Chapter 35 - Mr. Bestor

The Allies Trade Space For Time
After Pearl Harbor, the free world was on the edge of
Japan running amok in Pacific and Germany might drive
England to the wall before US aid could stem the tide.
ABC-1 agreement
Why is stopping Hitler a bigger priority?
Get Germany 1st and then move to Japan
Hitler might be able to crush Soviets and British
Plan: Devote enough energy to Japan to keep them from
getting any more and begin to try to drive them back, but
make Europe the first priority.
This strategy criticized by public, pacific commanders, China and
far-east allies, but was sound.
Revving the Economic Engine
US had massive economic potential, but
needed time to get geared up.
 England in desperate shape.
 America needed to time to convert
factories to all-out war production.
 Fear that skilled German scientists would
come up with dramatic new weapons.
 Had to feed and arm itself and allies.
The Shock Of War
National unity wasn’t a problem—Pearl Harbor
had silenced isolationists.
West-Coast Japanese
110,000 interned in concentration camps. Why?
Most interned were well integrated into US
Lost millions in earnings and property.
Upheld by Supreme Court in Korematsu v. U.S.
Apologize in 1988 and pay reparations.
Japanese Internment
Waiting for the Signal From Home
Building The War Machine
War snapped US out of the
Full employment.
War Production Board.
Henry J. Kaiser -Ship-building
king (14 days per ship)
War production board halted
manufacture of non-essential
War industries had first priority
in transport and raw materials
National speed limit and gas
Food Rationing
Meat and butter
Farmers have bumper crops
and boom time.
Do Your Part
Economic Bumps
War caused Inflation. Why?
 Full employment and scare consumer goods
WPB response.
 Ceilings on wage increases
Unions gave no-strike pledge, but hated wage caps and
some staged labor stoppages.
 Mine workers under John L. Lewis were the worst.
 Roosevelt took a tough stance.
1943 Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act
Authorized federal gov’t to seize and operate tied up
industry; strikes were a criminal offense.
Manpower Shortage
15 Million men served
in WWII.
216,000 women
served in military in
one capacity or
Severe manpower
shortage at home.
Rosie the Riveter
6 Million women took
jobs outside the
home; over half had
never worked before.
Rosie the Riveter.
Effect on Women’s
Wanted to keep
working after the war
2/3 left or lost their
jobs after war.
Wartime Migrations
Reason for wartime migrations
 1.6 million blacks moved from the south.
 New race problems in northern cities.
 Blacks resent their treatment.
 FDR issues executive order prohibiting
discrimination in defense industries
 Fair
Employment Practices Commission.
Internal Migration in the United States During World War II
Blacks Demand Fairness
Blacks adopt the
Double V slogan.
Victory over Military
segregation and
NAACP membership
shoots up and
Congress for Racial
Equality is
established (CORE)
Move north continues
after the war.
Economic Effect of War
Americans at home suffered very little from the war,
especially when contrasted to the Brits and Russians.
War invigorated the US economy to an unprecedented
GNP doubled from 1940 to 1945 and pay checks went way up.
Disposable income more than doubled, but not much to
spend on because all factories devoted to war.
The war, even more than the New Deal, leads to the Big
Government of the second half of the 20th Century.
Federal Spending
All the federal spending finally cures the
 War cost $330 billion.
 Where did money come from?
 Forced
US to borrow at unprecedented level
and to raise taxes.
 National debt goes from $49 Billion in 1941 to
$259 Billion in 1945.
Figure 36.1: The National Debt, 1930–1950
Japan attacks islands around them
 Burma Road – US had been using this to
support Jiang Jieshi (China)
 General Douglas MacArthur –
Philippines – forced to surrender
 He
fled to Australia
 Bataan Death March – prisoner of war
Coral Sea
 Japan
going for Australia
 Heavy losses for Japan
 Aircraft carriers – important
 Japan
lost 4 carriers and the battle
 Turning Point!!!!!
 Japan
loss – 20,000 / US loss - 1,700
New Guinea
 Last
buffer protecting Australia
 Heavy Losses for Japan
MacArthur starts to return in Philippines
 Leapfrogging
Battle of North Atlantic
North Africa
German subs were sinking
merchant ships faster than
they could be built.
Code Breakers
Erwin Rommel – Desert Fox
Bernard Montgomery
9/42 Russia stalls the
German steamroller on the
outskirts of Stalingrad
Turning point in USSR
The Allied
Halting Of
The North African Second Front
Soviets are begging the allies to open
second front. Allies recognize they need
 Stalin’s
concerns and fears
 Allies concerns
Americans are willing to make a crosschannel invasion in 1942 but Churchill and
England’s high command are against this.
 British argue for an attack at the
underbelly of Europe in the Mediterranean.
Operation Torch
Invade North Africa 11/42.
Ike in command.
Biggest sea-born invasion up to that time.
American troops get pummeled by Germans in first battle at
Kasserine pass. Patton takes charge.
U.S. and Brits begin to drive Germans East.
Forced Germans to surrender in Tunisia 5/43
Churchill and Roosevelt
Jan. 1943.
Agree to invade Sicily.
Many on American staff
don’t like this idea.
Churchill and Roosevelt
agree to insist on
unconditional surrender
of Germany. Why?
Soviets would like it
Forestall charges of future
broken treaties
Enemy must now fight until
the last bunker
Sicily invaded and
falls 8/43.
Mussolini is deposed
soon thereafter and
Italy unconditionally
Germans don’t leave
and carry on fight in
Invasion of Italy
9/43 Allies invade toe of
Italy and start fighting up
the boot.
Bogs down; amphibious
invasion along the Western
coast at Anzio.
Very slow going in Italy
fighting through the
Allies finally get Rome 2
days before D-Day.
Do not finish in Italy until 5
days before German
Italy Assessed
Does divert some German troops and provides us
with air bases from which we can easily bomb
Does open the Mediterranean to Allies greatly
restricting Germans.
Delayed the cross-channel invasion by many months,
giving Soviets a chance to get further into Eastern
Europe before the war ends.
Increased Soviet suspicion
Tehran Conference
Late Nov. 1943
Plan an East and
First meeting of
Roosevelt and
Eisenhower’s D-day Invasion Of France
Eisenhower is given
command of D-day
June 6, 1944.
Biggest sea-borne
invasion in history.
Land near
Five beaches. Gold,
Juno, Sword, Utah,
Very hard fighting;
Have to break out before Germans
bring in reinforcements and drive
invasion back into the ocean.
US has Air superiority.
 US has used paratroopers the night
of the D-day invasion
 Hitler dithers on the day of the
August, 1944, invasion of southern
France opens a second front.
Patton breaks out and races to the
German border, but is forced to stall
when he can’t get enough supplies.
Election of 1944
Election of 1944 comes at a bad time—the war
is reaching its climax
Republicans nominate Dewey, popular governor
of New York. He is only 42 and is very liberal for
a Republican.
FDR is re-nominated as a matter of course.
Roosevelt is in very poor health.
VP, Henry Wallace (distrusted), dumped and replaced
by Truman. Why?
Inconspicuous Senator
Roosevelt Again
FDR wins by 3 Million votes and 432-99 in
the Electoral College. Reasons?
Battle of the Bulge
December 1944, Germany was wobbling.
 Dec. 16, 1944 Hitler unleashes a powerful
all-out counter-offense in the snowshrouded and foggy Ardennes forest.
Battle of the Bulge.
 Allies are thrown back in disarray.
 German target is port of Antwerp. Why?
 It
was the key to the Allied supply operation
Battle of the Bulge
Problem—Germans are very
low on fuel and lack air
101st Airborne is
surrounded but refuses to
surrender at Bastogne.
Constantly shelled, low
supplies, no winter clothing.
Patton drives north in record
time and relieves Bastogne.
V-E Day
March 1945 American Troops reach the Rhine
April, 1945 just outside Berlin, US forces meet up with Soviets who have
been driving in from the East.
Discover the concentration camps.
April 12, 1945, Roosevelt dies.
Truman, who is totally out of the loop, is hastily sworn in.
April 30, 1945, Hitler commits suicide as Berlin is falling around him.
May 7, 1945, Germany surrenders unconditionally.
Japan Dies Hard
American subs devastate Japan’s
merchant fleet.
 Massive fire-bomb raids of Japanese
 March,
1945, destroy ¼ of Tokyo and killed
over 80,000. As devastating as later Nuclear
MacArthur recaptures New Guinea.
Leyte Gulf and Philippine
October, 1944,
biggest naval battle in
history. Leyte Gulf.
Douglas MacArthur returns to
Japan’s naval power is
Jan. 1945, recapture
Philippine mainland.
Okinawa and Iwo Jima
Spring 1945 vicious
battles on Okinawa
and Iwo Jima.
Japanese fight to the
last man, inflicting
severe casualties.
Impact on US
strategic thinking?
Japan will never
Atomic Awfulness
Invasion of Japan is assumed will cost America thousands of
Japan is sending out peace-feelers, but does not appear willing to
surrender unconditionally.
Potsdam Conference - July 1945 Allies agree again to
unconditional surrender.
Japan wants to keep the emperor.
Manhattan Project. Very secret.
First atomic bomb in New Mexico July 1945.
Nagasaki and Hiroshima—Japanese surrender.
Hiroshima—70,000 instant deaths and 60,000 more over next months
due to radiation.
 Nagasaki – 80,000 killed or missing
Soviets enter the war just after the first bomb and overrun
Manchuria and Korea (hence North Korea)
Japan surrenders August 10, 1945 if they can keep their emperor
Hirohito. US accepts on August 14, 1945
Why Does Truman Use the Bomb?
Avoid US casualties, but
clear Japan would likely
surrender before Invasion.
To show Soviets what we
To prevent Soviets from
being involved in Pacific
longer and grabbing more
territory and having a say in
rebuilding of Japan.
Probably most important