American History Midterm Study Guide An Emerging World (1890

American History Midterm Study Guide
An Emerging World (1890-1917)
Mathew Perry, Alfred D. Mahan, Herbert Spencer, Millard Fillmore, Woodrow Wilson, Howard Taft,
Sanford B. Dole, USS Boston, Pan-Americanism, James G. Blaine, Anglo-Saxonism, Dollar Diplomacy,
William Randolph Hearst, Frederick Remington, Jose Marti, Spanish American War, USS Maine,
Roughriders, san Juan and Kettle Hill, Platt Amendment, Open Door Policy, Big Stick Diplomacy, Moral
Diplomacy, Panama Canal, Poncho Villa
The Progressive Era (1890-1920)
17th-21st Amendments, Progressivism, Robert Lafollette, Recall, Referendum, Recall, Muckraker, Upton
Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Open and Closed Shop, NAACP, Underwood Tariff, Federal Trade Commission,
Federal Reserve System, Clayton Anti-Trust Act
World War One and Beyond (1914-1920)
“He kept us out of the war”, Zimmerman Telegram, Lusitania, Sussex, Victory Gardens, Herbert Hoover,
Lochner v. New York, Muller v. Oregon, Schenk v. US, Great Migration, John J. Pershing, William S. Sims,
2nd Battle of the Marne, Battle of the Bulge, Battle of Argonne Forest, Alvin York, Formation of Poland,
14 Points, Article 231, Boston Police Strike, Calvin Coolidge, Palmer Raids, Red Scare, “Return to
The Twenties (1919-1929)
Warren G. Harding, Ohio Gang, Buying on Margin, Dawes Plan, Teapot-Dome scandal, Fundamentalism,
Modernism, Scopes Trial, Nativism, KKK, Sacco and Vanzetti, Al Capone, Prohibition, Volstead Act, Lost
Generation od writers and poets, Marcus Garvey, Flappers, Speakeasies, The Jazz Singer
The Great Depression (1928-1932)
Election of 1928, Al Smith, Herbert Hoover, Bank Run, Margin Call, Speculation, Buying on Margin, Black
Tuesday, Hawley-Smoot Tariff, Dust Bowl, The Grapes of Wrath, American Individualism, Hoovervilles,
Emergency Relief and Construction Act, Norris-LaGuardia Anti-Injunction Act, Bonus March
The New Deal (1932-1941)
“The Forgotten Man”, The Three R’s, Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act, Emergency Banking Relief Act,
CCC, FERA, RFC, NRA, FHA, WPA, AAA, Huey Long, Fr. Charles Coughlin, Fireside Chats, Brain Trust, 1st
and 2nd New Deal, Schecter Poultry Company v. United States, Deficit Spending (Keynes), Wagner Act,
Fair Labor Standards Act, Social Security Act, “Lame Duck” period in Congress, Court Packing
The Coming of War (1931-1942)
Francisco Franco, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, German Condor legion, Guernica, Spanish
Civil War, Abraham Lincoln Brigade, New Economic Policy, Five Year Plan, Collectivism, Enabling Act,
Reichstag, Nuremburg Laws, Marshall Plan, Kristallnacht, Rhineland, Sudetenland, Anschluss,
Appeasement, Polish Invasion, Manchukuo, Belgium, Vichy France, Henry Petain, Neutrality Act, LendLease Act, Pearl Harbor, Island Hopping, December 7th 1941
World War II (1941-1945)
Iwo Jima, Doolittle Raids, Midway, Battle of Coral Sea, Potsdam and Yalta Conference, Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, Manhattan Project, Operation Torch, Operation Sea Lion, Operation Barbarossa, Operation
Overlord, Holocaust, Nuremburg Trials, Bracero Program, Zoot Suit Riots, El Alamein, George S. Patton,
Douglas MacArthur
Possible Topics for Short Answer and Essays
Elections of 1912 and 1928, Harlem Renaissance, Prohibition, Scopes Trial, Bonus March, Spanish
American War, 1920s, World War II