Stress in Your Life

Stress in Your Life
What is Stress
 Stress is the body’s and mind’s reaction to everyday
demands or threats. Whether real or imagined.
 These demands produce measurable changes in both
the body and the brain.
What are the kinds of Stress
 Distress: Negative stress is where one does not
know how to handle or cope with it.
 Eustress: Positive stress can help you achieve your
What is a Stressor
 Stressor is any stimulus that produces a stress
response. Stressors can be people, objects, places,
events, or situations that cause you to react.
What are the five categories of stressors
 Biological stressors come from biochemical
imbalances, mental or physical illnesses, disabilities
or injuries.
 Environmental stressors could be the following
factors: poverty, pollution, and crowding.
 Cognitive or thinking stressors are the way in
which one perceives a situation or what you expect
from it.
 Personal behavior stressors are those negative
reactions in the body and mind caused by using
tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs, or not exercising
 Life situation stressors are having a relative or
pet die, parents who seperate or divorce, or trouble
in relationships with peers.
What is the Body’s Stress Response
 When you perceive a situation or event to be a
threat, your body begins a stress response. A series
of events are put into action.
What are the 3 Stages In Which The Body
Responses To Stressors
I. Alarm is the 1st stage in the stress response,
when the body and the mind go on high alert.
-Adrenaline is the “emergency hormone,”
secreted by the adrenal glands to prepare the body to
respond to a stressor. “Fight or Flight”
What is the 2nd Stage
II. Resistance is the 2nd stage in the stress
response, when the body tries to repair its damage
from the stressful event and return to its normal
-During this stage, physical resistance
occurs. During this stage people can achieve
incredible feats.
Incredible Feats
What is the 3rd Stage
 III. Fatigue is the 3rd stage of the stress response,
resulting in a tired feeling that lowers one’s level of
What are the 3 types Of Fatigue
 Physical Fatigue appears after a long day. Muscles
tend to be sore and tired
 Pathological Fatigue is brought on by
overworking the body’s defenses in fighting disease.
 Psychological Fatigue can result from constant
worrying, depression, boredom, and isolation.
Quick Review
 What is Distress and Eustress?
 What are the 5 types of Stressors?
 What are the 3 ways in which the body responds to
 What are 3 types of fatigue?