Word Family

Wordlist 18
Symbolic Clothing
1. Accessory (n.)
Definition: something added to a machine or to clothing that has
a useful or decorative purpose
Synonym: attachment, fitment
Example: Sunglasses are much more than a fashion accessory.
Word Family:
ac·ces·so·ri·ly, adverb
ac·ces·so·ri·ness, noun
in·ter·ac·ces·so·ry, adjective
non·ac·ces·so·ry, adjective, noun, plural non·ac·ces·so·ries.
2. Administer (n.)
Definition: to control the operation or arrangement of something
Synonym: manage, direct, control
Example: The economy has been badly administered by the present
Word Family:
ad·min·is·trant [ad-min-uh-struhnt] Show IPA , noun
non·ad·min·is·trant, adjective
self-ad·min·is·tered, adjective
self-ad·min·is·ter·ing, adjective
un·ad·min·is·tered, adjective
3. Bundle (n.)
Definition: a number of things that have been fastened or are
held together
Synonym: bunch, clump
Example: a bundle of clothes/newspapers/books
Word Family:
4. Cape (n.)
Definition: a sleeveless garment of various lengths, fastened
around the neck and falling loosely from the shoulders, worn
separately or attached to a coat or other outer garment.
Synonym: cloak, shawl
Example: She was wearing a long red cape on his coat.
Word Family:
5. Contemporary (adj.)
Definition: existing or happening now
Example: Although the play was written hundreds of years ago, it still
has a contemporary (= modern) feel to it.
Word Family:
con·tem·po·rar·i·ly, adverb
con·tem·po·rar·i·ness, noun
non·con·tem·po·rar·y, adjective, noun, plural non·con·tem·po·rar·ies.
post·con·tem·po·rar·y, adjective
ul·tra·con·tem·po·rar·y, adjective,
ul·tra·con·tem·po·rar·ies. noun, plural
6. Convention (n.)
Definition: a rule, method, or practice established by usage;
Synonym: custom, practice
Example: the convention of showing north at the top of a map.
Word Family:
an·ti·con·ven·tion, adjective
coun·ter·con·ven·tion, noun
post·con·ven·tion, adjective
pre·con·ven·tion, noun
pro·con·ven·tion, adjective
7. Declare (v.)
Definition: to announce something clearly, firmly, publicly, or officially
Synonym: proclaim. announce
Example: They declared their support for the proposal.
Word Family:
de·clar·a·ble, adjective
mis·de·clare, verb, mis·de·clared, mis·de·clar·ing.
pre·de·clare, verb (used with object), pre·de·clared, pre·de·clar·ing.
re·de·clare, verb (used with object), re·de·clared, re·de·clar·ing.
un·de·clar·a·ble, adjective
8. Differentiate (v.)
Definition: to show or find the difference between things that are
Synonym: distinguish, discriminate
Example: We do not differentiate between our workers on the basis of
their background or ethnic origin.
Word Family:
dif·fer·en·ti·a·tion, noun
in·ter·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed, in·ter·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ing.
re·dif·fer·en·ti·ate, verb, re·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed, re·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ing.
self-dif·fer·en·ti·at·ing, adjective
un·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed, adjective
9. Drape (n.)
Definition: a curtain or hanging of heavy fabric and usually
considerable length, especially either of a pair for covering a
window and drawn open and shut horizontally.
Synonym: curtain
Example: He drew the drapes after a while.
Word Family:
drap·a·ble, drape·a·ble, adjective
drap·a·bil·i·ty, drape·a·bil·i·ty, noun
10. Trimmed (adj.)
Definition: If clothes and other things made of cloth are trimmed,
they are decorated, especially around the edges
Example: She was wearing a black suit trimmed with white.
Word Family:
trim·ly, adverb
trim·ness, noun
o·ver·trim, verb, o·ver·trimmed, o·ver·trim·ming.
pre·trim, verb, pre·trimmed, pre·trim·ming.
11. Gavel (n.)
Definition: a small hammer that an official in charge of a
meeting hits against a wooden block or table to get people to be
quiet and listen
Synonym: hammer
Example: The judge make the crowd quiet by his gavel.
Word Family:
12. Gown (n.)
Definition: a woman's dress, especially a long one worn on
formal occasions, or a long, loose piece of clothing worn over
other clothes for a particular purpose
Synonym: dress, frock
Example: a hospital gown
Word Family:
13. Impress (v.)
Definition: to cause someone to admire or respect you
Synonym: impact, influence
Example: Your mother was clearly not impressed by our
behaviour in the restaurant.
Word Family:
14. Integral (adj.)
Definition: necessary and important as a part of, or contained
within, a whole
Synonym: essential, fundamental, intrinsic
Example: He's an integral part of the team and we can't do
without him.
Word Family:
in·te·gral·i·ty, noun
in·te·gral·ly, adverb
un·in·te·gral, adjective
un·in·te·gral·ly, adverb
15. Ritual (n.)
Definition: a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed
regularly, especially as part of a ceremony
Synonym: ceremony, rite
Example: Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.
Word Family:
rit·u·al·ly, adverb
an·ti·rit·u·al, adjective
pro·rit·u·al, adjective
un·rit·u·al, adjective
un·rit·u·al·ly, adverb
16. Sceptre (n.)
Definition: a decorated stick that is carried by a queen or king
during some official ceremonies as a symbol of their authority
Synonym: rod
Example: The king was taking hold of the scepter.
Word Family:
17. Significance (n.)
Definition: importance
Synonym: importance
Example: The discovery of the new drug is of great significance
for/to people suffering from heart problems.
Word Family:
non·sig·nif·i·cance, noun
self-sig·nif·i·cance, noun
18. Tassel (n.)
Definition: a group of short threads or ropes held together at one
end, used as a hanging decoration on hats, curtains, furniture, etc
Word Family:
19. Unity (n.)
Definition: the state of being joined together or in agreement
Synonym: integration
Example: European political and economic unity.
Word Family:
non·u·ni·ty, noun, plural non·u·ni·ties.
self-u·ni·ty, noun
su·per·u·ni·ty, noun
20. Veil (n.)
Definition: a piece of thin material worn by women to cover the
face or head
Synonym: mantilla, purdah
Example: After the ceremony, the bride lifted up her veil to kiss
her husband.
Word Family:
veil·less, adjective
veil·like, adjective
21. Bouquet (n.)
Definition: a group of flowers that have been fastened together
and attractively arranged so that they can be given as a present or
carried on formal occasions
Synonym: bunch
Example: Chris sent me a lovely bouquet when I was ill.
Word Family: