Word Family - مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش پزشکی کرمان

‫مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش علوم پزشکی‬
Word List 2
What your clothes say about
 1. Acquire (v.)
 Definition: to come into possession or ownership of; get as
one's own
 Synonym: obtain, receive, attain
 Example: to acquire property.
 Word Family:
 ac·quir·a·ble, adjective
 ac·quir·a·bil·i·ty, noun
 ac·quir·er, noun
 pre·ac·quire, verb, pre·ac·quired, pre·ac·quir·ing.
 re·ac·quire, verb (used with object), re·ac·quired,
 2. Affiliation (n.)
 Definition: to receive into close connection or association (with
a larger body, group, organization, etc); adopt as a member,
branch, etc
 Synonym: association with an organization, alliance,
 Example: He showed his affiliation to the union.
 Word Family:
 in·ter·af·fil·i·a·tion, noun
 non·af·fil·i·a·tion, noun
 pre·af·fil·i·a·tion, noun
 re·af·fil·i·a·tion, noun
 su·per·af·fil·i·a·tion, noun
 3. Allegiance (n.)
Definition: loyalty or devotion to some person, group,
cause, or the like
 Synonym: loyalty, faithfulness, piety
 Example: He didn’t vote as a sign of allegiance to his
political party.
 Word Family:
 non·al·le·giance, noun
 o·ver·al·le·giance, noun
 4. Ambiguous (adj.)
 Definition: open to or having several possible meanings
or interpretations; equivocal
 Synonym: cryptic, doubtful, dubious, equivocal
 Example: an ambiguous answer
 Word Family:
 am·big·u·ous·ly, adverb
 am·big·u·ous·ness, noun
 un·am·big·u·ous, adjective
 5. Analogous (adj.)
 Definition: having analogy; corresponding in some
 Synonym: agreeing, similar, akin, alike
 Example: A brain and a computer are analogous.
 Word Family:
 a·nal·o·gous·ly, adverb
 a·nal·o·gous·ness, noun
 non·a·nal·o·gous, adjective
 non·a·nal·o·gous·ly, adverb
 non·a·nal·o·gous·ness, noun
6. Attire (n.)
Definition: clothes or apparel
Synonym: clothing, costume, garment
Example: He was searching for an attire suitable for the
Word Family:
re·at·tire, verb (used with object), re·at·tired, re·at·tir·ing.
un·at·tired, adjective
well-at·tired, adjective
 7. Authority (n.)
 Definition: the power to determine, adjudicate, or
otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the
right to control, command, or determine
 Synonym: power, control, might, domination
 Example: Who has the authority to grant permission?
 Word Family:
 an·ti·au·thor·i·ty, adjective
8. Civil (adj.)
Definition: of, pertaining to, or consisting of citizens
Synonym: civic, community, domestic
Example: civil life; civil society.
Word Family:
civ·il·ness, noun
an·ti·civ·il, adjective
half-civ·il, adjective
half-civ·il·ly, adverb
o·ver·civ·il, adjective
9. Commemorate (v.)
Definition: to serve as a memorial or reminder of
Synonym: honor, admire, celebrate
Example: The monument commemorates the signing of
the declaration of independence.
Word Family:
com·mem·o·ra·ble, adjective
com·mem·o·ra·tor, noun
un·com·mem·o·rat·ed, adjective
10. Confident (adj.)
Definition: having strong belief or full assurance; sure
Synonym: certain, assure
Example: He has confident of fulfillment.
Word Family:
con·fi·dent·ly, adverb
hy·per·con·fi·dent, adjective
hy·per·con·fi·dent·ly, adverb
non·con·fi·dent, adjective
non·con·fi·dent·ly, adverb
11. Constitute (v.)
Definition: to compose; form
Synonym: comprise, form, aggregate
Example: mortar constituted of lime and sand.
Word Family:
con·sti·tut·er, con·sti·tu·tor, noun
non·con·sti·tut·ed, adjective
pre·con·sti·tute, verb (used with object), pre·con·sti·tut·ed,
 self-con·sti·tut·ed, adjective
 self-con·sti·tut·ing, adjective
 12. Context (n.)
 Definition: the set of circumstances or facts that
surround a particular event
 Synonym: framework, circumstances, condition
 Example: You have misinterpreted my remark because
you took it out of context.
 Word Family:
 con·text·less, adjective
 13. Convene (v.)
 Definition: to come together or assemble, usually for some
public purpose.
 Synonym: bring together, meet, assemble
 Example: The members convene to vote for the incident.
 Word Family:
 con·ven·a·ble, adjective
 con·ven·a·bly, adverb
 con·ven·er, con·ve·nor, noun
 re·con·vene, verb, re·con·vened, re·con·ven·ing.
 un·con·ven·a·ble, adjective
14. Conventional (adj.)
Definition: pertaining to convention or general agreement
Synonym: common, normal, traditional, traditional
Example: conventional symbols
Word Family:
con·ven·tion·al·ist, noun
con·ven·tion·al·ly, adverb
an·ti·con·ven·tion·al, adjective
an·ti·con·ven·tion·al·ly, adverb
an·ti·con·ven·tion·al·ist, noun, adjective
15. Convey (v.)
Definition: to communicate; impart; make known:
Synonym: Communicate, transfer
Example: to convey a wish.
Word Family: con·vey·a·ble, adjective
pre·con·vey, verb (used with object)
qua·si-con·veyed, adjective
well-con·veyed, adjective
 16. Differentiate (v.)
 Definition: to form or mark differently from other such things;
 Synonym: make a distinction, discriminate, distinguish
 Example: We must learn to differentiate between fears and anxieties
 Word Family:
 dif·fer·en·ti·a·tion, noun
 in·ter·dif·fer·en·ti·ate,
in·ter·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed, in·ter·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ing
 re·dif·fer·en·ti·ate, verb, re·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed, re·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ing.
 self-dif·fer·en·ti·at·ing, adjective
 un·dif·fer·en·ti·at·ed, adjective
 17. Distinctive (adj.)
 Definition:
 Synonym: different, unique, discrete,
 Example: the distinctive stripes of the zebra.
 Word Family:
 dis·tinc·tive·ly, adverb
 dis·tinc·tive·ness, noun
 sub·dis·tinc·tive, adjective
 sub·dis·tinc·tive·ly, adverb
 sub·dis·tinc·tive·ness, noun
18. Fashionable (adj.)
Definition: observant of or conforming to the fashion
Synonym: stylish, up-to-date
Example: a fashionable young woman.
Word Family: fash·ion·a·bly, adverb , an·ti·fash·ion·a·ble,
non·fash·ion·a·ble, adjective , non·fash·ion·a·ble·ness, noun
non·fash·ion·a·b·ly, adverb , qua·si-fash·ion·a·ble, adjective
qua·si-fash·ion·a·b·ly, adverb , ul·tra·fash·ion·a·ble, adjective
ul·tra·fash·ion·a·b·ly, adverb , un·fash·ion·a·ble, adjective
un·fash·ion·a·b·ly, adverb
 19. Impress (v.)
 Definition: to affect deeply or strongly in mind or
feelings; influence in opinion
 Synonym: influence, affect
 Example: He impressed us as a sincere youngman.
 Word Family:
 im·press·er, noun
 20. Index (n.)
 Definition: something used or serving to point out; a sign,
token, or indication
 Synonym: indication, sign, symbol
 Example: a true index of his character
 Word Family:
 in·dex·a·ble, adjective
 in·dex·er, noun
 in·dex·i·cal, adjective
 in·dex·i·cal·ly, adverb
 in·dex·less, adjective
21. Integral (adj.)
Definition: necessary to the completeness of the whole
Synonym: necessary, basic, elemental, essential
Example: This point is integral to his plan.
Word Family:
in·te·gral·i·ty, noun
in·te·gral·ly, adverb
un·in·te·gral, adjective
un·in·te·gral·ly, adverb
 22. Occasion (n.)
 Definition: a special or important time, event,
ceremony, celebration
 Synonym: event, celebration, happening
 Example: His birthday will be quite an occasion.
 Word Family:
 pre·oc·ca·sioned
 23. Pressure (v.)
 Definition: to force (someone) toward a particular end;
 Synonym: urge, insist
 Example: They pressured him into accepting the contract.
 Word Family:
pres·sure·less, adjective
in·ter·pres·sure, adjective
non·pres·sure, noun, adverb
su·per·pres·sure, noun, adjective
un·der·pres·sure, noun
24. Somewhat (adj.)
Definition: in some measure or degree; to some extent
Synonym: to some extent, a little, adequately
Example: I am not angry, just somewhat disturbed.
 25. Stylish (adj.)
 Definition: characterized by or conforming to style or the
fashionable standard; fashionably e legant; smart or chic
 Synonym: fashionable, chic, dressed to the teeth
 Example: She wore a very stylish gown to the inaugural ball.
 Word Family:
 styl·ish·ly, adverb
 styl·ish·ness, noun
 qua·si-styl·ish, adjective
 qua·si-styl·ish·ly, adverb
 su·per·styl·ish, adjective
26. Unwelcome (adj.)
Definition: Displeasing, Unpleasant
Synonym: Displeasing, Unpleasant
Example: I can’t tolerate the unwelcome guests at Merlyn’s house.
Word Family:
wel·come·ness, noun
wel·com·er, noun
pre·wel·come, noun, verb (used with object), pre·wel·comed,
 un·wel·come, adjective
 un·wel·comed, adjective
 27. Via (prep.)
 Definition: by a route that touches or passes
through; by way of
 Synonym: by, as a means, through
 Example: to fly to Japan via the North Pole.
 28. Whereby (adv.)
 Definition: by what or by which; under the terms of
 Synonym: by which, how, through which, through
 Example: She is not triggered by some magic
unconscious dynamic whereby she rejects her family
in favour of her peers or of a larger society.