World War II Test Review

Class Pd_______
US History
Chap 17/18: The Great Depression & FDR’s New Deal
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Self Check Quiz : 3 pts extra credit on test
- select self-check quiz – Can be emailed to me or printed out
Powerpoint online:
- select US history download page
Vocabulary: complete puzzles in this review packet
Who to know:
Herbert Hoover
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Father Charles Coughlin
Huey Long
John Maynard Keynes
Eleanor Roosevelt
Federal Reserve Board
Francis Perkins
Francis Townshend
Bonus Army
__________________________ I am the 31st President of the US (Republican). I
was elected in 1928 in the last years of the Roaring 20s. I was a supporter of Laissez
Faire who advocated rugged individualism. When the Great Depression hit, I was
slow to respond because I accepted that recessions and depressions were all part of a
normal business cycle. I was against direct fed. gov’t aid instead favoring voluntary
actions or state and local programs.
__________________________ I am the 32nd President of the US (Democrat) and
the only to be elected to 4 terms in office! I was elected easily because most people
blamed Hoover and the Republicans for failing to address the Depressions issues
aggressively enough. I tackled Depressions issues through numerous New Deal
programs showing that I was willing to use fed. gov’t intervention to solve economic
problems and assist the needy. I lost some popularity when I interfered with the
constitutional principles of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances by trying to
increase the number of justices in the Supreme Court and impose retirement rules
upon them.
__________________________ I am a left-wing critic of the New Deal. I advocated
a plan to free up jobs for the unemployed by forcing people into retirement at age 60
and then giving them a $200/mo. pensions
__________________________ I am a left-wing critic of FDR. I called for a
redistribution of wealth by taxing the rich and distributing money to the poor and
middle class. I called for the nationalization of banking and big business. I was known
as the “Radio Priest.”
__________________________ I am a left-wing critic of FDR who believe in sharing
the wealth and making “every man a king” by taking money from the rich and giving it
to the needy. (Wasn’t that Robin Hood?)
__________________________ I am the very popular wife of the 32nd President .
__________________________ I am a group of WWI Veterans who went to Wash
DC to demand an early bonus. President Hoover’s reputation was permanently
tarnished when he sent the army to clear us out. When we returned during FDR’s
administration, FDR sent out his wife 
__________________________ I am the first woman to serve in a cabinet level post.
I was appointed by FDR to be his Sec. of Labor.
__________________________ We are responsible for controlling the money supply
and interest rates in the US. During the Depression, several mistakes were made.
We initially kept interests too low which encouraged overproduction, and then we
raised them at a time when we should have kept them low.
__________________________ I am an economist who argued that in times of
recession, the gov’t should SPEND heavily even if it ran a DEFICIT in order to jump
start the economy. FDR followed my advice. (Many presidents since FDR have
followed my advice too – see current national debt figures
Great Depression and New Deal Programs
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC)
National Industrial Recovery Administration (NIRA)
Public Works Administration (PWA)
Reconstruction Finance Corp (RFC)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
Social Security
__________________________ This was a Hoover program that was intended to
ease the effects of the Depression by making loans to banks, railroads and agricultural
__________________________ This was an FDR banking reform program that exists
still today. FDR’s first actions involved the banking crisis – his goal was to restore
confidence in the banks. This reform provides gov’t insurance on bank deposits up to
a certain amount
__________________________ This was a New Deal reform that exists still today.
Its purpose is to regulate (establish rules) the stock market and protect investors from
__________________________ This was a New Deal relief program that provided
jobs for young men in the field of conservation. The lasting importance of this program
was not just that it eased unemployment, but it also instilled camaraderie and
education opportunities for young men – thereby reducing the number of young men
who embraced political extremism in the US (unlike Europe)
__________________________ This was a New Deal recovery program established
to speed business recovery. This program established codes regulate prices, output,
& general trade practices – permitted collective bargaining of workers and outlawed
child labor. This was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Schecter v.
US. b/c Pres. doesn’t have power to assess biz practices – Congress does. So, this
is eventually reorganized into the NRA (National Recovery Admin) with congress
monitoring its activities – not the President.
__________________________ This was a New Deal recovery program that was
aimed at helping farmers. The plan was designed to reduce the supply of ag products
which would lead to increased prices. This plan was heavily criticized as it involved
destroying crops and raising food prices at a time when some were having difficulty
feeding their children
__________________________ This was a New Deal relief program aimed at
decreasing the number of foreclosed homes. This agency refinanced mortgages by
lengthening the mortgage repayment term and/or lowered the interest rates for
employed homeowners
__________________________ This was a New Deal recovery program aimed at
improving conditions in 7 southern states and attracting industry in the south. The
gov’t built a series of dams to prevent flooding and sell electricity.
__________________________ This was a 1935 New Deal relief program that
employed millions of workers for construction, arts, theater and literary projects
__________________________ This was a New Deal relief program that launched
major engineering projects such as powerplants, hwys, bridges and dams (Hoover
Dam etc.)
__________________________ This was a New Deal reform program that
established old-age pensions, unemployment insurance and disability payments – aid
to dependent children – establishes the principle that the fed. gov’t is responsible for
the economic welfare of those who (through no fault of their own) are unable to work.
__________________________ This was a New Deal reform that establishes a
minimum wage and maximum working hours
1. For what reasons did many Americans invest in stock in the 1920s?
2. Explain what it means to buy on margin. How did this lead to even more stock
3. Why did stock prices began to fall in the late 1920s?
4. In what TWO ways did the stock market crash weaken the nation’s banks?
5. What happened to your money if a bank collapsed in the 1920s?
6. How did high tariffs (especially the Smoot-Hawley Tariff) undermine the 1920s
7. How did mistakes by the FRB contribute to the Depression?
8. List at least 4 effects of the Great Depression.
9. List two causes of the Dust Bowl in the Great Plains region.
10. Why did “Okies” migrate to western states?
11. For what reason was Hoover against deficit spending (how do we pay for deficit
spending? 2 ways)?
12. Why did FDR create a bank holiday?
13. How did FDR communicate with the American people?
14. Explain the right-wing opposition to FDR’s New Deal (American Liberty League)?
15. Explain FDR’s court packing plan. Why did he propose this?
16. Explain the political realignment that occurred as a result of FDR and the New Deal –
specifically for black Americans.
17. What is the long term legacy of the New Deal? How did the New Deal change the way
many people view gov’t?