RTI: All the Basics and Advanced Shannon Harken & Dave Tilly Heartland AEA11, Johnston, IA Where is Iowa? IOWA Iowa, January 6, 2010 Introduction: Details Give Insight Wife: Married 21 yrs to Brian (teaches 5th grade) – Not afraid of commitment Mother: 3 Kids- Maddie (14), Mac (11), Mitch (7) – Busy – A little CRAZY (We are outnumbered!) – INVESTED in quality education Teacher Background – Understand classroom & challenges VISUAL LEARNER= – Work must be “doable” PLLC for Heartland AEA 11 – – – – Passionate about RTI Full TIME job INVESTED in quality education Work must be “doable” Many Handouts & Slides! Introduction: Details Give Insight Husband: Married 16 yrs to Rebecca (CPA: Cut, Paste and Assemble) – Not afraid of commitment Dad: 14-year old daughter (Elaine), which is enough! – Busy – INVESTED in quality education Costa Mesa High School, UC Irvine grad…. School Psychologist By Training, a Teacher by Vocation – Come at RtI from an assessment lens, but only as it improves instruction – If RtI isn’t doable, it won’t be done! Work for Heartland AEA 11 in Johnston, Iowa – Been doing RtI stuff for over 20 years – Know it makes a huge difference for kids Like Me I am a teacher I am a school counselor I am a building administrator I am a central office administrator I am a related services professional (SP, SLP, SSW, OT, PT, etc.) I am a parent I participated in (Sugai, Elliott, Tilly) previous presentations Acknowledgements In all the stuff we are going to present, we are indebted to the thinking of lots of people Drs. Joe Witt and Amanda VanDerHeyden, from the STEEP project at Louisiana State University for some of the logic in the Universal Screening Illustration. Dr. George Batsche from University of South Florida as well as Dr. Joe Kovaleski and Dr. Ed Shaprio from PA contributed both excellent thinking and on the ground experience to some of the case study logic. We are also indebted to the work of Drs. Ed Kame’enui, Deb Simmons, Roland Good, George Sugai and Rob Horner from the University of Oregon. Dr. Mark Shinn’s thinking over the years and his practical approach to problem solving has contributed greatly to the translation of research to practice in RtI. Gary German has also played a significant role in the development of RtI over the years as the leaders of perhaps the first and longest-standing RtI implementation in the country. Lots of the NICHD researchers, e.g., Drs. Jack Fletcher, Sharon Vaughn, Sally and Bennett Shaywitz, Joe Torgeson, Reid Lyon, Debbie Speece, among many others have laid the foundation for making much of this possible. Also, Dr. Martin Ikeda from the Iowa Department of Education assisted in designing and implementing some of the data displays. Additionally, Sharon Kurns, Randy Allison, Brad Niebling, Sarah Brown, Angelisa Braaksma, Alecia Rahn-Blakeslee and the Heartland crew significantly contributed to many parts of this presentation. House Keeping 50 minutes On, 10 minutes Off Take care of yourself Lunch Bathrooms Honesty Asking Questions (We expect that you will!)- Parking Lot Suffering is OPTIONAL! Outcomes Explore the core components and essential elements of RtI Learn tools for getting staff buy-in, building consensus and implementation Learn strategies to collect and use assessment data to effectively implement instruction programs RtI: Are You Fired Up? A Confession We have way more material here than we can cover in 2 days. We wanted you to have it All of it is useful You have the choice of what to use 11 Activity: 3 Stars and a Wish Individually Complete the 3 Stars and a Wish Sheet – Stars: 3 RtI Celebrations/Positives 3 RtI Positive Characteristics – Wish: RtI related “wish/concern” Briefly share with your partner Now, TIME TO GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER…. Stranger Danger! Activity: Continued… 3 Stars and a Wish TIME TO SHARE – No “stranger danger” here! 1. Find a “stranger” 2. Introduce yourself 3. Share 3 stars and wish sheets AND… IF California all of a sudden had tons of money for schools, what would be the one thing you would do in your schools? 1. Go back to your seat Activity 1: Continued 3 Stars and a Wish TIME TO SHARE – No “stranger danger” here! 1. Find a “stranger” 2. Introduce yourself 3. Share 3 stars and wish sheets AND… IF California all of a sudden had tons of money for schools, what would be the one thing you would do in your schools? 4. Go back to your seat I LIKE TO MOVE IT! Pillars of Sustainability Consensus Phase – Guiding Principles – Consensus Building Tools – Vision – sustained commitment – Communication with stakeholders Infrastructure Building – Ten Question Framework – Resource Allocation – Action plan Implementation – Ongoing monitoring of implementation – Ongoing action and instructional planning based on data at the building, grade, classroom, small group and individual level Foundation Pillars The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them. Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) A Bias We Have In our current contexts, we ALL need to talk about ALL kids Part of why we’re here is that despite our best efforts, there are still MANY students not making it academically and/or behaviorally as a result of core instruction alone These kids historically have fallen into lots of different adult-created and instructionally irrelevant “categories” (Title 1, SPED, Gifted, etc.) We will not make these distinctions for instructional purposes. We will talk about all of the parts of the system as one system The key to ALL is EVERY and we’ve got to look at kids uniquely Vocabulary – Convergence of Thinking Problem Solving Model (PS): Proposed, implemented and refined since the early ’80s in special education as an alternative system to the traditional Refer-Test-Place system. It encompasses both general education and special education systems. Initially was individual student focused. Response To Intervention (RTI) – Also called a Standard Treatment Approach (STA): Being proposed by researchers across the country as an alternative method for identifying individuals with Learning Disabilities. An opportunity to link IDEA thinking with NCLB thinking. School-Wide Model (SWM): An integrative way of thinking logically and rationally about meeting All childrens’ needs in a school. It represents a promising way for schools to comprehensively draw together and allocate their resources to meet children's educational needs. Positive Behavior Supports: An integrative and proactive approach to systematically meeting all learning needs in social-emotional and behavioral areas. Instructional Decision Making (IDM): A descriptive term used in a small number of states to identify their initiatives that employ PS, RtI and SWM concepts. Important Point They are not different The represent different spins on the same core thinking by different people The same “big components” are there Important Point! Everything from here on out represents guidelines, not absolutes The problems are the same everywhere you go The principles for solving them are the same The SPECIFICS will be different in each school setting Your solutions will differ from other school’s solutions!!!!!! So, LIKE How’d We Get Here? Some Points Along the Way: What Got Us Here (This’ll Go Quickly) 60s – Civil Rights Movement 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1975 PL 94-142 Education of the Handicapped Act is Passed 1983 A Nation at Risk Regular Education Initiative (REI - 1986) Some Points Along the Way: What Got Us Here ESEA Reauthorization ‘94 Biggest Changes – Standards Based Reform – at a state level – Accountability Reporting Assessment – States were required to develop state standards, benchmarks and assessments IDEA Reauthorization ‘97 Some Points Along the Way: What Got Us Here Elementary and Secondary Education Act 2002 aka: NCLB The Themes – To hold states, school districts and schools accountable for educating all children to high academic standards – Kid level – Every Child – Greater parental and student choice – Flexibility for educators and administrators – A focus on “scientificallybased research” Current Realities: We Can View Them As Obstacles or Opportunities Major Reform Federal Law Changes Few Precedents Leading to the Future High Stakes Ready or not, Here We Come Big Picture Context (NCLB) Activity #1 Question: Pick a grade: what percentage of students in your school are proficient in mathematics and reading? It Can No Longer Be Business As Usual So Where Do We Start? Richard Feynman has said: “The best way to predict the future is to invent it” It is Also True That... If we don’t learn from the past, we’ll repeat it One Perspective on History Our education system has grown up through a process of “Disjointed Incrementalism” (Reynolds, 1988) Gifted The current Education System’s Programmatic Evolution SPED K-12 Education Migrant Title 1 At Risk ELL Unintended Effects Conflicting programs Conflicting funding streams Redundancy Lack of coordination across programs Nonsensical rules about program availability for students Extreme complexity in administration and implementation of the programs A Smart System Structure Enter a School-Wide Systems for Student Success Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions •Individual Students •Assessment-based •High Intensity •Of longer duration Targeted Group Interventions •Some students (at-risk) •High efficiency •Rapid response Universal Interventions •All students •Preventive, proactive 5-10% 10-15% 75-85% 5-10% Intensive, Individual Interventions •Individual Students •Assessment-based •Intense, durable procedures 10-15% Targeted Group Interventions •Some students (at-risk) •High efficiency •Rapid response 75-85% Universal Interventions •All settings, all students •Preventive, proactive We Have Got To Get More Systematic and Simplify – Especially in High Stakes Areas (RMS) Core Instruction Supplemental Intensive Instruction Instruction Strategic Instruction Intensive Instruction This Sounds Good, But…. Our hands are tied Federal law prescribes lots of how we’re organized Especially with Special Education and NCLB, there are lots of things we have to do How can we get them all done? Forces Underlying Our Assessment and Instructional Systems For Kids Aspirational Reasons Legal Reasons Professional Reasons Socio-Political Realities Aspirational Reasons Why Did You Go Into Educatio n? Legal Reasons: Purpose of NCLB – Title 1 P.L. 107-110 (1001). The purpose of this title is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. Legal Reasons: The Purpose of IDEiA ‘04 ‘‘(1) – – – (A) to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living; ‘‘(B) to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and parents of such children are protected; and ‘‘(C) to assist States, localities, educational service agencies, and Federal agencies to provide for the education of all children with disabilities; ‘‘(2) to assist States in the implementation of a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families; ‘‘(3) to ensure that educators and parents have the necessary tools to improve educational results for children with disabilities …; and Legal Reasons: The Purpose of IDEA ‘04 (4) To assess and ensure the effectiveness of efforts to educate children with disabilities Professional Reasons: Professional Judgment Determines how we carry out and meet our legal and aspirational purposes. – Assumptions – Practices Activity: Name the Assumptions Think about your experience. What are one or more assumption about struggling learners inherent in our system? If We Assume Assumption 1: Existing and widely used educational assessment procedures are sufficient and valid for differentiating instruction for students Assumption 2: Thorough understanding of the intrapersonal (within person) cause of educational problems is the most critical factor in determining appropriate treatment Assumption 3: Sufficient resources and meaningful strategies for providing differentiated instruction are available within a large majority of schools. Assumption 4: Matching treatments to underlying characteristics of students will result in maximally effective interventions. These Were The Assumptions Based on the best information we had at the time Based on structures designed to promote efficient organization of schools Logical and Rational System Structure If these assumptions are true, then, from the standpoint of meeting our professional and legal purposes – The historical system is structured appropriately to meet our purposes – Nationally-normed, standardized tests are all we need to meet our purposes. – Effectiveness of service delivery could be determined by examining how many children we are helping. The System Worked Children were placed in special programs Services were delivered An ever increasing number of professionals were involved We got really efficient at the process! Until… Activity Talk at your table about some of the challenges (practical, professional, ethical, and/or political) to education that you have experienced throughout the past 10 years…. Until... Increases in SPED incidence (particularly in Specific Learning Disabilities and recently in Other Health Impaired) Increases in English Language Learners Changes in Family Demographics National Academy of Science Reports (1984, 1996, 2002) Inclusion Undocumented Effectiveness of many programs Fordham Foundation Report “Rethinking Special Education for the New Millennium” National Movement Toward Better Educational Results (e.g., Nation at Risk leading to Standards-Based Reform) Until... Increasing 504 Awareness Increased Poverty The Americans with Disabilities Act IDEA ’97 ESEA 2002 (aka No Child Left Behind) Implications Poor/lack of instruction must be ruled out Curricular access blocked by any of the following must be addressed – Attendance – Health – Mobility Sufficient exposure to and focus on the curriculum must occur Frequent, repeated assessment must be conducted Should We Change the Way We Do Business? We're all looking for new ways to do things, but how do we do this within the context of NCLB and IDEA? What are the parameters? – Legal Standards (shifting) – Professional Knowledge (evolving) IMPORTANT POINT There is tremendous flexibility within Federal Law One of Iowa’s greatest learnings as a state was that “we did it to ourselves” That is, most of the restrictions we perceived as barriers to changing what we were doing – they were self imposed by our state’s interpretation of the Federal Law and Regulations IDM/RtI has been allowable under Federal Law since 1975 Professionally, we now have many years experience implementing our systems for supporting struggling learners Our Professional Obligation Review practice and assumptions related to accomplishing our purposes of improving teaching and learning for all children. Professionally, after 30 years we know Existing and widely used educational assessment procedures are sufficient and valid for differentiating instruction for students. Many assessment devices used for differential diagnosis and programming are not reliable and valid enough for use with individuals (e.g., Salvia and Ysseldyke, 1991; Witt, 1986). Professionally, after 30 years we know Thorough understanding of the intrapersonal (within person) cause of educational problems is the most critical factor in determining appropriate treatment Learning problems results from a complex interaction between curriculum, instruction, the environment and learner characteristics (e.g., Howell, 1993) Professionally, after 30 years we know Sufficient resources and meaningful strategies for providing differentiated instruction are available within schools. Changing learning trajectories for all students requires sustained, ongoing and focused efforts beyond what traditionally has been available in most of our schools. (Simmons, Kuykendall, King, Cornachione & Kame’enui, 2000) Professionally, after 30 years we know Matching treatments to underlying characteristics of students will result in maximally effective interventions. Aptitude-by-treatment interactions (ATIs) have not been proven (e.g., Arter & Jenkins, 1979; Cronbach, 1975; Good, et al., 1993; Teeter, 1987, 1989; Ysseldyke & Mirkin, 1982). The Reality The effectiveness of any educational strategy for an individual can only be determined through its implementation. In Short: We Need A Different Instruction, Assessment and Intervention System We need a system: – For identifying problems more specifically and earlier – That allows for a broader range of explanations of why problems are occurring – Emphasizes assessment for Screening, Skills Diagnostics, Treatment Planning – and; Evaluating whether our teaching is being effective In Short: We Need An Instructional Decision Making/Reall y Terrific Instruction (RtI) System So How Do We Get There? We need to create a new box, outside of our historical paradigm? But How? The Feds don’t know how to do this Our state departments don’t know how to do this But… We on the ground have the tools, the experience to get this done It has been demonstrated over and over Elevator Talk You get on an elevator with a colleague They turn to you and say “Why should we do this RtI thing anyway?” What’s your answer? You have 30 Seconds Go! Some Basic Truths About Implementation There is a predictable pattern of challenges and experiences in RtI buildings The problems are the same everywhere you go The principles for solving them are the same everywhere The specifics of the solutions will vary 67 Translated Your solutions will differ from ours! Your solutions will differ from the building down the road’s solutions Your solutions will be right for your building And, if everyone owns them and implements them with fidelity, there is a really good chance that they’ll work 68 Another Iowa Video What about the video represents the job of sustaining RtI in your building? Implementing RtI is Like Eating an Elephant You can start anywhere you like You have to eat the whole thing You aren’t going to eat it all in one sitting It is going to take a whole lot of friends to help get the job done And sometimes you just want to throw up (Shannon Harken, 2010) 70 And…. If your schools are like our schools… You’ve each eaten different parts of the elephant! Yet, each of you needs to determine your next steps to take you to the next level. 71 So…. How are we going to try to make today’s presentation relevant to each of you? 72 Enter the Blueprint (Redprint?) 73 There Are 3 Blueprints Created across the last 3 years – One State (Literally in press) – One District – One Building Published by NASDSE The one you have is the building level one Turn to page 49 74 Planning Format What: Who: When: What: Who: When: Whatsablueprint? Activity Get in groups of 3 Number off from 1 to 3 Turn to page 4 Number the paragraphs on the page 1 to 3 Numbers 1 read paragraph 1, numbers 2 read paragraph 2, numbers 3 read paragraph 3 Identify major points in each paragraph 76 When Each is Done In turn, share your major points with your team (start with 1, then 2, then 3) Answer this question: How could you use such a document in your school, given where you are in your implementation development? 77 Three Phases • Consensus Building (Commitment) • Infrastructure Development • Implementation CONSENSU S Consensus Building: Guiding Principles From Effective School Research – Many to choose from – #1 Walk Away Point: Pick the Guiding Principles from the research that best fits your situation. These are VITAL to RtI FOUNDATION to Build Upon Strong believers in the importance of Guiding Principles Consensus Building: Guiding Principles From Effective School Research – Many to choose from – #1 Walk Away Point: Pick the Guiding Principles from the research that best fits your situation. These are VITAL to RtI FOUNDATION to Build Upon Strong believers in the importance of Guiding Principles Guiding Principles of RtI 1. ALL students are part of ONE proactive educational system – – Belief that ALL students can learn Use ALL available resources to teach ALL students •Proactive approach uses data early to determine student needs and intervene. •Reactive approach intervenes after students have shown a history of failure to meet expectations/or when learning “flat lines” due to lack of challenge. Guiding Principles of RtI 1. ALL students are part of ONE proactive educational system – – Belief that ALL students can learn Use ALL available resources to teach ALL students •Proactive approach uses data early to determine student needs and intervene. •Reactive approach intervenes after students have shown a history of failure to meet expectations/or when learning “flat lines” due to lack of challenge. MUST ADDRESS ALL STAFF Not all staff may believe – Meeting the needs of ALL students is EVERYONE’s JOB! CLARIFY expectations from the start “It’s not my job.” It’s NOT MY JOB! Guiding Principles of RtI 2. Use scientific, research-based instruction • • Curriculum and instructional approaches must have a high probability of success for most students. Use instructional time efficiently and effectively. Guiding Principles of RtI 2. Use scientific, research-based instruction • • Curriculum and instructional approaches must have a high probability of success for most students. Use instructional time efficiently and effectively. Activity 1: Compare RtI Guiding Principles to Current Educational Philosophy and Practices Review the Guiding Principles of RtI: – 1 and 2 Individually complete: Compare RtI Guiding Principles to Your Building’s Current Practices sheet Share and discuss with your partner Guiding Principles of RtI 3. Use instructionally relevant assessments • Reliable and valid • Multiple purposes – Screening- Collecting data for the purpose of identifying low and high performing students at-risk for not having their needs met – Diagnostic- Gathering information from multiple sources to determine why students are not benefiting from instruction – Formative- Frequent, ongoing collection of information including both formal and informal data to guide instruction Guiding Principles of RtI 3. Use instructionally relevant assessments • Reliable and valid • Multiple purposes – Screening- Collecting data for the purpose of identifying low and high performing students at-risk for not having their needs met – Diagnostic- Gathering information from multiple sources to determine why students are not benefiting from instruction – Formative- Frequent, ongoing collection of information including both formal and informal data to guide instruction Guiding Principles of RtI 4. Use a problem-solving method to make decisions based on a continuum of students needs • Provides strong core curriculum, instruction, assessment (core cycle) • Provides increasing levels of support based on intensity of student needs. Problem Solving NO FAIL MODEL 1. Problem Identification- What’s the problem? Tier I Tier II Tier III 4. Response to InterventionIs it working? 2. Problem AnalysisWhy is it occurring? 3. Intervention Design/ImplementationWhat are we going to do about it? What happens when one does not have a problem-solving process?… The 3 Tiers (TEARS) of the Past General Education Some “Fell’” Through Title and/or Other Support Special Education Some “Fell’” Through The 3 Tiers (TEARS) of the Past General Education Some “Fell’” Through Title and/or Other Support Special Education Some “Fell’” Through A Smart System Structure Enter a School-Wide Systems for Student Success Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions •Individual Students •Assessment-based •High Intensity •Of longer duration 5-10% 10-15% Targeted Group Interventions •Some students (at-risk) •High efficiency •Rapid response Universal Interventions •All students •Preventive, proactive 75-85% Intensive, Individual Interventions •Individual Students •Assessment-based •Intense, durable procedures 5-10% 10-15% Targeted Group Interventions •Some students (at-risk) •High efficiency •Rapid response 75-85% Universal Interventions •All settings, all students •Preventive, proactive RtI: Full Continuum of Support General Education I = I I I I Title and/or Support, Gifted Ed. I I I I Special Education, Gifted Ed. all along the continuum! RtI: Full Continuum of Support General Education I = I I I I Title and/or Support, Gifted Ed. I I I I Special Education, Gifted Ed. all along the continuum! Activity : Compare RtI Guiding Principles to Current Educational Philosophy and Practices Review the Guiding Principles of RtI – 3 and 4 Individually complete: Compare RtI Guiding Principles to Your Building’s Current Practices sheet Share and discuss with your partner Guiding Principles of RtI 5. Data are used to guide instructional decisions • To match curriculum and instruction to assessment data • To allocate resources • To drive professional development decisions Guiding Principles of RtI 5. Data are used to guide instructional decisions • To match curriculum and instruction to assessment data • To allocate resources • To drive professional development decisions Guiding Principles of RtI 6. Quality professional development supports effective instruction for all students. • Provide ongoing training and support to assimilate new knowledge and skills • Anticipate and be willing to meet the newly emerging needs based on student performance Guiding Principles of RtI 6. Quality professional development supports effective instruction for all students. • Provide ongoing training and support to assimilate new knowledge and skills • Anticipate and be willing to meet the newly emerging needs based on student performance Guiding Principles of RtI 7. Leadership is vital • • • Strong administrative support to ensure commitment and resources Strong teacher support to share in the common goal of improving instruction Building leadership team to build internal capacity and sustainability over time Guiding Principles of RtI 7. Leadership is vital • • • Strong administrative support to ensure commitment and resources Strong teacher support to share in the common goal of improving instruction Building leadership team to build internal capacity and sustainability over time Activity : Compare RtI Guiding Principles to Current Educational Philosophy and Practices Review the Guiding Principles of RtI – 5, 6, and 7 Individually complete: Compare RtI Guiding Principles to Your Building’s Current Practices sheet Share and discuss with your partner Consensus Building Consensus Building Don’t Commit Assume-i-side Don’t “assume” we can SKIP this phase Don’t “assume” we have enough commitment to go forward Don’t “assume” the staff will just be compliant Consensus Is… derived from Latin roots meaning “shared thought” a process for group decision-making a gathering and synthesis of ideas arriving at a final decision acceptable to all achieving better solutions Consensus does NOT mean: A unanimous vote A majority vote Result is everyone’s first choice Everyone agrees Conflict or resistance will be overcome immediately School Level ConsensusBuilding Assumptions Schools have time and support available to build consensus. Schools understand the process and importance of building consensus before moving ahead with infrastructure and implementation. Schools need access to consensus NASDE/CASE Blueprint: building tools. Response to Intervention Effective Consensus Process All group members contribute - everyone’s opinions are heard and encouraged Differences are viewed as helpful Everyone agrees not to sabotage the action or decision made by the group Members agree to take responsibility for implementation. Consensus-Building Tools Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. Fist-to-Five Formula for Success Managing Complex Change Shared RtI Vision C Consensus-Building Tools: At-A-Glance 1. Fist-to-Five • 2. Process/steps to reach consensus- Generic C Formula for Success • 3. Tool to begin analysis of key RtI components Managing Complex Change • 4. Tool to begin addressing elements of complex change Shared RtI Vision • Multiple options to accomplish this goal Initial Development On-going Commitment SEE Consensus Building Packet Consensus-Building Tools 1. Fist-to-Five • Process/steps to reach consensus- Generic 2. Formula for Success 3. Managing Complex Change 4. Shared RtI Vision C Consensus-Building Tool #1 Building Consensus Fist-to-Five Building Consensus – How to Do It Handout Fist-to-Five Consensus-Building Tool #1 Fist-to-Five Quick Check 5 fingers 4 fingers 3 fingers All for it…I can be a leader for this decision All for it…You can count on me to support this no matter what. For the idea…I will support it in concept but may not be out in front of the gang leading in implementation. Consensus-Building Tool #1 Fist-to-Five Quick Check 2 fingers I’m not sure…But I trust the group’s opinion and will not sabotage the decision. 1 finger I’m not sure…Can we talk some more? Fist No…We need to find an alternative. Consensus-Building Tool #1 Building Consensus How To Do It If anyone holds up a fist, or only one or two fingers, the group has not reached consensus. You will need more discussion or dialogue. If you get all three, four, or five fingers showing, you can declare consensus. Building Consensus: Fist to Five Example Statement: – Associates will cover all recesses to provide time for teachers to collaborate. FIST TO FIVE Consensus-Building Tools 1. Fist-to-Five 2. Formula for Success • Tool to begin analysis of key RtI components 3. Managing Complex Change 4. Shared RtI Vision C Consensus-Building Tool #2 Formula for Success BI + CC + 3A + SC+ IC = Success BI (Big Ideas) CC (Core Cycle) 3A (Three Assessments) SC (Supplemental Cycle) IC (Intensive Cycle) + = SUCCESS KUDOS to Joe Torgesen! 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + + Core Cycle CC Core Cycle 3 + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) SC + 3 + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) SC + 3 + Assessments (sireening, diagnostic, progress) Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) Supplemental Cycle SC + 3 + Supplemental Cycle SC 3 + Supplemental Cycle SC 3 + Supplemental Cycle Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle IC + Intensive Cycle = IC + Intensive Cycle IC + Intensive Cycle = Intensive Cycle + Intensive Cycle + Intensive Cycle Overall low achievement. Student learning problems across all subgroup areas. Lack of direction to know what needs to be improved, which students need intervention, and whether or not interventions have been effective. SEE HANDOUT = IC + Efforts lack focus and priority. There is not a focus on important priority skills for improvement. = IC = Lack of resources due to attempts to provide intensive interventions for those students whose needs could be met through strategic interventions. Gap increases between average and "at risk students" Continued low performance for some subgroups. IC = Success Consensus-Building Tool #2 Rationale for Use Gives your team: an opportunity to revisit the essential elements of RtI an opportunity to define these terms for your local site a tool to begin identifying areas of strength and need in your school. Consensus-Building Tool #2 Formula For Success As a table group examine the Formula for Success. Discuss the impact each component would be likely to produce in practice if it were missing from RtI implementation. One group member records responses on his/her activity page. Large group share 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas 5 Big Ideas CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + + Core Cycle CC Core Cycle 3 + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) SC + 3 + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) SC + 3 + Assessments (sireening, diagnostic, progress) Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) + Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) Supplemental Cycle SC + 3 + Supplemental Cycle SC 3 + Supplemental Cycle SC 3 + Supplemental Cycle Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle IC + Intensive Cycle = IC + Intensive Cycle = IC + Intensive Cycle = IC + Intensive Cycle + Intensive Cycle + Intensive Cycle = IC = Efforts lack focus and priority. There is not a focus on important priority skills for improvement. Overall low achievement. Student learning problems across all subgroup areas. Lack of direction to know what needs to be improved, which students need intervention, and whether or not interventions have been effective. Lack of resources due to attempts to provide intensive interventions for those students whose needs could be met through strategic interventions. Gap increases between average and "at risk students" Continued low performance for some subgroups. IC = Success 5 Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas CC + Core Cycle ii + Initial Instruction CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle + Core Cycle CC + + + + + + 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) SC + SC + 3 Assessments (sireening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) (screening, diagnostic, progress) Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle si + Strategic Instruction SC + 3 Assessments Supplemental Cycle Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle + + + IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle IC + Intensive Cycle + Intensive Instruction/ Intervention + Intensive Cycle = = = = iii IC Efforts lack focus and priority. There is not a focus on important priority skills for improvement. Overall low achievement. Student learning problems across all subgroup areas. Lack of direction to know what needs to be improved, which students need intervention, and whether or not interventions have been effective. Lack of resources due to attempts to provide intensive interventions for those students whose needs could be met through supplemental interventions. = Gap increases between average and "at risk students" Continued low performance for some subgroups. = Success CC + BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas Core Cycle + + CC + Core Cycle CC + + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle + Core Cycle CC 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) + + + Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle SC + + SC + 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) (screening, diagnostic, progress) + + + + SC + Supplemental Cycle + Supplemental Cycle 3 Assessments Supplemental Cycle + SC IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle + + IC Intensive Cycle = = = = Efforts lack focus and priority. There is not a focus on important priority skills for improvement. Overall low achievement. Student learning problems across all subgroup areas. Lack of direction to know what needs to be improved, which students need intervention, and whether or not interventions have been effective. Lack of resources due to attempts to provide intensive interventions for those students whose needs could be met through supplemental interventions. = Gap increases between average and "at risk students" Continued low performance for some subgroups. = Success Measure, Monitor and Adjust More Advanced/Concrete Content Walking around More work time with each other Hearing more from other schools Could we please have real Cream for Our Coffee? Ready Set Recall On the back of your consensus building packet Individually write down as many “key points” from yesterdays presentation as you can remember When done, share round robin at your table Only share points in your round robin that haven’t been said yet. CONSENSU S Consensus-Building Tools: At-A-Glance 1. Fist-to-Five • 2. Process/steps to reach consensus- Generic C Formula for Success • 3. Tool to begin analysis of key RtI components Managing Complex Change • 4. Tool to begin addressing elements of complex change Shared RtI Vision • Multiple options to accomplish this goal Initial Development On-going Commitment SEE Consensus Building Packet Consensus-Building Tool #1 Let’s Take Fist-To-Five for a Test Drive As a building leadership team or individually, look at the Formula for Success Activity in your packet Complete activity steps 1 and 2. Share with a partner If you identify actions that you need to take, record these on your action plan. QUOTE “If we could first know where we are…we could then better judge what to do and how to do it.” – Abraham Lincoln 5 Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas BI Big Ideas CC + Core Cycle ii + Initial Instruction CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle CC + Core Cycle + Core Cycle CC + + + + + + 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) SC + SC + 3 Assessments (sireening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) 3 Assessments (screening, diagnostic, progress) (screening, diagnostic, progress) Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle si + Strategic Instruction SC + 3 Assessments Supplemental Cycle Supplemental Cycle SC + Supplemental Cycle + + + IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle IC Intensive Cycle IC + Intensive Cycle + Intensive Instruction/ Intervention + Intensive Cycle = = = = iii IC Efforts lack focus and priority. There is not a focus on important priority skills for improvement. Overall low achievement. Student learning problems across all subgroup areas. Lack of direction to know what needs to be improved, which students need intervention, and whether or not interventions have been effective. Lack of resources due to attempts to provide intensive interventions for those students whose needs could be met through supplemental interventions. = Gap increases between average and "at risk students" Continued low performance for some subgroups. = Success Consensus-Building Tools 1. Fist-to-Five 2. Formula for Success 3. Managing Complex Change • Tool to begin addressing elements of complex change 4. Shared RtI Vision C Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision Incentives + + Resources Skills + CHANGE + Action Plans Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision + + Vision Vision Vision Vision Skills Skills + + + + + + + + Skills Skills Skills + + Incentives Incentives Incentives Incentives Incentives + + Action Plan + Resources + Action Plan = = + Resources + Action Plan = Anxiety + Resources + Action Plan = Resistance + Action Plan = Frustration = False Starts Resources + + Resources + Adapted from Knoster, T. Change Confusion Consensus-Building Tool #3 Formula for Managing Complex Change Why? – To review the processes necessary for complex change and begin to identify areas to address in your building. What? – Review the complex change formula as a team or individually. – Identify your biggest challenges. – If you identify actions that you need to take, record these on your action plan. Predicting our Greatest Challenges Find Managing Complex Change pg. in packet. Today, rank greatest challenges individually Share with a partner During work time or later with your leadership team, complete steps 1-3. – Ranking challenges from biggest to smallest. (1=greatest challenge) – Reach consensus (Fist-to-Five) Why Consensus Building… Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision + + Vision Vision Vision Vision Skills Skills + + + + + + + + Skills Skills Skills + + Incentives Incentives Incentives Incentives Incentives + Resources + Resources + Resources + Resources + + Resources + Action Plan Change Action Plan = = Action Plan = Anxiety + Action Plan = Resistance + Action Plan = Frustration = False Starts + + + Adapted from Knoster, T. Confusion Managing Complex Change Vision Incentives + + Resources Skills + + Action Plans CONFUSION Consensus-Building Tools 1. 2. 3. Building Consensus (Fist-to-Five) Formula for Success Managing Complex Change 4. Shared RtI Vision • C Multiple options to accomplish this goal Vision …is the capacity to create and communicate a view of a desired state of affairs that induces commitment among those working in the organization. Thomas Sergiovanni, 1984 Having a Shared Vision Shared vision provides incentive to all involved. Shared vision provides coordination and focus to your actions. (Drives your decisions!) Shared vision promotes sustainability. Vision for RtI The RtI vision for your school/district must be specific but connected to your district mission, vision, values, etc. The RtI vision for your school/district needs to be shared. Having a shared vision makes the work easier and more meaningful. Think about who needs to be part of your “vision” conversation. Who needs to be part of the shared vision? ExampleLynnville-Sully RtI Vision: Meeting all kids’ needs in a timely, proactive manner. Connecting Processes Assumptions: • Shape beliefs; guide decision-making and action • Drive behavior and level of commitment to vision Visioning: doing Vision: result A structured process causing people to think differently and be creative Provides time for people to talk about hopes and dreams Specific and detailed picture of a preferred future Written in statement form Creating the RtI Vision: Two Options Option One – Focus on the “desired state of affairs that induces commitment among those working in the organization” – Write a vision statement Good option for teams that have consensus on a clearly defined “desired state.” Option Two – Four step process that systematically addresses assumptions, visioning, and then writing a visions statement. Best option for teams needing to: 1) Explore and address assumptions of members of the team 2) Engage in visioning to determine “desired state” Question Has your team engaged in RtI related visioning activities (time to think, interact and dream together about the desired state) prior to today? – If yes, one could try to write and come to consensus on a vision statement.(Option 1) – If no, one should try the 4 steps to build a shared RtI vision. (Option 2) Consensus-Building Tool #4 Building a Shared RtI Vision Step 1: If you could create the school of your dreams, what would it look like? (Individually) Step 2: Share out and note commonalities. Step 3: Brainstorm possible vision statements. Step 4: Come to consensus on an RtI vision statement. (Fist-to-Five) Consensus-Building Tool #4 Building a Shared RtI Vision Step 5: Celebrate! Step 6: Discuss options. – Repeat this process w/ staff OR keep vision and gain staff consensus Consensus-Building Tool #4 Building a Shared RtI Vision Step 7: Measure consensus among staff on vision statement. Step 8: Determine other constituents. Consensus-Building Tools 1. 2. 3. Building Consensus (Fist-to-Five) Formula for Success Managing Complex Change 4. Shared RtI Vision • C Multiple options to accomplish this goal Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision + + Vision Vision Vision Vision Skills Skills + + + + + + + + Skills Skills Skills + + Incentives Incentives Incentives Incentives Incentives + Resources + Resources + Resources + Resources + + Resources + Action Plan Change Action Plan = = Action Plan = Anxiety + Action Plan = Resistance + Action Plan = Frustration = False Starts + + + Adapted from Knoster, T. Confusion Managing Complex Change Vision Incentives + + Resources Skills + + Action Plans FALSE STARTS Reminder: Use the Action Plan •Action Plan: –Ensures mindful planning for consensus building –Captures the infrastructure development steps – Is the “Road Map” for Implementation Three Phases • Consensus Building (Commitment) • Infrastructure Development • Implementation Quote Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers Time to Add Infrastructure Development • Consensus Building (Commitment) • Infrastructure Development • Implementation Infrastructure Development Objectives for Schools: – Schools identify and appoint a building leadership team – Leadership teams receive appropriate training and skill development to lead the RtI Initiative – The building works systematically through the guiding questions and build the RtI infrastructure along the way NASDSE IMPORTANCE of Using an Action Plan Throughout the RtI Phases • Follow-up and Accountability • Action Plan: – – – Ensures mindful planning for consensus building Captures the infrastructure development steps Is the “Road Map” for Implementation NASDSE Don’t Commit Assume-i-side Don’t “assume” all details will be worked out in one day Don’t “assume” that EVERYTHING must change Don’t “assume” one can all do the same thing in different buildings Change is Hard for Some REMEMBER Consensus Building Tools! Infrastructure Development “Where sites examine their implementations against the critical components of RtI, find aspects that are being implemented well and gaps that need to be addressed. Infrastructure building centers around closing these practice gaps” NASDSE School Building Level Blueprint Guiding Principles of RtI 7. Leadership is vital • • • Strong administrative support ensures commitment and resources Strong teacher support means sharing in the common goal of improving instruction A leadership team builds internal capacity and sustainability over time A leader is a person you will follow to a place you would not go by yourself. Joel Barker, Future Edge, Leadership is Vital Leaders set the tone, provide the necessary resources, and create reinforcement and accountability systems for teachers and staff to be successful. The implementation and sustainability of RtI will not be successful without strong leadership and administrative support. Have you ever been part of “something” that has FAILED because of a lack of leadership? MR.PRINCIPAL Even Super Administrator has his/her limitations… Leadership is more than one person It takes a team to get the work done Leadership Team Team is representative of staff Administrator is an active member of the team Team members are invested in the school culture and the change Coordinate efforts and provide organization Leadership Team Adapt the features of RtI to local school Team members already know what is happening at the building (never give up something that already works) Enhance sustainability over time (multiple people hear the same thing) We learn from each other! Building Leadership Team Responsibilities at Heartland RtI Building Leadership Team Consensus Building Infrastructure Development Implementation BLT Responsibilities: 1)Take LEAD in evaluation of Core, Supplemental, Intensive Cycles (C-I-A) 2)Take LEAD in deepening knowledge of essential components 3)Take LEAD in assessing staff development needs 4)Take LEAD in building a “system” that allows implementation Infrastructure Development Activity 1: Find in your packet! – Establishing Leadership Team Elementary: Often Grade Level Teams MS/HS: Content Teams, “At-Risk/Core” Combo. Teams, Other – Establishing Constituents (Ensure Communication with All) – Establish Roles – Set Meeting Dates/Times/Agendas – Establish Professional Development Needs Infrastructure Development Once the leadership team is established… The infrastructure can be built by answering a series of questions. These questions become the framework. The questions guide the work. The process is continuous. To do this work..it takes a TEAM! Question OPTIONS Activity 2: Infrastructure Development 1. NASDSE School Building Level Document – Component 2: Infrastructure Building Action 3: The leadership team will work through 10 basic questions to develop action plans. 2. Heartland AEA 11 Framework Questions 3. Hint: It’s Kinda the same thing….. Question OPTIONS The RtI questions DO NOT tell the schools “What to think” The RtI questions provide the schools with “What to think about” Each building needs to choose the questions that best assists their building leadership team. TIME to REVISIT those RtI Guiding Principles… Guiding Principles of RtI 4. Use a problem-solving method to make decisions based on a continuum of student needs. Provides strong core curriculum, instruction, and assessment (Core Cycle) Provides increasing levels of support based on increasingly levels of student needs. Core Core is designed to provide the “diet” that should be sufficient to ensure good outcomes for the majority of the students. The core diet will benefit all, but will not be sufficient for some students. When eating out of the food pyramid is not enough … Need to add iron pills, or vitamins, but do not stop eating from the food pyramid. When instruction in the core diet is not enough … Add supplemental or intensive instruction (iron pill) in addition to core instruction (core diet) targeting area(s) of need. Guiding Principles of RtI 3. Use instructionally relevant assessment Reliable and valid - Screening- Collecting data for the purpose of identifying low and high performing students at-risk for not having their needs met - Diagnostic- Gathering information from multiple sources to determine why students are not benefiting from instruction - Formative- Frequent, ongoing collection of information including both formal and informal data to guide instruction Assessment Analysis Activity 2: Step 2 Regardless of Framework Option Leadership teams will need to determine – What data do you currently have? – What kind of data do you have? Screening Diagnostic Formative Goal of Screening Schools should adopt a screening process that allows them to identify all or nearly all of the students at-risk while maintaining a minimum number of over identified students in need in order to effectively manage supplemental and intensive support resources. 10 Question RtI Frameworks: Begin Spinning Two Plates Infrastructure Building has to have two focuses: – Core: Looking at the core (Questions 1-5) – Supplemental/Intensive: Determine students’ needs and plan for additional levels of support (Questions 6-10) 10 Framework Questions 1) Is our core sufficient? – OVERALL HEALTH – Do you have screening data to answer this question? – Typically want 80% of students needs met with CORE ALONE REMEMBER THE CYCLES – Do you have the data to answer this question? 10 Framework Questions Is our core sufficient? Continued Do 80% of your students meet the screening assessment(s) proficiency cut score? – If so, do any of those students receive additional intervention to meet that proficiency? If no, then core is sufficient. If yes, then discuss whether or not you can “truly” answer, is your Core sufficient 10 Framework Questions Is our core sufficient? Continued Turn to your partner and discuss: Based on what you know now, Is your Core sufficient? (Pick a content area: Reading ,Math, Behavior, etc.) What “data” will your team need to look at to find out for sure? 10 Framework Questions Question 2 - If the Core is not sufficient, determine why? – Look for patterns within your students’ gaps between what is expected and how they are performing. – Turn to experts in the field (NASDSE Blueprint Example, see page 22 for more) The Planning and Evaluation Tool-Revised (PET-R) and the Elements of a Healthy Grade-Level System Checklist can be used to evaluate the system. Available at http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/inst_tools.html 10 Framework Questions Question 2 - If the Core is not sufficient, determine why? – Review Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments Alignment Technical Adequacy Implementation integrity Etc. Dave’s 11th Commandment: “Thou shall not address inadequate core, through supplemental and intensive supports alone!” Digging into Question #2: If the Core is not sufficient, why? Patterns in data often indicate possible “weaknesses” within the system – Are essential components of the content area present? (C-I-A) Intended, Taught, and the Assessed Curriculum Are there gaps in the scope and sequences? – Are the students actually engaged? FACT= It doesn’t matter if we teach all of the essential components/content, if the students do not engage with learning. Digging into Question #2: If the Core is not sufficient, why? Active Engagement – Important at all grade levels – VITAL to adolescents Professional Development – Turn to your partner and answer the following question: “In the past 3 years, how many professional development opportunities have been provided to staff in the area of increasing active engagement with students?” Digging into Question #2: If the Core is not sufficient, why? Active Engagement Professional Development – Handout- Active Participation: Tools for Your Engagement Tool Kit – Sample of wonderful PD available Archer, Feldman, Kinsella – Many others Active Engagement is just another IMPORTANT component to analyze Question Number 2 Data Considerations State Assessments District Assessments Benchmark Assessments Grades Formative Assessment data Attendance Information Credit information (HS): Students ontrack or off-track for graduation Homework Completion Behavior Reports Digits Correct Two Minutes 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Sean Karly Joseph Cassanda Valentine Mgan Eric Nick Marian Dave Chankce Briann Tim Alex Carl Sam Mkie Kim Cheyenne Gina Destine Jacque Jamie Alex Spencer Kyle Chuck Brad Renee Mel Alyssa Mariano Andy Amy Sarah Briann Shantel Katie Dominic Devon Isabella Kelly John Bob Marla Calliandra Diana Steve Alex Kadon Steve Jon Dave sky Larr issa Larissa Shane Becky Wes Gaby Sue Lau Alex Matt Luke Jasmine Taylor Emmie Bryce Amelia Dav Brnadon Ty Heather Autin Ben Dean Jas Alex Harr y Kay Matt Elias Andy Barb Roxy Becky Cdy Bran Erik Nikki Cheri Nikki Carmen Briann Madi Bill Ty Dave Mark Aaron Mandy Courtney Docy Arr on Skye Jar ed Zane Dustin Evan Screening Indicates Math Problem Grades 3 to 5 Do We Have a Problem With Our Core? Third Grade Math Addition and Subtraction 3rd Grade Math Addition & Subtraction About 21% Meeting minimum proficiency 10 Framework Questions Turn to your partner and discussAre there any “patterns” or concern areas in your core that you know of? – Pick one area (reading, math, writing, behavior) How do you know? Professional Development Resources Joyce, B., Showers, B., & Rolheiser-Bennett, C. (1987). Staff development and student learning: A synthesis of research on models for teaching. Educational Leadership, 45 (2), 11-15. Joyce, B. (1988). Training Research and Preservice Teacher Education: A Reconsideration, Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. 39, No. 5, 32-36. Joyce, B., and Showers, B. (2002). Student achievement through staff development (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Joyce, B. & Showers, B. (2002). Student Achievement Through Staff Development(3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. Activity: Screening Assessments Sharing with Each Other: Screening Assessments MS/HS – Literacy, Math, Behavior Elementary – K-2nd and 3-5th – Literacy, Math, Behavior Task: One group per poster – Brainstorm all possible screening assessments – Pick a recorder to capture your 10 Framework Questions Question 3- How will needs identified in Core be addressed? – Content knowledge and understanding is a prerequisite in order to answer this question. – Seek assistance, and professional development for materials and instructional routines to fill in any gaps found in Core. ADD TO YOUR ACTION PLAN Indianola Elementary Buildings Example Knoxville, Iowa MS Literacy Example – LEADERS: “Inspect what you Expect” Author Unknown 10 Framework Questions Question 4: How will the sufficiency and effectiveness of the Core be monitored over time? MAKE YOUR EVALUATION PLAN – Determine key indicators of “success” and gather the “baseline” on how your kids are currently performing toward those indicators 10 Framework Questions Question 4: How will the sufficiency and effectiveness of the Core be monitored over time? – Determine a “desired” goal and your data collection procedures on those key indicators. 10 Framework Questions Question 4: How will the sufficiency and effectiveness of the Core be monitored over time? – Watch the data and make decisions based on the response of the kids. EXAMPLE: DIBELS as the Key Indicator Current Baseline Performance: 75% of the Students receiving Core Instruction Alone are at Benchmark. Goal is to have 80-85% of the students receiving Core instruction alone at benchmark at each benchmarking period. 10 Framework Questions Question 4: How will the sufficiency and effectiveness of the Core be monitored over time? Turn to your partner and discuss, how do you plan on monitoring the sufficiency and effectiveness of the core? (Pick a content area: Reading, Math, Behavior) 10 Framework Questions Question 5: Have your improvements to the Core been effective? CHECK YOUR RESULTS – Leadership team should make this one of their activities as well as the teachers within the classrooms. – Leadership team would take responsibility to develop an action plan especially if the results were not desirable. RtI: Begin Spinning Two Plates Infrastructure Building has to have two focuses: – Core: Keep working on our core (Questions 1-5) – Supplemental/Intensive: Determine students’ needs and plan for additional levels of support (Questions 6-10) 10 Framework Questions Question 6: For which students is the Core NOT sufficient, and why? – The key to this question is not just stopping with the “who” is not proficient, but to move on to the “why are they not proficient?” OR “who” is not having their needs met, due to being so far above grade level performance. – This question requires “DIAGNOSTICS” or a “DIAGNOSTIC PROCESS” 10 Framework Questions Question 6: For which students is the Core cycle sufficient NOT sufficient, and why? – Determine as a team or individually, what diagnostic assessment(s) do you have in order to determine “WHY” a student is not having his/her needs met? Think back to all of the assessments one uses in your building. Guiding Principles of RtI 4. Use a problem-solving method to make decisions based on a continuum of student needs Provides strong core curriculum, instruction, and assessment (core cycle) Provides increasing levels of support based on increasingly levels of student needs. RtI: Full Continuum of Support General Education I = I I I I Title & Support, Gifted Ed. I I I I Special Education, Gifted Ed. all along the continuum! Core Principles of RtI 3. Use instructionally relevant assessments Reliable and valid - Screening- Collecting data for the purpose of identifying low and high performing students at-risk for not having their needs met - Diagnostic- Gathering information from multiple sources to determine why students are not benefiting from instruction - Formative- Frequent, ongoing collection of information including both formal and informal data to guide instruction How Does it Fit Together? RtI At A Glance FOCUS Step 2 Step 1 All Students at a grade level Universal Screening Fall Winter Spring C 80-90% Addl. Diagnostic Assessment Instruction None Continue With Core Instruction S 5-10% I 1-5% Step 3 Group Diagnostic Individual Diagnostic Step 4 Results Monitoring Grades Classroom Assessments Yearly ITBS/ITED Small Group Differentiated By Skill 2 times/month Individualized Intensive weekly Screening AssessmentsNot Always Enough Screening assessments often do not go far enough in answering the question: – “Why is the student not performing at the expected level?” – We will need to “DIG DEEPER!” Diagnostic Assessments • The major purpose for administering diagnostic tests is to provide information that is useful in planning more effective instruction. • Diagnostic tests should only be given when there is a clear expectation that they will provide new information about a child’s difficulties learning to read that can be used to provide more focused, or more powerful instruction. For non-proficient students, just making progress isn’t good enough. Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3 Score Time Trajectory- “the path a projectile makes under the action of given forces such as thrust, wind and gravity.” --Encarta World English Dictionary The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo When curriculum, instruction, and assessments are working together… Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Score Time Benchmark 3 Activity: Understanding “Why” Diagnostic Assessments Share with your partner – State one of your building’s screening assessments – Give 3 possible reasons a student may fail to meet minimum proficiency criteria Reading Example ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills):Reading Comprehension – Timed test – Multiple Choice - transfer to a bubble sheet Diagnostic Questions – Is there a history of difficulty? – Did he/she guess or try? – Did the student finish the test? – Can the student read accurately grade level text? – Others Diagnostic Assessment Questions “Why is the student not performing at the expected level?” “What is the student’s instructional need?” Enabling Skills Enabling skills are skills that could be considered prerequisite skills for the demonstration of proficient performances on larger assessments measures They represent the sub-skills of higher order performance demonstration Deficiencies in enabling skills will often result in lower performance on assessments TO assess enabling skills, it takes a diagnostic process. Digging Deeper In order to be “diagnostic” – Teachers need to know the sequence of skill development – Content knowledge may need further development – Assessing the “enabling skills” only makes sense when one understands “WHY?” Organizing Fluency Data: Making the Instructional Match Group 1: Accurate and Fluent Group 2: Accurate but Slow Rate Group 3: Inaccurate and Slow Rate Group 4: Inaccurate but High Rate Regardless of the skill focus, organizing student data by looking at accuracy and fluency will assist teachers in making an appropriate instructional match! Checking “Enabling Skills”: Begin with Reading Fluency and Accuracy Remember Framework Questions: 6) For which students is the core cycle sufficient and not sufficient, and why? 7) What specific supplemental and intensive instruction/curriculum is needed? Digging Deeper Data Is the student fluent? Must define fluency expectation – Fluency Measuring Tools: Curriculum-Based Measures (CBM) AIMSWeb (grades 1 - 8) Fuch’s reading probes (grades 1 - 7) Jamestown reading probes (grades 4 and up) DIBELS (grades K - 6) Make your own reading probes Is the student accurate? – Must define accuracy expectation Consensus in reading research is 95% Organizing Fluency Data: Making the Instructional Match Group 1: Accurate and Fluent Group 2: Accurate but Slow Rate Group 3: Inaccurate and Slow Rate Group 4: Inaccurate but High Rate Group 1: Dig Deeper in the areas of reading comprehension, including vocabulary and specific comprehension strategies. Group 2: Build reading fluency skills. (Repeated Reading, Paired Reading, etc.) Embed comprehension checks/strategies. Group 3: Conduct an error analysis to determine instructional need. Teach to the instructional need paired with fluency building strategies. Embed comprehension checks/strategies. Group 4: Conduct Table-Tap Method. If student can correct error easily, teach student to selfmonitor reading accuracy. If reader cannot selfcorrect errors,complete an error analysis to Determine instructional need. Teach to the instructional need. Reading Fluency Dimensions of Reading Fluency: Accuracy Rate Quality Why focus on fluency? Reading Fluency Labored, inefficient reading Declining Comprehension Limited knowledge of academic language A SelfPerpetuating Lack of Fluency Lack of motivation Cycle Smaller Vocabulary Lack of Practice Fluency Fluency is not an end to itself but is the “gateway to comprehension.” Accurate and Fluent Reading of Connected Text Comprehension is hindered by low accuracy. CBM IF Criteria is Set for Desired Fluency and Accuracy Group 1: Accurate and Fluent Group 2: Accurate but Slow Rate Group 3: Inaccurate and Slow Rate Group 4: Inaccurate but High Rate CBM Practice Activity Data Summary 3rd Grade Class- Fall DIBELS: ORF=> 77 Accuracy Tommy Words per Minute Correct 60 wpmc Jane 80 wpmc 85% Mac 65 wpmc 98% Claire 90 wpmc 98% Liz 67 wpmc 100% Student 80% Day 4’s Activity 5 Group 1: Accurate and Fluent Group 2: Accurate but Slow Rate Group 3: Inaccurate and Slow Rate Group 4: Inaccurate but High Rate ACTIVITY: •Based on criteria for the grade level, place each student’s name into the appropriate box. •Organizing data based on performance(s) assists in grouping students for instructional purposes. •Students who do not perform well on comprehension tests, have a variety of instructional needs. Organizing Data >77 wpmc Group 1: Accurate and Fluent Group 2: Accurate but Slow Rate Group 3: Inaccurate and Slow Rate Group 4: Inaccurate but High Rate And 95% acc. Organizing Fluency Data: Making the Instructional Match Group 1: Dig Deeper in the areas of reading comprehension, including vocabulary and specific comprehension Group 1: Group 2: strategies. Accurate Accurate but Group 2: Build reading fluency and Fluent Slow Rate skills. (Repeated Reading, Paired Reading, etc.) Embed comprehension checks/strategies. Group 3: Conduct an error analysis to determine instructional need. Teach to the Group 3: Group 4: instructional need paired with fluency building strategies. Embed comprehension checks/strategies. Inaccurate Inaccurate but Group 4: Conduct Table-Tap Method. If student and Slow High Rate can correct error easily, teach student to selfRate monitor reading accuracy. If reader cannot selfcorrect errors,complete an error analysis to SEE HANDOUT! Determine instructional need. Teach to the REMINDER: 2 DAY CLASS! instructional need. Other Diagnostic Tools 3 Column Chart – Used with K-1 teachers – Math Skills – ? Behavior Skills IMPORTANCE – Tools/visuals help empower teachers to address the different needs of individual students SPECIFIC SKILL SORTER Accurate at Skill Fluent at Skill Able to Apply Skill IF no, teach skill. If yes, move to fluency If no, teach fluency/ automaticity If yes, move to application If no, teach application If yes, the move to higher level skill/concept Math: Simple Diagnostics Give a Task that measures a concept/skill Based on those that were NOT accurate – Separate into 2 piles – 1)Have understanding but made computation errors – 2) Didn’t have understanding Based on those that were accurate – Maybe worth your time to “interview” and check for depth of understanding Assessment Assessment should be the servant of teaching and learning. Without information about their students’ skills, understanding, and individual approaches to mathematics, teachers have nothing to guide their work. Mokros, Russell, and Economopoulos (1995) Van De Walle Chapter 6 Scoring with a Four-Point Rubric Not Yet Got It Evidence shows essentially has the target concept or idea 4 Excellent: Full Accomplishment 3 Proficient: Substantial Accomplishment Evidence shows major misunderstanding, incorrect concept or procedure, or failure to engage the task. 2 Marginal: Partial Accomplishment 1 Unsatisfactory: Little Accomplishment p. 83 Adolescents Review ALL Data – Files Check Student: – Academic History – Grades Tests Daily Work – Attendance – Engagement – Behavior Records At Risk Categories 1) Academic 2) Behavior 3) Combination Diagnostic Processes needed to guide instructional response plan ACADEMIC: Adolescent Less than Proficient Diagnostic Process Determine Students Below 50th%ile ITEDS Reading Comprehension Give 3 Min. Maze Passage & 4 Retell Questions PASS on Both No enabling reading skill deficit detected, check performance issues. Pass Maze, Fail Questions Place student into Box 1 No PASS Maze Give 3 (1min.) ORF Probes & Place Students Into 4 Boxes Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Checking Enabling Skills Data Gathered Through RIOT Procedures – R: Review – I: Interview – O: Observations – T: Tests Partner Share: Discuss- Do you believe that teachers/staff have the knowledge and skills to be “diagnostic”? Activity: Sharing Diagnostic Assessments/Processes Same groups as Screening Assessments Share what you do, or what you are now thinking about doing! Move through 3 Posters on Command 10 Framework Questions Question 7: What specific supplemental or Intensive instruction is needed? – Based on the diagnostics, an instructional match is determined. – As a leadership team, what will be the process to get diagnostic assessments in place? – Determine if there are professional development needs in this area. 10 Framework Questions Question 8: How will supplemental and/or Intensive be delivered? – Group students with similar needs whenever possible for efficiency. – Determine the instructional materials/strategies and the amount of time it will take to teach those materials/strategies with integrity. – Determine WHO will teach – Develop a schedule to enable additional instructional opportunities to occur – Find locations 10 Framework Questions Question 8: How will supplemental and/or Intensive be delivered? Partner Work: Brainstorm for 2 minutes how one might provide different levels of support within your building? 10 Framework Questions Question 9: How will the effectiveness of the supplemental and/or intensive supports be measured over time? (MAKE YOUR EVALUATION PLAN) – Determine what progress monitoring data will be kept on these students – Make a progress monitoring plan (who, what, when) including baseline and goal line data – Determine who will evaluate and use that data to make instructional changes if needed. (set decision making rules) – Determine what formal “documentation” you will require in your building for these students. 10 Framework Questions Question 10: How will you determine which students need to move to a different cycle of instruction? (USE YOUR DATA) – As a team, develop an implementation plan for WHO is to evaluate the data and WHEN. Then, ensure that these plans are done with integrity. 10 Framework Questions Question 10: How will you determine which students need to move to a different cycle of instruction? (USE YOUR DATA) – Having “Exiting” criteria/goal for each group allows the teacher and students to know what is expected and when a student needs to move groups. Keep in mind, the decision making rules are vital, so that students do NOT stay in interventions that are NOT successful for them. – Student movement through the different groups/Tiers should be based on data and can be frequent. Step 2 Step 1 C 80-90% All Students at a grade level Fall Winter Teacher will make sure: 1. All students have been given the _____assessment 2. All data has been entered 3. A copy of the class-wide data is printed Questions/concerns: Contact Building Principal Addl. Diagnostic Assessment Instruction None Continue With Core Instruction S 5-10% I 1-5% Universal Screening Spring Teacher will: 1.Calculate what percent of the class is at benchmark 2. If below 80%, determine “core” instructional needs (Beef-up based on data) Questions/Concerns: K-3 Contact _____ 4-6 Contact_______ SAMPLE Step 3 Group Diagnostic Individual Diagnostic Teacher will: 1.Review all student data 2.Determine if there is a need for additional diagnostic assessment(s) 3.Ensure diagnostic assessments are given 4.Bring all data to grade level meetings Questions/Concerns: K-3 Contact_______ 4-6 Contact _____ Small Group Differentiated By Skill Individualized Intensive Step 4 Results Monitoring Grades Classroom Assessments Yearly ITBS/ITED 2 times/month weekly Grade Level Data Meetings: 1.Discuss briefly additions/changes made to core 2.Share data 3. Group kids with similar instructional needs.(COMPARE TO PRIOR GROUPING- IF AVAILABLE) 4. Complete the group intervention Plan form.(one per group) -Who, what, when, where of instruction -Who, what, when, where of monitoring -Who and when of parent notification NOTE: if any changes are made during Intervention period, document on form. 5. Attach an implementation log and graphs 6. Set date to meet back for check-in (4-6 weeks) Questions/Concerns: District Based Team& IDM Team, Content Specialist Data Day Video Lynnville-Sully Elementary K-1 Data Day Captured on Video Discuss ALL KIDS Held 3 Times a Year – GRADE LEVELS MEET MORE OFTEN Document Decisions Time Provided by Hiring Floating Substitutes Child Find Process Embedded Quote In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.. -Author unknown Words From Experience In my best David Letterman Fashion… Dave’s top 10 ways to mess up RtI Top Ten Ways To Mess Up RtI Revised 10. Be “THE” expert 9. Demand agreement “My way or no way: Top Ten Ways To Mess Up RtI Revised 8. Put down past practice and procedures It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.Adlai Stevenson Top Ten Ways To Mess Up RtI Revised 7. Reinforce the wrong things – success vs. effort – proceduralism vs. professionalism – compliance vs. best interest of kids Top Ten Ways To Mess Up RtI Revised 5. Talk only about the what. Top Ten Ways To Mess Up RtI Revised 5. Don’t publicize your success 4. Change the focus of your innovation year after year. The “inservice” model. – People going in multiple directions – Awareness level training – Competing purposes vs. unified plan Top Ten Ways To Mess Up RtI Revised 3. Be closed minded about criticism. “Chair the Solution” 2. Plan it, but don’t do it 1. Start too big, without laying the groundwork Top Ten Ways To Succeed with RtI Revised 10. Start Small - Don’t kill yourself 9. Invest the resources to know what you’re doing 8. Be supportive of failure – no one fails alone!!!! 7. Promote it, don’t sell it - competing contingencies work best Top Ten Ways To Succeed with RtI Revised 6. Let innovation spread naturally. If it is better than what came before, it will be naturally reinforced. 5. Change how you think – Know the “Whys” as well as the “Whats” – “How can we?” vs “Why we can’t” Top Ten Ways To Succeed with RtI Revised 4. Be in for the long haul, not the short burn – 3 to 5 year process – include stakeholders 3. Give away credit – – – – Reinforce participation Support participation Do it as a team, not an individual Make sure all contributors are recognized Top Ten Ways To Succeed with RtI Revised 2. Pick a safe leader to work with 1. Work smart - not just hard Activity Last Individually, identify one idea that “made you think – HMMM” Individually identify one thing you want to know more about. Individually identify one question that you have. Share these out at your table