
Political Science
Test 2
Question 1
• What is the primary impact upon
democratic institutions and elected officials
of the political culture’s fixation with polls
and polling?
It has made these American counterparts
more like unstable parliamentary
institutions in that the elected officials
are not free to decide what to do and
eventually held accountable.
Question 2
• Definition: A president’s standing with
the public, indicated by the
percentage of Americans who tell
survey interviewers that they approve
a president’s “handling of his job.”
presidential approval rating
Question 3
• What was different about journalist’s
relationship with the military in
They were independent and
allowed to view battles firsthand and photograph it.
Question 4
• What primary role does the media
serve in a democratic republic like
Their duty is to inform the
people so they can make
informed democratic decisions.
Question 5
• What was unique about the War in
It was the first time that the
American public saw war’s
carnage on a daily basis on
Question 6
• Definition: Sensational newspaper
stories with large headlines and, in
some cases, color cartoons.
yellow journalism
Question 7
• The First Amendment of the
Constitution says what about the
press (that is, journalism)?
Gives broad protection from any
form of government
interference with the press.
Question 8
• According to the text, Struggle for
Democracy, studies show that what
appears in the media has what impact
upon the general population which
comprise the electorate?
Profoundly influences how people
think about politics
Question 9
• Definition: Political attitudes and
beliefs expressed by ordinary
public opinion
Question 10
• Definition: The selection of survey
respondents by chance, with equal
probability, to ensure their
representativeness of the whole
random sampling
Question 11
• According to the authors of Struggle
for Democracy, the most important
factor in constructing an accurate poll
or survey is that....
the sample of people interviewed
must be representative of the
population being measured
Question 12
• Definition: A system of interrelated
attitudes and beliefs.
Question 13
• Definition: The stance toward foreign
policy that suggest that the United
States should “go it alone,” pursuing
its national interests without seeking
the cooperation of other nations or
multilateral institutions.
Question 14
• What error in calculation did General
MacArthur in his dealings with
President Truman?
He believed that Truman would
be intimidated by the General’s
stature as war hero.
Question 15
• What was the most televised war in
American history?
Vietnam War
Question 16
• Definition: The role of the media in
scrutinizing the actions of government
Question 17
• What has been the impact of the
sound byte on journalism?
It creates a dependency on catch
phrases which simplify
complex issues and distort
Question 18
• The two Washington Post reporters who
made American journalism history by their
reporting the Watergate scandal were;
Woodward & Bernstein
Question 19
• According to the text, Struggle for
Democracy, the representation of
business and the professions via
interest groups is;
Question 20
• What was the significance of The
Pentagon Papers with regards the
Supreme Courts ruling on the First
Amendment ?
The Court ruled that prior restraint
(censorship) was not valid (invalid)
when a top secret document
should not have been so declared.
Question 21
• Upton Sinclair’s exposé about the
horrible conditions in the meat
packing industry which was an early
example of investigative journalism
was entitled what?
The Jungle
Question 22
• Definition: Non profit organizations
that do research on public policy
issues and distribute their findings
through a variety of outlets. Although
formally nonpartisan, most have an
identifiable ideological stance.
think tanks
Question 23
• 24) What was the press’s reaction to
the paralysis of President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt (FDR)?
They protected his image and
neither photographed him
being carried nor reported on
Question 24
• What is the most notable negative
impact of interest groups on the
political process?
Along with information they offer
large campaign contributions
which have obligations attached.
Question 25
• Those Americans during the 19th
Century who vigorously opposed
slavery for religious and humanitarian
reasons were:
Question 26
• What has the Supreme Court said about
campaign contributions by interest groups,
corporations and other large donors?
Campaign contributions are a form
of free speech and are protected
by the First Amendment.
Question 27
• What was the opinions of the
Founders (the writers of the
Constitution) regarding social
They did not anticipate social
movements because they were
ignorant about democracy’s
Question 28
• An example of a negative social
movement, that is, a social movement
whose unintended impact proved to
be largely negative, would be,
Question 29
• Definition: The government’s power to
prevent publication, as opposed to
punishment afterwards.
prior restraint
Question 30
• The 40 hour week, overtime pay,
minimum wage, the end of child
employment, safe working conditions,
worker’s benefits and unemployment
insurance are all examples of what?
Examples of success by a social
movement (labor) advocating the
rights of working people.
Question 31
• Definition: A private organization
whose purpose is to raise and
distribute funds to candidates in
political campaigns.
political action committees
Question 32
• From the Lanahan Readings, Number
55, “Gay and Lesbian Issues in the
Congressional Arena” by Colton
Campbell and Roger Davidson, the
article discusses the Gay Rights
movement beginning at what event?
1969 Stonewall Riot in New York City’s
Greenwich Village
Question 33
• From the Lanahan Readings,
Reading Number 64, Democracy in
America by Alexis De Tocqueville.-What is significant about De
Tocqueville’s work?
His insight into America’s
character was profound
Question 34
• From the Lanahan Readings, Reading
Number 65, “The Semisovereign People”
by E.E. Schattschneider.-- According to
the author what kind of interest groups are
most easily formed?
special interest groups
Question 35
• From the Lanahan Readings,
Reading Number 68, “Who Will Tell
The People” by William Greider, the
article discusses a group of poor
workers trying to organize in
Washington, D.C. What form of work
did those poor workers do?
janitors & custodial
Question 36
• From the Lanahan Readings,
Reading Number 84, “A Change of
Time,” by Harrison Salisbury, it
describes a line of worker where the
individual should be a “disturber of
the peace.” What is that form of
Question 37
• From the Lanahan Readings,
Reading Number 87, “Spin Cycle” by
Howard Kurtz.-- What does Howard
Kurtz do for a living?
Washington Post Reporter &
CNN Show Host
Question 38
• From the Lanahan Readings,
Reading Number 86, “Feeding
Frenzy” by Larry Sabato-- What does
Dr. Sabato say is the impact of a
press that focuses so much on
It will scare away otherwise
talented people
Question 39
• From the Lanahan Readings,
Reading Number 85, “Personal
History” by Katherine Graham-- What
was Katherine Graham’s position at
the Washington Post?
publisher (and owner)
Question 40
• From the video Reporting America at War,
who was Ernie Pyle?
• A popular journalist during World
War II
Question 41
• From the video Reporting America at War,
what famous American novelist wrote
about the horrors of World War I?
• Ernest Hemingway
Question 42
• From the video Reporting America at War,
what American journalistic icon was the
first to report from London during World
War II?
• Edward R. Murrow
Question 43
• From the video Reporting America at War,
about what part of World War II combat did
television journalist Andy Rooney report?
• Flew with a bomber
Question 44
• From Time, “Are the Immigration
Protests Creating a Backlash?” what two
political leaders hold opposing views on
the issue of immigration as to how to deal
with illegal immigrants?
• President Bush vs. Republican
Congressman Tom Tancredo
Question 45
• From Time, “Why Iraq's Police Are a
Menace?” Why are they a menace?
• They are really religious militants
who are executing innocent civilians.