and training of new Campaign Finance Information System. Invite designated parties to participate in the testing phase of the new application. Document and produce a user guide of all electronic functions by June of 2009. Implement recommendations submitted by participants. Risk 2 Developing CFIS Application Internally Description – Designing in house CFIS Oracle based application PAGE 4 Probability 75 per cent Impact UTILIZING BEST PRACTICES AND SUPPORTING IN HOUSE APPLICATION Mitigation Strategy – Develop a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plan specific for this new CFIS application. Contingency Plan Identify SOS IT staff roles in assisting the developer Input from the Bureau of Elections Ethics personnel in the design stage of the project Assist developer in documentation, system testing methodology and user defined functionality and developing final output of reports Develop and Independent Validation and Verification contract to analyze, identify risks, develop Risk Management Plan, and provide technical advice of CFIS in house application Identify short and long term application backup support plan in the event in house developer is no longer available or moves on Develop proper documentation and design of CFIS application Develop Training Plan for IT staff supporting this new application Develop periodic scheduled User Acceptance Testing of CFIS application PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 2.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Project Organization describes the roles and responsibilities of the project team. It also identifies the other organizational groups that are part of the project and graphically depicts the hierarchical configuration of those groups. It exists to clarify interaction with the project team. 2.1 STAKEHOLDERS List all of the major stakeholders in this project, and state why they have a stake. . Stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion. They may also exert influence over the project and its results. NAME STAKE IN PROJECT ORGANIZATION TITLE Mary Herrera Project Sponsor/Users SOS Secretary of State Don Francisco Trujillo II Business Owner SOS Deputy Secretary of State New Mexico State Legislators Project Sponsor SOS New Mexico Legislators County, District and State wide (Executive Branch) Judicial Candidates Users Candidates New Mexico candidates and office holders Lobbyists Users Lobbyists Employer New Mexico Lobbyists Political Action Committees (PACs) Users Various New Mexico Political Action Committee Members of the Media Reporters New Mexico Media affiliated Media PAGE 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM NAME STAKE IN PROJECT ORGANIZATION TITLE Jose Hernandez IT Project Management Support SOS Project Manager Patricia Lemus Lead Technical Support SOS Business Analyst Tessa Jo Mascarenas Ethics Administrative Support SOS Ethics Administra tor Tracey Littrell Ethics Administrative Support SOS Ethics Administra tor Brad Allen CFIS Application Developer SOS Database Administra tor 2.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE 2.2.1 DESCRIBE THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE – ORG CHART PAGE 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 2.2.2 DESCRIBE THE ROLE AND MEMBERS OF THE PROJECT STEERING COMMITTEE Mary Herrera Executive Project Sponsor Don Francisco Trujillo II Business Owner Kelli Fulgenzi Interim IT Director/BOE Administrator Jose Hernandez Project Manager PCC Project Certification Committee AJ Salazar Elections Director Brad Allen Database Administrator 2.2.3 ORGANIZATIONAL BOUNDARIES, INTERFACES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Use this section to describe any special considerations regarding contact between the project team, the project manager, and individuals from various organizations involved in the project: Boundary, interface and responsibilities at the interface The new Campaign Finance Information Reporting system will not interface with any other State application system. This is a standalone in house developed Oracle database system that will include a search engine. This application will be supported internally by IT staff with the guidance of the Oracle Database developer and accessible by Candidates, PACS, and Lobbyist through a secure website. Due to the timeliness and budget constraints of this project, the Office of the Secretary of State decided to proceed with the development of the new Campaign Finance Information System internally. 2.3 EXECUTIVE REPORTING PAGE 7 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 3.0 SCOPE 3.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 3.1.1 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Business Objective 1 To provide a user friendly Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS) via the internet to all candidates, lobbyists and political action committees reporting financial information Business Objective 2 To provide upon request to media representatives and public inquiries a complete CFIS data file in a standard format Business Objective 3 To allow the Secretary of State’s Office IT staff full administrative and support of the new Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS) 3.1.2 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION Tech. Objective 1 Major technical objective is to redesign and develop a Campaign Finance Information System that will allow candidates, lobbyists, political action committees, media and the public to input data, PAGE 8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION create reports or search capabilities utilizing an Oracle database structure Tech. Objective 2 The ability to maintain and enhance the new CFIS application inhouse without depending on third party resources 3.2 PROJECT EXCLUSIONS Due to time constraints an exemption request for the Independent Verification and Validation requirement of the Campaign Finance Information System project shall be submitted. 3.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS Identify the critical success factors for achieving success in this project. Metric are key to understanding the ability of the project to meet the end goals of the Executive Sponsor and the Business Owner, as well as the ability of the project team to stay within schedule and budget. See also section 6.7 Quality Objectives and Controls. NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUALITY METRICS PROJECT MUST BE COMPLETED AND IN PRODUCTION BY JULY 1, 2009 1 QUALITY METRICS 2 QUALITY METRICS 3 QUALITY METRICS 4 ACCEPTANCE OF IT PROJECT CERTIFICATION TIMELINE AND GATES PROCESS APPLICATION DEVELOPER PROVIDING CODE, COMPLETE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN DIAGRAMS INCLUDING NETWORK, SECURITY, EMAIL, SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES USER REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTATION PROVIDE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION ON THE PROJECT TO INCLUDE: COMPLETE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT SCHEDULE; IDENTIFY KEY MILESTONES, TRANSITIONS, TESTING AND TRAINING PLAN 4.0 PROJECT DELIVERABLES AND METHODOLOGY 4.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIFE CYCLE Phase PAGE 9 Summary of Phase Key Deliverables PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Initiation Phase Certification Overall scope of the Campaign Finance Information System, governance plan, performance measures, business and technical objectives Project Charter and Certification Planning Phase Manage project execution, control and close. Document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, document approved scope, cost and schedule baselines Project Management Plan and Certification of PMP, Detail System Design-Statement of Work, Detail Technical Assessment- hardware, software and telecommunication requirements Implementation Phase Quality Assurance Testing, User Acceptance Support and Programming Development Present an Independent Validation and Verification report, Quality Assurance Plan and Results Report of prior phase deliverables submitted with certification request Closeout Phase Certification Deployment of the Campaign Finance Information System Project Closeout Report 4.1.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERABLES Project Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the project management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. 1. Project Management Plan 2. Detailed System Design 3. Detailed Technical Assessment 4. Programming Development 5. Quality Assurance Testing 6. User Acceptance Support 7. Deployment PAGE 10 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Mission Critical Description – New Campaign Finance Information System web based application that is user friendly and readily accessible via the internet Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Project is mission critical to the Secretary of State Office; Project cost is equal to or in access of $100,000.00; Project impacts customer on-line access; Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT Standards for Content and Format – Feedback from the UCLA California Voter Project and Law Center; Legislators; Reporters Quality Review -Comply with the Campaign Reporting Act (Sections 1-19-26 NMSA 1978) as it reads at the time of the signing of the project charter Architectural Design Description – Project impacts customer on-line access and disruptions resulting from inadequate technical security Deliverable Acceptance Criteria – Project is an internet based-on-line system available to all candidates, political action committees, lobbyists and citizens of the State of New Mexico Standards for Content and Format – Provide architectural plan and secure certificate credentials for a secure website Quality Review – Comply with DoIT Office of Security Policies and Procedures on defining metrics and practices for secured websites 4.1.2 DELIVERABLE APPROVAL AUTHORITY DESIGNATIONS Complete the following table to identify the deliverables this project is to produce, and to name the person or persons who have authority to approve each deliverable. DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) DATE APPROVED 1 Project Management Plan (PMP) DoIT Project Certification Committee Date Pending 2 Statement of Work Detail System Design DoIT Project Certification 06/30/08 3 Hardware, software and telecommunication requirements Detail Technical Assessment SOS IT Director, staff 06/01/08 PAGE 11 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) DATE APPROVED 4 Commencement of project Programming Development SOS staff 08/01/08 5 New Campaign Finance Information System (CFIS) development code tested and approved Quality Assurance Testing DoIT PCC Pending 6 Fully functioning CFIS system ready for testing User Acceptance Support Political Action Committees (PACS), Legislators, Candidates, Lobbyists, and SOS staff Pending 7 Fully functioning CFIS application Deployment DoIT PCC and SOS staff 07/01/09 4.1.3 DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE Describe the process that this project will use for the formal acceptance of all deliverables. 1. The IT Project Certification Timeline and Gates process administered and approved by DoIT 2. The Secretary of State Ethics and IT staff will provide guidance and acceptance approvals as needed 3. Schedule training and testing dates by approvers of this project i.e. (SOS staff, PAC’s, Candidates, Lobbyists, and Legislators) 4.2 PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE “During the project management lifecycle, agencies shall select and implement a phase product development lifecycle methodology approved by the Department.” PROJECT OVERSIGHT PROCESS Memorandum Phase Summary of Phase Key Deliverables Initiation Phase Project Charter Created Scope of work and purpose of project defined PAGE 12 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Planning Phase Project Management Plan Define documentation, project timeline, user requirement documentation, system testing methodology, project schedule and system architectural design diagrams Implementation Phase Independent Verification and Validation and report results of prior phase The SOS will pursue an IV & V process to validate and verify the results of the application with both State Legislators and members of the media Closeout Phase Project closeout and lessons learned report A closeout notification of the end of this project will be issued by the SOS IT director 4.2.1 TECHNICAL STRATEGY Discuss the key technical strategies for achieving success in this project. Provide System Architectural Design Diagram (ERD Diagram) by developer Identify application code created for the Campaign Finance Information System Setup system testing methodology capturing feedback from reporters, legislators, users, citizens and other qualified entities Involve SOS information technology staff in all phases of this project for current and future support Implement Candidate Campaign Electronic Reporting Requirements process administered by the Ethics Department of the Secretary of State Office Create a Campaign Finance Information System user guide of new system Provide formal training of CFIS to Secretary of State relevant staff 4.2.2 PRODUCT AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT DELIVERABLES Product Deliverables are work products or artifacts that are driven by the product management methodology requirements and standard project management practices regardless of the product requirements of the project. Please Refer to 4.1 Project Management Deliverables. PAGE 13 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Deliverable 1 Name Description Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - Deliverable 2 Name Description - Deliverable Acceptance Criteria Standards for Content and Format Quality Review - 4.2.3 DELIVERABLE APPROVAL AUTHORITY DESIGNATIONS Complete the following table to identify the deliverables this project is to produce, and to name the person or persons who have authority to approve each deliverable. DELIVERABLE NUMBER DELIVERABLE APPROVERS (WHO CAN APPROVE) 1 Project Management Plan DoIT PCC 2 Detail System Design DoIT PCC 3 Detail Technical Assessment SOS IT Director 4 Programming Development SOS Staff 5 Quality Testing DoIT PCC 6 User Acceptance Support PACs, Legislators, Lobbyists, SOS Staff DATE APPROVED 4.2.4 DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE Describe the process that this project will use for the formal acceptance of all deliverables. PAGE 14 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 5.0 PROJECT WORK 5.1 WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE (WBS) A WBS is a deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements that organizes and defines the total work scope of the project. Describe the work activities that comprise the work breakdown structure (WBS) or the work packages within the WBS. Identify the WBS element or other work package identifier and provide a general description of the tasks or activities, the definition or objectives, and the milestones and deliverables of each work package. Use the chart below for highest level presentation, and provide a more detailed WBS as an attachment to this project plan. Identifier Work Package Description Project Management Improvement of CFIS Project –Phase 1 Initiate project, develop project charter, define scope, define Develop Project Charter for requirements, identify high Campaign Finance Information level roles, finalize charter and System acquire approval Project Charter and Certification Approval by Project Certification Committee Plan Campaign Finance Information System Project Identify the project’s tasks and Develop Work Breakdown provide a framework for Structure, project staffing plan, organizing and managing the schedule, and budget work Project Management Plan and Certification of CFIS Project Control Plan Weekly and monthly meetings and status reports of project. Completeness and Correction of criteria of CFIS reporting requirements; Quality Assurance deals with process used to create the deliverables; Quality Control used to record and track the ongoing activities that the project team will perform Updated Project Management Plan and Project Schedule and Certification Design framework (content format, web framework deliver tool, stages and activity) Build Execute and and write the framework Control CFIS Project content and review for quality Test and Implement Framework Define, Design, Test and Implement framework of CFIS system Project Closeout Report Identifier Definition/Objective Milestone/Deliverable PAGE 15 Develop communication plan and quality management plan Work Package Description Definition/Objective Milestone/Deliverable PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 5.2 SCHEDULE ALLOCATION -PROJECT TIMELINE The project timeline is a high-level view of project activities with a focus on project milestones. The project timeline does not replace the need for a detailed project schedule and it is to highlight key events such as deliverable due dates and when go/no-go decisions are made. The table below should provide a high level view of the project time line, or a summary-level Gantt chart can be used to meet the timeline requirement. Please provide a more detailed project schedule as an attachment to this plan Identifier Task/Activity Name Resource Name Milestone Effort/ (Y/N) Duration Start Finish Dependent Task Data Preparation Data document standards, establish copyright restrictions and permissions Candidate and PAC data y 1 month 03/01/ 09 04/01/ 09 Implementati on Phase Image Capture Purchase or lease setup equipment, store images securely, perform quality control Oracle Server database application y 2 weeks 03/15/ 09 04/01/ 09 Testing Storage and Delivery Manage, maintain and refresh data and images Oracle Server database application y 2 weeks 04/01/ 09 04/16/ 09 Planning 5.3 PROJECT BUDGET Costs estimates are the costs applied to an activity in a project by assigning resources with associated rates or fees. Resources can include equipment, material, technology, processing cycles, or people. The total cost is critical and should be consistent with the proposal; include breakdowns as needed. Match these cost estimates with the actual billed amounts. Use an appropriate format for the project size and customer requirements (e.g., by WBS, milestone, or deliverable). Current balance of $176,500.00 for the Campaign Finance Information System is available for spending pending on list of expenditures from database administrator. PAGE 16 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Identifier Work Package or Budget Category Cost Hardware Software Contract Support Backup Support Phase / Activity Associated Deliverables Estimated Budget Umbrella Tasks Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 TOTALS 5.4 PROJECT TEAM 5.4.1 PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Insert a graphical Organization Chart here. The Organizational Structure (OS) is a hierarchical configuration defining levels of program management and may identify all project personnel. The OS should be simple and straightforward. Include role names and people’s names. Consider identifying the core project team by shading their respective boxes on the chart. On complex projects, consider using a second OS to identify core project team. The OS can also be used for management reporting. PAGE 17 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 5.4.2 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES List the team members, their role, responsibility and functional manager. Make sure to include a comprehensive listing including those from the organization managing the project, business members involved to ensure business objectives are met and the vendor members that may have a specific role. ROLE RESPONSIBILITY NAME FUNCTIONAL AREA Application Developer Design new Campaign Finance Information System Brad Allen Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary business owner of new application Deputy Secretary business owner and decision maker of this project Don Francisco Trujillo II Secretary of State PAGE 18 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM ROLE RESPONSIBILITY NAME FUNCTIONAL AREA Project Director Provide leadership of Project and assist project management team and sponsors with completion of project AJ Salazar Secretary of State Project Sponsor Oversees and coordinates information technology staff responsibilities Kelli Fulgenzi Deputy Secretary Project Manager Develop Campaign Finance Information System project plan Jose Hernandez IT Director Information Technology support Support developer in all phases of the project Paul Flaherty, Patricia Lemus, Steve Fresquez, Angel Espinoza IT Director Project Certification Committee Provide project certification support, approval and certification, authorizing letter to DFA to release funds Ron Martinez DoIT Secretary Ethics Administration of Candidate, PACS, and Lobbyists Administer, audit, advise and provide technical direction for Campaign Finance Information System Tessa Jo Mascarenas Tracey Littrell Bureau of Election Director 5.5 STAFF PLANNING AND RESOURCE ACQUISITION Complete the chart below identifying the project team members and details concerning their project commitment. Project staff should include State, Contract, Customer (Business Owner), or Vendor team members 5.5.1 PROJECT STAFF Resource PAGE 19 Cost Estimate Estimated Hours Availability Skill Set Work Product/Deliverable PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Brad Allen $176,500 40 yes Database Administrator New Campaign Finance Information System Application Paul Flaherty 15 yes Assist in design Submitted reports by of report candidates and PACS Patricia Lemus 10 yes Documentation of application Implementation Plan of all deliverables Angel Espinoza 10 yes Graphics for CFIS front end Administer and update new Campaign Finance Information System Portal Steve Fresquez 10 yes Conversion of Images Update images to new format Jose Hernandez 30 yes Project Management Plan Certification of Project Management Plan Tessa Jo Mascarenas 40 yes Data Entry, reporting, administer CFIS processing Ensure compliance of completed required reports by candidates, political action committees and lobbyists Tracey Littrell 40 yes Data Entry, reporting, administer CFIS processing Ensure compliance of completed required reports by candidates, political action committees and lobbyists 5.5.2 NON-PERSONNEL RESOURCES Use this section to list services or product (HW/SW and such) needed for project Resource Cost Estimate Estimated units/hours Availability Source Work Product/Deliverable Microsoft Project Pro 2007 600. 00 40 yes Software Project Management Plan Schedule, Communication Plan, Project Team Training 5.6 PROJECT LOGISTICS Logistics describes how the project manager, project team, the business owner/customer and any vendor resources will physically work together. Include anything to do with moving or starting resources. Training specifically related to project team members should be included here. PAGE 20 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 5.6.1 PROJECT TEAM TRAINING Describe training if any needed by project team members. This is not to include training for end users, system administrators or business owners; those should be handled within a training document or part of the transition to operations planning. A project team training chart and schedule is forthcoming by the project team. The project manager will develop a training table describing training for project team members only. Estimated Hours Availability Skill Set Work Product/Deliverable SOS Ethics Section 8 hours yes CFIS Reporting Work Flow First level support of Campaign Finance Reporting System SOS IT Staff 8 hours yes Technical and Accessible Web based Administrative CFIS via the internet support Resource Cost Estimate 6.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS 6.1 RISK AND ISSUE MANAGEMENT PMBOK©: (Project Management Body of Knowledge) Integration Management: Coordination of different elements of the CFIS project to achieve needs and expectations of project stakeholders. Scope Management: To ensure work performed in CFIS project is necessary to the successful completion. It includes initiation, scope planning, scope definition, scope verification, and scope change. Time Management: To ensure CFIS project completes in a timely manner, to include activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimating, schedule development and control. Cost Management: Ensure CFIS project completes within approved budget; resources planning, cost estimating, cost control. Quality Management: The satisfaction of CFIS needs. Ensure the products and services produced by the CFIS system satisfy the needs for which the project was undertaken. Human Resources Management: To ensure effective use of the stake holders. It includes organizational planning, staff acquisition and team development. Communication Management: To ensure timely and effective flow of information for the CFIS project, to include information distribution and performance reporting. PAGE 21 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Risk Management: To ensure identification, analysis and appropriate response to the risks encountered by the CFIS project. Procurement Management: To ensure effective acquisition of products and services from sources external to the CFIS project organization. Such as sources selection or contract administration. Risk: “An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project’s objectives.” Issue: “A point or matter in question or dispute, or a point or matter that is not settled and is under discussion or over which there are opposing views or disagreements.” Both Risks and Issues can significant impact a project’s success, and both should be handled in similar ways. 6.1.1 RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Provide a detailed explanation on the strategy for how risks are identified, analyzed/ quantified, mitigated, reported, escalated and tracked. Include the use of tools such as project management software, forms, and templates. A separate risk management plan may also be developed if needed for the project and included as an Appendix to this document. If that is the case, a high level summary of this plan needs to be included here with the specific reference. Through the use of Microsoft Project Professional 2007 a risk management strategy assessment report will be developed to monitor, identify, analyze/quantify report and track all possible risks involved in this project. Risks such as organizational, resource, external, planning, technical and business will be identified, quantified, escalated and tracked using Microsoft Project Professional 2007. 6.1.2 PROJECT RISK IDENTIFICATION ORGANIZATION, RESOURCE, EXTERNAL, PLANNING AND TECHNICAL ARE JUST A FEW OF THE POSSIBLE RISK S THAT WILL BE IDENTIFIED 6.1.3 PROJECT RISK MITIGATION APPROACH A Microsoft Project Pro 2007 Risk Management Process Table will be created to monitor this process. Risk Processes Definition Inputs PAGE 22 Risk Planning Risk Identification Risk Quantification Risk Response PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Tools & Techniques Outputs 6.1.4 RISK REPORTING AND ESCALATION STRATEGY The DoIT Risk and Issue Log Template uses a calculation based on the following values: Provability Levels: Certain, Expected, Likely, Possible, Unlikely Impact Levels: Very High, High, Medium, Low, and Very Low A table indicating the values, at which the risks should be tracked, reported and escalated such as: Blue Minimum risk—Acceptable Yellow Some Risks---Monitor at PM/Team Level Orange High Risks—Active monitoring with ongoing contingency/mitigation activity Red Show stopper---Active participating with steering committee to mitigate 6.1.5 PROJECT RISK TRACKING APPROACH In the DoIT Risk and Issue Template the risk log provides a risk log that not only calculates the risk level, but also provides space for inputting the contingency and mitigation plan summary Number Risk Probability Impact Rating 1 Example of Risk Certain High 0.7125 Contingency Mitigation Plan Plan 6.1.6 ISSUE MANAGEMENT For either type of issue, projects should consider using the DoIT Risk and Issue Log template PAGE 23 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Internal Issue Escalation and Resolution Process This internal process is provided for issues that involve project resources, processes, procedures, or methodology that should be resolved within the Division that is responsible for managing the project without affecting the overall project schedule, cost, or quality. This process should be used for improving project processes as the project is executed and where the implementation of such improvements should not be postponed to Lessons Learned during Project Close. Refer to the governance structure flowchart and the DoIT project certification phase to resolve internal issues and escalation. Develop a project management flowchart of internal issues process resolution External Issue Escalation and Resolution Process The external process is provided for issues that involve project resources, processes, procedures, or methodology that cannot be resolved within the Division that is responsible for managing the project without affecting the overall project schedule, cost, or quality. Provide the necessary documents and requirements administered by the Department of Information Technology concerning this CFIS project in the time frame associated with the Project Certification Committee. Develop a project management flowchart of external issues process resolution 6.2 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) means the process of evaluating a system to determine compliance with specified requirements and the process of determining whether the products of a given development phase fulfill the requirements established during the previous stage, both of which are performed by an organization independent of the development organization. Describe the process that will be employed to meet IV&V requirements. The SOS will pursue an IV & V process to validate and verify the results of the application with both State Legislators and members of the media 6.3 SCOPE MANAGEMENT PLAN Describe the process that is going to be used to manage the scope of the project. Make sure to address managing stakeholder expectations. 1. Adhere to the Department of Information Technology Project Certification Phases for IT projects funds to be released 2. Follow the set standards for Certification Request for any of the four established phases required by the Department of Information Technology 3. Conduct weekly IT meetings to monitor the status and progress of the project PAGE 24 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 4. Report monthly updates of project or projects to DoIT by the 10th day of each month 5. Conduct user acceptance testing of application and provide feedback and documentation 6. Documentation and explanation of source code created for new application 7. Design architectural structure or plan of new system 6.3.1 Change Control Change Control Process Change Control establishes how change will be managed, including capturing, tracking, communicating, and resolving change. Due to much ambiguity regarding change, it is vital that we document and discuss the change process with the executive sponsor. CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYTEM > CHANGE CONTROL PROCESS Process Flow between Core Team and Policy Stakeholders Core Team Flow chart of control process Change Control Board Flow chart of control process Any changes enacted by The Legislature of the State of New Mexico affecting the Campaign Reporting Act must be considered and implemented in the development of the New Campaign Finance Information System. Change Control Board (CCB) Insert a graphic or textual description identifying the Change Control Board (or function) for this project. The CCB may be an individual or group of individuals authorized to approve changes to the project plan. PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST PROJECT: AGENCY: DATE: PROJECT MANAGER: PROJECT #: AGENCY AND PROJECT INFORMATION: REQUESTED BY: PAGE 25 DATE: PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM AUTHORIZED BY: DATE: DESCRIPTION: IMPACT: Technical Schedule Cost Is Is NOT Within Scope. Accepted Denied On Hold Other ACTION PLAN: MARK ONE: THIS CHANGE: THIS CHANGE IS: PROJECT SPONSOR (BUSINESS OWNER) PROJECT MANAGER SIGNATURE: SIGNATURE: NAME: NAME: DATE: DATE: 6.4 PROJECT BUDGET MANAGEMENT Costs estimates are the costs applied to an activity in a project by assigning resources with associated rates or fees. Resources can include equipment, material, technology, processing cycles, or people. The total cost is critical and should be consistent with the proposal; include PAGE 26 Delayed PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM breakdowns as needed. Match these cost estimates with the actual billed amounts. Use an appropriate format for the project size and customer requirements (e.g., by WBS, milestone, or deliverable). 1. Refer to 5.3 Project Budget format and plan 2. A project budget management template using Microsoft Project Pro 2007 will be used to provide this information once we identify the cost requirements for this project from database administrator Identifier Work Package or Budget Category Cost Hardware Software Contract Support Backup Support 6.4.1 BUDGET TRACKING An excel spreadsheet or project management tool will be used for budget tracking purposes. Secretary of State CFIS Budget Tracking (SOS) CFISSpecific External Sales - Contract & Consulting Services COGS - External Contract & Consulting Services Salaries - Permanent Employees Agency Staff Payroll Tax Work Cover Costs Travel and Accommodation Expenses Training – Employees (IT Employees) Repairs & Maintenance Audio/Visual Repairs & Maintenance Computer Equipment Purchase of Data For Computer Systems IT Systems - External Maintenance and Support Infrastructure - Major Data Links Services -Changes/Connections/Disconnections Consultants Fees Contractors Hire Fees and Leasing Costs - General Printing and Stationery $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BUDGET - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - DIFFERENCE -$ -$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - Purchases – IT Equipment – AMD Managed $ - $ - $ - Misc $ - $ - $ - GL Codes ACTUAL Misc 1 PAGE 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hardware Cost Licenses Software 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ - FROM P0XXXXXXXXX $ - Total TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET $ - $ 4 $ 4 $ 4.00 -$ 4.00 * All items contained herein (above) are EX GST 6.5 COMMUNICATION PLAN Communication planning involves determining the information and communication needs of the stakeholders, executive sponsors, project team and others as needed. The communication plan needs to address who needs what information, when they will need it, how it will be given to them, and by whom. The complexity of the project may require a separate communication plan; however a high level summary of that plan will need to be included here and a reference made to the appropriate Appendix. Communications Plan for SOS CFIS Project Name: Campaign Finance Information System Prepared by: Date: Jose Hernandez 04/23/09 Communication Methods Key Stakeholders (Distribution Schedule) ▼ PAGE 28 Stakeholder Issues Key Messages to Communicate to be Used Description of Specific Communications (Written, one-onone, electronic, meetings, etc.) (Content, format, level of detail, etc.) Timing Issues (see also Bar Chart, Project Schedule) Other PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Client Senior Management Sponsor SOS Project team members SOS Employees Subcontractors Suppliers Political Campaign Committees Government Agencies News Media Community PAGE 29 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Other 6.5.1 COMMUNICATION MATRIX PAGE 30 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM PAGE 31 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM 6.5.2 STATUS MEETINGS WEEKLY SOS CFIS STATUS MEETING Subject: CFIS Project Status Date: 04/24/09 Time: 9:00am Location: SOS Conference Room Meeting Manager: AJ Salazar Attendees Invited: Project Team Please Read: Project Management Plan PAGE 32 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Please Bring: Documents requested from last meeting AGENDA TOPICS: 1. Project Status Review 2. Issues/Action Items Review 3. Risks/Mitigation Actions 4. Activities and Accomplishments Last Week 5. Status of acceptance submittals 6. Status of change submittals 7. Plans for next week 6.5.3 PROJECT STATUS REPORTS Please refer to Communications Matrix Table 6.5.1 6.6 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT (PROJECT METRICS) The Project Manager and Executive Sponsor define the project metrics that will be used to control the project. Each project will need to have an established metrics program. Metrics are collected for measuring the progress of a project against its planned budget, schedule, resource usage, and error rates, and of establishing a historical database, which will aid in planning and forecasting future projects. At a minimum metrics must be established for time (schedule), cost (budget) and quality. Project Area Category Measure Schedule and Progress Work Unit in Progress Component Status Critical Paths Tested Resources and Cost Personnel Availability Effort, Staff Experience, Staff Turnover Financial Performance Resources Availability Dates Resource Utilization Earned Value Cost PAGE 33 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Growth and Stability Product Size and Stability Lines of Code; Component; Database Size Product Quality Defects Problem Reports Complexity Defect Density Rework Rework Effort 6.6.1 BASELINES Microsoft Project Management Pro 2007 software will be used to monitor the planning, scheduling, statistics, mathematics and analysis of the project. Project Area Category Measure 6.6.2 METRICS LIBRARY Microsoft Project Pro will be utilized for this metrics. 6.7 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND CONTROL Quality Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement, within the quality system. If a separate Quality Plan is used, include a high level summary in this document and refer to the appropriate appendix. 6.7.1 QUALITY STANDARDS Describe the agency, industry or regulatory project performance standards that will be followed and assessed by the project. These quality standards will be used to assess whether the quality objectives were achieved. Identify each of the project quality standards that are directly related to the project and not to the performance of the actual product and/or service. For each quality standard, identify the tracking tool or measure such as number of project reviews or Project Status. PAGE 34 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM No. Quality Standard Tracking Tool or Measure 1 System Security – Questionnaire and Diagram completed by the established date • Visio • DoIT Templates 2 Business Continuity /Disaster Recovery Plan completed by the established date • DoIT Templates 3 Network Infrastructure Diagram • Visio • Smart Draw 4 System Architecture Diagram • Visio • Smart Draw 5 Project phase is completed by the established finish date • Project Schedule • Project Status 6 Project Deliverables will be completed by the established date for the Technical Architecture Review Committee (TARC) • System Security Template • Business Continuity Plan Template • Network Infrastructure Diagram Visio • System Architecture Diagram Visio 6.7.2 PROJECT AND PRODUCT REVIEW AND ASSESSMENTS Review Type Quality Standard Tools Reviewer Reports Requirements Plans Milestones Testing 6.7.3 AGENCY/CUSTOMER SATISFACTION The project manager should assess the on-going sense of the customer agency about how they feel the project is going, and how team members are acting on the project. This feedback would be helpful to the success of the project and the professional growth of the project team members. Examples: Areas of feedback When How Often Agency awareness Weekly Meetings Daily, Weekly, Monthly Reports Quality of communications Internal Email Daily PAGE 35 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Manages project tasks Normal business hours Productive Meetings Management Scheduled Meetings Daily, Weekly, Project Scheduled meetings by DoIT 6.7.4 PRODUCT DELIVERABLE ACCEPTANCE PROCESS How the client takes procession of the product. Delivery of media; manuals; contracts; licenses; services agreements; configuration settings; status of patches to COTS products; in-house or vendor developed code; test cases, routines, and scripts; and other items required to operate the product. Deliverable Final Approval Process Customer Acceptance Criteria Project Charter Certification Process by DoIT PCC, SOS CFIS Steering Committee and Project Team DoIT Project Certification Committee Project Management Plan Certification Process by DoIT PCC, SOS CFIS Steering Committee and Project Team DoIT Project Certification Committee Updated Project Management Plan SOS CFIS Project Team and Steering Committee SOS Project Team Final IV & V Report PCC SOS Project Steering Committee Project Closeout PCC SOS Sponsors 6.8 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT Configuration Management determines how project information (files, reports, designs, memos, documents, etc.) will be managed (tracked, approved, stored, secured, accessed, version control, etc.) and owned by (e.g., Agency managing the project or the Customer). Standards and team awareness are critical. The Office of the Secretary of State Office will produce a configuration management table to manage CFIS files, reports, diagrams, documents created by the ongoing process of this project 6.8.1 VERSION CONTROL Version control will be tracked on title page of PMP as required by DoIT 6.8.2 PROJECT REPOSITORY (PROJECT LIBRARY) “Provide to the Department all project management and product deliverables. Deliverables shall include but not limited to the project plan, project schedule, initial and periodic risk assessments, quality strategies and plan, periodic project reports, requirements and design documents for entire project. The PAGE 36 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM lead agency must make available all deliverables in a repository with open access for the Department to review” PROJECT OVERSIGHT PROCESS Memorandum. All Project Deliverables will be made available to the Department of Information Technology project certification committee at least two weeks before scheduled meetings as describe by the Project Oversight Process Memorandum 6.9 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN Projects often have some element of procurement, i.e. the requirement to purchase goods and/or services from outside the organization. The procedures to be used to handle these procurements should be included here. Activities such as a make-or-buy analysis; writing requirements; solicitation planning, evaluation and selection; inspection and acceptance; contract closeout should all be included. Procurement process established by the Office of the Secretary of State Finance department will be administered. 7. 0 PROJECT CLOSE Project Close will always consist of administrative project activities and possibly contractual project activities and an external vendor is employed. Completing both sets of activities is a mandatory step in the project life cycle. Administrative activities complete the internal needs for the Agency/Unit that is responsible for managing the project, such as lessons learned, recording the last hours against the project, and providing transition for the staff to other assignments. Contractual activities meet the contractual needs, such as executing a procurement audit and formal acceptance of the project work products. Project Close out cycle will be administered by the SOS project team, project steering committee and sponsors. 7.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE Administrative Close occurs at both the end of phase and end of project. This closure consists of verification that objectives and deliverables were met. Acceptance is formalized and phase activities are administratively closed out. Administrative closure occurs on a “by-phase” basis in accordance with the WBS and should not be delayed to project end. At that point, the burden of closing is too great and audits inaccurate. The specific project close activities for a given project are contingent on the project’s complexity and size. Project managers should work with the project’s project management consultant to tailored Project Close procedures to compliment the project’s objectives 7.2 CONTRACT CLOSE PAGE 37 PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM Contract close is similar to administrative close in that it involves product and process verification for contract close. ATTACHMENTS Attachments are included for additional information, but are not formally considered part of the Project Plan for approvals and change management purposes. Examples Acronyms, abbreviations and definitions Technical glossary of IT terms Project Work breakdown schedule Project timeline PAGE 38