AP Human Geography- Topic 1 Vocab

AP Human Geography
Geography: Its Nature and Perspective
Vocab List
Instructions to the student: Students, you are to complete the included terms in this
fashion in order to receive full credit:
a) Define each term
b) Apply each term or give an example from your text relevant to the term
c) State the page where the definition and the example were found
d) Draw a diagram if necessary to facilitate your understanding of the material
e) Submit work on specified date
f) ** A general consideration** the more work you put into these the better off
you will be. These are designed to be your everyday study material
1. Absolute distance
2. Absolute location
3. Accessibility
4. Administrative regions
5. Aggregation
6. Azimuthal projections
7. Barriers to Diffusion
8. Cartograms
9. Cartography
10. Cartographic Scale (map scale)
11. Choropleth Maps
12. Cognitive Maps
13. Cognitive/Perceptual/Vernacular Regions
14. Concentration
15. Conformal Projection
16. Connectivity
17. Contagious expansion diffusion
18. Density
19. Diffusion
20. Distance Decay
21. Distance Decay Curve
22. Distortion
23. Distribution Concepts
24. Dot Density Maps
25. Earth’s Graticule
26. Environmental Geography
27. Equal Area Projection
28. First Law of Geography
29. Five Themes of Geography
30. Formal Regions
31. Fuller Projections
32. Functional Regions
33. Generalization
34. Geographical Information System
35. Global Positioning System
36. Gravity Model
37. Hierarchical Expansion Diffusion
38. Human Geography
39. The little diagram of Human Geography that looks like a flower
40. Isoline maps
41. Latitude and Longitude
42. Maps
43. Mercator Projections
44. Network
45. Pattern
46. Pattinson’s Four Traditions of Geography
47. Perceptual Regions of the United States
48. Peter’s Projection
49. Physical Geography
50. Preference Map of the US
51. Preference Maps
52. Projection
53. Proportional Symbols of Maps
54. Reference Maps
55. Regions
56. Regional Cartography
57. Relative Distance
58. Relative Location
59. Remote Sensing
60. Resolution
61. Robinson Projection
62. Scale
63. Simplification
64. Site vs. Situation
65. Spatial Association
66. Spatial Perspective
67. Stimulus Expansion Diffusion
68. Systematic Geography
69. Thematic Maps
70. Time-Distance Decay
71. Time-Space Convergence
72. Topographic Maps Showing Elevation
73. Visualizations