Abe T. Haliczer, M.D. Interventional Pain Management Please complete all information. Our records are strictly confidential and no one is permitted to review this information without your written approval. Personal information Name: _____________________ Date of Birth: __________ Age: ________ S.S. #: ________ Family MD: ____________ Referring MD: ______________ Pain History 1. When did your pain start? ________________________________________ 2. What event brought on the pain? __________________________________ 3. Character of the pain: FREQUENCY: CONSTANT 75% OF THE TIME 50% OF THE TIME 25% OR LESS ACHING NUMBNESS BURNING TINGLING SHARP DULL OTHER ______________ TYPE OF PAIN: 4. Activities that affect pain: Decrease Increase No change Does the pain affect: LYING DOWN SLEEP STANDING APPETITE SITTING RELATIONSHIPS WALKING EMOTIONS COUGHING OR SNEEZING CONCENTRATION OTHER_________ 5. Please circle the level of your pain on a scale of 0 to ten. (0 =no pain, 10 = Worst imaginable pain) Present level of pain: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Worst pain: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Least pain: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page 2 6. On the diagram, shade in the areas where you feel pain. Put an X on the area that hurts most. 7. Please list other treatments for your pain problem: TREATMENT DATES OF TREATMENT WAS THIS HELPFUL? ACCUPUNCTURE ____________________ ___________________ CHIROPRACTIC ____________________ ___________________ INJECTIONS ____________________ ____________________ PHYSICAL THERAPY ___________________ ____________________ OTHER ____________________ ____________________ MEDICATIONS ____________________ ____________________ 8. Has your pain forced you to stop working? ( ) Yes ( ) No 9. Would you return to work if you had less pain? ( ) Yes ( ) No 10. Are you currently being treated under Workers Compensation? ( ) Yes ( ) No 11. Are you currently receiving disability benefits? ( ) Yes ( ) No 12. Are you currently involved in legal action related to your pain problem? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, describe the current litigation Page 3 Diagnostic Testing 13. MRI _________ CT SCAN __________ date EMG _________ date date OTHER _______________________________ Medical History 14. Please check any of the following conditions you have: a. b. c. d. e. ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) Diabetes f. Cancer: type __________ g. Heart problems (angina) h. Asthma, Emphysema i. Thyroid Disease j. ( ( ( ( ( ) High blood pressure ) Arthritis ) Ulcer ) Bleeding problems ) Seizures k. ( l. ( m. ( n. ( o. ( ) Kidney disease ) HIV/ AIDS ) Hepatitis ) High Cholesterol ) Other: _____ 15. Current medications and Drug allergies: Current medications: Drug Allergies: Shellfish Contrast/Dye 16. Surgical History: DATE PROCEDURE PHYSICIAN FACILITY Page 4 Social History 17. What is your present employment status? memaker 18. Current occupation or last job? ____________________________ 19. Do you smoke? ( ) Yes 20. Alcoholic beverages: ( ( ) No ) Never ( ) Socially ( 21. Do you use recreational / street drugs? ( ) Yes ) Regularly (_____/week) ( ) No 22. If you are female, when was your last menstrual period? _______________ 23. What is your current marital status? ( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Separated ( ) Divorced ( ) Widowed Review of Systems 24. a. ( ) Fever, weight loss, sweats e. ( b. ( ) Cough, sputum production, f. ( shortness of breath, wheezes c. ( ) Weakness or paralysis of g. ( arms and/or legs. d. ( ) Headache h. ( MD Signature ) Chest pain, palpitations i. ) Abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, nausea j. ) History of easy bruising or k. using blood thinners. l. ) Lightheadedness, dizziness, vision changes. ____________________________ ( ) Change in bladder habit ( ) Swelling ( ) Rash ( ) Other: ________