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UMHC Student Orientation
Welcome to the University of Mississippi
Medical Center. We are glad that you have
chosen our institution as a clinical site for
your students. Our orientation process was
developed in an effort to standardize the
information that incoming faculty and
students receive prior to beginning clinical
rotations at University of Mississippi Health
Who are we?
• We are a Thomson’s Top 100 Hospital.
• We are Mississippi Nurses Association’s
Hospital of the Year (Large Hospital).
• We tied for #1 in “Equity for Treatment” by
the University HealthSystem Consortium.
Standards of Performance
At UMHC, it is expected that our affiliated
students and instructors adopt our Standards
of Performance.
Follow the link below and read through our
Standards Guide.
Background Check / Fingerprinting at UMMC
All contractual persons coming to UMHC for staffing purposes must be identified with a
UMHC ID badge. Persons must come to the Human Resources (HR) Benefits Office on the
first floor (office # N146) of the Medical School Building to have their picture taken and
receive an official UMHC ID badge. All personnel must wear the UMHC ID badge along with
their agency badge. The UMHC ID badge will be required to gain access to certain areas of
the hospital that are restricted. You will not be allowed into any clinical area without
your UMHC ID badge. The UMHC badge will have an expiration date built into it so that it
will not be active after the end of your contract. There is a $20.00 cost for replacement
of an ID badge. Mississippi law requires verification of background check/fingerprinting of
each person working for a State Institution. This information must be submitted to Human
Resources prior to receiving an ID badge. ID badges are done every Tuesday-Friday of any
week (Mondays are reserved for UMHC employees only). When an official holiday falls on
Monday, the following Tuesday is then reserved or UMHC employees only. For individuals in
need of a background check and fingerprinting, UMMC provides this service at a cost of
$50.00 per person (cash, money orders, and cashier’s checks only; no personal checks and
no credit cards will be accepted). A valid driver’s license or state I.D. is required prior to
fingerprinting. Contact Human Resources at (601) 984-1130 for more information.
Agency Responsibility:
To ensure that all required information is placed within the ID badge system, please send
the following information two (2) weeks before the arrival of the Agency Staff.
1. the name of the person for contract
2. social security numbers of the person
3. the start date and end date of the contract
All students and contract employees are asked to
park in the Stadium parking lot that is located
across State Street from the hospital. Parking in
undesignated areas may result in the owner's vehicle
being ticketed or towed at the owner's expense.
Night shift may park in lots 3, 3A, or parking garage
A near the School of Nursing. Vehicles must be out
of the garage by 8:00am or owner will pay for
parking. During weekends and holidays, parking on
campus is permitted as above.
Dress Code
Please click on one of the following to read
the appropriate policy:
Non-nursing –
UMHC’s Professional Appearance Policy
Nursing –
UMHC’s Professional Appearance Policy
Professional Behaviors
Please click on the following link and read:
UMHC’s Professional Behaviors Policy
Emergency Codes
It is important to be familiar with emergency codes and procedures so that if an
emergency occurs, you will know how to respond. Be familiar with the clinical
environment, including locations of the nearest fire pull boxes and extinguishers. If you
come upon an emergency situation, call the following extensions and report the
UMHC Campus
Code Name
Type of Code
Adult Cardiac Arrest
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest
Patient becomes potentially
dangerous to self/others
Phone Number
Infant/child Abduction
Hazardous chemical spills
Any type of fire
5-7777 (police) first,
then 4-1001 (operator)
4-1981 or 4-1420
Jackson Medical Mall Campus
Cardiac Arrest
All Other Emergencies
9-981-4199 (security) first, then 911
Emergency Codes
Code Blue/Code 13:
When a cardiopulmonary emergency occurs, the health care worker present,
or first to arrive will begin Basic Life Support (BLS) and call for help. The
individual reporting the emergency will dial the operator using the
cardiopulmonary emergency extension (4-1111). They will give the appropriate
name, building and unit location as well as the room number. The operator
will notify the appropriate code team of the emergency within 60 seconds or
less after notification.
Code White:
In the event that someone becomes violent towards self or others, one staff
member will go to the phone and call extension 4-5555, and ask the operator
to call a code white and give the unit location. Remove other patients and
visitors from the immediate area. If possible, decrease stimuli in the area, i.e.
turn off the television. Remove as many potentially dangerous objects from
the area as possible, i.e., equipment, chairs, carts, etc.
Code Pink:
Upon suspicion that an infant/child may be missing, the staff member
discovering the possible abduction, will notify the operator of a code pink
emergency, the child’s age, sex, unit location, and immediately notify the
Nurse Manager, and Public Affairs. Employees and contractual staff working in
the area of the code pink should help monitor for suspicious behavior, persons
with babies or children, bags or bulky clothing. Employees in all other areas
should monitor all exits for any persons exhibiting suspicious behavior, bulky
clothing or large bundles or bags. No one is allowed to leave the buildings
without first being examined. Report this information to Campus police. Stay
in your assigned area until “Code Pink—all clear” is announced.
Fire Safety
A fire is a serious event. All fire announcements should be taken
seriously and proper procedures should be followed at all times. UMHC
uses the RACE acronym in response to fires:
R=Respond and remove persons in immediate danger.
A=Alert three ways (verbally, dial 4-6666, and activate the fire alarm pull station)
C=Confine the fire by closing ALL doors.
E=Extinguish the fire ONLY if you can do so WITHOUT putting
yourself in danger. If you cannot safely extinguish the fire,
leave the area. Seal off the room with a damp towel or
blanket at the door.
UMHC is a Tobacco-Free Campus
No one is allowed to smoke in any areas on
the UMMC campus.
Electrical Safety
It is important that equipment be properly maintained and grounded.
Failure to do these things can potentially lead to fire or shock. Do not
use defective equipment and never pull out a plug by pulling the
cord. Instead, grasp the plug and pull firmly.
If any equipment is found to display the following danger signs, please
notify the charge nurse on the unit and call Biomedical Engineering:
- Plug does not fit properly in the outlet
- Feels unusually warm to touch
- Smells as if it is burning
- Makes noise or pop when turned off
- Has a power cord longer than 10 feet
- Gives inconsistent readings
- Knob or switch is loose or worn
- Tingles when you touch it
- Third or grounding pin on the plug is missing
- Cord is frayed
Radiation Safety
If you are in an area where radiation is being used, it is important to
remember the following information that can decrease your exposure
to radiation. You can decrease your risk of radiation exposure by
following the following guidelines:
Time - Shorter time spent near a source results in less exposure.
Distance - A greater distance from a source results in less exposure.
Shielding - Lead aprons, lab coats and gloves reduce contamination and exposures.
If working around sources of radiation, it is your responsibility to
report a pregnancy to your charge nurse or supervisor for additional
instructions and/or precautions. Also, there should be no eating,
drinking, smoking or applying or using cosmetics in these areas.
Hazardous Communication
When working with chemicals that pose a hazard to you or
others, you are responsible for your own personal safety and
health. You are also responsible for the safety and health of
others nearby and for the protection of the environment.
Common substances that may be considered hazardous include
bleach and other disinfecting solutions. Also,
chemotherapeutic or anti-neoplastic agents are listed among
potentially hazardous substances. Special training is required
before a nurse may administer such medications. Each unit
that you are on is responsible for having available Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals used at that work
If there is a hazardous material spill in your area, call
extension 4-1981 or 4-1420 and report it.
Disaster Preparedness
When a disaster occurs, there is the potential that it
will produce large numbers of victims. In order to
manage and care for large numbers of patients
effectively, it is essential that the following traits
be displayed by all that are involved:
-Willingness to perform tasks as assigned by the person who
is in charge
-Following the institution disaster guidelines as requested
-Remembering patient confidentiality and not spreading
rumors about patients or the situation
-Remaining in your assigned area until further instructions
are received
Infection Control
Handwashing is the single most important measure to reduce the risk of transmitting organisms from
one person to another or from one site to another on the same patient.
Remember to wash hands before and after:
- Performing invasive procedures
- Touching wounds
- Touching patients (even if gloves are used)
- Eating, blowing and wiping the nose, using the toilet or combing hair
- Preparing or serving food or administering medications
- Touching inanimate surfaces in the patient care area or contaminated equipment
- Contact with blood, body fluids, and secretions
- Specimen collection
In order for handwashing to be effective, it must be done correctly. When washing your
hands, the following steps should be performed:
- Wet hands thoroughly
- Apply and lather soap
- Rub hands together vigorously for at least 15 seconds reaching all surfaces
- Rinse under a stream of water
- Use a clean paper towel to dry your hands thoroughly
- Use another paper towel to turn off the faucet and open the door.
Steps for handwashing with Alcohol Hand Cleanser (foam cleanser):
- Dispense alcohol into palm (usually one pull from the dispenser yields an adequate volume to
cover the hands)
- Rub the alcohol well over fingers, fingernails, and backs of hands
- Avoiding touching anything electrical or electronic until you have rub hands dry
Infection Control
The modes of transmission of organisms include airborne, direct contact, indirect contact and respiratory. It is
important to use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, gowns, masks, face
shields or boots depending on the type of isolation precautions that patients are on. And always, use
Standard Precautions (formerly called Universal Precautions) for all patients.
Dirty utility rooms should be used for storage of contaminated or potentially contaminated items, such as soiled
linen and used patient care equipment that has not yet been disinfected. Handle soiled linen in a manner
that prevents skin and mucous membrane exposure, contamination of clothing, and transfer of
microorganisms to other patients and environments.
If exposed to blood or body fluids, you should:
1. Notify your charge nurse and manager immediately
2. Report to Student-Employee health for appropriate action and follow-up
If exposed to blood or body fluids, contractual (Non-UMHC) employees should:
1. Notify your Agency
2. Ask for assistance from UMHC staff in completing an Occurrence Report on the computer as soon as
possible after the exposure occurs. Click on “non-patient”, and then complete the Occurrence Report. (
Details of exposure to address: ·Needlestick or Sharps Injury: Type of needle or sharp? How injury occurred?
Did the injury bleed? Action: Wash wound well; Splash to Eyes, Nose, Mouth (mucous membrane)? What fluid
were you splashed with? Action: Flush area well with sterile solution or tap water; Human Bite/Scratch: Did
the injury bleed? Action: Wash wound well; · Be specific about what caused the injury. How did it happen?)
3. Identify who and what you were exposed to. For example, did the person have HIV, hepatitis, or syphilis?
4. You may report your injury to the Adult Emergency Department. Reporting protocol should follow the
guidelines set by UMHC & your Agency. If the exposure is reported to the UMHC Adult Emergency
Department, the exposed person (or their Agency if determined by their Agency) is responsible for the
charges incurred by the person and the source individual (the person the contractual person was exposed
to). The Adult Emergency Room will coordinate the initial work-up for the exposure and the follow-up lab
work. Contractual employees are responsible for having their own health insurance.
Remember to report your exposure as soon as possible. Your baseline labwork will be drawn and if it is
appropriate, preventive medication may be given at the time of injury.
All laboratory results are confidential and should not be discussed with others. Do not try to view lab results on
the computer. Baseline labwork includes testing for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis A, and syphilis.
Proper Body Mechanics
Using proper body mechanics will help protect
you from back injuries as well as other types
of injuries. Please observe the following
work practices when in the hospital setting:
-Get a firm footing, feet apart
-Bend your knees, not your back
-Tighten stomach muscles when you lift
-Lift with your legs
-Keep the load close
-Keep your back upright - use gait belts for lifting and
sliding boards for transfers
Online Occurence Reporting
In the event that you witness an injury or critical incident involving a
patient/visitor, or you are involved in a medication error, notify the charge
nurse and Nurse Manager or supervisor immediately. A UMHC employee will
collect factual information from you about the occurrence and assist you in
completing an online occurrence report. It is important to notify someone
immediately if an incident occurs so that the patient/visitor can get the
proper follow-up assessment/care as needed.
The following guidelines should be followed for contractual persons who are
injured while at UMHC:
The services of UMHC Student-Employee Health do not extend to contractual
persons, non UMHC students or faculty. These individuals are advised to contact their
Agency employer, or private insurance carrier for additional information regarding
health care for injuries. Contractual persons, students or faculty may wish to receive
care from the UMHC Adult Emergency Department or one of the Adult Clinics by
appointment at the usual and customary fee.
In the event of TB exposure, you are to follow up with the Hinds County Health
Department or your local Health Department at the usual and customary fee.
TB skin testing and a variety of vaccinations are available through the Mississippi
State Department of Health at the Jackson Medical Mall. Usual and customary
fees will apply. Round trip shuttle bus service to and from campus is provided
at no charge.
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
- Each year, National Patient Safety Goals are
identified by The Joint Commission (TJC) from
topics published in TJC ’s Sentinel Event Alerts.
- All accredited hospitals are expected to review and
implement the goal requirements as relevant to the
scope of services provided.
- In addition, TJC will expect to see data reflecting
compliance with the requirements (what have we
done to meet the goal and how do we know it is
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
Improve the accuracy of patient identification:
- Use patient’s name and medical record number as two patient identifiers. When an
armband is in place, compare to 2 identifiers on chart or MAR. Identify patients without
armbands using name and date of birth obtained by active communication.
- Use our patient identifiers whenever: obtaining blood or other specimens, administering
medications or blood products, or before performing procedures by comparing armband to
MAR or order sheet
Universal Protocol:
- Includes steps taken before a procedure to ensure patient safety. These steps include
marking of the operative/procedure site by the operating physician including the patient
in active communication, the completion of a pre-op checklist, and a “Time Out”
immediately before laying the scapel to the skin.
- A verification time out to ensure: correct patient, procedure, site, positioning,
availability of implants, special equipment, films, etc. is expected for any invasive
procedure that requires a consent form.
(The exceptions include certain routine minor procedures such as venipuncture,
peripheral IV line placement, insertion of NG tube or Foley catheter) (Most procedures
that involve puncture or incision of the skin, or insertion of an instrument or foreign
material into the body require a verification “time out.”)
- The physician calls a “Time Out” between the physician and assisting staff. If the
physician neglects to call “Time Out,” any person assisting with the procedure may do so.
Time Out is documented in the progress notes by a written note and/or a pink sticker
completed by the assisting co worker or nurse.
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers:
- One should always “write down and read back” verbal orders, phone orders, or critical test
- Physicians should “write down and read back” critical results unless there is physician to
physician consultation.
- Assure that all verbal and/or telephone orders are followed with a “Read Back” of patient
identifiers and the complete order or test result by the licensed person receiving and transcribing
the order.
- Document the name, credentials, date, and time of person receiving results. UMHC policy states
such documentation is verification of “Read Back” of critical test results by the licensed
careperson receiving the test results.
- Critical Test Results require urgent response. These should be communicated within one hour
from the time the critical results are discovered by Radiology and clinical Lab. All Acute MIs are to
be reported within 5 minutes of ECG reading. This notification requires verification read back
Critical Test Results have been defined as follows:
Cardiology- Acute MI
Radiology - Pneumothorax, ruptured aorta, dissecting aortic aneurysm, intracranial bleeding or
aneurysm, - -- perforated intestine or intraperitoneal bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, acute
appendicitis and unstable spine fracture.
Clinical Laboratory - Panic values, such as glucose less than 45 mg/ml, CSF glucose -- CSF glucose
less than 50 mg/ml; Serum potassium greater than 5mEq/L; gram stain bacteria identified;
Hematocrit less than 24 mg/ll; Hemoglobin less than 5 mg/l; Platelet count less than 20,000 mm3;
CSF-- CSF cytospin bacteria identified; CONFIR with microbiology; INR-- INR greater than 3.9;
Whole blood pH less than 7.0
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
The following abbreviations are associated with increased errors and are UNACCEPTABLE at UMHC:
Instead of Abbreviating
Write Out
“International unit”
Q.D. and O.O.D.
“daily” and “every other day”
MS, MSO4 and MgSO4
“Morphine sulfate” or “Magnesium sulfate”
No zeros after a decimal and always zeros before
a decimal
Improve the safety of using medications (Prevent medication errors with concentrated electrolytes,
other concentrated medications, and look-alike/sound-alike drugs):
- All concentrated electrolytes are kept in pharmacy or under lock and key as a controlled
- Limit and standardize the number of drug concentrations available. The adult hospital has one
concentration of heparin. The pediatrics hospital also has standardized concentrations of
- Keep heparin and insulin separate from each other .
- Store look-alike/sound alike medications separate from each other and differentiate these drugs
with TALL MAN/short man lettering on labels.
- Always remember the “5 rights of medication administration.”
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
Reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired infections:
- Wash hands for a minimum of 15 seconds with soap and water, if hands
are visibly soiled, before and after patient contact, before beginning work,
before and after eating, and after a restroom or smoke break.
- Wash hands with alcohol foam until hands are dry if hands are not
visibly soiled
- Make sure all direct patient care employees and food service workers
have fingernails less than ¼ inch in length and have no artificial nails.
- Report any hospital-acquired infection causing death or major harm as
a sentinel event and assist Risk Management in completing a Root Cause
Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of
- Using the Medication Reconciliation Form, document a complete list
of current medications (including herbals and over-the-counter medications),
at the time of admission and compare to hospital admission medication
- Reconcile medications whenever a patient is transferred to another
level of care, another service, or another unit within the facility.
- Communicate a complete list of medications to the next provider of
service when a patient is transferred, referred, or discharged.
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
Reduce the risk of patient harm resulting from falls:
- Consider all ambulatory/outpatient clients to be at increased fall risk.
- Use the Morse Falls Prevention Assessment Tool on Admission, every shift, and
with changes in the patient’s condition to reassess the risk for falling.
- Identify patients at risk for falling with green dots on armbands and beside
name on patient’s door (patients under the age of three are automatically
considered high fall risk).
- Monitor patients every 2 hours.
- Know what medications increase fall risk and reassess appropriately (Highrisk medications are included in the Fall Prevention Policy—
Policy and Procedure CL/F-1).
- Be PROACTIVE! Use Standard Fall Preventions and High Risk Fall Prevention
Interventions according to RISK SCORE.
Encourage patients' active involement in their own care:
- All patients admitted to the hospital receive patient safety information in
the form of pamphlets. The packet includes ways to be actively involved in
their care and encourages patients to report any safety concerns.
- Always tell patients to speak out about their concerns, never go for a test
unless you have been told by a nurse or doctor, do not assume that no news is
good news, and call the Customer Care Connection for any compliments or
TJC 2008 National Patient Safety Goals
• The organization identifies safety risks inherent in its
patient population:
- Suicide assessment packets have been developed to
identify patients at risk for suicide.
- All patients with a primary psychiatric diagnosis must
be evaluated using the SAD Persons Scale. Patients with a
secondary psychiatric diagnosis are to be evaluated at the
nurse's discretion.
• Improve recognition and response to changes in a patient's
- A Rapid Response Team is available for the all adult
and pediatric inpatients. The Rapid Response Team may be
activated by the bedside nurse.
Health Information Privacy &
Portability Act (HIPPA)
All patient information of a private or sensitive nature is
considered confidential. Confidential information should not
be read or discussed unless it pertains to your specific role in
caring for the patient. Discussion of confidential information
must take place in private settings away from patients or
members of the public. Do not discuss patient information in
hallways, elevators, cafeterias and other public areas. You
must not discuss or reveal confidential information to friends
or family members or employees who do not have a legitimate
need to know. The disclosure of a patient’s presence in any of
the University Hospitals and Clinics’ facilities may indicate the
nature of the illness and jeopardize confidentiality.
Patient’s Bill of Rights
A Patient’s Bill of Rights was established to ensure that patients’
rights are clearly defined. Patients have the right to take an
active part in their health care. They also have a right to be
informed and make educated decisions about their health
care. Patients also have many other rights concerning the
health care that they receive. These rights are outlined in A
Patient’s Bill of Rights.
Visit the American Hospital Association’s website (http://www.a hts.html) for a detailed description
of A Patient’s Bill of Rights. As a faculty member, or student,
you are responsible for respecting these rights and abiding by
them when involved in patient care in any way.
Advance Directives
Patients have the right to give instructions about their
own health care. This is the purpose of an Advance
Directive. This document allows patients to name an
individual as the agent to make health care
decisions for them if they are unable to do so, give
specific instructions about any aspect of their
health care, and designate a physician to have
primary responsibility for their health care. You
have a responsibility to make sure that if a patient
does have an Advance Directive, the care/treatment
that you give does not contradict that Advance
Tissue / Organ Donation
It is the policy of the University Hospitals and Clinics to
provide the option of organ and tissue donation to the family
members of deceased patients with discretion and sensitivity
to the circumstances, values and beliefs of the families of
potential donors. Family members of every deceased patient,
determined to be medically suitable for organ/tissue donation
by the Mississippi Organ Recovery Agency (MORA) or the
Mississippi Lion’s Eye Bank (MLEB), will routinely be afforded
the opportunity to consent to donation by the appropriate
recovery agency. This policy provides information and a
procedure to facilitate such a donation. Recovery coordinators
from both recovery agencies are available around the clock to
assist with the implementation of this policy and procedure.
The 24-hour phone number for the Mississippi Donation
Referral Line is 1-800-362-6169.
Pain Management
Patients have the right to have their pain
assessed and treated. At UMMC the FLACC
scale, the numerical distress scale (rated 010), and the Wong-Baker faces pain-rating
scale are used for pain assessment. Pain
should be assessed at the beginning of the
shift, when vital signs are taken, and
routinely throughout the shift. Assessment of
pain, any treatments and response should be
Use of Restraints
Restraints should be used as a last resort.
Justifiable reasons must be identified prior
to initiating restraints for a patient. Patients
must be monitored closely when restraints
are in use. Careful documentation must be
maintained for patients in restraints, using
appropriate documentation forms.
Link to policy.
Abuse and Neglect
One of the crucial roles of health care providers is to be a
patient advocate. Therefore, you should be alert to any signs
or symptoms that suggest that a patient is potentially being
abused or neglected. If you suspect abuse or neglect in an
adult or child, please report it to your supervisor, charge nurse
or instructor immediately so that the appropriate interventions
can be initiated. Possible indicators of abuse or neglect include
things such as inconsistent information from the patient or
family members regarding injuries, mechanism of injury is not
compatible with the child’s developmental ability, delay in
seeking medical care for a significant injury, poor general care,
evidence of neglect, unexplained bruises, bite marks, and
Cultural Diversity and Sexual
University Hospitals and Clinics is dedicated to the principle
that all patients, employees, physicians and visitors deserve to
be treated with dignity, respect, and courtesy. The
organization will constantly strive to adhere to these
principles. In all of the various settings in which the University
Hospitals and Clinics provides patient services, we will deliver
care based upon the needs of the patient without regard to
ability to pay, social economic status, race, religious
preference, gender, marital status, handicap status, or sexual
We shall treat each other with respect, dignity and fairness.
Sexual harassment, sexual advances, request for sexual favors
or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that
would create a hostile working environment are absolutely
Care of Prisoners
Prisoners receiving treatment at The University Hospitals and Clinics shall wear clothing issued by the
custodial agency unless medically inappropriate. Prisoners shall not receive any items not issued by the
hospital. Only food items from the hospital may be served to the prisoner. Telephone service shall be
discontinued in patient rooms occupied by prisoners who are admitted to the hospital. Access
Management will notify the hospital operator to block the phone upon admission of the prisoner.
Prisoners will not be allowed access to a telephone at any time while being treated. The University
Hospitals and Clinics staff will not run errands, make calls, deliver messages or do other favors for
prisoners receiving treatment at University Hospitals and Clinics that is non consistent with their medical
Standards of Care :
Prisoners are entitled to and will receive the same level of care provided to the general public in the
hospital. Prisoners will be afforded normal courtesies and in turn will display the same to the hospital
staff. Should any prisoner become a problem (harassing any staff member, making threats, asserting
himself/herself in such a manner which is offensive) they should be reported to the custodial agency
immediately and the prisoner, if medically stable, will be taken back to their facility.
Medical Record :
The medical record of the prisoner is the property of The University Hospitals and Clinics. Upon discharge
from inpatient or outpatient treatment, the prisoner is to be given verbal instructions regarding their
care. A written discharge instruction form will be given to the accompanying officer. The outpatient
consultant information must be faxed to the referring institution’s medical records. In the event that the
prisoner was an inpatient, the discharge information including discharge medications must be faxed to
the referring facility medical records. If a prisoner is brought in to the The University Hospitals and
Clinics Emergency Room and then discharged back to the facility, the findings along with medication
information must be faxed to the referring facility.
Rights and Responsibilities :
Prisoners have the same rights concerning care decisions as any patient treated at University Hospitals
and Clinics. The prisoners are to receive informed consent and may sign their own consent for treatment
forms. While they do have the right to confidentiality, the officer/guard is to be present during all times
including those times when the prisoner may be receiving a physical examination or procedure.
Dietary Utensils :
Upon admission to the nursing unit, the unit secretary or charge nurse is to notify the dietary department
of the prisoner’s entry into the hospital system. All prisoners are to receive disposable eating utensils
which are to be counted prior to being delivered to the prisoner and after the prisoner has completed
their meal by the officer responsible for the security of the prisoner. Canned beverages must be
transferred to a Styrofoam cup. No china dishes may be used. Should a discrepancy be noted, the officer
or security guard on duty is responsible for conducting a search of the room and/or prisoner for the
missing utensil(s). A report of the incident should be made to UMMC Campus Police.
Translation &
You will see this
flyer on patient
care units – follow
instructions when
Translator or
Services are needed
Organizational Compliance
It is the policy of University Hospitals and Clinics that all of the
business of the organization be conducted according to high
ethical standards, including compliance with applicable laws,
rules, and regulations, and the requirements of third party
payers. In support of this stated policy, a Code of Conduct is
essential for the organization to prosper and receive the
desired trust and respect of its patients, physicians and other
health care providers, third party payers, employees, and
agents. Set forth in this Code of Conduct is a set of standards
to evaluate situations in a consistent manner and arrive at
uniform decisions. The underlying principles of these standards
are based on common sense, courtesy, ethical and legal
conduct that are essential to govern the business of the
Performance Improvement
UMMC is committed to continuously improving everything we
do to achieve excellence in performance. The organization
realizes that improving organizational performance is a
continuous and ever-changing process. The performance
improvement plan strives to set the guidelines to lead the
organization in improving the health, service and cost
outcomes for our customers on a continuous basis. This
continuous improvement applies to people as well. We
encourage personal growth and learning for all members of our
Individual departments prioritize performance improvement
activities according to the organization’s strategies. The
performance improvement process is implemented through
designated teams and other groups that systematically manage
processes and use problem solving tools and techniques.
Information Policy
• Please click on the following and read:
UMC’s Information Policy
Next Steps:
• Follow links on the left side of the Student
webpage to complete your appropriate
• We look forward to having you on our